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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"I did say it," he whined softly, pouting. "You just didn't listen..." Severus kissed Lucius a little bit, nipping along his bottom lip as he did so. "So it's not my fault." He gave a rather strong bite to Lucius' bottom lip before settling down, his head on the other man's shoulder. "'m hungry..."
"Read my mind.' he mumbled before looking over him a little bit more. He smirked a moment later. "Wanna go bother Draco and Brian?" he asked, grinning all the more. Oh, it would be lovely to just pester them. Maybe they were mid-coitus! That would only make everything a million and one times better.
"Mmm... Okay." He was feeling better and so what better way to spend the new energy than torturing their brother? Looking up, Severus smiled before kissing Lucius. "I'm glad you came to your senses." After another few kisses, Severus threw the blankets off of them and climbed from the bed and straightened his clothes out before tugging Lucius up, too.
Lucius giggled and leaped up from the bed to pounce onto his brother's back. Arms wrapped around his shoulders, legs around his hips and he happily kissed along his neck a few times. "Don't be that way. I didn't want to hurt Caden. But yes, the trip helped." He said into the other's ear, nipping the flesh a moment after. He smiled, holding onto him a bit more. "Onward!"
Shaking his head, Severus fell back onto the bed and flipped himself over so that they were now chest to chest. He kissed Lucius deeply, wrapping his arms around him and hugging him tightly to his own body. It was another few moments before he was able to tear himself apart from his brother and get himself straightened out again. "Kay. Ready now." Severus lead the way out of the bedroom, or else they'd never make it out, and out of the house.
Lucius grinned, happily kissing the gorgeous man back while they stayed in the bed just a little while more. Holding onto him, he gladly moved off with him, wrapping his arms around his waist as they walked. "Mm .. We can play later." He promised, kissing the other softly before continuing out of the house and adding "After we get food" He smiled while making his way through the streets, far too happy to go pester his brother. Besides, he wanted to let him know he didn't fuck anything else up.
They walked a bit slowly, just enjoying each other. Severus was happy. He had Lucius all to himself, and no one had gotten (very) hurt in the process. And Lucius was feeling better, which was the best news of all, really. When they reached Draco's house, the brunette knocked and walked right in. "Helloooo?"
Lucius looked around before he slowly led the way into the living room. He grinned as he saw Brian on top of his brother, squealing happily. "DRACOOOO!" He chimed, leaping at the two and attaching himself to the long-haired blond's back, gripping him happily. "We've come to take you two out to dinner."

Brian yelped, looking at Lucius and going a lovely red. One would think that, by now, he would get used to being interrupted with Severus for the past month ... But really. This was not something too easy to get used to. And it never had been Lucius. The main issue right now? Thinking about how nice it would be to be between the two in his own little twin sandwich.
Severus giggled, quite obviously very amused with his brother's antics. He looked over to Draco to see not so much amusement in his face as frustration. "God damnit you two! Can't we at least finish before you burst in!" He growled and pulled himself away from his lover, mood totally ruined right then, and went to take a cold shower while mumbling something about nosey brothers who needed to go a month with hardly any spontaneous sex to see how they liked it.
Lucius pouted, looking form the blond he held then back to his brother. Hopping off of the man, he bounded after Draco with a happy little giggle. Leaping onto his back, he held onto the naked male happily. "Awww. Draaaaaccyy! Don't be that way! Sev started it. I figured it would be fun to ruin your mood! maybe we can have an orgy later." Okay. Sad thing? Only halfway kidding on that one. hey, if they agreed: have at it! He had sex with 2/3s of the people already. What's a fourth? Well, a lot. Considering he has only ever had sex with three people... but that was beside the point.
Draco growled. "You don't deserve sex." He dislodged himself from his brother and kept moving towards the shower, mumbling under his breath. Severus moved over to Lucius and nuzzled his neck a little. "I think you deserve sex..." The male bit his brother's neck a little bit while hugging him.
Lucius pouted, staring at his brother while he stormed off. He shivered instantly at the other's teeth to his neck. His hands came to his neck and protected the flesh from the other's teeth. Oh, that month with Caden really made his neck ultra sensitive. Okay, he was more like Pavlov's Dog right now. Bite the neck, he gets horny. NOT a good thing right now. Turning to the other, he leaned up to press a kiss to his lips. "Me too. We can bother his shower time?" He asked before chuckling a bit more.

Brian sighed heavily, standing up from the couch and making his way past the other two. "Glad you're back and happy, Lucius." Turning to Severus, he smiled warmly to him. "And glad you're happy. But if you two interrupt us again, I'll send you to the bottom of Venice's water." He stated, narrowing his eyes at the two before disappearing into the bathroom to pounce his lovely little love in the shower.
Oooh a weak spot. Grinning, Severus exploited that. He bit into Lucius' neck, holding his arms down to his sides and growling. Well if Brian and Draco were having sex upstairs, then there was no reason that he and Lucius couldn't have some down here! So what if it was their brother's house instead of their own?

Groaning, Draco leaned back into Brian as he stepped into the shower with him. "Why am I stuck with them as rothers?" he asked, merely frustrated.
Lucius gasped, his eyes fluttering closed as he felt the other's teeth sink into his neck. He blushed horribly and turned into a little puddle of mush in his brother's grasp. He let out a little moan, leaning up to press his lips into his, nipping at his bottom lip a little bit. "You're mean." he whispered heatedly into his lips, kissing him passionately.

Brian smiled, kissing along the other's neck gently. "Because your parents are weird." He admitted, sliding his hands along the other's hips and pulling the man against his form a bit more. "But oyu love them."
"Am I?" he asked, teeth once more attacking the pliable flesh at Lucius' neck. Severus walked his love over to the sofa and easily laid him down on it before laying atop him. His hips pressed forward and Severus groaned softly. "Seems to me that you're enjoying it..."

Whimpering a little, Draco moved back into his lover's arms, head resting back onto his shoulder. "I do love them. I just wish they'd let us fuck once in a while." His hips pressed backward and he moaned a little.
Lucius moaned into the other with his teeth sinking into his flesh. Oh how cruel that action was. He gasped when suddenly on the sofa, looking up at the ravenette with quite the look of lust and love mixed within his blue eyes. Leaning up, he pressed their lips together in a heated embrace, hips, and his already hard member, bucking into him with a little moan. "Harder ... Bite me harder." he breathed out before going back to kissing him.

Brian grinned as he leaned down to kiss the back of his neck. "I locked the door." he whispered, hand sliding up and along his spine before adding pressure to have him bend over just a bit. His aroused flesh teased the other's entrance, moaning lightly at the sensation. Mm. He truly loved this man, and his body. Nipping at the back of his neck, he buried his face into his shoulder. Not waiting much more, he slid his member into the blond, moaning deeply at the utter relief he felt upon entering the other.
Grinning, Severus kissed his love and pressed his hips further forward. "Taking after Uncle Relic, I see..." That was fine with him. Severus was a big baby when it came to pain, and he enjoyed the thorough control of giving it to someone else. As he broke the flesh on his twin's neck, he gave serious thought to asking Caden to turn him simply to tease Lucius further. Severus' hands worked on their clothes, eventually freeing them both from their confines.

Draco groaned but leaned against the cool tiles, his hips thrust out towards Brian. The blond whimpered when he was entered, head thrown back as he raked his nails over the hard surface he was attempting to grip. He thrust backwards, enticing Brian to move his hips before Draco imploded with frustration.
Lucius gasped deeply, his breath soon being caught in his throat when he felt the crimson liquid trickling down the side of his neck. He moaned out, grinding into the other's form before their clothes were removed. He panted deeply, looking up at the black-haired man and moaning out all the more. His hands slid up and along his chest, only to slid back down to his hips. He yanked him closer to his form, pressing his hardened flesh to the man's thigh and groaning in his frustration.

Brian gladly obeyed the other's thrusts, more than happy to please his lover right now. They both needed it. Really, Severus had done a dandy job of interrupting them practically any time they tried to have sex. Moving into the other, the blond began to pump in and out quite fiercely. His hand slid to the front of Draco, taking a hold of his member and gripping the flesh while his hand rocked back and forth.
Severus easily slid into his brother's body, moaning from the sensations. He continued to nip at Lucius' neck as his hips began to thrust rather shallowly for the moment. The male began to wonder if it was just Lucius' neck that would bring him pleasure from pain, and he dug his nails into the male's chest and scraped down the lovely flesh, leaving angry, red welts.

Moaning, Draco allowed Brian to completely manipulate him. He leaned up and kissed his lover deeply while trying to hold onto the last shred of control he had.
By the time Severus was done with him, he was covered in so many wounds, he had lost track of just how they got there. The only thing he knew was that it all felt so great. He really had no idea why he had not incorporated that sooner, but he definitely realized it was better late than never. Looking up at the other, panting up at him before he leaned up to press a kiss to his lips, groaning a moment later. "Love you."

Brian took in a deep breath, letting his love's scent fill his lungs. He smiled lightly and kissed along his neck a few times with another little groan. Pulling away from the other, he took up the loofah sponge, beginning to scrub up his form from the act they just finished with. How pleasant it was to finally be able to ravage his love without a look-a-like interrupting.
He pressed himself to Lucius and kissed him, happily purring at being so close, and knowing that it was a permanent thing, rather than fleeting. "You look good in red." He was only half teasing, honestly. After a few more kisses, Severus stood and stretched himself out. He helped Lucius up and then set to getting dressed. Draco didn't need to know that they'd defiled his sofa, though he probably would know anyway.

Happily content, Draco purred as he washed himself, too. "I think we'll just have to get a few deadbolts for the front door..." he mused, nuzzling into Brian's neck. The blond really didn't relish the thought of blocking his connection with his brothers.
Lucius let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head a little bit as he slowly slid off the bed. He groaned and headed over to where his pants were. A little stiffly, he tugged his pants onto his hips and then his shirt on his beaten and bruised torso. He made his way over to his brother, burying his face into his neck with a nip at the flesh there. "You realize, they'll know we soiled their couch, right?"

Brian shook his head. "You could never do that." He whispered, kissing his cheek softly before he rinsed his soapy body off. Stepping out of the shower, he pulled a towel around his hips, turning to the other with a little grin. "Come on. They said they would treat us to food."
Severus wrapped himself around Draco completely, claiming him as his own. "I know. But that's not the point." He smiled and kissed his lover softly, nuzzling along his bruised neck a little. Severus had to admit that he was excited by seeing the wounds he'd inflicted upon his brother. "Gonna be okay to go to dinner?"

"I know..." He wished that he could lock his brothers out of the house, but Draco knew that Brian was right. He dried himself off and moved into the bedroom to get dressed, excited to eat. He was hungry and free food was the best kind of food!
Lucius nipped at the other's bottom lip, giving him a simple little nod. "Mhm. Food will make it better." He whispered, leaning up to kiss his lips happily, settling back down onto his feet and he smiled. Eyes lifted to look up at him with a grin. "Don't get too excited, now." He whispered, bumping his hip against his before he slid his hand into his, lacing their fingers happily.

Brian smiled warmly and followed him into their bedroom. Kissing him a few times, he pulled on some pants and a shirt, tugging the other's hand once he was dressed. "Come on. I'm huuuuungry." He said with a little whine to his tone.
Humming happily, Draco pecked a kiss to Brian's lips. Once dressed, he laced their fingers together and lead the way downstairs, only to stop in the doorway to the living room. He eyed his brothers, noticing the redness on Lucius' neck, and then the sofa and floor. It only took one quick swipe of both of their minds to know what had happened. "I swear to god I'm going to run away and never return!"
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