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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Smiling, he pulled the other closer. "Does that mean I'm free to challenge that?" he asked, nipping along the flesh around the two wounds. He wasn't really sure what he was feeling, except that he'd grown to really care about Lucius in the weeks that they had spent together thus far. And he'd thought about the question that he'd been asked after they'd first slept together. What was the harm in trying something serious? As long as they both went into it knowing that it could lead to marriage, or it could lead the other way...
He grinned at his words. His eyes fluttered up to look at him with a little laugh to his lips. "Mm." he whispered, leaning down to kiss along the other's neck before he settled back against his form. He forced his head up, connecting their lips in a brief and passionate little embrace. Pulling back after a moment, he let his eyes stay with his. "You know ... if you feeding from me leads to sex every time ... I think you should use me more often." He stated, kissing his lips once more. Sure, they have not had sex yet, but he definitely was planning on using that action soon enough.
"This is your idea of sex?" he asked, teasing a bit and nipping along the flesh of Lucius' shoulder.

The next couple of weeks were easier. They fell into an official relationship and easily became comfortable with each other. But Caden was beginning to miss Tanner. He poked his head into the bedroom that they now shared. "Lucius?" The older blond moved over to the bed and cuddled up to his boyfriend's side, nuzzling along his jawline. "I think I'm homesick."
Turning onto his side to face the other blond, though his hair was currently a lovely sunset orange, he sighed softly. Leaning over, he pressed a kiss to his lips and nodded. "Good thing I have plane tickets for us to leave tomorrow." He whispered, feeling quite the bit better about going home right now. He wanted to go see his family. He called Severus and Draco a few times to let them know he was okay, but he really did feel better and wanted to stop by. He really had not told anyone that he and Caden were officially dating. That could be their own little surprise.

"Should we start packing after dinner?"
Leaning up, Caden pressed their lips together a bit passionately. "You're the best." Smiling at Lucius, he nodded that yes, they should start packing after they ate and then settled into his side and closed his eyes. There was time for a short nap before dinner!

Their evening was spent packing everything they had brought and bought. Perishable food was thrown out while boxes and cans were left-no use wasting them. They packed their clothes and personal effects, and Caden was sure to clean the entire apartment from top to bottom. He collapsed into bed near midnight.
The next day, the plane ride was far too long for him. He wanted to see his family and everyone else. Stepping out of the airport, he turned to look at his boyfriend, staring at him for a moment before he leaned up to kiss his lips. "Let's go see Uncle Relic and Uncle Tanner, yea? Or ... Do you want to separate and I'll go to my house and you to yours?" He had not thought to ask him on the plane where they should go first. If they should go their different ways. they had just spent how many weeks living together? it would be strange to live without him now.
Picking up their luggage, Caden shrugged. "If you want to come see Tanner and Relic you can. I just assumed you'd want to go see your brothers." It was awkward. They were dating, but no one knew that they were, and they hadn't gone through their awkward stage together yet. He supposed it was never too late to start? He kissed the top of Lucius' head as they headed towards the car that was waiting for them.
Moving to the car, he nodded a little bit more. Sitting beside him, he thought for a little bit more before he turned to look at him once more. "Um ... How about I go home, you go home and then .. later tonight or tomorrow, we go out to dinner? Or lunch... Or breakfast. We can tell our family later. Not today... It may be overwhelming or something. But ... later."
Agreeing, Caden leaned over and kissed Lucius for a long minute before slipping out of the car. He took his bags and entered the house. "Helloooooo?" Even before his bags were set down in the front hall, Tanner was in his arms and hugging him. Caden smiled and hugged his brother tightly. "Missed you."
Relic perked up, hearing the man home and he grinned even more. "Caaaaden!" he giggled, bouncing over to the two blonds and kissing their cheeks. "I missed you! Do you feel better?" He asked, bouncing on the ball of his feet.

stepping out of the car, Lucius made his way into the house, dropping his trunk off at the bottom of the stairs as he looked around for a little bit. "Honey, I"m hooome." he chimed out, looking from one place to the other, trying to see where his family would be.
"Yes. Much better." He smiled and greeted his brother in law before moving towards the kitchen. "I'm starved. What's for dinner?"

Hearing the door to the car, Severus made a beeline for the front door. He tackled his brother to the ground and hugged him hello, then kissing him and nuzzling his cheek and neck and shoulder. "I missed you!"
Lucius gasped as he was tackled by his brother. He laughed softly, hugging him happily and kissing his cheek gently. He wrapped his arms around the man's shoulders and kissed his cheek in return. His eyes closed and he gripped him happily. "I missed you too." he whispered, kissing his cheek once more. "I ... feel better.' He stated, figuring he would let him know before the question was asked.
"Good!" He kissed his brother again before getting up and helping Lucius up, too. "Are you hungry? I made dinner..." Severus was thrilled to have his brother home again, and he knew that Draco would be, too. "We can eat and then go see Draco. He's anxious to see you..." Really, their brother was upset that Lucius had left without a word and wanted to give him a piece of his mind, but that wasn't for Severus to say.
Lucius nodded a little. "Small snack. I'm not so hungry yet." he stated, laughing softly and he gladly ate with his brother. He hugged the man tightly before they were walking off and down the street to go visit their brother. Why he did not come home to see him, whatever. He did not care right now. He was, honestly, just happy to be home. He missed everyone and well, now that he was over it all, he was so very happy right now. He kissed the other's cheek softly and then rested his head against his shoulder.
Looking up when Severus and Lucius came into the house, Draco swiftly punched Lucius in the jaw before wrapping his arms around him and hugging him tightly. He was pissed that his brother had up and left without even telling him that he was going away! That wasn't okay with him, even if Lucius had called him a few times from Brazil. He'd missed his brother terribly and it was all his fault!
Yelping at the fist to his jaw, he narrowed his eyes at the man, rubbing his sore flesh absently. 'Mean." he stated simplistically, continuing to stare down at the other. "I couldn't have told you I was leaving. I left because of you and Severus ... it would defeat the purpose for you to persuade me otherwise."
"But you told Severus!" he argued, pulling a face at his brother and then leaning forward to kiss the spot he'd hit. "And you knew I'd worry, too. And I don't care if we were the cause of it! We still love you and have a right to at least know that you're leaving!" Sighing, Draco kissed his brothers' lips and then lead them into the kitchen for tea. "How was Brazil? Are you feeling better now?"
Lucius blushed faintly while he moved to the kitchen. Sitting down at the table, his arms crossed over his lower torso as he looked over at the two and he nodded. "Yes. I feel better. Caden was a lot of help." he laughed lightly, choosing to just not mention HOW he was helpful.
"W-what?" Tanner looked at his brother oddly. It wasn't that he didn't like Lucius-he did! But they were both on the rebound from very serious relationships (even if Lucius' relationships weren't exclusive). The blond really couldn't see any good coming from this and his first instinct was to protect his brother. "Caden..."

"I didn't say we were in love. We just...find comfort in each other's company. What's wrong with that?"
Relic easily led his nephew into the kitchen that his husband and brother-in-law were speaking. Giggling, he kissed Lucius' cheek before he bounced away to finish one of his outfits for the girls.

Lucius blinked a few times, seeing his uncle's face and his dropped instantly. "He ... told you, huh?" he murmured, slowly making his way into the room and heading over to Caden. He took a hold of the blond's hand, lacing their fingers. He smiled over at his uncle, resting his pink little head against Caden's shoulder. "I like him lots, Uncle Tanner. And he said it: We're not in love. Just ... dating. . . and having sex." he murmured the last bit, not really wanting them to hear that completely.
"Yes, I figured that last bit out." Why not torture the younger blond? Caden wasn't quite so easy to torture. With a sigh, he shook his head. "Caden is a big boy. I love you both dearly and I will try to support you in whatever way I can. Just don't expect your brothers to do the same."

Caden sighed. He knew that the other two thirds of the triplets would be the hardest to tell.
The boy arched a pink brow at the man. "Why should they care? Draco has Brian. I'm sure Sev's found someone or another by now ... or is still rebounding. There's no reason for them to not like me being happy." He stated, a bit of bitter lacing his words as he stared at his uncle. He took in a deep breath and turned to bury his face into the other's arm, just not wanting to think about it fully right now. He loved his brothers, but really, they could not be upset. They had no right to be. Tilting his head back, he looked up at Caden. "Want to go tell them before someone leaks it to them? Or want me to go alone?"
Tanner bit his tongue. It wasn't his place to say anything that his other nephew had confided in him in the past weeks. He sighed and kissed them both, turning to find his husband and vent a little bit.

Looking up, Caden shrugged. "Lets go tell them." He hated having to lie, or hide, anything from anyone. It was just easier this way. "Maybe we can all go out to dinner or something afterwards." Standing, he lead Lucius from the house and towards his own house.
Lucius nodded with a happy little smile to his lips. "Yes. Or at the very least, you and I will get dinner." He stated, leaning up to kiss the other's lips and he wrapped his arms around the other's elbow, hugging him to his form while he led the way through the streets toward his house. They had to be happy for him, right? they just had to be!
Looking up from the food he was preparing when the door opened, Severus smiled at the two. He didn't pay attention to their close proximity-their entire family was "close". There was no need to question. "Hi!" He blew a kiss to each. "I'm attempting chicken cordon bleu for dinner... Interested?"
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