Gideon chuckled softly with a little shake of his head. "He's very cute, mind you. It's his guilt that makes him come after me. Eh. He should just leave me be." He said and shrugged his shoulders before glancing back at the dumbfounded male in the cafe. "He was nice at one point. Then he got greedy and paranoid. Thought that I was cheating, which by the way, is never going to be true. I don't cheat. He then just went off the deep end and started to sleep with my best friend at the time. then a few of my patients. It was baaad." He sighed heavily and then turned to look down at Romulus who looked so very concerned. He gave him a reassuring smile and a simple kiss. "It's worse that I really did love him, but well ... Everything happens for a reason. Had he not fucked over my business, literally, I would never have come to Australia and met you lovely bunch."
Pierce happily walked beside Remus, kissing his cheek softly as he saw him looking back at the brunette. He shook his head a little bit and then paid attention to Gideon's little tale. Ah. That was ... definitely an interesting story. Really, there was quite a bit about this man that they did not know. Then again,he never seemed to hide anything, just never really told them upfront. But, well, that was normal. There was plenty he did not know about them. Heck, he was not even sure if he knew they had children.