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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune stared at the man in front of him. "The reason we're not sharing our island is because it's OURS. WE paid for it. WE built that house. WE did everything on this island other than MAKE it." He narrowed his eyes a little bit more, growling out and he took quite a few steps toward the group, releasing his husband by now. "New Zealand lied to you. Go back to your plane and go to the Caribbean or a nearby island. I DONT care where. I just want you off M fucking island before I force you out."
"Take it up with them." That was all he was going to say on the matter as he turned around and picked up the baskets once more. The tour guide turned to the group. "It looks like the sun is over on the eastern side of the island yet. We'll set up there." He began to walk towards the sunny beach, Calder completely shocked at the gall.
Rune chuckled darkly, shaking his head a little bit as he did so. He moved over to the tour guide. He took a hold of the back of his shirt and he yanked him back. "No. I said leave. You ARE leaving. Private. Property." He stated, glaring at the group before he turned back to the redhead he was holding onto. "Leave or I will hurt you. I have NO problems whatsoever breaking a trespassing brat's legs. . . or whole being."
Struggling, the redhead tried to swing the baskets around to hit the man in the head with them. They were heavy! He got a couple of good hits in before Calder came forward and knocked them from his hands and he was forced to yell obscenities at the blond man. It wasn't his fault that they were given wrong information! What was he supposed to do? Tell the group of twenty people that they weren't getting what they paid for?
It did not take long at all before Rune literally through the guide back into the plane and turned to the rest of the group, narrowing his eyes. "LEAVE. I have NO problem tearing you to shreds either." He watched as the others scurried onto the plane. He took a few steps away, growling a little more. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he watched the others get onto the plane. Turning back to Calder, he huffed a few times. "Great. Fucking great."
Calder stepped forward and took Rune's hand gently, trying to lead him away from the plane. It wouldn't do anyone any good to have a murder occur, and the blond didn't doubt that his husband would do just that for a second. Leaning up, he kissed his lover's neck, nipping at the sensitive flesh. "Let's go back into the house, Rune." It seemed that the crowd of people were now moving towards the plane having decided that their sun filled picnic wasn't worth what Rune was offering.
Rune turned to look at Calder, pouting a little bit as he did so. "Why are people selling tickets to our island?! This is OURS. WE bought it. okay, you bought it, but still! This whole place is ours. I want to walk around naked and ravage my husband whenever I see fit. Not deal with stupid fucking tourists. This keeps up, and I'm installing targeting missiles. Don't think I won't. I have the money." He kissed the other's lips and then turned to head on back toward their house. "I need a bath."
Smiling at his lover, Calder kissed him softly, trying to draw him into a longer one. "I'll call them while you take a bath," he promised. Even though he wasn't as visibly angry as Rune (and when was he ever?), that didn't mean that Calder wasn't just as upset as his husband. Rune was right-this was their private property and they didn't need nor want anyone who they didn't give permission to setting foot on it.
"Thank you." he stated, kissing him back just as passionately as his lover put forth. His eyes slipped closed and he easily made his way back to their home. Pulling off his shirt, he draped it on top of his love's head, smiling lightly as he did so. "Join me when you're done. And don't forget to kick ass. . . And threaten to sue. Or just buy them. Either work, to be honest." He shrugged and then turned to make his way up their stairs and to the bath.
Calder wound up on the phone for over three hours. He was beyond frustrated, and upset that he'd missed the bath with his husband. "What are you talking about?!" he shouted, throwing his hands up. "This is our island! We purchased it from Australia! ... You have no choice but to honor it you douchebag! ... What do you mean what are we going to do about it? My husband will drown whoever steps foot on our island, that is what we'll do about it!"
Rune moved over to his love that was still yelling on the phone. His arms slid around the other's form, pulling him against his form and he buried his face into the crook of his neck. God damn these people! What the hell was up with them!? Why could the NOT let them be alone? This was THEIR island. And, honestly, his husband was right: He WOULD end up drowning the next person who dared to trespass on their island. He did not care what the reason was, if they chose to not leave, he would take matters into his own hands. If he had to keep shooing people off his island, he was going to find those that keep telling someone their coordinates and then kill THEM.
"Authorities? ... Authorities?! Are you seriously that stupid!" This was very unlike Calder, and deep down he felt bad for berating someone so completely, but honestly there was no other word for it besides "stupid". "What authorities will you call, huh? No tell me. Because we're not a part of your country. Or any country. So who's going to enforce laws? The Earth police?!" When the asshole on the other end kept talking, Calder took the phone and banged it against the counter a few times to get his attention.

"Listen! Either lose our coordinates or we will call your police and turn you in for harassment!" With that, the phone was slammed shut and thrown across the room. It shattered when it hit the wall, though Calder didn't see it. He had turned to bury his head into his husband's chest with a little whimper.
Rune listened to the man bitch. He listened to him scream. He just practically squealed when the phone shattered into many pieces. He smirked as he held onto his love. Kissing along his neck with a little growl. "you know ... You're infinitely hotter when you're angry." He whispered, nipping at his neck again and he bucked up and into him. He leaned down, kissing along his neck and just sinking his teeth into the flesh a moment after. "Want to go take your frustrations out on me? Oooh, I'm sure we could make great use of all this anger."
With a few deep breaths, Calder reigned himself in. He shook his head a little, tilting his head up and kissing his lover softly. "I think I just want to finish our walk on the beach." The waves and sand and warm sun seemed like they would be soothing for him. Especially if Rune was walking with him.
Rune pouted. That was what he wanted? He sighed heavily. "fine fine." He murmured, kissing the other's lips before he wrapped an arm around his waist. He pulled him against his chest and then began to lead the way out of the house to stroll over their island. THEIRS. Okay. he was over it now. Besides, watching Calder get so pissed really did turn him on. He would have to just ravage him halfway down the beach. a little sexual pitstop never hurt anyone, right? Well, it would hurt Calder, but he liked it, so really it was a win-win.


Eamon was positively ecstatic. He could not believe what happened! This guy... OH GOSH! He squealed as he ran to the lovely manor that he was not pretty much permanently living in. Relic finally moved out some of his fabrics from one of his many sewing rooms and some outfits from one of his like ten rooms-turned-closets and he had a room! and a nice, cozy, comfy bed! He was just so happy. He ran through the house, looking from one room to another before he spotted the blond. Squealing once more, he ran to him and tackled. Sending them both to the ground, he squealed once more.

"YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO ME!" he squeaked happily, bouncing up and down on the vampire's chest as he soon went into quite the babble "okay, so, I was totally just standing in line, waiting for my delicious coffee from the little cafe a block or so down the street. You know the one, I'm sure. And then some guy comes up to me and is all 'hey baby, what's your sign?' and I was like 'did you SERIOUSLY just tell me that?!' and he laughed! and he was like 'yea, I couldn't think of anything better in such a short amount of time, but I wanted to say hello, and blah blah blah' . Okay, he didn't say blah blah blah, but it was something adorable that I can't remember. Anyway! Then we got to talking, and I made him pay for my coffee since why should I pay for it when a cute guy is trying to hit on me. AND IT TURNS OUT! He's not some creeper at all! he goes to one of the colleges near by and he's studying to be an art restoring person and he loves art history and he was starting to tell me about some of the paintings and sculptures and something about some Michael Angel guy that I don't know who the hell he is but I don't care! BECAUSE CUTIE IS TAKING ME OUT ON A DATE! An official one. A nice restaurant and and and ooooh HES SO CUTE! his name's Jesse. and he has DARLING brown eyes and his hair's multi-colored at the moment and I don't think it's like those little blond twin triplet boys of Rune's but ooooh HES SO CUTE!!!!!!!"
With a soft 'oomph', Caden fell to the ground when he was tackled. He was confused about whatever it was that Eamon was going on about and had to digest it slowly. He didn't respond for several minutes afterward because of that, breaking each sentence down (not that there were sentences as much as one huge one). "That's great." The blond wasn't very enthusiastic. He'd begun to heal over the past few weeks and had slowly come to realize that his feelings towards the little kitty eared male had begun to grow and blossom. This...person just fucked it all up!
"I KNOW!" he chimed, grinning as he finally hopped on off the other's form. He clapped his hands together and squealed as he bounced up and down on the balls of his feet. He giggled, reaching for the other's hands to help him up from the ground. He really was quite happy with himself. He finally had someone to get over his crush with! It would do him a lot of good to be able to move onward and upward with such a cutie like Jesse! he really liked him, too. Of course, his feelings could change, but right now, it did not seem to be. "You would like him!" He smiled even more, looking down at him and beaming even more as he did so.
"Hmm? Oh. Yes." Caden was now lost in his own thoughts. He was sad; jealous even. But he knew that it was his own fault. He should have said something sooner. He'd wanted to. But the point was, he didn't. The blond nodded a little and moved out of the room and towards his own. While the hurt wasn't anywhere near what Raphael had done to him, the knowledge that Eamon moved on without even having a chance stung.
Eamon pouted when he began to leave. He bounced on after him and wrapped his arms around the other's waist, hugging him tightly as he held onto him for a little bit more. "Thank you! Thank you for being such a good friend to me. You picked me up from Adamair and ... I thank you." He whispered, leaning up to kiss his cheek and he then turned to go and tell Adamair. He may as well tell his friend, right?! Of course. He was excited about this all. Besides, Alexander went back to wherever and he figured his friend could use a little pickmeup, right?!
Severus sighed as he flopped into his own bed for the first time in almost a year. Something just wasn't right and it was taking its toll on him. The brunette knew that something had changed between him and Lily and it was killing him to not know what it was. But he couldn't confront her. What if he was wrong? He couldn't accuse her of doing something when she might be doing nothing! The male whimpered and buried his face into his pillow, trying to push the odd feelings away.
Lily hated herself right now. She really did. She did not deserve Severus at all. She just ... did not. She paced her room for quite a while before slowly making her way to Severus' room. Gently knocking upon the door, she slowly poked her head in to look at the other. "Sev..." She whispered, stepping into the room and walking over to the man "We... need to talk." She whispered as she walked over to where he was. Kneeling beside the bed, her eyes fluttered up to his and her form remained still beside him, just not sure how to start this off.
A conversation starting off that way could only mean one thing. Severus whimpered once more and turned his head towards his sister, a pout to his lips. And while he didn't want to know, he knew that not knowing would kill him. "Wh--who?" His throat was beginning to tighten already. Why hadn't he listened to her when she tried to talk him out of a relationship in the first place??
Somehow, him knowing, did not make this easier. She sunk down a little bit more, her face burying into the cushions in front of her and she kept her eyes up to the other with a pathetic little look. "Um ... Noah Stark." She whispered, blushing horribly as she stared up at the other, just feeling all sorts of wretched right now. "He ... He is very nice, Sevvy. He really is. And ... I still love you, but it is not in the same way anymore. I'm so sorry. So, so, so sorry."
Knowing made him feel worse. "Just... I just need to be alone, Ily." He turned onto his other side to try and hide just how very hurt he was. The male searched out for Lucius in his mind, prodding him to come home to comfort him. Severus needed the comfort of his brother. No matter how distant he and Lucius and Draco had been with each other in the past months, they were still triplets and they still loved each other deeply. Severus still depended on both of them.
Lily nodded, slowly standing up and making her way out of the room. "I am really sorry, Sevvy." She whispered one last time before she left to go to her room. She was not needed there. She would just wind up calling her Papa to cry to him, see if he thought she was a wretched person.

Lucius heard his brother's cries, and was instantly concerned. He quickly made his way back home, having gone for a little walk to help clear his head. He needed to with everything going on. But now ... his brother needed him. He was sad that something happened, but he just felt a little less alone now. It was bad to think that way, he knew it, but really, he could not help but to have the feelings. Of course, Severus' well being took place of everything else.

Quickly rushing into his brother's room, he pushed the door closed and looked down at the other on the bed. He slid into the bed behind him, arms wrapping around his lower torso and he pressed a kiss to the side of the other's neck. "I'm sorry." He whispered, kissing him once more.
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