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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Really?" He asked, making sure he sounded completely and utterly shocked. He smiled warmly to the other and then bounced on the balls of his feet. "Where's Draco? I want to tell you two something ... together." He stated, just not wanting to go from one brother to the other. That whole telepathy thing they had would only spoil it, so he may as well make sure he had both men in front of him.
"Hmmm? Oh they're coming over later I think." None of them ever set plans with each other. While they saw each other every day, none of the three were ever sure just when their brother(s) might pop up on them. It usually made spontaneous sex throughout the house rather difficult for Draco and Brian, though amusing for Severus. "He's blocked me out. I kept waiting until they were in the middle of something in the kitchen or living room before showing up." Severus shrugged.
Lucius pouted. He wanted Draco to come here now! He tapped his thumb against the side of Caden's hand for a while before rolling his eyes. DRACO! Get your hot ass over here ... Now! Please and thank you. If he denied him, then it was going to be a lovely searching game to find/retrieve his brother and drag him home by his hair. He had no problems whatsoever doing that to his brother. He deserved it anyway.
Severus heard the demand and laughed. It was just like the blonds to bicker with each other. "Well. Don't just stand there. Set the table or something!" He was cooking, they could do the rest. He rolled the ham and swiss cheese into the chicken and secured it with a toothpick before dredging it in flour and bread crumbs, and then setting it in the pan to sear.

Breathless, Draco rushed into the house. "What's wrong? Who died? Are Mama and Papa okay?"
Lucius stuck his tongue out at his brother before bouncing over to him and kissing his cheek. "And I appreciate you ruining their sex lives. Someone has to do it while I was away." He giggled once more, taking down a few dishes and then turning to spot Draco, arching a brow as he did so. "Why'd you run?" He shrugged and then set out the dishes before walking over to kiss his brother's cheek. He then walked past him to stand beside Caden once more. "I wanted to let you guys know before anyone else could tell you." He stated and looked from one to the other. Taking a hold of Caden's hand for the strength, he smiled. "Caden and I are dating now. He's my boyfriend. "
Severus stopped all that he was doing. Dating? Looking up at his brother, there was obvious and evident hurt in his eyes but he said nothing. "I...I'm not hungry." It was a very lame thing to say, but he couldn't think of anything else. The teen retreated to their room and crawled into his bed, pulling the covers over his head.

Sighing, Draco shook his head and turned the stove and oven off. Severus wouldn't be cooking for quite a while. Returning to Lucius' side, he kissed his brother's cheek. "You've really done it now." He gave a little sympathetic smile and then left the house. Oh why couldn't all three of them be happy?
Lucius blinked a few times as he stared at his brothers. What? Why did HE do it now?! Staring at his brother, he was just shocked. What the hell? He finally finds happiness and now it's HIS fault?! He bit his bottom lip, watching Draco leave before he turned to Caden. He sighed heavily. "Just ... give me a few minutes, please. If it takes long, I'll understand if you leave." He stated, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips before he turned to make his way up the stairs to go see what his brother was doing.

Walking into his room, he stared at the lump in the bed, arms crossing over his lower torso as he looked him over. "Severus. What's wrong?"
Caden was highly confused. He looked between the three, but really...he was watching Severus. He could see the hurt and knew. The blond sighed but nodded and moved to clean up the kitchen while Lucius went to check on his brother.

He wanted to say 'nothing' but that was pointless. Lucius could read whatever he wanted to know. "You're a big fat hypocrite, that's what!" Severus pulled the covers around him tighter, and he curled further into himself.
Hypocrite?! "How am I a hypocrite? Because I moved on? I thought you two would be happy for me! Now you both can go have your own boyfriends, or girlfriends, and not worry about breaking my heart." He stated, arms crossing over his torso as he walked over to the man's bed. Staring down at the lump, he bit his lip to stop from growling at the man.
"Because! Because I tried to tell you and you did it anyway and then I suffered all month and now it's for nothing!" Okay so that probably made no sense to Lucius but that was okay. It felt a little better to at least get it off of his chest. "Uncle Tanner told me it'd work out and be okay and it's not because YOU'RE A HYPOCRITE!" So what if he was throwing a tantrum like a two year old?
"Tell me what?!" He asked, far too annoyed at the man right now. Yanking the sheets away to look down at the man, his hands rested on his hips as he kept his eyes down to the man in front of him.
Tears were streaming down his cheeks slowly. Severus buried his head into his pillow. "I tried to tell you that I didn't want anyone else... But you left anyway! And I missed you something terrible! And when I knew you were coming home I was so happy! I thought that we both were better and could work it out and now... Now you're with Caden."
"Eh?" Lucius blinked a few times in utter confusion, a brow lifting in question as he remained silent for a little while. Moving over to the man, he cupped his chin, looking him right in the eyes and he then banged his forehead against his. "You dummy! We have a psychic connection ... Tell me that way! If I wasn't listening with my ears, I would have with my mind. I wouldn't have gone, had I known." he stated, straightening once more and then crossed his arms over his lower torso. He looked down at him for a while, torn at the moment. Ah. So this must be what he did to Draco! Whoops. Of course, the difference was that he still had feelings for Severus. Admittedly, he was only pushing those away with being involved with Caden.

"Just ... Let me talk to Caden. Or ... Something." Fuck. He soon collapsed onto the ground, trying to think about what he should do. It would be unfair to Caden to just tell him 'sorry. i'm going with severus' but he did not want his brother to suffer! He could not break Caden's heart. He just ... He couldn't!
"I... I wanted you to feel better..." Severus would have done anything to help his brother feel better even if that meant letting the man leave if he needed to. He pulled the covers up over his head once more. "Don't hurt him just because of me." He didn't want to hurt Caden. He liked Caden a lot.
"Knowing your feelings would have made me feel better, you jerk." He protested, looking out over his knees up at his brother's lump in the bed once more.

Eamon easily made his way after Caden. He wanted to talk to him! he had to. Right?! Before any of this happened. This was not supposed to! The black-haired male spotted the blond, narrowing his eyes at the man. He gave him a few hisses, taking a hold of the back of his shirt and he yanked him upstairs to where he could smell that little morphing boy. Bursting in through the doors, he continued to grip Caden's shirt quite tightly. Pressing his foot against Lucius, he shoved him onto the side, narrowing his eyes at the other. "Caden's MINE! Mine. Thank you for healing him, but bugger off! I claimed his hot ass since he saved me. Officially, at least. I was waiting for him to get better and now that he is ... He's mine. MINE! You can't have him."
Caden was completely surprised. "Hey! What the f--" He stopped when he saw that it was Eamon, but that didn't mean anything, really. What the hell was he doing? "Eamon! Stop!" But of course that didn't work and he was dragged upstairs and into the twin's bedroom. The speech left him speechless. "You're dating whatshisface! Why am I not allowed some happiness, then!" Well if they weren't mirror images of each other's situation!
Eamon turned to look over at Caden, arching a dark brow in question. His palm soon connected with the other's forehead. "Broke up with him. He tried to fondle me on the second date. Like hell i'm that easy! And you weren't there for me to whine tooo!!" he protested, whining at the memory before he released him to cross his arms over his lower torso, staring at the other. "This way's better. You with men. Severus with Lucius. You two were each other's rebounds and that's all fine and dandy ... but I won't let the wrong people be paired up. If Severus hadn't whined to Mr. Tanner, then sure, I would let this happen ... but it's all wrong. You can't tell me you don't like me, can you?"
"Well... yeah. I mean, I like you but... You were with that guy and so I left and now I'm with Lucius..." He was torn, really. Caden shook his head, and then he shook himself free from Eamon's grip. "Just... We'll talk later." He needed to talk to Lucius. Holding a hand out to the blond, Caden pulled him up from the ground. "Where can we talk?"
Lucius moved up with the other and he turned to look at Severus, narrowing his eyes. "You. No prodding." he stated simply and then turned to Caden once more. Taking his hand, he laced their fingers while he led the way out of the room to go make his way to his parents' room. Disappearing inside, he flipped on the switch, looking around at all the things left behind and just arched a brow at the chains. Well. More reason to never see his parents' bedroom, especially with them inside.

Shaking his head, he turned back to Caden, a pathetic look to his features. "What should we do?" he asked, flopping his head against his chest. "I adore you, Caden ... I do. I think we click and we have lots of fun but ... we both have others who would get hurt if we stayed together."
Severus pulled a face at Lucius, even though he couldn't see it.

Following Lucius into the bedroom he tried very hard to ignore all of the paraphenalia around the room. It was rather disturbing, really. "I... I don't know." He sighed and wrapped his arms around the male's shoulders a bit and rested his chin on the top of Lucius' head. "I think... I think we owe it to Severus and Eamon to see where it goes... And, really, if we do that and it works...we'll have a great friendship..."
Burying his face into the other's chest, he nodded a little bit. "And if not, then we know where to find great rebound sex." He teased, grinning, despite the lovely red that tinted his cheeks. He hugged the other to him for a while. Pulling away, he leaned up to give the man a passionate little kiss. "I loved being in Brazil with you, Caden. We healed each other nicely. I think I"m a little more masochistic because of you, but it really was wonderful while it lasted! How about the four of us do dinner tomorrow? You can't get away from me easily, you know. I will keep you as a friend, whether or not you like it."
He smiled and returned the kiss, getting one last grope of Lucius' rear end in with a little grin before stepping away. Dinner sounds nice. The blond gave another little kiss before returning to the bedroom. Without saying a word, Caden lifted Eamon in a fireman's carry and began towards home.
Eamon yelped, legs kicking slightly before he groaned and flopped onto the other's shoulder. "I should bite you.' he mumbled, looking at the man's blond locks, though still happy to be with him. He smiled warmly, sinking into his embrace a little bit more. It truly felt wonderful to be with the other.

Moving back into the bedroom, Lucius crawled under the sheets beside his brother. Sparkling blue eyes fluttered up to look at his brother, a small smile to his lips as he did so. "You're all mine." he whispered, arms snaking around the male's form and he pulled him closer, pressing a light kiss to his lips before relaxing back against the pillows. His form nuzzled into the other just a little bit more.
Severus was scared. What if they decided that they wanted to date each other instead of him and Eamon? What if Lucius didn't love him like that anymore and he'd missed his chance? When the door opened and he heard Eamon yelp, the teen's heart jumped into his throat and then dropped into his stomach. Was that a good yelp, or a bad one? Lucius, though, answered that question and he couldn't help but breathe a great sigh of relief.

Severus sunk into his brother's arms and pulled him close, nose nuzzling into Lucius' neck. "I love youlll"
Lucius looked up at his brother and bit his neck in his annoyance. "You're annoying for not saying that sooner. Lucky for you, it booted Eamon into being vocal and ... well, we did make each other better. "He smiled softly, kissing the other's lips softly and he then pulled him closer to his form. His arms slid around his hips and he pulled him closer, kissing along his form. "I love you, Severus. so ... so much."
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