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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Lucius looked over at his brow, pouting pathetically at his words. "Awww. But we love you." He protested, looking over the two before once more meeting the blond's eyes. "besides, what did you expect us to do while you two were getting frisky in the shower?" He asked, sticking his tongue out at him and then nuzzled into his brother a bit more.

Brian looked at the two, a brow lifting in question before he turned to look down at Draco. "On our couch?"
Draco growled. "I think I hate you right now," he muttered, pulling a face at his brothers before turning to bury his face into Brian's chest. He needed to calm down before he really did hit either Severus or Lucius, or both of them. The blond nodded to his lover's question with a little groan. "They can take it home. Mama can buy us a new one." He loved his brothers, and he'd even been nearly covered in the fluids that currently were soaking into their sofa... But that was in his past and he didn't want to sit in it every time he had to sit on the sofa!
Lucius looked over at his brother, furrowing his brows a little bit as he stared up at them. Sighing softly, he walked over to the two, finally releasing his brother to do so. He wrapped his arms around his mirror image's waist, pulling him against his form and kissed his cheek a few times. "Kept us from messing up your sex, right? Be happy for that." He teased, kissing him on the cheek again with a little grin. "I love you."
Draco growled, but turned to hug his brother anyway. He sighed and kissed Lucius' lips with a little peck. "No more sex in my house please. Just...ugh." He pulled another face and then pulled away so that they could leave to go eat. The blond linked his arm with Brian's, hugging it while his head rested on the other man's shoulder a little bit.

Moving over to Lucius, Severus took a hold of his brother's waist a little gingerly and began to lead him down the sidewalk. "What do you want to eat?"
Lucius pouted. "But ... it's so much fun.' He stated, sticking his tongue out at the other before Severus' arm was wrapped around him. He turned to the other, kissing his cheek gently and then burrowing his face into his neck with a giggle. His arms wrapped around his form while they walked forward. "Mm ... Sushi?" He offered, tilting his head back to look up at the man with a smile to his lips. "Or ... Steak."
Stretching out his back, Remus yawned a little and turned to snuggle into whoever had wound up on his right the night before. He felt his brother there and smiled, nuzzling into Romulus' neck a little bit. He was happy, and not quite tired so much as groggy. The brunette had been worn out the night before which had brought out a happy little glow around him this morning.
Romulus groaned lightly when he felt his brother beside him. Turning, he nuzzled him just a little bit more. Yawning, his eyes slowly opened to look up at his mirror image. He gave him a warm smile, sliding his arms around the other's hips, pulling him against his form. He kissed his lips softly, whispering a gentle, "morning" to the man. Looking over his side, he saw Pierce happily sleeping away and was just so much happier right now. Ah. He loved these two far too much.
Turning his head, Remus smiled at a sleeping Pierce. He turned over to press his back against Romulus and nuzzled into their lover's soft ears. The brunette purred a little bit as he did so, arm slung around the man's waist and tugging him closer to the two of them. It was nearing ten in the morning so Remus wasn't very worried about waking the other man as he cuddled into him. "What should we do today?"
Romulus rested against his brother's back, watching him hug their lover and smiling a little bit more. Mm. They really were so cute. He loved them both so very much right now.

Pierce fussed for a few moments, but soon, his eyes fluttered open and he looked down at the two that were beside him. Smiling, he pressed a kiss to each of their lips before falling back onto the bed beside them. "Good morning." he said softly, hugging Remus clinging to his side. He kissed the top of his head, nuzzling him a little more. "What do you two wish to do?"

"Um ... actually.." Romulus began, looking over at the two and he slowly leaned over his brother, resting his chin on top of his hip as he did so. "I was thinking. The orphanage ... The one we are from. It ... cannot afford to pay their bills so I was thinking that we should buy it."
Remus cringed at the mention of the orphanage. Sure, he and Romulus had had some fun times dodging that wretch of a woman, but it didn't mean that he liked the place. Their home was with their parents in Italy and as far as he was concerned, they'd always been there. He looked over his shoulder at his brother with a curious look to his face. "Buy it?" The brunette bit his lip and chewed on it a little bit, torn.

Buying it would give them the opportunity to give those children a better childhood then they had had. Ignoring it would allow painful memories to be left buried. He looked to Pierce for guidance.
Romulus lifted his form up, hovering over his brother's face to look down at him. "Remus, we could make it a place the children will enjoy. We know what they are going through. We know how horrible it is. We can fire that old hag and hire our own people. People we know will do what's right by the kids." Kissing hte other's lips once more, he lifted his head and turned to look at Pierce. "What do you think?"

Pierce looked over at the two, seeing Remus' discomfort and he also saw Romulus looking so happy about it. "I think it would be nice. Romulus has a point.' he stated and then turned to look at Remus once more. "but if you do not feel comfortable with it ... I odn't think it would be right to force you."
He thought about it for a second and then nodded. "Yes... Okay." Remus knew that Romulus was right, and he knew that both his twin and Pierce would be there for him if things got too tough. "We'll get ready and then go to the bank... Start interviewing right away." The brunette nuzzled into his lover's chest and breathed in his scent deeply to calm him further.
Romulus smiled warmly. Oh. his brother was so brave! he leaned up to kiss the other's lips softly, settling back onto his knees as he looked down at him, sighing contently. "Yes. It will be lovely. Maybe Daddy can come by and design the interiors for us, or give the kids clothes, or at least help with some of the fashion. I am never good with that." He laughed lightly, knowing both men in front of him knew his woes of fashion problems.
Nodding, he snuggled into both of them, feeding off of the comfort that they innately offered him. They stayed like that for a long while before he stretched once more and slid from the bed to shower. "Call Mommy?" he asked, knowing that even though Romulus had said their father he knew that the other male had meant their mother. "Maybe Sebastian can come, too. We'll need a large closet for current and future children..."
Romulus nodded a little bit. "Yes. I will call him. You shower. And Adamair should be available to help with attire. Alexander is still in Japan, so he'll need the distraction." He stated, poking his tongue out at his twin with a giggle. Their baby brother never really liked fashion. He enjoyed looking nice, but he was not like their mother or Adamair.
Remus returned the gesture before taking Pierce's wrist and tugging him along to the shower with him. The brunette smirked at his twin and closed the door behind them before leaning up and kissing their lover while pressing him into the door. He hummed a little while moving his lips down over the man's neck and shoulder, needing a distraction from what they were about to do.
Pierce took in a deep breath when the other took him into the bathroom. he looked down at the male, blushing faintly as he did so. His mind was still not awake yet, so yes, he was a little distracted to realize what was happening and remember that they have done this many, many times. His hands slid over the other's hips, knowing that the boy needed this. It was clear to him. He was feeling overwhelmed and worried and he did not like that his lover was feeling this way. So, yes, anything to keep the lovely boy off edge.
Remus turned the shower on in between undressing himself and Pierce. "You're cute when you blush." The brunette nipped his lover's bottom lip a bit harshly and then kissed him deeply, dragging him into the tub and under the spray with him. Even just the presence of Pierce helped calm him, even though he wished that Romulus would come join them...
Pierce slid his arms around the other, shaking his head a little bit. "Shouldn't you be bored of it?" he whispered, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to his lips once more. At least until he was fumbling after him into the shower. He sighed softly, kissing his cheek once more and just hugging him to his form.

Romulus giggled as he hung up the phone, bouncing his way into the bathroom to gladly join his lovers. Pulling off his clothes, he slipped into the shower in front of Remus, kissing his lips before he went about washing up his form.
Remus just laughed at Pierce and nipped along his chest a little bit before nuzzling into his neck for a second. He smiled when Romulus stepped into the shower and he kissed his twin in greeting. It didn't take long for the three of them to shower completely. Stepping out of the shower, Remus dawdled a bit. He was still nervous about allowing the orphanage to come back into their lives, even though he knew that they would be in charge this time. Finally, though, the brunette did get dressed and ready to go.
Once he was dressed, Romulus made his way over to his brother. His arms slid around his hips, pulling him into his form and he pressed a soft kiss to the side of his neck. "It'll be fine, Remmy. Really." He smiled and nuzzled the male a little bit more. He pulled him closer to his form and let his eyes slip closed while he cuddled up to him. "If we get there, and you still don't feel comfortable, then we can go back. I don't want you worrying yourself to death." He whispered, kissing the side of his neck before he looked back down at him, a small smile to his lips.
Remus shook his head. He was grateful for both men's concern for him and his nervousness, but he knew he was being silly. "I'm just being stupid, Rommy... I'll be okay." He knew he had to be. The futures of those kids were at stake and they could make them bright and better. He would force himself to get through this. The brunette revelled in his brother's embrace for another moment before taking a deep breath and stepping away. "Ready? We can get breakfast on the way."
It did not take as long as Romulus thought it would. The meeting with the bank went fairly fast since they were who they were. Really, the Lin name got them.. very far. That and their mother and father, and possibly Adamair, would be coming down within the next few days to help with renovations and everything else. Though, he heard their mother say something about possibly just buying a new place. Really, he still could not get completely used to the vast amounts of money that they had.

Walking through the streets, Romulus laced his fingers with Remus, kissing his cheek softly. "Want to go see the orphanage or go ... somewhere else? I think what may be best is to buy, like mom suggested, a bigger place. Keep the kids there for right now, and once the new place is set up, we can move them there. Somewhere that there will not be ten kids to one dinky room. I hated that so much.."
Remus was glad that the whole thing didn't take too long. And he was happy that their mother had suggested a new place. He liked that idea much more than anyone could ever have known. "I think... I think we should start looking for properties that we can buy. It doesn't matter if we go there now-there's nothing we can do until we can get everything cleaned up and it'll take an army to clean that up..." He leaned into his brother's shoulder and thought. "Maybe just a place to lease for a few months. It doesn't have to be huge... Then we can tear down the existing building and build on the property..." So what if the thought of tearing down the orphanage made Remus giddy inside??
Listening, he nodded. "That sounds perfect." he stated, kissing the other's cheek and yes, he got a little bit of pleasure from thinking about that place being torn down. Either way, they would need a greatly bigger place. Maybe even buying a property or two around it. Knock down another house, make the place even bigger, and then have a nice yard for everyone to play in. He could already see it. It would be so great to actually give the kids space to play. Things to play with. Kissing the other's cheek, he rested against him a little bit more, smiling softly. "Mhm. Let's look for somewhere to lease. A big place"
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