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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He shrugged. "Why do you say that?" he asked, smiling. "Maybe you just couldn't give him what he wanted. And bunny boys are not freaks, thank you. One of my very good friends is half bunny and I'd thank you to not insult him in front of me." So what if that friend was the same man in the picture and his lover? It wasn't time for this weirdo to know that yet. "Why do you care? If a stranger's heart is broken, I mean."
"Because! He crushes you. Makes it so you can never love another and then just leaves without another care!"

"Um. No. YOU left ME after I found YOU with my ex-best friend. Thank you very much. Oh, and we're not including the things you've done to my patients." Gideon strolled up behind the brunette and then made his way over to Remus. Pressing a soft kiss to his lips, he straightened back once more, looking down at his boyfriend and sighing heavily. "He's a reason I left my practices, by the way." He murmured before turning to the man across from them. "Why are you stalking me?"

"WHAT?!" The man pulled back, glaring at the brunette before turning to look at Gideon once more. "He doesn't deserve you! You're too bad for him. You need to come back to me! We worked so well before."

Pierce moved over to the table as well, glancing behind him and he then looked back to the other two. "Romulus is worried." He said, a bit of concern in his own tone. He moved over to Remus, kissing his cheek softly and then looking to the stranger. "can I help you?"
He giggled at Pierce. "Rommy always worries." Standing, Remus wrapped his arms around both men, pulling them to him tightly and looking towards the stranger. "He broke your heart yet you want him back?" He nodded and turned to Gideon. "He would make you a lot of money if you made him a patient of yours..." Shaking his head, the brunette returned his attention to the other man. "Like I said. You obviously didn't have the equipment to satisfy our lover so just be on your way."
Gideon grinned. Ah. He definitely adored these men. They were so very great to him. Just everything was wonderful. He kissed Remus softly before leaning over to kiss Pierce. "He does worry too much." he admitted and then shrugged his shoulders. He kept a grip onto Remus, looking down at the brunette and smirking even more.

"Remus!" Romulus came running to the trio, his eyes truly showing his concern about his brother. "You left so suddenly." He stated, coming to a stop beside Gideon, not even realizing the other man.

Smirking even more, Gideon's free arm scooped up Romulus' form and pulled him against his chest to press a passionate kiss to his lips. He then grinned and looked at his ex. "Twins and a bunny. What more does a guy need?" Chuckling, he took a hold of Romulus, scooping him up into his arms and he sighed heavily. "Stop worrying." He assured, kissing his cheek before making his way past the brunette. "Stay out of my life. I'm quite happy now, and don't plan on leaving my little trio."
Giggling, Remus watched the man who had approached him as he nuzzled into Gideon's shoulder while they walked away. "Do we need to know about anymore stalkers that are going to come after us?" he asked, stepping away just enough so that it was easier to walk. He took Pierce's hand as they walked, lacing their fingers together. "It's too bad he's dumb and stalkerish...he was kind of cute..." The brunette looked back over his shoulder for a second.
Gideon chuckled softly with a little shake of his head. "He's very cute, mind you. It's his guilt that makes him come after me. Eh. He should just leave me be." He said and shrugged his shoulders before glancing back at the dumbfounded male in the cafe. "He was nice at one point. Then he got greedy and paranoid. Thought that I was cheating, which by the way, is never going to be true. I don't cheat. He then just went off the deep end and started to sleep with my best friend at the time. then a few of my patients. It was baaad." He sighed heavily and then turned to look down at Romulus who looked so very concerned. He gave him a reassuring smile and a simple kiss. "It's worse that I really did love him, but well ... Everything happens for a reason. Had he not fucked over my business, literally, I would never have come to Australia and met you lovely bunch."

Pierce happily walked beside Remus, kissing his cheek softly as he saw him looking back at the brunette. He shook his head a little bit and then paid attention to Gideon's little tale. Ah. That was ... definitely an interesting story. Really, there was quite a bit about this man that they did not know. Then again,he never seemed to hide anything, just never really told them upfront. But, well, that was normal. There was plenty he did not know about them. Heck, he was not even sure if he knew they had children.
"That's true..." Remus shrugged a little, feeling a bit less bad for the man now. If it weren't for him, they wouldn't have Gideon and that would be a shame. Leaning up, the brunette kissed the redhead softly and then nuzzled his cheek with a soft little purr of affection. "That would have been just terrible." They walked for a bit, Remus resting his head against Pierce's shoulder as they did so. It was turning out to be a nice day, and it was even nicer when a bunny boy with his and Romulus' hair and eyes and nose popped up in front of them, bouncing.

Gideon jumped back a bit at the male. His eyes widening as he did so. "It's a bunny-eared Remus!" He gasped, his eyes just staring at the male. Oo... Very lovely. Confusing, but lovely!

Romulus perked up instantly. Jumping out of the man's arms, he made his way over to the boy. "Ryan!" He chimed, hugging the male happily and kissing his cheek gently. "Come now. Let us go feed you. You look much too skinny." he stated and then hugged him once more. Before caring to answer any questions, he turned their son around and began to lead him off toward the house. He did not care about Gideon's confusion at the moment. He cared about their son.
"Skinny?" Ryan looked down at himself and shrugged. Sure, he was thin but not sick looking! "But Dad! I have work and I just wa--" Remus cut him off.

"Don't argue. You'll be on time for work." He shook his head and took Gideon's hand as well to start explaining their very early and trying pregnancy in the start of their relationship while their grown son began to argue with his mother. It was an odd conversation, really. Not because they were boys or so young or Pierce had birthed eight children, but because he hadn't even thought that their new lover wouldn't know about that part of their history.
Gideon arched a brow. "Really?" he asked, looking at the boy before once more back to the male beside him. "Can I keep him?" He grinned, not totally meaning it, but that boy definitely was a sexy one.

Pierce sighed lightly as he followed the two in side. "Ryan, do not argue with your father. You know how he gets." He said softly, kissing his cheek before he sat back down on the kitchen table. He remained where he was, arms crossing over his lower torso and he kept his eyes to the two. Oh how he so loved to watch his lovers be parents.

Romulus nodded, leading his child to the table and making him sit down. "You will be fine. Work can wait. Your parents come first." He kissed his cheek once more and then took out some deli meats and bread to give to his little baby.
"Keep him as in treat him like your own son, yes. Keep him as in ravage and rape him? No. No you may not." Remus stuck his tongue out at Gideon. Turning to Ryan while Romulus made him a sandwich. "Ryan, this is Gideon. He...uh..." The brunette struggled to find the words to describe Gideon's relationship with the three of them. "He's---"

Looking over, the brunette bunny eared boy smiled and hopped off of the stool to throw his arms around Gideon's neck. "STEPDADDY!"
Gideon pouted. He stared at Remus, whimpering a little bit as he looked down at the shorter brunette. "Why not?" He asked in a small little whine. He soon squeaked when there were arms around his form. Looking down at him, he smirked a little but soon shook the thoughts aside. "Fine. I'll be stepdaddy." he shrugged his shoulders, hugging him back and then moved toward the seat. "now sit before you give Romulus a heart attack."
Smiling, Ryan sat back down and began to eat the lunch his father had put out for him. He had to admit that he really did appreciate the food that his parents shoveled down his throat whenever they saw him-it was difficult living on your own! Well, with your two brothers and one sister, anyway. After eating three quarters of the food, Ryan looked to Romulus. "Can I go to work now?" he asked a bit pathetically. "I promise we'll come visit really soon!"
Gideon watched the other leave before he turned to look at the three, brows furrowed as he did so. "Either your boy is a schizo or ... You have more kids?" He asked, staring at the others with interest.

Romulus turned to Pierce and then once more to Romulus. He sighed softly and shook his head a little bit. "Didn't you tell him?" he whispered, kissing his brother's cheek before picking up their son's leftovers and bringing them to the kitchen to get rid of them. It really was lovely to see his son again. Oh. He missed his babies!
"I was afraid-ish?" he asked, giving a sheepish smile. Sighing, Remus looked at Gideon. "We have... Hmmm. Pierce was pregnant with eight. Sergei and Gabriel-Gabriel is Uncle Rune's and Mom's brother-adopted two, and Uncle Rune and Uncle Calder adopted two... We have Ryan, Molly, Katsurou--Kat, that is, and Iah." Taking a deep breath, Remus slouched against his brother and kissed his cheek. "We'll set up a mandatory dinner," he promised.
EIGHT?! Turning to Pierce, he shrugged. "I believe it." He then walked over to the blond, forcing him up from the chair and then tugged up his shirt to examine his form -- making the bunny blush. "Don't see it at ALL!" he added, leaning forward to trail his fingers along the other's flesh, smirking at the shiver. "you're so cute!" He stated, wrapping his arms around the other's form, hugging him happily and he turned to look at the two, smiling softly. "Lovely! So ... Going to be a stepdaddy to four?" He asked, a grin to his lips and he chuckled softly.

Romulus nodded. "Yes. Make my babies come back."
Nodding, Remus promised his love that he would make them all come home to see them. He kissed Romulus softly, drawing it out a bit before pulling away to nuzzle at his neck softly. "This weekend, okay?" he offered with a little nip to the male's earlobe. "We'll call them tonight and tell them to be here." The brunette knew that all three of them missed their children, even though they only lived fifteen minutes away from each other.
Romulus nodded. He so loved how his brother could read his mind. Kissing him back, he pulled away with a warm smile to his lips. "Yes. Thank you." He whispered, kissing him again, a little shorter than before, and turned to look at the other two. "I'm starting to think you favor Pierce."

Gideon perked up, turning to look at the twins and he beamed with a little shake of his head. "How could I when I have twins?! You cannot tell me you don't want to pounce him every single time he blushes?! He is so adorable! Little bunny boy." he kissed Pierce's lips before walking over to the twins. Leaning down, he kissed their lips back and he pulled away to wiggle between them. His arms wrapped around their shoulders, hugging them to his form and he grinned. "Do you two wish to disappear upstairs? I'm sure Pierce would not mind..."
Watching Pierce, Remus grinned a bit at the proposition. He turned to Gideon and licked over his neck, hands slipping beneath the waistband of the man's jeans just slightly. "I think we should just move to the sofa," he whispered loudly enough for everyone to hear. Oh, he loved to tease their little bunny! "It would cause Bunny to blush that much more, you know..." The brunette nipped at the other man's ear a bit harshly.
Oh how Gideon adored Remus. He was far too much fun to play with. And he so loved it when the other was ingenious to tease Pierce even more.

Before they knew it, the weekend was here and well, Gideon actually had a few things he had to do before dinner. He kissed his lovers good bye before scurrying out of the house to go to the orphanage. He just needed to talk to a few children. Then! he could head on back and meet their family, apparently. Really, that was so very strange to think of.

Knocking on the door, Molly patiently waited for her parents to answer the door. Her ruby-red eyes peering up at the door, blond bunny ears perked up high above her blond locks. A lovely white dress fitted beautifully to her form.
Following their sister up to the door, the two bunny eared brunettes and one winged blond stood on the stoop, waiting. Well, until Kat-the blond-huffed and simply walked inside. Hey! This was their house too! They grew up here! Ryan and Iah followed their brother into the house, Iah taking a hold of Molly's hand and tugging her inside.


Remus perked up and bustled out to the main entrance to greet their children.
Molly smiled, gladly following behind the other to make her way into their parents' house. She beamed at seeing Remus, perking up even more "Daddy!" She chimed, bouncing over to him to wrap her arms around his form, hugging him happily.

Pierce soon followed Remus into the living room, smiling a little bit more to the four that were there. "Hey." He said happily, kissing their cheeks. "Romulus is in the kitchen... I'm sure he'll come soon. Once he's done fussing over dinner.' He hugged the boys before ruffling their hair playfully. Oh, he really did miss their children!
All three boys greeted their parents, hugging them tightly. Their other father was missing, though, and Kat wasn't having any of it. He knew that Romulus was the main reason they were here! Not that being at their parents house for dinner was a punishment, but still. Romulus had been the one who wanted to see them. The blond moved into the kitchen and, waiting for his father to be done with the frying pan, he scooped the man up over his shoulder and carried him out to greet his siblings. "Hi Dad!"
Romulus squeaked, his eyes going wide as he was being hauled off into the other room. His arms wrapped around his son's shoulders, holding him to his form as he looked down at the blond "Kat! What... What are you doing!?" He gripped the other's shirt tightly, not wishing to be dropped onto the floor. Oh how that would be horrible. He just wanted to see his children -- not be dragged off by them!

Pierce perked up, looking over at the two and he sighed softly. "Kat ... I realize your father is light, but do you need to carry him so easily?" He asked, smiling gently at the boy, smiling even more.
"He wanted to see us!" Kat argued, easily setting Romulus on the ground, firmly on his feet. "Hiding in the kitchen while we're here isn't acceptable." The blond stuck his tongue out at all three of his parents before hugging their father and kissing his cheek softly. "Hi, Dad."

Laughing, Remus swatted Kat's arm as he stepped away and their other children greeted Romulus. "Lets have a glass of wine while dinner cooks?" he suggested, herding them all into the kitchen.
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