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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

They went from one place to another. Some were the right size, but the very wrong price, and some were the right price but with nowhere near enough space. Remus sighed, starting to feel a little defeated. "Stupid orphanage," he mumbled. Though frustrated, Remus picked up on Romulus' thought waves. "Lets look at the surrounding properties..." He had a vision of several different houses, each with rooms and a kitchen and staff offices, all connected through hallways. Maybe they could begin to build on the surrounding properties and move the kids out of the old building little by little.
"Yes." He agreed, looking over at Pierce, smiling warmly before he turned his attention back to his brother. He let out a soft little sigh, content at the moment right now. "It will be a good thing." He whispered, kissing the man again and then he stopped and turned to look at him. "How about we get some magazines or look on the internet. We can find some houses we like and then go look at them up close. Although, I like the idea of building next to the orphanage. Then we can knock down that building and make it a beautiful yard."
They found a piece of property next to the orphanage that sold to them. Remus felt better when those papers were signed and construction had begun. Their mother and father and brother were already staying with them, half their house turned into a sewing room for Relic and Adamair who were turning out dozes of outfits every time they turned around it seemed. Construction had begun on the building that they were building and now Remus' attention turned to staff.

He found his brother and Pierce and wiggled himself in between the two of them. "We need to start interviews..."
Romulus looked over at the male squishing between them. Arching a brow, he let out a soft little snort. Leaning over, he pressed a kiss to the side of his neck before he groaned a bit. "Must we?" he mumbled, nuzzling him a little more and then nodded. "Fine. We can put out ads in the paper. Maybe a few flyers around town. Unless that would get the scary people... Maybe around a few schools?" He shrugged and then kissed his cheek once more.
He crinkled his nose at the flyers. "Just the ads I think... Maybe Uncle Nikkos will have some contacts in the schools here... It will be nice to be able to offer home-school type classes to the kids, or maybe work with one of the schools like Prometheus to get the kids in there on scholarship." Ideas were flowing through his head as they laid on the sofa together, Remus nuzzling into Pierce's chest as he did so. "We'll need a nurse, too... Chefs... Counselors..."
Romulus listened before he reached over to the side table and took up a pen and pad of paper. Pulling his knees up to his chest, he then turned to the other, jotting down the ideas he had. He rested his form against Remus a little bit more. "Yes. That all sounds... great." he stated, smiling a little bit more. He kissed his cheek before he rested back against his form. "Just things that one needs to be a good student and make something of themselves." He agreed, relaxing against him a little bit more with a giggle.
"A work-study program," he expanded. "The school gives the kids a full scholarship, part of which the kids pay off by working for the school. The younger ones can't, of course, but some janitorial work will do the older ones some good..." Remus bit his lower lip as he thought a bit more. "Mommy and Addy can do an apprenticeship or something with sewing... We'll need investors, too... And not just family... Maybe we can collaborate with dentists and optometrists and orthodontists in the area for the kids..." Sitting up, Remus began to read over his twin's shoulder as he thought. Really, he could be a very good businessman if he tried. He turned to Pierce. "What do you think?"
Romulus beamed. He loved his brother so much. The idea was just SO great. He grinned, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips before he pulled back wit ha simple nod. "mhm. I love it all. We can see if Trevor knows any businessmen here, too. Or Akito. He had been around, so maybe he does." he offered and then nodded. "Out of family helpers would be a good thing too. Otherwise one could think it's sketchy."
Nikkos had given them names and contacts that they could attempt to utilize, and he promised that they could call them whenever they had a question. It was only a few days before they had interviews lined up for all sorts of positions, and Remus was finally beginning to lose his nervousness and gain some excitement over the whole project.
Walking up to the beautiful beach house, a pair of amethyst eyes traveled along everything. Huh. Very, very nice place. This definitely looked promising. Stopping at the door, his hand lifted and his pale knuckles rapped against the door. His arms then folded over his lower torso, staring at the door while he waited. Gideon was just slightly impatient about waiting for them to answer. He was excited about the new job. It would be so much fun.
Yawning, Remus shuffled himself to the door to answer it. He threw the door open with another yawn. "Mmm. Hello. You are..." He tried to focus on the face in front of him, but he was tired. He'd stayed up late the night before to attempt to do some organizing and now the brunette was paying the price. "Oh. Come in." Remus stepped back to allow the man into the home.
"Thanks, gorgeous." Gideon said simply, walking past him and making his way inside. He stood a few feet in front of the beautiful house, looking around with a bit of interest. Hm. Very nice, definitely nice.

Romulus slowly scurried out of the kitchen, gasping as he spotted the man. "oh! You must be Gideon Bynum!" He smiled warmly, holding the tray filled with tea and coffee to his chest while he made his way to the living room. "Come and sit. Pierce is out getting some things, but I think Remus and I can do a well enough job." he said, giggling lightly while he set the tray onto the table.
He shrugged to the comment and scratched his chest a little while closing the door and following their guest into the living room. So what if he was only in pajama pants? This was his house and he was going to dress how he wanted. The brunette sat next to his brother and cuddled into him a little bit, yawning once more. "Do you have your resume?" he asked with a little stretch and then settling back down into Romulus' side.
Gideon followed the two into the house, far too cheerful for the morning. Mainly since he has already had his lovely cup of joe and did not have any plans for the day. Which, basically meant, he was going back home and going to pass out in bed. "Yes. Yes I do." he stated, pulling the resume out and handing it over to the man. His resume really was impressive. Graduated early with highest honors. Two PhDs and working on another in sociology, the first two in Psychology. Worked at a Psych ward right out of college. Moved onto his own private practice, kept that going for a while. "And, to let you know, the reason I don't have my practice anymore is because I moved. My clients were getting better, I stopped taking more, and voila! Came to the land of sunshine, waves, and tans! Not that I ... can do anything with the latter two."
"And so you decided to take a fifty percent pay cut and work at an orphanage?" Remus asked with a raised eyebrow. He was impressed with the resume in front of him but he was confused as to why the man in front of them would give up private practice for an orphanage.
Gideon arched a brow and shrugged his shoulders. "I have enough money to live on in the bank, so why not?" He shrugged once more before he rested against the chair a little bit more. "Besides, orphaned kids need much more help than some snotty little brat who is pissed because Mummy won't let him borrow the car." he rolled his eyes and then looked over at the twins, smiling softly. "That and I like what you're doing. With the orphanage, I mean. my best friend was an orphan and so ... i feel a connection." He rested his hands on the arms of the chair, amethyst eyes staying with the two across from him. "That all right with you?"
He shrugged then nodded. He wasn't going to judge this man--Gideon--on his reasoning, Remus was just being nosy. "I see..." The brunette handed the resume over to Romulus to look at. "What kind of salary are you looking for?" he asked. It wasn't make or break-really with the investors that they'd lined up they could afford to pay Gideon almost anything he wanted, but that wasn't the point right then. The more they paid staff the less they had to put towards the kids in the form of books and technology and the like.
Gideon sunk back into the cushions a little more. His right leg lifted to drape over his left, arms moving to cross over his lower torso as he did so. "Oh. Yea." he chuckled and shook his head a little bit. "It does not matter too much. Twenty an hour? Thirty? Whatever you want that's more than minimum wage." he chuckled softly and then looked over at the one who questioned him. "I'm willing to have my pay start low and increase over time."

Romulus looked over the resume, quite shocked by it all. huh. he really was a catch for this, wasn't he? He remained silent before setting it onto the table. Turning to his brother, he looked him over a bit and then turned back to the man. Yes. He really would like to hire him. "Twenty or so an hour to start should be fine, I think. Increase over time as you said."
Construction was well under way. The woman who had been in charge while they were in the orphanage was gone and, for the time being, he and Romulus were in her place. They knew, though, that sooner or later they'd have to hire someone permanent. Gideon was working out splendidly. The children seemed to love him (or loved looking at Remus was guilty of partaking in that pleasure, too) and opened up to him easily. All was going well, and the construction on their first new building would be done in just a few more weeks. Remus, for once, was excited about the prospect of this project.
Gideon made his way through the orphanage, searching for the twins. He poked his head into the boys' office, smiling charmingly to the other. "Hey Remus!" He said cheerfully and then moved into the room, clapping his hands together with his excitement. "how are you today?" he asked before waving his hand in the air absentmindedly. "no matter. You know that little blond boy? Jack, Jackie ... I think ... slash kind of know that one of the men who used to work here abused him."
Looking up, Remus blushed just slightly at the thoughts that had been going through his head about this very same man not three seconds before. The brunette shook his head to free himself from the thoughts and then looked up. He thought for a minute, working through the irrational thoughts of beating the crap out of someone. "You're under obligation to report it to the police..." He thought a little more. "Talk to the child first-explain it to him. And if there's any problem, then Romulus or I will talk to him." What else could he do? The fact that this wasn't an isolated incident made it worse.
Gideon nodded, sitting down in front of him and he scooted up a little more. His eyes stayed to the other and he straightened up a little bit more. "Yes. I figure I will talk to him tomorrow. When he has stopped crying. Poor thing. Broke down so horribly. but! At least he has a friend to support him." He shrugged before sinking lower into the seat, looking at the male and then glancing about. "Oi. Where's your mirror image?" He asked, looking back over at him. "You two seem to be joined at the hip. You know, your relationship is marveling from a psychiatrist's perspective. It's just amazing you three have been together for, how long? Sixteen years was it?"
"Seventeen," he answered absently, shifting through paperwork on his desk. Remus couldn't talk to Gideon about relationships when he was thinking such things! "And you?" he asked. "I know you've been sneaking about with the math tutor." Not that he cared...much. Mostly, Remus was jealous.
Gideon arched a brow at the man. "Oh? You care about my love life?" he teased before grinning with a little shrug of his shoulders. "It's just a little ... stress-reliever, to be blunt and honest. I like him as a friend. He's fun to be around, fun to play with too. Just ... well, that's beside the point! Besides, my love life's not nearly as interesting as yours is. Again. Two loves, one is your twin, it's just so very intriguing." He grinned and shrugged his shoulders before leaning toward the man. His arms crossed and rested on top of the desk while he looked him over a little more. "How does that go? Really. I'm curious."
Looking up, Remus realized that he hadn't ever thought about it. They just...worked. He said so. "Pierce just...fits with us. We love him just as deeply as we love each other and we know that we have two lovers, but... Well we all treat the relationship as anyone else would with one lover." He wasn't sure if it made sense to Gideon. Really, he didn't think anyone could understand hi relationship with Romulus and Pierce unless they were in a similar relationship.
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