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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Severus pushed Lucius' hand away and then stepped closer. "Then you can't be mad at me, Lucius." How could he? If Severus didn't know his brother's feelings, then how could he have preserved them? "You can't be hurt... Because I never would have hurt you on purpose."
Lucius stared at the man, his eyes still welling with tears as he did so. "Why .. were you with some jerk anyway?" he mumbled, shoving at his chest in his annoyance now. "You should have been healing longer. It hasn't been long enough ... Why did you find some new guy? And if you tell me just for the sex I... I am going to shove you out the window!"
He shrugged. "It was for sex." He couldn't lie to Lucius, anyway. "You're hurting from Draco... I guess our thought patterns were similar. I didn't want to get too close-what if things don't work out between Draco and Brian?" He felt strongly that he'd be cast aside. "It was too soon to even think about it anyway. So...if we weren't exclusive then...what could sex hurt?"
The blond lifted his eyes to the other, his cheeks puffing out in his annoyance at this man's words. "Because I can give you sex! that's why it hurts." He flopped onto the chair in the room, his right leg draping over his left, brows furrowed as he stared up at the man. "If ... you just wanted sex, why not turn to me? Draco wanted more. He fell for that stupid Brian, and I accept it now. He did not get that I truly loved him. And ... it's just stupid. I shouldn't be some incestuous freak who only loves his brothers." He let out a short laugh, pulling his knees up to his chest, resting his chin on top of his knees as he stared at the ground. "How narcissistic am I that I only fall for my twins? I'm just ... so stupid." he whispered the latter bit, closing his eyes to try and push back more tears.
"You're not stupid!" Severus hated when either of his brothers put themselves down. "And I did. But we weren't exclusive, Lucius so...what did it hurt to screw around with other people and you?" The teen dropped onto the floor of the room, tired of chasing his twin all around it. "I didn't mean to hurt you."
"Because I don't." He whispered, lifting his eyes to look over at the man, still so very close to tears. "The only ones I have slept with ... are you two. Even when I was hitting on Rylee as Isiah ... I didn't want sex. I just wanted to have fun and get him riled then leave. I only ... ever have had sex with you two." He took in a sharp little breath, burying his face into his thighs once more. He needed to get away. That was what he needed to do. Just take a vacation away from his brothers, his family, everyone. He was positive there was somewhere he could leave to, right?
Really? Severus didn't know that about Lucius. The brunette got onto his hands and knees and crawled over to the bed. He kneeled up next to the bed, fingers carding through the blond's hair. "Don't leave..." Severus tapped into his brother's thoughts, trying to find a way to help patch and fix the pain. "Please?"
Blushing faintly, he buried his face into his lap a little bit more. Jerk. Prodding his mind as he had. He shook his head a little bit, pulling his form tighter together. "But ... maybe that's the best. Let Brian and Draco alone. Get away from you so that you can move on. and ... maybe I'll get someone? Someone who isn't related to me." He let out a short laugh before he shook his head a bit. "Maybe Uncle Tanner's brother would go away somewhere with me. Both of us can escape our broken hearts."
He leaned up and kissed Lucius softly. "I hate that you feel this way Lucius..." Severus kissed his brother again and hugged him as best he could while kneeling on the floor. "I didn't mean to hurt you..." He felt horrible but he stood by what he said before: How was he supposed to know how Lucius had been feeling?
Lucius remained unmoving when the other pressed a kiss to his lips, not returning the embrace at all. He shrugged his shoulders before he stood off of the bed. "I'm going. I don't know where, but maybe the states or ... Ireland or something." He mumbled, walking past him to get out his suitcase. He meant it. He was just going to leave. He would go stop by his uncles' place, see if Caden wanted to still get away, and if he agreed, then he would have a traveling companion and things would be better. For now, he tossed his bag onto the bed and began putting clothes into the case, planning for warmer weather.
Severus' throat tightened with the thought of his brother leaving. He couldn't let Lucius leave without at least saying goodbye. He moved across the room and stopped the blond, pulling him into a tight and secure hug. "Call me? Just... Let me know that you're okay."
Feeling his arms around his form, his eyes closed gently. He nodded. "I will. When I'm settled in..." He murmured, leaning up to kiss his cheek before he turned to finish packing. It did not take him long, since well, he was spoiled, and anything he did not bring, he would buy. Once his bag was packed, he took up the suitcase and turned to Severus once more. "Tell Draco and ... everyone else for me. I'll mama and papa when I'm ... wherever I go." He kissed his cheek again and then headed out of the room without even really looking back.

It took him a few minutes, but he was soon at his uncles' place, smiling weakly at his uncle Relic in front of him. after a quick discussion with the man, and a plea to not tell his Mama or Papa yet, Relic went off and went off to send Caden down since that was what the little blond wanted.
Severus slumped against the door when Lucius was gone. He felt responsible, and he didn't like how he was feeling. The teen holed himself up for the weekend, not really able or willing to face anyone. He'd driven his brother-his twin!-away from him. There was no other feeling in the world that could hurt more.

With a raised eyebrow, Caden moved through the house to find Lucius at the door, suitcase in hand. "No. I will not elope with you. I think your Mama might kill me if I do." He was teasing, hoping to ease a little tension.
Lucius arched his brow as he stared at the other male. He shook his head a bit more. "Better." He began, his eyes lifting to look up at him once more. "A vacation. I'm thinking somewhere warm, but Ireland also sounds nice. I figured I would decide when I got to an airport and saw which plane was taking off soonest." He did not care about any grammar issues his sentence may have had, he wanted to get going, and if the other was not going to come, he wanted to know. "So, do you want to run away with me? Escape the couples, the suffocating air of warm fuzzy love that just makes you want to vomit?" Yep. He was slightly bitter.
Run away? That...that sounded nice, actually. Caden nodded and stepped back to let Lucius into the house so that he could pack. And tell Tanner what was going on. The blond moved upstairs and packed what he would need, though it was only the necessities that he packed, and then went in search of his younger brother. Tanner was understanding, though sad that he was leaving, but Caden knew that it was for the best.

Leading Lucius out of the house, they headed towards the airport.
Lucius was relieved that he agreed. He did not want to go alone, just get away. Considering the two he would love to get away with were the causes of his need to get away, he was glad for company. Heading to the airport with the other blond, he looked at the tickets before clapping his hands together "Brazil. It's leaving in fifteen." He stated, tugging the other along and over toward the ticket booth. Buying two first class tickets to Brazil, he then checked his luggage and before he knew it, he was relaxing into the comfy chairs, sighing softly.

Turning to look at the male beside him, he stared at him for a little bit before he sunk a bit lower into the seat. "You seem better than the last time I saw you." he murmured absently, looking him over and then once more lifting his eyes back to the other's eyes.
Sinking into the seat, Caden sighed softly. He was leaving a world of stress behind, and it felt nice to have those weights gone, even if it might just be temporary. Looking over with the comment, the blond shrugged a little. "Starting to come to terms with it, I guess." What else could he do? Raphael wasn't coming back and Eamon was with someone else. Crying and hurting hadn't gotten him anywhere in the past months. Maybe this little getaway would. Caden was grateful, however, that the house in Greece had sold at a considerable profit. He had been surprised, however, to see the entire thing in his bank account. At least, though, that meant that he had money to live on for...however long they'd be in Brazil.
He nodded, pulling his knees up to his chest once they were able to take their seatbelts off. He hugged his legs tightly, chin resting on his knees as he stared at the back of the seat in front of him. "Yea." He murmured lightly and rested the back of his head against the seat once more. "Thank you ... for coming with me. I didn't want to be alone, just get away. You know?" he asked, turning to look at him again. Long lashes batted against his cheeks and he gave him a little smile. "I think this will be good. Not too long ... Maybe a month at most? I don't know. I just don't want to go back anytime soon..."
He nodded. It didn't really matter when they went back to Caden. Like Lucius, he was just glad to be able to get away; to remove himself from the situation that was causing him pain in the first place.

They landed in Brazil some hours later. The jolted landing woke him and Caden gave a long yawn and stretch with a soft groan. "I say, we check into a hotel and sleep a few days." He was tired. It was, after all, late in Italy. "And then maybe we can go find a subletted room for the month or something."
Turning to the male while he stood, he thought for a moment before he nodded. "Sure." he agreed, taking his carry-on and he then walked out of the plane and into the airport. He waited for a few moments before scooping up his suitcase. Heading on out, he easily hopped into the cab and told him to head to the nicest hotel. Oh yea. He was spending his parents' money happily. He would call his brother ... eventually. Maybe after they slept.
It was a relaxing ten days. They found an apartment to sublet and had settled in, enjoying themselves for the first time in a while. But it had been ten days without blood. Weakened, Caden moved out of his bedroom. "Lucius?" He hoped that his new roommate was home, because he needed blood.
Lucius definitely was happier right now. Being away from all the stress. Just escaping into the beautiful Brazilian sun. Oh it was all just SO much better than what he could have hoped for! The apartment was nice. It was cute and he enjoyed spending time with Caden. Really, he did not know why that Raphael left him in the first place. He was such a little sweetheart and he made him food! Though, it was fun to torture him the few times by morphing into a kitten and just pounce him and cuddle. Or sometimes nap on his chest. Awkward when he woke up as himself, but that was beside the point.

Hearing the other's words, he perked up. Stepping from the room he had been in, he looked over at the blond with interest. "Yea, Caden?"
Caden had to admit that Lucius made a cute white, Persian kitten. He really was enjoying himself, but at that moment, the blond needed to eat. He stumbled his way out into the living room and collapsed onto the sofa next to Lucius. His head fell into the teen's shoulder with a little whimper. "I need to eat..." Unable to help himself, Caden leaned up and scraped his fangs along the other blond's neck.
Eat? He blinked a few times, slightly confused. Hadn't he just made him lunch? he blinked a few times, staring at the male before he shuddered feelings his fangs. Oh. Right. He forgot about that little problem the other had. Staring down at the older male, he nodded to his words. "Okay." He whispered, his heart racing rapidly as he pulled his hair away from the side of his neck he so nicely scraped his fangs against. What was he going to do? Tell him 'no' and let him die or kill someone? No thank you. Besides, he did not mind pain.
Sighing in relief when given permission, Caden wasted no time in sinking his teeth into the side of Lucius' neck. The blond drank heavily for a minute before pulling himself back and pacing himself for a few more. He didn't know if Lucius was able to replenish his blood supply like Tanner was, an he didn't want to have to put him into the same position Raphael had put him in.
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