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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Jupiter was there in no time, thank goodness, and really the birthing process didn't take long at all. Tanner was grateful for that because he didn't like to see his husband so uncomfortable. And he wanted an excuse to turn the air conditioner's off. He would have lived with it for Relic, but it didn't mean that he liked freezing in his own home!

The blond looked over at his husband and their daughter, smiling a bit. "Christina..." They had decided on names months ago, choosing one for each gender, just in case. He was slightly confused, however, when another bundle with hands and hair and a face was placed in his own arms.

"... Two?"
Relic looked up at the little girl, smiling warmly. Little Daddy's girl, he could tell already. Well, that could just be since, for once, their child actually looked like Tanner! he chuckled before arching a brow at the other child that was there. Huh. He flopped back and groaned a bit more. "That explains it." he stated, smiling softly and turning to look at his husband, smiling even more. "She?" He asked, getting a little nod from Jupiter and he thought for a brief moment. Well then, that was a little more difficult. "Katie. Katelyn maybe? Yes. Katelyn."
Leaning over, Tanner kissed his husband softly and nuzzled into his cheek a little bit. He was happy. Blissful, even. The blond would be happy to curl up and sleep for a little bit now, though he knew that Relic would probably be feeling the same way ten times over. Carefully, Tanner lifted Katelyn into his lover's arms and got up. Relic had wanted food before his water broke and he couldn't imagine the man not being even more hungry now.
Relic sighed heavily, looking down at the little girls in his arms. Oh, they were so cute. He kissed their foreheads before he sunk against the pillows a little bit more. He sighed softly, turning to look at the two once more. Oh, he loved them so much! They were so, so SO cute. She kissed their foreheads and cheeks once more before turning to look at Jupiter. He pouted at the man for a little more before he sighed softly. "Thank you."
Calder was very excited. They had a week of school left and then he got his husband completely to himself for, potentially, years. The blond was antsy and ready to simply skip out to Avalon. Of course, they couldn't do such a thing to Nikkos and Tomias, even if Calder really wanted to. But that wouldn't stop him from planning and dreaming, and likely driving his husband up the nearest wall...
Rune walked out of the defense-course he was helping out his brother with. He figured it was the least he could do. He did not want his brother to feel bad, so taking over while he tended to the girls - who were admittedly adorable - was not a big deal. He moved through the halls, glad the end of the day was over. He sneaked into his love's office, striding up behind him and wrapping his arms around his shoulders. He hugged him against his chest and nipped at his ear. "Almost time."
Smiling and leaning into Rune, Calder held in the little squeal that truly wanted to come out. Looking over his shoulder, the blond kissed his husband softly, basking in the tender moment with the other man. "Can't wait," he answered, nuzzling into his cheek a bit. "You ready to become a recluse with me?" he asked, only half teasing. They both knew that they wouldn't be doing this if they both weren't okay with it.
Rune rolled his eyes and shook his head just a little bit to his tease. "no. I married you so that we will be miserable forever more." He nipped the side of his neck before looking over at the stuff on his desk and pushing a few pieces of paper aside to look at what he had left. "Can't you just leave it be until we're there and then just mail it?"
"Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of becoming recluses?" he asked with a little laugh. "Besides, it's only...fifteen more essays." If he were allowed to sit down and not be disturbed, Calder was sure that it was only three hours of work. But Rune was, among other things, an attention whore. Not that Calder ever minded. Giving his husband attention usually lead to stellar sex. Nothing could ever be wrong with sex.
Rune groaned. "Fifteen?" he picked up an essay and fluttered through it before returning it to the table. "give him a B+. His writing is poor and he used the wrong 'there' three times." He stated, nipping the other's ear before he straightened once more. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he moved to the other side with a pathetic little pout to his lips. "Ignore iiiiiit. Just give them A's. it can be your going away gift"
He laughed. "I think not." The blond kissed his lover softly and leaned into him for a moment more. "You'll have me all night," he offered. "It's only three. If you let me go through the stack I can be done by six..." Calder looked up and gave his best puppy eyes and soft little whimper.
Rune groaned. "Fine.' He mumbled, biting the side of the other's neck and then standing up once more. He crossed his arms over his lower torso and he moved away from the other with a heavy little sigh. "I'll go pack our crap up." He stuck his tongue out at him and then turned to leave. He needed something to do.
Smiling, Calder kissed his lover softly and laughed a bit. "Why don't you go hunt for the treats I left around the house for you instead?" he called out, laughing. The blond settled back into his desk to finish his work. The only thing that would be left after these essays were final exams, and those would be easy to breeze through.

As promised, Calder walked through the door at six. "Rune?" He wondered if he would find their house torn apart from his husband hunting for sweets.
Rune easily found the treats. Packed up anything he thought they needed for their trip. Everything else was easily sent to them. Not like they were giving up their house. Their kids were staying there for however long they wanted, and as long as they did not come home to rubbles, he was happy. He heard his love, running to him and pouncing at the man. He tackled him to the ground with a firm kiss to his lips. "Ready?"
"OOF!" Calder landed on the floor, laughing a little at his lover. The blond's hands moved to Rune's hips as he lifted his head up and kissed him softly. "I hate to break it to you, lover, but we're here until Friday. I have finals to oversee." He stuck his tongue out at Rune and bucked his hips up a little bit to tease.
Rune arched a brow, pushing his form back and sitting on the man's hip. He stared at him, features quite expressionless at the moment. He stared at him for a little while more before grumbling. "Fucking bull shit. That's just ... boring." He cursed a few m ore times and stood up from his love. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he pouted at the man. "I don't want to wait until Friday."
He laughed and stood once more. "But... Kids are rowdy when it comes time for finals because they're allowed to leave their classrooms as they finish their you can take your frustrations out on them!" Calder offered, moving over and wiggling his way in between Rune's chest and his arms, wrapping his own arms around his lover's waist. "See? There's an upside to everything!"
He listened to his words for a bit, thinking a little more. Hm. That is true. He could do that. He tapped his fingers against the back of the other's form, thinking a little more. "True..." he murmured, looking down at him and he sighed heavily. Groaning, he leaned down and bit the side of his neck. "Fine. i'll accept that. For now."
Smiling, he leaned into the bite for a minute before pulling away to make dinner. A nice quiet night would do them both some good. They were already excited for the prospect of going away to their own, private paradise. There was no need to add more adrenaline to that!

Of course, it had to be ruined. Draco stormed into the house, slamming the door behind him. So what if Lucius might be following him? Or right on his heels and that would have meant that the door nearly smacked him in the face? He deserved it!
Lucius growled as the door was slammed into his face. He hissed and seethed for a little before he moved through, after his brother. "Don't be so fucking pissy!" He yelled after his mirror-image. "It's not MY fucking fault Sean got attached. HE WANTED ME TO POSE AS BRIAN DAMNIT! It's HIS fault! HIS! I DONT LIKE HIM! I think he's a scumbag who wanted to get into my pants. Don't be pissed at me for shooting him down!"
Draco really wanted to tune his twin out but knew that there was no chance of that. "Why can't you just GIVE HIM A CHANCE?!" he yelled, turning around and getting into his brother's face, angry. "You can't stand it that I'm falling in love with someone else and you just want to sabotage it! WHY ARE YOU SO DAMN SELFISH!?"
Lucius narrowed his eyes at his brother. Give him a chance? Give him a chance?! HELL NO! He did not like that... ugh NO! He growled "BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU! That's why! I gave him a chance. I gave Brian how many months to prove he would be better for you?! I DONT SEE IT! You will be better off with me. ME! Not some ... freak whose brother is just a fucking creep!"
"HE'S NOT A FREAK!" Draco was seething at that point, and he really just wanted to clock Lucius in the jaw. "And you're only proving to me that Brian makes me happier!" Literally throwing his hands up, the blond moved into their bedroom and pulled out his overnight bag. He wasn't going to be staying in the same house as Lucius tonight. He would just go stay with Brain. Stopping before walking out the door again, he turned to his twin. "I don't want to pull away from you. But what am I supposed to do when you're pushing me?" With that, he left to return to his boyfriend's arms for a bit of comfort and sleep.
Lucius stared at the man, narrowing his eyes as he did so. He clenched his jaw, not happy right now. His hands balled into fists at his sides, staring at the man and he growled a little bit more. "NO!" He parted his lips once more before stopping and closing his eyes as he watched his brother leave. He bit his bottom lip and then turned to storm up the stairs, cursing all the while.
Draco moved back into his lover's house and closed and locked the door. It was late, as he'd left late, and the blond just wanted to go to sleep and gain comfort from Brian. He moved through the house and into his boyfriend's bedroom, and immediately his bed, tucking his head beneath the other man's chin while burying his face into his chest. Draco breathed in deeply and sighed as Brian's scent began to calm him a little bit.
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