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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He met Rune at the door with a smile on his face. His husband was completely predictable. The blond reached up and wrapped his arms around his love's neck and kissed him. "Nothing. Just wanted to ride to the airport with you." Calder nipped at his lover's neck a little before Rune could yell at him for making him worry. "Or be screwed on the desk... Yes. Screwed, then airport." Calder's hips thrust forward a little bit, teasing.
Rune arched a brow, staring down at him with a bit of interest. Oooo... That could work. A little 'farewell' to the school. He thought for a moment before grinning. Taking up the other, he closed and locked the door behind him, instantly pouncing on top of his lover on the desk.
Happy and glowing, Calder nuzzled into his lover's chest for a bit before slipping off of his desk and beginning to get dressed. He felt calmer now, happier. Despite the guilt of defiling school property. Oh well. They would cut Nikkos a check if it was necessary. Dressed, he turned to his lover and kissed him softly. "Ready?"
"Beyond." He stated, leaning to him and nipping the side of his neck. "let's go! Whoever takes your office can just suffer." Not like he really cared. He laced his fingers with his, turning and he led the way out of the office with a little grin. Yep,he was impatient to get to their island. He would probably wind up missing their kids soon, but they could at least get a few months before he got cranky.
Smiling, the blond followed his lover out of the school and to the airport. Sure he felt, and probably looked, like a lost little puppy but that was well beside the point. Calder was happy to be going off on their own. He'd been looking forward to it since they had first talked about it. Once on the plane, Calder planted himself in Rune's lap. He kissed over his lover's neck, nuzzling in the warm flesh there while purring softly.
Rune grinned, his arms wrapping around the other's form and he pulled him tightly against his chest. He kissed along his neck a few times and then nuzzled into his shoulder. He kissed his lips once more before he pulled back and grinned as they looked out the window. "Mm.. Want to shove our bags into the house and then go ... claim the beach?"
They 'claimed' every part of their island and house through out the month. Calder was ecstatic as he woke up with the sun one morning and nuzzled into his husband's chest softly. Pressing little kisses into the lovely flesh, the blond slowly pulled himself up, allowing his lover to sleep. Calder made coffee and, eventually, a breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes, hoping the sweet smell would draw Rune from the bedroom.
Oh, it did. The man sniffed a few times, perking up at the smell and he looked over at the door. He pushed his form up, groggily sliding off the bed and taking his nude form into the ktichen. "mm..." he whispered, moving to him and he leaned over and kissed his neck "have I told you I love you?" he mumbled, reaching past him to snatch up the pancakes he made. Taking a bite, he moved over to the table to plop onto the chair.
"You have," he answered, turning his head to kiss his lover softly. "But I always love hearing it anyway." Calder smiled at his husband as he took the plate and joined him at the table for breakfast. "Walk on the beach with me after we eat?" They had a lot of sex on their beach, but they hadn't done much walking and simply enjoying.
Rune thought for a moment before he nodded, smiling a little bit more. "Yes." Leaning over, he kissed his lips again, sighing as he sunk back into the chair. Ah. He really was happy right now. It was great to be free of their kids. He loved them, and would miss them soon, but for right now? It was just great to be alone.
Happy, Calder ate and then cleaned up the kitchen after they were both done. Smiling, he slipped his hand into his husband's and lead him towards the shore. They strolled, his head on Rune's shoulder as they did. It was warm, but the day had a nice breeze to it. Calder was happy, and while he missed their children it didn't mean that he was ready to go home just yet.
Turning to look at the blond beside him, he smiled a little bit more. His arm slid around his waist and he then pulled him into his side a little more. He kissed the side of his neck, nipping the bottom of his ear. His eyes fluttered up to his and he grinned. "Want to play?" He purred out, having missed being able to play with him no matter what. He nipped at the side of his neck. "Just a little foreplay ... Or full on. Ohhh, either or." He purred, leaning up to kiss the other's lips softly. He nipped at the man's neck once more. "You know it will be fun. I need to work off those pancakes." He grinned and kissed him a little more, continuing through the beach and just amusing himself right now.
"Do you ever have to ask?" Grinning, Calder kissed his lover deeply. Stopping walking, the blond stepped in front of his husband and wrapped his arms around the man's neck, easily keeping their lips pressed together as he did so. This was probably the best decision they'd ever made, and the blond let the other man know that while his hands moved down over his love's back.
"And that's why I married you.," He whispered before he pushed the other onto the sand, following a moment after. Ah yes. He was definitely happy to be able to pounce his lover right now. He ground his hips into him, groaning in his utter enjoyment about being able to ravage him whenever he wanted. He bit the side of his neck, being sure to give him quite the bit of pain. Yep. He needed to take out his aggressions. He raked his teeth down and along the base of his neck, making quite the lovely red marks, most of them already bleeding.
Enjoying himself and the pain, Calder tilted his head to the side. He wasn't expecting what he saw and easily pushed Rune up and away from him. There was a confusion in his eyes as the blond sat up, too, thinking that it wasn't hot enough to be delusional. "Um... Rune?"
Rune blinked a few times when his love pushed him away. That was not normal. He NEVER got pushed away ... unless. Arching a brow, he turned to where the other's eyes were directed, features dropping instantly. Oh. What the HELL Was this shit?!
Nodding in silent agreement, the blond stood up and looked around for the fastest way to the house. He wasn't sure how tourists found their island, or what made them think that it would be okay to land on a piece of property that was not theirs to land on, but the fact remained that they did. And that he and his husband were completely naked.
Rune turned to look at Calder, seeing the man trying to scurry off. "Like hell! They're on MY fucking island. MINE! Mine Mine MINE! I'm not having some fucking tourists on MY island. I BOUGHT THIS. okay, you did, but it was my money!" He cursed a few times and then turned to begin storming off to the people, just wanting to crush them all into bloody pulps. How dare they spoil he and his husband's time!
He looked at his husband, bewildered. "Yes but... It'll still be yours when you're dressed!" Calder took a hold of his husband's hand and tugging him towards the house. Even if Rune got a pair of jeans on and nothing else he would be happy. And he wasn't going to let his lover go until he had clothes on.
Rune growled. Turning, he followed his love, knowing that Calder would not let him go, and would be upset if he didn't put clothing on. He sighed heavily, quickly making his way into the house and he pulled on a pair of pants and button down onto his shoulders, just leaving it there in case he had to wipe some blood off. Wit hthat, he turned and began to exit. Oh. he was NOT happy right now.
Calder dressed, too, happy that Rune had jeans on, and cleaned up the blood on his neck. He left the marks, uncaring of what any of the people thought or said. They shouldn't be here anyway! As soon as he was presentable with a pair of jeans (that were six inches too long on him) on his hips, the blond followed his husband out, attempting to figure out who was the leader of the group.
Rune made his way to the group of people, quite pissed right now. "Oi!" He yelled, anger clear upon his features as he did so. "Who the HELL is in charge?!" He called out, NOT happy at all. Oh, he was going to hurt someone.
Looking up, a redhead of medium build stepped forward. "Who are you?" he asked. The air traffic controller had told them that they would find a lovely beach at these coordinates for a nice picnic lunch, and that was exactly what he intended to do. Calder stepped forward, eyeing the man. "We own the island."
Rune growled. oh. This was NOT happening. Not at all. He stepped forward a little bit more, his hand taking a hold of Calder's. He looked to the redhead and just glared. "This is OUR island. You are trespassing on PRIVATE land. I don't know how you got here. Who told you to come here. But I won't have it. I want you all to leave. NOW."
"Then you'll need to take it up with New Zealand's air traffic control. My group paid for a warm, beach picnic and that's exactly what we intend to have." There was no reason why they couldn't share "their" island for a few hours!

Calder looked over at the redhead and only shook his head. "You're not quite understanding. You need to leave, or else you're going to be in for a world of hurt. I'm giving you friendly advice. Take it." He didn't want to see anyone hurt, but knew that that was where this situation was leading.
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