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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Lucius took in a deep and shuddering breath. His eyes fluttered closed and he let out a soft little moan, despite not really wanting to. Oh ... That felt far too nice. He blushed horribly as the other continued to pull the blood from his veins. "C-Caden..." he whispered, already feeling his loins beginning to stir at the sensations. "St-stop ... pl-please it ... it ..." He really could not say what the issue was, but decided to just shove his hands in his lap, trying to push away the hardening flesh -- it was not working.
He heard the request and immediately pulled away. Caden had trained himself to listen to whomever he was feeding from, even though he didn't have to most of the time. The blond licked his lips, and then his fangs, as he sank back into the sofa a little, breathless. "S-sorry... I'll go find the nearest hospital or something tomorrow..."
Lucius shook his head a little bit to his words. "I-it.. it's fine." He whispered, continuing to press his hands into his lap. Slowly, he turned to look at him, his cheeks a beautiful bright red as he did so. Shakily, he leaned over to the man, his lips delicately pressing against his blood-laced ones, just wanting to test the waters. See what it felt like. When he pulled back from the brief and gentle kiss, he was even redder. shaking his head, he pushed his form off the couch. "sorry! I.. I'll go... shower...."
Wide eyed, Caden's fingers came up to touch his lips. Lucius' mouth on his felt...nice. A little strange, but nice nonetheless. The blond reached out and took a hold of Lucius' wrist, giving him a little tug forward. Their lips connected again with a little more pressure this time, and for a full second longer before he pulled away to gauge a reaction.
Gasping as he was suddenly back to kissing the man, he definitely learned he liked the sensation. Pulling back, he stared at him for a few moments before crawling on top of him. His lips firmly pressed to his in a passionate embrace, a leg resting on either side of his form, hands sliding up the vampire's chest. He slid his form a little closer on his lap, kissing him far too happily. It truly felt nice to kiss him. He did not know what it was, but he just ... liked it so much.
Happily, Caden fell into the kiss. His hands rested on Lucius' hips, and then around his waist. It wasn't long before he was bucking his hips up into the other male's, moaning softly from the sensations that the action caused.

Several hours later, they laid together on the sofa in a sweaty, sticky heap.
Lucius curled up on top of the other, his eyes slipped closed as he held onto him a little bit more. Well ... that was definitely ... a lot different than what he was used to. One main factor being that the other did not look identical to him. Slowly tilting his head back, he looked up at him with a bit of interest. Eyes traveling along his form, he leaned up to press a kiss to his lips before he sunk back down. "Shower?" He whispered, far too exhausted to move, but the idea did sound nice.
Smiling a little, Caden leaned up and kissed Lucius' cheek. "Go ahead. I'm going to lay here a little longer." He found that he had let out much of his hurt feelings through the sex and he was left exhausted. He needed a little more rest before being able to stand up and move around coherently.
He groaned. Damn. That did not give him enough motivation to move. He stared up at him with a little bit of interest, looking him over and just unsure right now. Were they just rebounds? More? fuck friends? Sigh. He did not know, but supposed that would be the least of their worries. Sliding off of his form, he forced himself to stand and silently trekked to the shower. Sigh. A nice warm bath would be lovely.
Caden laid on the sofa for several more minutes before getting up and attempting to clean up a little bit. He couldn't put off showering until Lucius was out of the bathroom, though. He waited until he heard the water stop before knocking and then entering the room. They'd just slept together-walking into the bathroom on the man after he was just out of the shower wasn't a big deal.
Pulling the towel around his form, he turned to look at Caden when he entered. Blushing faintly, he stared at the ground for a bit. Awkward! Remaining silent for a few more moments, he slowly lifted his eyes to the blond. "um ... Caden ..." he began softly, looking up at him with a pathetic little gaze. "Does this mean anything? Or is it just ... sex?"
Looking up, Caden thought for a second and then shrugged. "Can't we just see where it goes?" He wasn't really sure how he felt about the blond in front of him, other than physically attracted to him and so he wasn't so eager to label. What if they labeled wrong? Then someone would get hurt and that was what they were here for: to undo the hurt that people had done to them.
Nodding, he gave him a warm little smile. "Yes. We can." he agreed, brushing out his long hair before he made his way out of the room. "I'll .. .start dinner." he added and then continued toward the kitchen. Yes. A distraction truly was a good plan.
Smiling, he showered and then got dressed. Caden felt a great deal better as he entered the kitchen and smiled at the delicious smells that were flowing from there. "What are we having?" he asked, reaching into cabinets to gather plates and glasses and silverware. He worked on setting the table.
"burgers. Well .. cheeseburger sliders." He stated, taking out the few patties he made and plopped them onto toasted buns for the other to take the ones he wanted. "I think I'll make salmon tomorrow. I just wanted red meat tonight."
"Yum." It didn't really matter what Lucius cooked, so long as Lucius cooked. Caden wasn't much of a chef-he didn't really enjoy being in the kitchen. It worked nicely that Lucius cooked and he set up and cleaned up. Taking the plate of burgers, he set it in the middle of the table and poured them both glasses of water. "Come sit."
Following over to the table, he sat down beside him. He bit into the burger happily before looking over at the blond. "You look better.' he admitted, eyes traveling along his form a little bit more. He really was glad to see that he did not look like he was going to crumble at any second. He wanted him to be happy. That was the whole point of being here.
"I feel better," Caden admitted as he, too, dug into dinner. "Not one hundred percent... I don't know when that will be... But leaving home definitely helped me." The blond smiled at the other male. "You look like you're healing, too. Have you talked to Severus or Draco or your parents?" He had called Tanner a few times, just to say hello and to let him know they hadn't died.
"Um ... Not really." he admitted, sighing heavily as he did so. He looked back over at the man a bit more. "I called Mama and Papa. I still can't call Sev or Draco yet." he admitted, blushing faintly as he went back to chomping happily on his sliders. He would call them soon. As of the moment, he did not have the ability to. Not right now.
A few days passed. They were awkward, but not unbearable. And then Caden needed to eat again. With a little groan, he slid off of his bed and moved through the apartment once again. He hated to impose like that, and really, he didn't know how Lucius would react this time...
Lucius stepped out of the bathroom, a pair of pajama pants resting on his hips. He looked over at the man that was slowly coming to him. He stared him over for a bit before sighing heavily. "Blood?" he asked softly and then made his way over to the man, concern to his features as he looked him over. "Come on.."
"Thanks..." He felt bad, really he did, but the blood that he was able to get from hospitals just wasn't enough to sustain him. Caden followed Lucius into the living room and sat on the sofa, fangs already appearing in anticipation. He waited for the younger man to get comfortable before leaning forward. He took in Lucius' scent for a moment before pressing his teeth into the soft flesh beneath his lips.
Gasping, his eyes went wide, his fingers curling around the front of his shirt and he gripped him tightly. His eyes fluttered closed after a few moments and a very faint little moan passed his lips. Oh, that really was nice. He thought he would be more used to it, but he just was not. He was not used to the strange pleasured sensations that ran through his body right now.
Caden's arms wrapped around Lucius' waist and he tugged the younger blond closer to him while he drank. It was only a few minutes before he pulled his teeth from the other male's neck. He didn't move away, though. Instead, he stayed close and suckled on the wounds until Lucius' blood began to clot.
Lucius buried his face into the crook of the vampire's neck. His breaths coming in short and sharp incriminates, just trying to get back to breathing properly. his arms wrapped around the other's shoulders once his fangs were pulled out of his neck. "I ... don't think I'll ever get used to that." he whispered and then sunk a little bit more against him, just too exhausted for many reasons to be able to move.
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