Feeling his arms around his form, his eyes closed gently. He nodded. "I will. When I'm settled in..." He murmured, leaning up to kiss his cheek before he turned to finish packing. It did not take him long, since well, he was spoiled, and anything he did not bring, he would buy. Once his bag was packed, he took up the suitcase and turned to Severus once more. "Tell Draco and ... everyone else for me. I'll mama and papa when I'm ... wherever I go." He kissed his cheek again and then headed out of the room without even really looking back.
It took him a few minutes, but he was soon at his uncles' place, smiling weakly at his uncle Relic in front of him. after a quick discussion with the man, and a plea to not tell his Mama or Papa yet, Relic went off and went off to send Caden down since that was what the little blond wanted.