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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He whimpered a little bit more, leaning into his brother as he rested his hand on top of his brother's. Damn him. How dare he .. ugh. He bit the other's shoulder, quite annoyed with him right now. He looked over at the sushi rolls left, taking one more and plopping that into some soy sauce before he munched on that. Going a little faster with his eating. He wanted to ... go to the movies now. He REALLY wanted to.
Kissing Lucius' cheek, Severus continued to take his time with eating. He was in no rush, after all. And not rushing would only draw out his brother's torture, which he was all for. "What movie should we see?" he asked. Not that it mattered-Severus was certain that neither of them would see any of the movie, other than maybe the end credits... If they were lucky.

The check came, and he went fishing in Lucius' pockets for their Mama's card to hand to the waiter.
He seriously thought he cared about which movie? no. No he did not. He was being mean to him. "Whichever is playing when we get there.' he murmured, chomping on the last roll and then sipping down his drink a little bit more. He sighed softly, taking in a deep breath, he calmed down just a little. No need to rush, right?! Of course not! If one excluded the fact that the blond was moments away from just tackling his brother and claiming him on top of the table where their plates still were.

Feeling the other rummage in his pockets, he arched a brow before stopping him. He pulled out the card from what seemed the only pocket his brother did not poke through. Handing it to the waiter, he impatiently waited for him to come back so that they could actually leave.
He smiled at the waiter when he brought the check back and signed the slip before sliding out of the booth. "We'll have to call Mama and thank him for dinner," he teased as they walked towards the movie theater. When they got there, the only thing that was starting relatively soon was some movie that no one had given good reviews for. Didn't matter, though. That meant that they would practically have the theater to themselves! Severus bought the tickets.
Lucius whimpered softly. "You call him, and all he'll hear is moans." He hissed out, far too impatient right now for calling anyone or pretty much doing anything other than tackling the man to the candy booth. He laced his fingers with the man, not liking that he got him so riled in the first place. If he kept his hands to himself, he would have been more than happy to just play along and mosey on like they had an eternity, but no. Now he ... just wanted so much sex.
Severus laughed a little and tugged his twin to him, wrapping his arm around Lucius' waist. "It's only fifteen minutes until the movie starts..." He kissed the other male softly as they slipped into the back row. "You won't die... I promise." Leaning over, Severus kissed along Lucius' neck a little, purring as he did so. Yes, he was definitely feeling better.
By the time the credits were getting to the end of their roll, that had been about the time that Lucius finally collapsed on top of his brother. Panting heavily and nipping at the front of his chest. Oh yes. That had definitely been worth .. .everything. Even the strange look they were currently getting from the poor kid that had to clean up the theater. He lifted his head, looking over at the boy and smirking a little bit as he did so. He stuck his tongue out, morphing it into much more of a snake's tongue than anything, even slithering it a little to get the kid to squeak and run out.

He chuckled and leaned down to press a passionate kiss to the other's lips, moaning softly. "Want to go home and take a bath?" He offered, looking down at him while he slowly stood up and began to try and find just where his pants would have gone.
Breathless and completely spent, Severus collapsed back into his chair for the moment. He missed the interaction with the theater worker, but it didn't matter. Lucius' offer for a bath sounded lovely and he nodded while beginning to pull on his own pants. He handed his brother the other pair that were four seats over. "And maybe some ice cream on the way home." Yes, that sounded nice...
He grinned. "Read my mind." he whispered, leaning over to kiss his lips while pulling on his pants. He then tugged on his shirt, making sure he was presentable, and his brother as well, he soon took his hand and began to drag him out of the theater, positively beaming as he did so.

Turning around, Alex saw Haruki, a boy in one of his classes. The purple haired man smiled as he stopped walking. "Hello Haruki." They chatted, Alex not paying attention to the little touches or smiles or giggles or blushes. Haruki always did those things when they talked to each other. He wasn't interested in the other male so what did it matter what the other was doing or thinking?
Adamair was excited. he was surprising his lover. A great, grand surprise! He had missed him so much and after much begging his mother and father, they finally let him go and visit him for a week! A whole week with his lover, and no interruptions -- school aside, but hey, maybe they would not mind a little guest student for a week! Who knew? Who cared? He was far too excited to go to his love. He had a new outfit and he was far too happy to wait and see just what Alexander would say! Sure, he was positive that he would just ignore it like he normally did, but that would only make everything better.

Sauntering through the campus, the blond male looked from one side to another, trying to find just where his love was. Spotting purple, he beamed instantly, about to call out to his love, but hearing the other's name called first, and not by him, definitely got his attention. He stopped right where he was, features dropping instantly was he watched that ... midget flirt with HIS Alexander. Alex was HIS! he did not share! he did not share at all! Eamon never flirted with him, so it was okay to share a bed with him or whatever. This guy was all over his Alexander. That was HIS sexy half vampire freak!

Ever so nonchalantly, and not caring for the pissed look on his features, he made his way up to his love. Lightly tapping his shoulder, his arms crossed over his lower torso and his eyes just kept their none-too-pleased expression as he waited for his love to turn.
Turning around, Alex's eyes went wide. "Addy!" His arms quickly went around his lover's waist and he hugged him, not noticing the pout or the jealousy. He kissed his boyfriend's cheek before pulling back to look at him. "What are you doing here!? How long are you here for? Do your parents know you're here?!" He was excited. Sure, he'd just been home to surprise Adamair, but that didn't mean that he didn't miss his boyfriend in the three weeks since then!
Adamair arched a brow, staring at the man and he rolled his eyes a moment later. He really was lucky that he loved him so very much. He took a hold of the other's chin, holding onto him and staring into his eyes with the annoyance still there. "Who's your friend, and why is he hitting and touching up on my boyfriend?" He asked, completely and utterly just ignoring the boy that was there. He did not care. He would answer Alexander once his questions were answered. Really, while it was easily logical that he would run away from his parents, that was beside the point right now.
"Huh?" Alexander looked a bit confused before realizing that Haruki was still standing there. "Oh! This is Haruki. He's a classmate of mine." He turned to the Japanese male and smiled. "Haruki, this is my boyfriend, Adamair." The other student just nodded, sort of wrinkling his nose at the other male. Well this wasn't what he expected! He wanted to have fun with the cute boy! Pouting, Haruki slipped away, and Alex was once again completely oblivious.
Adamair gave a simple little wave to the other, just frustrated at the moment. He supposed that they both have some problems. He turned his eyes back to the other's and he kept their eyes together. "Alex, you can read minds ... Start using that. If I find another man hitting on you, I will have to buy you a chastity belt." he stated, pressing a kiss to his lips and he stepped back to look up at him once more. "And you're missing the most important part of this visit ..." He let his hands drop, motioning to his outfit and waiting for the other to either just ignore it or compliment him.
Alexander had just settled in to kiss his love a bit more when Adamair had pulled away. He pouted but stepped back to fully appreciate his boyfriend's outfit. "Lovely." He nodded and then growled a little while pulling the other male into his body, kissing him strongly. "I have classes..." Alex pouted a little with the words. He didn't want to go to class now! "And you never answered my questions. So walk me to class while you do."
He grinned. "Good answer." he whispered, kissing the other's lips once more. Really, he would have had to slap him if he thought anything different of his attire. Though, he wanted a bit of drool, but just seeing him was well enough. His arm slid around the other's hips, holding him against his form and he gladly walked whichever way the man's class was. "Mother and Father know. The twins, while adorable, scream up quite the storm. They're nicer when they're ... not crying. Adorable, really... But yes. I have my parents' permission. I'm here for a week. And ... Am I missing a question?" He asked, turning to look at him with his brows furrowed in interest.
"I don't think so," he answered with a little smile. Alex kissed his lover's temple as they walked. He was amused that Adamair was getting quite a few stares from the other students. It made him smile to know that Adamair was his. "How are the twins, other than loud?" he asked, tugging him closer as they walked.

It didn't take long at all to reach his classroom. Alex guided Addy in and to the teacher to ask permission for him to sit in on class.
"They're adorable, really. They look soooo much like dad." He chuckled a little bit and shook his head at the thought. "Mom's bummed. He wanted them to look like him, but hey, they still have time." He kissed the other's cheek, just far too happy to be with his love right now. he noticed the looks. Oh, he always noticed the looks. He loved them. Whether the looks were due to a man in a skirt and quite the girlish attire, or because he was hot, he did not care at all. He was with his lover. He knew he was sexy. So what should he care?

Turning to the teacher, he gave him a little bow of his head. "I promise to not interrupt anyone's studies, including Alexander's and to sit beside him in a chair and steal a piece of Alex's paper to doodle on." He said, lifting his head up once more to look at the man. He remained silent, staring into the other's eyes and was quite happy to get a nod from him. Goodie!
After a bit of scrutiny, his professor agreed with a short nod. This one was never a talker, anyway. Thanking him, Alexander moved to his own seat, stealing a spare one from the back of the room for Adamair, and set himself up for class. They were only a few seconds a head of the bell, so he didn't have anymore time for chit chat. Quietly, he passed Addy a few pieces of paper and a pencil. Every now and then, Alex would doodle a little heart on his boyfriend's paper, but for the most part he was intensely involved in the lecture.
Class with Alexander was nice. He missed it. the little hearts randomly on his doodles were so cute of him. He smiled, keeping his pencil to the paper and just idly doodling, well, anything that came to mind. Eventually, it just wound up as a rough sketch of Alex tied to a wall with a little one of him and a whip. Oh yes. he amused himself with that a lot. He perked up with the bell ringing. He straightened up, shoving the doodles into his love's book and then kissed his cheek softly before he stood up. "When's lunch?" He teased, grinning as he looked over his love and then his features dropped a bit more. "Speaking of food.." he murmrued, cupping the other's chin and tugging it down to examine his fangs a little. "you're too pale."
He laughed. "What do you expect?" he asked, nuzzling his cheek a little. "The packets you sent me back with had to last me until I could come home again." Alex 'ate' minimally so that he wouldn't run out all together, because he'd be in really deep shit if he did! "Don't worry." The purple haired male kissed his love's cheek while leading him out into the hallway. "I'll make up for it while you're here." With that, he winked at his lover and lead him to his next class, pouting when that professor denied Adamair entrance to his classroom.
Adamair chuckled and nodded a little bit more to his words. "Mm. Yes. Yes you will.' he whispered, nipping at his ear playfully before he smiled when they moved into the room. He pouted. No? He sighed heavily, giving his love a passionate little kiss and then turned to leave the room. He would just go find somewhere to sit and relax until the class was done.
Sighing, Alex kissed Adamair goodbye and sat down for his class. He wasn't able to concentrate completely, though. It sucked to know that Adamair was so close yet he couldn't spend time with him right at that moment. Mostly, Alexander doodled on some scrap paper while waiting for the bell to release him to his lover.
Eventually, Adamair wound up just going to sit in their little courtyard nearby. He figured that when he heard the bell, he would go and make his way back to the room his love was in. Or maybe see if he could leave before the bell so that he was there. Either way, he was going to go meet back up with him and find out when his classes would be over so that he could ravage his long lost love! Okay. Far away love was a better description, but less dramatic and less fun.
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