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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Remus had his own swollen lump when he saw their guest, but it was a fair bit more south than his twin's. The brunette was glad for the kitchen counter that he stood behind for the time being. Smiling, he greeted Gideon and set out a wine glass for him. "Red? White? Champagne?" Three bottles were set on ice for their evening, though Remus had a pretty good feeling that they wouldn't get much past dinner before the party headed in a different direction.
"You have to ask?" He questioned, chuckling as he took a hold of the red wine. Pouring himself a glass, he held it out to Romulus, smiling a little bit more. With a wink when he took it, he then reached over and got himself his own glass. Pouring it once more, he sipped the wine happily. ah. Tonight was definitely going to be interesting.

Pierce soon came into the room as well, looking over the others and he smiled. Unlike his counterparts, he did not dress up anything special. Blue jeans, a nice vertical striped button down, and yet, he looked really good. "Hello Gideon. Lovely to see you again." He stated, a very faint pink to his cheeks as he walked over to Romulus to steal a sip of the wine.
Smiling, Remus poured and sipped his own glass of wine as he cooked. The wine helped his erection to go away, thankfully, and the brunette was finally able to move around the counter to greet their guest. "So we were thinking of building a small one level building on property to the east of the main building for a psychiatric center. Sooner or later, you'll need a partner and that will mean a waiting room and another office..." Yes. Small talk kept his mind off ravaging the redhead in front of them.
Gideon turned to him, a pout to his lips. "Aww. But I so love being close to you guys" He grinned and then nodded. With a sip to his wine, he rested the glass against his revealed lower torso absently. "That sounds lovely, though. Not sure about the partner deal, though the office sounds nice. Either that or just a really comfy big room. Comfy anyway. It's annoying to go see a therapist and feel stiff... Or too tired. It's a real balance." he chuckled and then smiled at Pierce. "Don't you look adorable?" he asked, grinning even more with the bunny blushing. Aww!
Smiling, Remus moved behind Pierce and wrapped his arms around the man's waist and nuzzled into his shoulder. "When we're ready to build, you'll have final approval over the design plans...within reason." The brunette felt completely and totally at ease with Pierce and Romulus, and he was glad to notice that there wasn't too much awkwardness with Gideon there.
Pierce smiled, resting his hands on top of his love's hands, trailing his fingertips along the back of his hands and he relaxed with him there.

Romulus looked over at the food before he made his way toward the stove. He set his wine glass down and then took up the spoon to poke at the items in the frying pan.

Gideon grinned. "Thanks." He said happily, quite glad to hear the fact that he would get to have the final say. He really was glad wit that. He needed some sort of Zen or something. Ooo. Maybe a Chinese style! That would be nice. He pushed the thoughts aside and looked back at the two in front of him, grinning a little more. "I like that. I'm so glad you guys hired me!"
Remus kissed a little line up the back of Pierce's neck before pulling away to go check on dinner where he greeted his twin in the same manner. "Can't we eat dessert before dinner?" he whined softly, teasing with a little nip to his earlobe and a thrust of his hips. The brunette's wings fluttered happily here and there as he pressed himself closer to Romulus.
Pierce shivered slightly at the other's kisses. His hand lifted to rest and rub at the back of his neck, blushing a little bit more. He shook his head and turned his attention to Gideon, smiling warmly to him.

Romulus gasped softly, his eyes staring at the pan in front of him. He poked at it absently and shook his head a bit to his brother's words. "Behave." he commented, whacking the other on the nose playfully. He pressed a kiss to his lips and then gently pushed him away from his back. "Stop poking me.' he shook his head a bit and then went back to the pan. "We have a guest." he said shortly.

Gideon shook his head "no no. Please continue ... Don't mind me at all." He grinned and let out a little chuckle.
He pouted when he was pushed away. "You usually don't mind, either." Remus whimpered a little and then moved away fully to continue cooking. The brunette put the rice on to boil, and he added some garlic sauce to the chicken and vegetables in the frying pan. He added a splash of the white wine, too. He was bustling around in the kitchen, half talking to himself as he did so, and leaving his two loves to entertain their guest for the time being.
Romulus shook his head a bit, kissing his brother before walking past him to go to set the table up. It did not take long before they were all seated at the table and chatting away about this and that -- mostly the orphanage. That was their common ground after all, and Gideon still seemed a bit troubled about that boy he had been speaking to earlier. It was good to see that he cared so much, really, it was.

AT the end of the meal, Gideon groaned softly. "Delicious." He commented as he stood up. Arms stretching above his head with a soft little grumble. He took his plate and then gathered up the others' to make his way to the kitchen to put it away. "So, what's for dessert?" he asked, a little grin to his lips as he turned to look at the trio, still in the ktichen.
Dinner really was lovely. Remus enjoyed himself, and the company, as they chatted and ate. The brunette was grateful for Pierce sitting next to him. He made use of his lover's hand, holding it through dinner to try and ground himself; to keep himself from jumping across the table and pouncing on their dinner guest.

"Dessert?" he questioned, sitting back and finishing off his second glass of wine. "Oh, we make our guests work for their dessert..." He grinned at Gideon.
Gideon stared at the male and chuckled softly. He shook his head a little bit more. "no wonder you don't have many guests." He stated and shrugged his shoulders a bit more. He then moved through the cupboards and to the refrigerator. "You know ... You're not very well at hiding your emotions, your wants." He stated absently, glancing through the things and bending over just slightly to look at it all. "The way you're dressed. How you still can't let go of Pierce's hand. Your voice being an octave higher than normal." He chuckled with a little smirk to his lips. "You want me."
Remus shrugged. He wasn't actually trying to hide his want for the other man, simply downplay its intensity. By not knocking Gideon to the ground and screwing the life out of him, he thought that he was doing a pretty good job of that. Besides, wasn't that what dinner was all about? Having him over to get their hands on him? And didn't his display in Gideon's office give away his wants? The brunette shook his head and watched the obvious show that was being put on for them.

"You're complaining?"
"Not at all." He stated, straightening up and then took a hold of the can of whipped cream. He grinned, shaking it up a bit and then turned on his heel to look over at the trio, smirking a bit more. "Well then! Let's not beat around the bush. How about some whipped cream topped over the little bunny?"
Pouting slightly, Remus looked up at the redhead. "What about me?" He leaned over and kissed Pierce. "Not that you're not lovely in whipped cream."

Several hours later, the four of them were in a heap on their bed. All four were breathless and sticky, and Remus for one couldn't really tell which of the eight limbs were his own. Did it really matter? All he wanted to do at that point was sleep. Looking up at the man whose chest was currently his pillow, the brunette smiled at Gideon, kissing him softly. "I think that was the best dessert we've ever been presented with."
Gideon groaned softly, so very exhausted. It was great. all of it was. He had no idea half of what went on, just a flurry of pleasure. Who was with whom, who was in whom, oh he did not even realize until just now, feeling his rear sore, that someone had been penetrating him. He looked down at the male using his heaving chest as a pillow, chuckling softly. "Mm. I've had better.' He teased, grinning a little bit more. "Would have made it the best if we had chocolate ... ooo and strawberries." he groaned at the thought, not wanting to move at all.

Romulus blushed faintly, cuddling up next to the blond and he hugged him happily. A warm smile pulling at his lips and he giggled lightly to Gideon's comment. "next time we'll go shopping before." He offered and let out another little giggle, relaxing into the other's form.

"next time, ay?" Gideon commented, getting a slightly wary look from Romulus. he chuckled and shook his head. "Sounds like a date." he mumbled, curling into Remus a bit more. He soon stopped and straightened up a bit. Taking a hold of the brunette's shoulders, he pulled the other up a bit and then stood from the bed. Tugging him to the edge he had just been on, he climbed over the other to wiggle between him and Pierce, sighing contently. "Much better." He murmured, his arms sliding around Remus' form and he pulled the other against his chest with a nuzzle into his neck. "Good night, sexy trio"
Pouting when he was moved, Remus watched Gideon get up. The brunette was about to protest when the redhead settled himself in the middle of them. Smiling a little, he settled into the man's arms contently and snuggled into the bed beneath him. Reaching up, Remus took one of Pierce's ears in his hand and stroked the soft fur, perfectly content with his bedmates for the night. The brunette even found himself wondering if the four of them really would wind up together in a relationship, or if Gideon was a passing fancy. He shrugged to himself and fell asleep, unable to help himself.
When morning came, Romulus was the first to wake. Looking over at the others, he smiled lightly. Truly, it was a good thing they had a King sized bed. Kissing Pierce, then his brother, he slid from the bed to take a very quick shower. Cleaning up himself properly, he made his way back over to his dresser. Pulling on a pair of pajama pants, he then slid into a button down white shirt. turning to the bed, he squeaked, hand leaping to his heart as he stared at Gideon. "Good morning, Gideon" he said, giving him a small bow.

The redhead pouted. "Why don't I get a kiss?" he asked, having been awake then, but just wanted to sleep a little bit more. He slowly stood up from the bed, crawling over Remus in order to do so.

Blushing, he shrugged his shoulders. "Habit ... I suppose. Sorry." He said, staring up at the taller man who was now in front of him. He remained silent for a while until he slowly stood up to press a faint kiss to his lips. "There." he said, patting the naked man's chest as he began to take a step past him.

Gideon took a hold of the other's wrist, pulling him back and pressing a passionate kiss to his lips before he pulled back. "That's better." He whispered and then looked to the room the other came from. "Oo... bathroom!" He turned on his heel and happily made his way into the bathroom.

Romulus stared at the man before getting slightly weak in the knees. "Far too sexy..." he whispered, turning and making his way out of the room to start up breakfast.
Groaning, Remus stretched himself out a bit as his twin's kiss woke him up. He was still rather groggy and didn't want to get out of bed just yet, though. The brunette watched the interactions between Romulus and Gideon and smiled to himself. Once they were both out of the room, he kissed his bunny-eared lover and then got up and dressed, moving down to the kitchen with his brother.

He wrapped his arms around the other man's waist and kissed the side of his neck softly. "A little weird?" he asked, nuzzling into the warm flesh.
Romulus turned to look at his brother and nodded gently to his question. "Yes." He admitted, leaning down to kiss his lips softly, he soon straightened up again to turn his attention to the French Toast he was making for hte household.
Remus nuzzled his brother a little bit more. "You're okay though, right?" he asked, concerned about his twin's comfort level with a fourth male within their trio. Waiting for the answer, Remus moved to set the table and then fry up bacon for them to go with the French toast.
He nodded, smiling warmly at the other. "Yes." He said softly, eyes to his brother and he smiled a little bit more. "It's strange, but ... feels right." He admitted, blushing a little more and then went back to the French toast.
Smiling, Remus pulled his brother to him and kissed him, arms wrapping tightly around Romulus' waist. "I love you, Rommy." Leaning forward, the brunette nipped at his lover's collar bone before releasing him so they could both finish cooking. "Think they're going another round up there without us?" he asked after a few minutes passed and neither Pierce nor Gideon had made their appearance.
Romulus looked over at their stairs before slowly turning back to the man beside him. "I do not know. Maybe?" He said simply and shrugged his shoulders a little bit. "Do you really mind if they are?" He asked, smiling a little to the male. Personally, he did not really mind right now. If Pierce could handle another round, then good for him. Personally, he really, really could not. He was far too frail for another bit... espeically with Gideon. Oh, that man was far too gorgeous.
Thinking about it, Remus shrugged. "A little jealous perhaps?" He laughed a little and then put the bacon on the table along with the butter and syrup. "I don't know about you but I'm eating without them." The brunette poked his tongue out towards the staircase even though the two upstairs couldn't see him. "Maybe we can sketch out some plans for the south property today..." Remus loved Saturdays. Their staff handled all the goings on at the orphanage and that left himself and Romulus and Pierce free to take care of themselves, or other projects that they had been putting off. "We break ground next week..."
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