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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Gideon listened to him and he nodded to his words ever so simplistically. He straightened his form a little bit while his eyes traveled along the other's form, grinning a little bit more. "That's lovely! Bet the sex is great." He teased, chuckling and he shrugged his shoulders a bit. "Really. It's riveting! I would love to just analyze you."

Romulus soon came into the room, looking down at Gideon and smiling lightly. "hello." He said, giving a little bow of his head. He walked over to his brother, kissing his cheek softly and he then set the other bits of paperwork he just finished on his brother's desk. "How are you, Gideon?" he asked, smiling a bit more while he stood beside his mirror image.

"Just chipper!"
Being bold, Remus smiled. "Gideon was just propositioning me to get into our bed." He smiled up at his brother and kissed him softly before turning to his paperwork once more. He knew that Romulus would know he was lying but maybe his twin would play along and have some fun with the man in front of them!
"Oh?" Romulus questioned, looking at his brother before back over to the redhead across from them. "Well then ... We would have to ask Pierce about that, won't we?" He asked, looking over at the male once more.

Gideon blinked a few times, interest to his features. "Wow. I had no idea my words had such double meaning." He grinned and looked over the two with a bit of a hunger-filled gaze. "Though, I have no problems whatsoever in joining you, I'm sure a fourth party would just make it awkward." he chuckled, despite being flattered at the other's words.
It was times like these that Remus wished that Pierce shared in his and Romulus' non-verbal communication skills. Oh how he wanted to jump across the desk and simply ravish the man! But the brunette kept his composure and did no such thing. Instead, he shrugged. "Whatever you want." Remus nuzzled into his brother's side a little and then pointed to a few figures. "We have another donation... That means we can break ground on the property to the South in a month or so."
"Really?" Gideon was easily distracted by their teasing at the mention of expanding a bit more. He stood up, leaning over the desk to read the notes upsidedown. His crimson locks fell past his shoulders, amethyst eyes examining the words and he smiled cheerfully. "that's great! The kids are excited about being able to have more space. It's so great to see the kids so happy. I honestly don't think they've smiled in years." he chuckled and looked over the words a little bit more, attention still to the paper to read and see just how much more they could get.
Reaching up, Remus pushed Gideon back into his seat. "You are a psychiatrist. Not a financial analyst." The brunette stuck his tongue out at the male and slid the papers into the top drawer for Romulus to look at later. "Was there something else we could do for you?" he asked, silently (even from Romulus) willing the man to suggest sex.
Gideon pouted, falling back into his seat and he looked over the twins. His eyes traveled along their forms, smirking as he did so. He chuckled and shook his head a little bit. "Since sex is out of the question, I think I'm good." he stated, pushing his form up from the chair and clapping his hands together. Smiling at the two, he shrugged his shoulders a little bit more. "Besides, Pierce may not enjoy me hitting on his boys." He winked before waving to the two. "See you tomorrow. I'll let you know how talking with Jackie goes." With that, he headed out of the room and made his way to his room once more just to get a few things.

Once the door closed, Romulus flopped against his brother with a soft little whimper. "he's too sexy for his own good." he said, ever so pathetically while he held onto his brother.
He, too, gave a little whimper while he pulled Romulus onto his lap and kissed him again and again. "Why do the hot ones always find us and tease us?" he pouted, lips moving now to his twin's neck and shoulder. It wasn't that they were saying that they no longer loved Pierce, or that they loved Pierce any less than when they left the house this morning. They were simply saying that, given the chance, they'd quickly take advantage of Gideon's lovely, slightly muscled body.
Oh how easily his twin could read him like a book! all those feelings his brother had, he had as well. Kissing him softly, he nodded a bit more. "Mm." he whispered, moving to straddle his hips. his hands slid up and along his chest as he rolled his hips against his with a soft little whimper. Oooh, he was so lovely.

Pierce slowly moved into the room, blinking a few times as he did so. "Um... Gideon just ... kissed me." he stated, a light pink tinted to his cheeks as he looked the others over. He stared at them before blushing a little more. "You too?"
Looking up, Remus pouted. "No." The brunette looked up to his brother and kissed him again, humming softly as he did so. "Why does he get all the luck?" he asked, sticking his tongue out at their lover. Remus' hands moved down and grabbed Romulus' rear end, groping it as he nipped along the other man's neck.
Pierce arched a brow. So it was only him who got kissed? Yet ... they all seemed to be having the same feelings. Really, that man was... very beautiful. He walked over to the two, kissing their cheeks and he then looked over at the desk, perking up. "Oh! The south end" he said, opening up the drawer and he hopped onto the desk. Looking over the papers, he was so happy to see that they had more funding so that the kids could have more space and soon move completely out of this building.

Romulus whimpered softly, kissing along his brother's neck and then pressing their lips together. Dang. Just being around that man... ugh!
Remus just gave Pierce a dirty look before returning his attention to Romulus and pressing his hips up into his brother's. Remus was frustrated, though. Sighing, the brunette flopped back into his chair. "Can't we?" he asked, pouting at both. This was ridiculous! They all wanted to fuck Gideon, so why couldn't they proposition him??
Pierce lifted his gaze from the page, Romulus following to look at Remus as well. The ears atop the blond's head cocked to the side as he stared at his love. "I ... don't know. Can we?" He asked, curiosity to his features as he looked at the other. That ... would be lovely, but would it be even more wrong? They were already polygamous. Not that he really minded. he WAS part rabbit after all, but it was still strange to think of in terms of humans.

Romulus set back a little, looking down at Remus and he blinked a little bit. "Um ... I ... Wouldn't that be strange?"
Weird? Well possibly. But... The three of them had been awkward at first until they figured out what worked for them. Remus said so. "We can...just give it a trial run, right?" he asked, leaning over to rest his head against their lover's stomach. "Just because we start something doesn't mean we can't stop it if it's not working." He looked between both Pierce and Romulus, trying to gauge their reactions.
Pierce nodded to his words, trailing his fingers through his hair. Leaning down, he kissed his temple softly. "I'm a rabbit. I see no issue." He whispered, kissing his lips softly as he straightened up once more.

Romulus blinked a few times before he nodded. "okay. I don't mind." he stated, curling up into his brother's lap and nuzzling him happily. Kissing his neck softly, he cuddled into him a bit more. His hands slid up and along his chest before falling back to his lap, sighing. "What if he does not want us?"
He looked to Romulus. "He would have denied it when I said that he wanted to jump into bed with us." Nuzzling into Pierce's stomach he purred a little bit, happy now. At least the two men he loved the most were willing to try it! And if Gideon didn't work out? Well they were all adults and would still be able to work together! "Should we ask him over for dinner?" he asked, nipping the bunny-eared man's belly a little.
Pierce smiled, kissing the side of his head and he nodded to the suggestion. "Yes. That works." He stated, kissing the other once more before he straightened up. He trailed his fingers through the other's hair, enjoying the feel far too much. Oh how he loved them both. They really were great.
Smiling, Remus kissed both men and then stood to go find the man and invite him to dinner. He was excited, giddy. Gideon was something new and exciting-not that his lovers weren't exciting in their own right. Poking his head into Gideon's office, Remus called out to him. "Hellooooooooo!?"
Gideon looked up from the papers he had just been finishing up. Spotting the male, he grinned as he did so. "Why, helloo." He chuckled and put the papers to the side, pretty much done with them by now. He looked at the boy, waiting to see just what he wanted. "What's up, cutie?" he asked, fingers tapping against the desk and he continued to look the man over a bit more.
Smiling, Remus entered the room and approached the large, mahogony desk. He moved around to the other side and maneuvered his way onto Gideon's lap, straddling his hips. "I was...thinking..." Leaning down, the brunette ran the tip of his tongue up the side of the other man's neck. "That maybe you'd like to...join us..." He bit softly. "For dinner, I mean..."
The redhead lifted a brow in question. Why was there suddenly a hot man in his lap? staring at the other, he shivered at the other's tongue, growling softly as he heard the invitation. "Oh? And if I say no, does that mean I get to ravage you on my desk? Or is that if I say yes?" he murmured, looking down at th emale and truly wanting to just pounce him. Teasing was so not nice when it was against him!
"I think they'd be jealous if I got first dibs," he whispered, being sure that his warm, moist breath ghosted over all the right places on Gideon's neck and ear. He licked the shell of his ear and then nipped the lobe before getting up and distancing himself from the man. "Seven. Our place." With a little wave, he left to finish work so that he could get home and fix dinner.
Gideon watch him move off his form, narrowing his eyes at him with a soft little groan. His head fell forward and flopped onto the desk once the other closed the door behind him. He sighed heavily, snapping up and sticking his tongue out at the door. Fine. He wanted to tease him. He was going home and getting SEXY! ... Er. hopping up from his desk, he stretched his arms above his head and then clapped his hand together while he made his way out of the orphanage, smiling to some of the kids as he went.
Happy, Remus dragged both of his loves home to get ready for dinner. He was excited, and he hoped that Romulus and Pierce were, too. If they weren't then this night wouldn't be all that fun. The brunette dressed in a skin-tight pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt that clung to his stomach in all the right places. Remus forwent shoes. He moved into the kitchen and put on a simple stir fry.
Gideon rummaged through his clothes and practically did backflips. Oh how he loved having a friend who designed clothes! And forced him to take them. He pulled on a black tube-top like item with a dark purple jacket over that which went to the back of his thighs. Black fur lined the edges and the cuffs, going nicely with the black skin-tight pants he wore. Purple belt on his hips. Purple seams on the pants to incorporate it all. Then a pair of nice purple converse.

Making his way to their house once more, he grinned as he knocked on the door. He fussed a bit with his hair, making sure it was nicely up in the clip, holding back half of his crimson locks, letting them spill over the clip.

Romulus was dressed in a pair of pinstriped, form-fitting pants, a turquoise shirt with a simple black jacket resting on his shoulders. He made his way to the door, opening it up and instantly swallowing the lump in his throat. "Good evening, Gideon." He said, stepping to the side and turning to look at the kitchen. "Come and sit?"
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