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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tomias examined the ring for a bit before he shrugged. "Meh. Seen better. Seen worse." He stated, partially to just torture the two a little bit more. He turned to look at his nephew, eyes traveling along his form. "You realize this means I'm going to have to be a total ass to you, right? I think it just goes without saying. I mean, you're taking my young, innocent, cute little, never-been-touch, Alexander away from me! I just don't know how I cold handle it without losing my mind and the fear of what you two will do! Ooooh--"

"We're not getting married for years."

Mias stopped, thinking it over and then clapping his hands together. "CONGRATULATIONS! Go tell your Mom. I'm sure the little fruit will LOVE to know!"
He shook his head a little at his husband and smacked the back of Tomias' head a little bit. "Be nice, Mias." Alexander stuck his tongue out at Tomias and hugged Nikkos. He thanked his parents and told them that he loved them before dragging Adamair out of the house and next door. Relic and Tanner would be easier to tell... Right?
Adamair nodded while he walked through the yard toward his parents' house. He laced his fingers with Alexander's again and then made his way inside. "Mom? Dad?" He called out, unsure of where the two would be, especially with those little girls that they were taking care of.
Smiling, Tanner hoisted Katelyn onto his shoulder as he moved downstairs to greet his son. Alex being there was a bit of a surprise, but it wasn't something that none of them would ever expect the two of them to show up together. "Hello Alex." Smiling, the blond turned to Adamair. "Did you have a nice trip?" he asked, rubbing the little girl's back to try to entice her to burp.
Adamair smiled softly as he looked over at the little girl on his father's hip, shaking his head a little bit. She really was adorable. Both the girls were. Well, they were identical, but that was beside the point. The girls were completely beautiful. Not that he doubted any of that. He and his brother were gorgeous, so why wouldn't their girls be?

Relic soon came in, a passed-out Christina in his arms. He smiled happily at the two. "My loves!" He chimed happily, giggling as he bounced on over, giving them each a kiss on the cheek. "Hold this." He said, placing hte slumbering girl into Addy's hands before he turned and made his way to hte kitchen. "Come on! Let's get some tea and crumpets! AKA: cookies." He laughed once more, unsure why Alex was there, but still needing to spoil him.
Alex reached over and trailed a finger down the baby's cheek softly, smiling at her. They were precious, really. Kissing Adamair's cheek, the teen moved into the kitchen with Tanner and Relic and Adamair, immediately moving to help Relic with the tea and cookies.
Relic giggled happily at the boy helping him, gently bumping his hip against his with a warm smile to his lips. "Thank you." he said, kissing his cheek while he moved to take out the cake and cookies he had. Setting them on the table, he walked over to Adamair, kissing the boy's cheek. he would let him hold his little sister for a bit longer. Besides, maybe if he enjoyed her, he could get grandkids some day! Who was carrying it, he honestly was not sure. He was pretty positive Adamair would not want that, but then, Alexander did not seem to like it either.

Adamair gently bounced the little girl before he looked up and over at the two across from them. "So ... Alexander and I have a little announcement." he began, taking his tea with a simple 'thanks' and just letting that hang out in the air for a while. Really, he just wanted to see what his parents could potentially come out with.
Nodding, Alexander continued to help him, putting the kettle of water onto the stove to boil before going to the cupboards to pull out cups and saucers, sugar and milk were added to the table, too. He watched for Relic and Tanner's reaction, wondering if either of them would know. Alex knew that neither could read minds, but maybe they could read their son? Had they seen the ring?

Tanner looked at them. "Oh?" he asked, smiling while bouncing his now gas-free daughter on his knee a little bit.
Adamair looked over the two, seeing his mother just staring at him, waiting. He turned to Alexander before looking back to the two in front of him. "We're engaged." He stated, leaning over to kiss his love's cheek and then leaned back to his side. He hugged Christina to his form a little bit more. He rocked her for a moment, kissing her cheek gently.
Severus wasn't really serious about this guy. It was a fling and they both knew it, but who would turn down decent sex with no strings attached? Certainly not him, and neither would either of his brother's. The teen linked his arm through the brunette's and lead him through the house to his bedroom, already growing hard in anticipation.
Lucius giggled as he bounded through the hallways, looking one way then another to just amuse himself. He beamed when he spotted Severus, about to pounce him, but stopping moments later. He stared at him. Looking from his brother to the brunette and back a few more times. He took a step back, eyes a little wide as he did so. Turning on his heel sharply, he stormed off toward his bedroom, slamming the door closed with a firm click of the lock a moment later.
Looking towards the door where they had been headed, Severus sighed a little. He'd thought that Lucius would be out for a little while longer... But, of course, not only did his own fun have to be ruined, but he had to have it thrown in his face that he'd hurt his brother. Just his luck. Severus gave his lover a kiss and told him to wait in the living room, before easily picking the lock to the room that he shared with both of his brothers. "Lucius."
"Don't even start. Don't bother. Go back. Fuck him raw. I don't care anymore.' He growled out, far too broken right now to even care anymore. He pulled his knees closer to his form and he pulled the sheets up and over his form. He was just going to ignore the man that was in his room. He was not going to even look at him. He could not. He would just crumble even more if he did. He was not going to even think about it right now.
"No." All three of them were stubborn, but Severus took it to a new level. He could out-wait both of his brothers without breaking a sweat. The teen took the sheets and tossed them to the end of the bed before flipping Lucius onto his back and then straddling his hips. "You're going to tell me what, exactly, is wrong and then you're going to get over yourself after I tell you that I love you despite what an ass you're being."
Lucius remained silent while the other tugged him to where he now was. He stared up at him for a little while before he narrowed his eyes at the other. "YOU are what's wrong!" He cried out, just glaring up at the man. He shoved him off his form and shoved himself away a little bit more. "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME! MORE than Draco did. I thought WE were going to be together. I thought that you and I would just be a duo while Draco was off with his boyfriend. I didn't care about them anymore. I accepted them because... because I had you! YOU were supposed to stay with me. Aren't I enough?! Why does everyone keep leaving me for others?!"
He sat back on the bed, a bit dumbfounded. "I... I didn't know you thought that, Lucius..." Sure, he and his brother had fooled around... But they always had! Why would he have suspected that this time be any different? Severus climbed up the bed and nuzzled at his twin's cheek a bit, kissing the warm flesh.
"Aren't I enough?" he whispered, burying his face into his brother's neck. "I wasn't enough for Draco ... I thought that ... thought that you thought I was good for you." He leaned into him a little bit more. His arms slid around his waist and he buried his face into his chest now, taking in many deep breaths to try and calm himself from just spluttering into many teary bits.
Settling down next to his brother, Severus held him tightly to his body. "Do you really think that?" he asked, a bit surprised. "Do you really think that just because Draco is in a relationship with someone it's because you're lacking in something?" Severus couldn't believe that Lucius thought so low of himself, and his brothers' love for him. "Both Draco and I love matter who we sleep with."
Lucius stared up at him, his eyes welling with tears and he shook his head. "You don't get it, Sev..." he whispered, gripping him tighter and just burying his form a little more into his chest. "I know you love me. You both do. I .. I want to know why you ... you go to others. Why I alone am not good enough for either of you. I know I am loved. But ... why can't I be the one you solely long for? "
That... was an impossible question to answer. "It isn't that you're not good enough Lucius." That was the truth. But there was no "real reason" as to why they were drawn to other men and women. "It's... No one can help who they fall in love with, right?" Severus nuzzled into the top of his brother's head and kissed it a few times.
Lucius stopped, his hands pressing at the other's chest and he pushed him an arm's length away. "Then why do I still have the ones I fall in love with taken away?" he whispered, pushing his form away from Severus, he pressed into the wall behind him, arms crossing over his lower torso. He turned away from him, not wanting to look at him anymore.
Severus wasn't going to let his brother push him away. He pulled Lucius to him again. "I don't know... But I didn't mean to hurt you. I thought we were having fun...blowing off steam..." Severus shrugged and rested his back against the wall, too. "Don't get me wrong-I know you and Draco love me, but you two were two."
Lucius shoved him away, though this time he even moved off the bed, just glaring at the man sitting on the bed. "We were. Then he went and got Brian and I figured that there was no one for me. I have not found anyone I could fall in love with. But then ... then you broke up with Lily and ... and I thought ... I thought that it was a sign that I wasn't going to be alone. So... I just ... let myself fall again ... Only to wind up in the same scenario! With you with another man, claiming you love me, but not knowing how deeply you wound me. I love you, Severus. And ... I mean it." He took in a deep breath before he took a large step away from the man, shaking his head a little more. "GO AWAY! Just ... Get away from me. Go to your lover and stay the HELL out of my way."
"No!" Severus stood and followed Lucius around the room. "No I will not leave you alone! How am I to know that you were falling for me, Lucius! You didn't tell me! You didn't act any different than normal!" In the midst of the yelling, Severus heard the front door slam and he knew that it was the brunette leaving the house, and he didn't really care either. "How are either of us supposed to know what you want if you don't tell us, Lucius?!"
"I TOLD DRACO! He just ... He did not believe me. Or take me seriously and ... I didn't think I had to! Draco and I ... had our connection. He should have known and ... you ... I was too scared. I did not think it was enough time from you and Lily parting to say it. How could it be? You loved her so much ... So, so much. I know you did. So, I couldn't tell you." Lucius took another step away from him, keeping a hand up to be sure the man stayed his distance. He did not want him to be near him. He just did not want him close.
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