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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Romulus nodded and pressed a kiss to the other's lips once more. He pulled back again. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he looked him over a little bit. "You're cute when you're jealous." he teased, kissing him again and he nodded to his words happily.

Gideon soon came down the stairs, his arms stretching above his head and he let out a soft little groan as he looked over the two. Kissing their cheeks, he straightened and then made his way over to the table "Ooo! BACON!" He smiled as he plopped down and took up a slice, chomping on it happily.
Kissing the redhead hello, Remus continued to eat, beckoning his brother to join them. Romulus had cooked them all breakfast-he needed to sit and relax for a little bit. They'd had a very taxing night. "Is Pierce awake?" he asked, picking apart a piece of French toast to eat.
Gideon shrugged nonchalantly, reaching forward to take a piece of Toast and then pulling it apart and he popped the piece into his mouth. "He was." He commented, smirking a moment later. "He was just too cute when he was all groggy." he chuckled softly and took another bit of his toast off and ate it happily.

Making his way into the house, Adamair groaned lightly. A suitcase in his arms as he moved into the kitchen. Dropping the case in front of him, he stared over at the twins and his eyes narrowed at them. "There! Mom's outfits are finished. Mine too. He made me cart them here before going to Japan. So ... There." He kissed Remus' cheek before straightening up once more.
"Oooh!" Remus greeted his brother happily before tearing into the suitcase to see what their mother and brother had done for them. The clothes nearly exploded out of the bag as the brunette giddily dug into them, oohing and ahhing over each piece that he held up to examine. He looked up from the living room floor. "Thank you, Addy!" He gave the other male a cheesy smile and began to neatly fold the clothes into piles. "Would you like breakfast before you go?"
Adamair stared at him for a moment before he groaned lightly. "I want my fiance." He stated, sitting down beside the redhead nonetheless. He was hungry. He took a piece of French toast and plopped that down before he turned to the man beside him. "Who ... are you?" He asked, eyes narrowing a little bit more.

Gideon grinned as he looked at the male beside him. "Gorgeous runs in the family, huh?" He smirked as he leaned toward the blond a little bit more. "Sooo... Are you in a polygamous relationship too?"

Looking over at the man, he snorted. "Like hell. he's mine, and mine alone. and I don't share. Ever." He narrowed his eyes a bit more at the man. "Neither does Alex. You can share my big brothers, but I'll beat you senseless if you hurt them"
Laughing, Remus ruffled Adamair's hair a little and sat back down as well. "You're going to see Alex so why are you pouting?" he asked, giving Gideon a kick under the table. "No hitting on our family." The brunette stuck his tongue out at the redhead and continued to eat. "Come sit down, Rommy..."

He didn't get more than one bite in his mouth before standing up again and moving upstairs to find Pierce. "Heeeere Bunny Bunny Bunny!" he teased, laughing at himself.
Romulus moved to sit across from his brother, smiling softly to the blond as he took a piece of French toast for himself. He poured some syrup on top before beginning to cut off pieces to eat.

Gideon pouted. "Well, make your family less stunning, and then I could contain myself."

Pierce was, once more, passed out in the bed. Gideon had not lied. He had pounced him again. The little bunny-eared man had meant to get up and shower a bit, but before he could do much more than sit up, there was a redhead pouncing him and by hte time he realized just what was going on, it was far too late to stop anything. Hearing one of his love's voice, he nuzzled into the pillow just a bit more. His ears fell into his head, pressing tightly to try and stop the sound from disturbing him.
Grinning, Remus shook his head and climbed up onto the bed. "Oh no." The brunette nuzzled into the soft ear and pressed a kiss to Pierce's cheek, then jaw, then neck. "We have to be up... So do you..." Remus easily snuggled his way into Pierce's side, kissing his lips softly while his fingers explored the man's back and rear end. "Rommy made French toast..."
The male shook his head a little bit, burying his face into the pillow a little bit more. He squeaked softly with the male touching his rump. He rear lifted into the air just slightly before he turned to look at Remus. His eyes looking ever so pathetic and tired as he did so. "I ... don't know where he gets the energy." He murmured, leaning forward and bury his face into his love's neck.
Chuckling, Remus kissed Pierce's forehead and hugged him closely. "I thought you could keep up with anyone, Bunny." Kissing Pierce's lips once more, the brunette gently eased them both up off of the bed. "Lets shower?" A warm and relaxing shower-with no sex!-would help to wake them both up a little more fully. He hoped.
"I have to keep up with the two of you ... That is where my energy goes." He whispered, kissing the other's lips before he nodded. Sliding off the bed with the brunette, he sighed softly. Oh. he really did ache. His ears flopped against the top of his head and he took the other's hand, taking him over to the bathroom. a nice shower would do them both some good.
They showered, Remus tenderly washing each inch of his lover's body and spending an inordinate amount of time on Pierce's ears. Oh how he loved the blond's ears. Twenty minutes later they were dried and dressed and ready to go downstairs. "What do you think?" the brunette asked, wrapping his arms around Pierce's arm. "He fits in pretty nicely so far...right?"
Pierce nodded to his love, his ears still a little droopy on top of his head, but he seemed to be a little more awake than he had been. He held onto the other and made his way through the house. "I think so too. He fits in ... very nicely." He admitted, kissing his love before they moved into the kitchen. He stopped, seeing Adamair and growing a little concerned -- until he saw the clothes. "Thank you, Addy." he said, kissing the boy's cheek before he moved to the chair, sitting beside Remus and kissing his cheek gently. "Morning, love."

Gideon pouted. "Why don't I get a kiss? Or a good morning?"

"because you're a cranky old fart." Adamair retorted, shooting the redhead a glare. "Stop torturing my brothers. You're lucky they shared and opened up to bring you into their circle" he growled before standing up. "i'm going to Japan. I'm frustrated now." he sighed heavily, kissing his brothers' cheeks and then hugging Pierce before making his way out to leave.
Smiling Remus stuck his tongue out at Gideon. "Because," he answered simply, tearing apart another piece of French toast. "You've only been in our bed once... So far..." The last two words were muttered softly with a little smirk on his lips as he continued to eat. He smiled at Gideon and licked the extra syrup off of his fingers a bit suggestively. That was only after, of course, saying good bye to Adamair.
Reaching over, Gideon took a hold of the other's wrist, pulling him to his form to trail his tongue along the last bit of syrup left upon his slender digits. He pulled back and looked over at the man once more. "If you're willing, I'm more than honored, prepared, happy, ready to give you more times in your bed." He stated, kissing the other's knuckles before he let the limb fall back into the other's lap. "Another day. Today, I have to go tell little Jackie that that bloody pedo is going to get my foot up his ass. see how HE likes it. Little-- ugh!" He shook his head before standing up from the table once more.

"Thank you for a beautiful breakfast, and an even better night. You have my number. If you need me, or want me, call and I'll come running." With a wink, he kissed each of the trio's lips before he turned to make his way out of the room. He was already dressed and ready for the day, far too happy for what he was going to go do.
Remus whimpered softly with the tongue on his fingers, and flopped into Pierce's side once the front door shut behind Gideon. "So fucking hot..." Leaning up he kissed his lover a bit and then turned back to finish his breakfast. The brunette turned to both men, looking for reactions or opinions or both. He was excited about Gideon and he could only hope that his lovers were, too. After he found out, the they could get to discussing the plans for their new building.
Romulus' heart fluttered on his brother's behalf. Really. That man just had something about him. He could not pinpoint it, but really, he wanted to ravage him once more. Oh, a one-on-one session with him ... MUST be so pleasurable. He stared at the door before turning to his brother. He nodded a bit and blushed faintly. he flopped onto the other side of Pierce, a soft little whimper passing his lips. "He is." He admitted in a whisper, eyes closed as he relaxed into their love. "Can we keep him?"
"I vote yes." There was no hesitation in Remus. Something in him told him that Gideon belonged with them. He looked to Pierce for his reaction, nuzzling his soft ears a bit as he did. He had sympathy for Pierce. He was beyond worn out and Remus had never seen him like this before. "You okay, Bunny?" he asked, nuzzling along the blond's jaw, kissing it here and there. "Do you need to nap today?" he teased softly.
Pierce gave a soft "Hm?" and then slowly looked down at the other two. He blushed deeply and shook his head a little bit. "I ... do." he whispered, kissing Remus' lips softly. "And I agree. I like him a lot, too." he whispered before kissing Romulus. "I am going to rest. I trust you two to make the best plans ever." He smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of his head before he pushed his form up from the table, kissing them again and then slowly made his way to the stairs. yes. Definitely needed to sleep.
The next few weeks went well. Gideon was spending most of his time with them, including nights, and Remus found that he rather liked it. But he needed a little space to think today. He kissed his three lovers good bye and made his way to the little coffee shop in the middle of town. He sat down with a cup of tea and a book in the corner and cuddled up to read for a bit.
He could not STAND it! He KNEW that bastard would end up crumbling once they broke up! He knew that prick was a cheater. He was no good and never would be, and he was going to get him back by ruining this relationship for him through and through. If it was the last thing he did! And oooh.... That redhead made it far too easy. KISSING another man in plain daylight?! Oooh. He got a BEAUTIFUL picture of THAT one!

Finding the man in the cafe, the brunette moved to the chair in front of him. He stared at the other with his brows furrowed together as he did so. "You're dating Gideon Bynum, right?"
Remus looked up after reading the last couple of sentences in the paragraph and marking his place. "And if I am?" he asked, eyebrow raised. Who was this guy? He didn't like his attitude and had a feeling that he'd have to hurt him. Just like Romulus and Pierce, Remus was very protective of Gideon now that he belonged to them. "Is there something I can do for you? Or are you just being nosy? On that note: Do I even know you?"
"No. you don't know me. But you don't know Gideon either." he stated, eyes narrowing at the man a bit more and he pulled his shoulders back as he stared at the brunette. "he's cheating on you. He's never one to stay with just one man. He's too much of a horndog. I'm trying to save you from heartache." He informed him, rummaging a bit for his phone and he then pulled it out. Searching through the pictures, he found a good one of him and some bunny-eared blond kissing quite heatedly in the streets. "See?" he said, holding out the phone to the other. "he's cheating on you. Andi n broad daylight! Do you really want to stick with THAT sort of man?!"
Realizing what was going on, Remus blanked his face while looking at his two lovers. "Oooh he's pretty..." Looking up at the stranger, the brunette shrugged. "So?" he asked. "It's easy to fake a picture-digitally composite it and then email it to your phone. I don't believe you." Oh this would be fun... "Where'd you find the bunny boy?" he asked. "I'd love to give him a run for his money..."
Arching a dark brow, the man just stared at him. "What?! It's a real picture. I don't know where some freak of a bunny-man would even begin to hide!" Oh yes. He was definitely treading waters he should not, especially in front of this man. "Why the hell would I do that? Gideon is a slime ball who cannot keep it in his pants. He broke my heart, he'll break yours too!"
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