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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Romulus nodded and walked over to their daughter. Holding his arm out, he smiled gently. "Shall we?" He asked, grinning even more.

Molly laughed softly and took her father's arm, nodding. "Yes. Yes we shall." She kissed his cheek before following after the others into the kitchen. She kissed her father again before sitting down at the table. Oh, dinner sounded so good right now. She was starving!

Pierce smiled. Oh! It was so good to have them back. He sighed softly and followed after the others. Hugging his children, he sat down as well, just so very glad they were here. "You guys really need to come home more often." He said, sighing softly and crossing his arms to rest them on top of the table.
They sat around, sipping their wine and telling their parents (the abridged version) of their lives as of late. It was nice to chat like this, though it felt...a little formal. Iah looked between them all and smirked when no one was paying attention. Reaching across the counter, the brunette picked up one of the hors d'oeuvres and examined it before throwing it at Pierce.
Pierce squeaked as the food splattered on the side of his face. He blinked a few times and turned to look at Iah. He stared at him before taking one himself and throwing that back at him, grinning.

By the time Gideon stepped into the dining room, it looked like the kitchen had exploded. He arched a crimson brow, looking over the messied ... everyone. He made his way over to Remus and trailed his finger along some of the left overs on his cheek. Sucking off the food, he nodded a bit. "Delish. Nice job. Romulus." He grinned over at the blushing twin and smiled a bit more.

Romulus looked over at Gideon, smiling warmly and letting out a little laugh. "Thank you, Gideon." he said, the blush still to his features as he shook his head a little bit. "Good thing I made more to be eaten, huh?"

Molly arched a golden brow. "So you're Gideon? Ryan told us about you ..."
Looking up at the redhead who walked in, Ryan smiled. He jumped up and ran over to him, hugging the man despite the mess down the front of him. "Stepdaddy!" Yep. The name had stuck and Gideon would never get rid of it. From him, anyway. His siblings were a different story. Iah would likely follow suit, but Kat was much more reserved than the two of them.

Iah, as expected waved with a softer greeting. "Hi Stepdaddy!" He was no less enthusiastic, just..more quiet. Kat, though, gave the redhead a critical eye and only a soft "hello" in greeting. Ryan rolled his eyes and threw the last mini quiche at his brother, nailing him in the middle of the forehead.
Molly whacked her brother's arm, shaking her head a bit. "be nice to him! Mommy and Daddies like him." She stated, sticking her tongue out and then turning to the man once more. "Hello Stepdaddy! Ignore Kat. He's a cranky, under-loved, stuck up snob, who can't get a lover because he works too much." She grinned and then kissed the blond's cheek with a giggle. "Love you."

Gideon squeaked, hugging back Ryan and he let out a little laugh. He shook his head and smiled a little more. "Hello. Ryan. Iah. Kat annnd the lovely Molly. You look just like your mom! cuter, but still." he winked and then leaned over to kiss Pierce to show his affection still to the other.
Kat stuck his tongue out at his sister. "Shows what you know," he mumbled as he moved upstairs to get cleaned up. It was odd having a stranger around. He didn't deal with change well.

Shaking his head, Remus moved in between Gideon and Molly. "You can't ravage our daughter, either," he teased, poking his tongue out at their newest lover. Sighing softly, he moved to the kitchen sink to clean himself up while Ryan and Iah began to talk Gideon's ear off, asking him question after question rapid fire style.
Molly arched a brow. She perked up. Hopping off the chair, she smiled to Gideon before following after her brother. Her arm linked with his elbow and she continued to walk beside him. "What do you mean? Do you have someone?" She asked, truly curious about her brother. She teased him but knew when to stop. And that he was far too shy around strangers. He really was a little socially stunted. Not that she loved him any less! Besides, they always had a stronger connection than her other siblings.

Gideon stared at the two who were bombarding him with questions. He let out a little laugh, sitting beside Pierce and holding onto the other's hand for his own little support system. He turned to the bunny, eyes pleading and pathetic. "Do they ever stop?"

Pierce looked to the boys and shook his head. "No. They really don't." he stated, smiling lightly. 'but they're cute." He kissed Gideon softly, blushing a moment later before he turned to look ahead of him once more.
Pulling a face at Molly, Kat tried to ignore her. But he knew that he couldn't ignore her for long. They were too close. The blond shook his head but waited to say anything for a few moments. "No... But it hurts when you tease me like that." Especially in front of strangers, though he didn't say that. With a sigh, Kat washed himself up and waited for Molly to do the same.

Remus laughed and came up beside Romulus and wrapped an arm around his waist, head resting on his shoulder. "You okay, Rommy?"
Molly smiled softly. "I'm sorry, Kat." she whispered, hugging the other's hips as she leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek. "I won't do that anymore. It's just one of those things, you know? Mommy and Daddies like him, if not love him, so I just wanted to make him feel at home. I'll tease Ryan next time." She smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek before she too cleaned up.

Romulus pouted as he watched the blonds move up the stairs. He turned to the other and smiled lightly. "Worried about Kat. He seemed out of sorts..." he said softly before he turned fully to look at his brother. "Maybe we should hire him at the orphanage. I'm sure he is bored at home."
"Kat is always out of sorts!" Iah piped up, giggling before turning back to Gideon and asking yet another ten questions. The fact that Gideon was such a willing participant in their game made both bunny eared brunettes love him. They were too engrossed in their game to hear their fathers talking, Remus agreeing that they should offer Katsurou a job with them. He, too, hoped that it would give their son a little more sense of purpose, self esteem and some socialization skills.

Sighing, Kat kissed the top of his sister's head and moved back downstairs with her. He slipped in behind his brothers to listen in on the conversation without having to contribute anything to it.
Romulus looked over at Kat, smiling softly. He took a hold of his arm, hooking their elbows as he began to tug him toward the kitchen ."Help me make ... sandwiches. Since my lovely dinner is not being worn." He smiled and kissing the blond's cheek while he moved into the kitchen. He stopped and turned to look at him with another smile to his lips. "Your father and I were wondering if you would like to work for and with us? We still need a lot of employees, and you will be very good for the children." He stated, truly begining to put together another meal for everyone.
A job? With his parents? Kat thought for a minute, silently tossing the idea around in his head and rating the pros and cons. He needed a job, but at the same time...wouldn't it be weird to see his parents all the time? "Thank you," he answered with a little kiss to Romulus' cheek. "I'll have to think about it, though." It was the reserved side of him coming out: weighing all the options four times over before rendering a decision.

Ryan, giving up on his questions game from boredom, came up behind his father and brother to chip in where he could. "Think about what, Katty?" he asked, popping a slice of tomato into his mouth.
Romulus nodded, smiling happily to the other's form and he soon jumped when he heard Ryan's voice. He gasped and turned to the other and smiled lightly. "Hello Ryan." He said simply and leaned up to press a soft kiss to Kat's cheek. "Take your time." he whispered and then returned to his feet. He looked back at the other brunette and smiled a little bit more. "Can you go get the eggs from the refrigerator?" He asked, eyes to the male and he smiled a bit more. He figured going past the question would do them all well. He did not want Kat to tell his siblings unless he really wanted to.
Pouting, Ryan nodded and moved to do as he was asked. He hated not being in the loop! Setting the eggs down on the counter, Ryan poked at his brother a little bit. "C'mon tell me! I wanna knoowwwww!" The brunette batted his eyes a little bit, even though he knew that Katsurou wouldn't tell him anything unless he wanted to. And true to himself, Kat simply stuck his tongue out at his brother. "Thanks for the eggs."

Ryan gave a little whimper and moved onto Remus. "Daddy! What's Katty gotta think about?"
Romulus watched Kat, smiling warmly. Ah. He loved him so much. He really was very stubborn. Leaning up, he kissed the boy's cheek before he made his way to the cupboards to get the flour and everything else. At least he could make some dessert. Or maybe some pasta. Oh, he still did not know. Turning to Kat, he looked him over a little more." What should we make?"
Laughing, Remus patted his son's head. "No worries, sweetheart. It's not something that concerns you." He kissed his son's cheek and then took him by the hand to help set the table. He broke in and kissed Gideon's own cheek for putting up with Iah's still going questions. Really, that boy must have a strong set of lungs on him to be able to talk so quickly for so long!

Looking over the ingredients before them, Kat thought for a minute. "Pasta, I think..."
Romulus nodded, taking out a few scoops of flour and putting that onto the counter "Great. Do you want to start up a sauce to go with it? Or should we do some ravioli?" He asked, breaking up the eggs in the center of the flour and soon dragging in the fluffy substance to start up the dough. "How have you been, Kat?" He asked, turning to look at him with interest. "We haven't spoken in so long."

Gideon turned to Remus, giving him a pleading looks since doing so to Pierce did not do anything. He then turned back to Iah and arched a brow. "What does it matter how many lovers I've had? Just know I'm well enough to give your parents more than enough love... and pleasure." He grinned at the last bit, just really wanting to torture him now.
Catching the look, Remus shook his head and stepped in to save their lover. He kissed Gideon softly. "Why don't you help Rommy with his sauce?" he offered with a little smile. He then turned to Iah. "And you can help Ryan with the table... And Mommy and I can go get cleaned up." Nodding with his decisions, Remus took a hold of Pierce's hand and tugged him upstairs. The brunette pressed their bodies together and kissed the blond softly. "You okay Bunny?" he asked, nuzzling at Pierce's cheek softly.
Gideon reached up and hugged the man happily. "Thank you." he said, kissing his lips before he turned to stick his tongue out at Pierce. "Hmmph. Looks like someone is getting spoiled tonight." He turned and made his way into the kitchen to go probably hinder more than help, but hey! He was sexy. What more did he need?!

Pierce smiled and nodded. "Mhm. Iah seems to like Gideon. I was worried they would not like him. I don't know about Kat though. Then again, we've never really known about him." He laughed lightly and kissed his love with a small peck to his neck.
Smiling, Remus kissed his lover deeply for a few moments, just glad that he was okay. "Kat will be alright," he promised with a soft smile. "Rommy offered him a position at the orphanage. I think he's just wanting a fair chance at it. Maybe we'll hold interviews for a few spots-legitimate interviews-and let him earn a spot fair and square." He kissed the man once again and began to undress him. They needed to change and wash why couldn't they have fun while doing so?
Pierce nodded a bit. "Yes. I agree." He stated before he looked down at him as he began to undo his clothes. He smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips. "Should we shower, or just change?" He asked, making sure they were in their bedroom. His children may know that their parents were sexually active, but that did not mean they would want to risk seeing it!
Looking up, Remus raised an eyebrow at his lover. "You sure we've been together for seventeen years?" he asked, laughing while dragging Pierce towards the shower. Remus easily chucked their clothes to the side and then pulled Pierce into the warm water, ravaging him as he did so.

Kat moved as he put together the sauce, bumping Gideon out of the way a few times as he did so. He turned to the redhead. "Are you going to do something? Other than oogle my father, that is?"
Gideon turned to look at the man, pouting a bit as he did so. "Cranky." He stated before he moved over to an unoccupied spot and hopped up. "No. I'm probably just going to stare at your father's ass. Why?" Yes. He probably should be friendlier to his lovers' son, but he did not want to lie either. He was useless in the kitchen. He could blow stuff up if he wanted, but that was beside the point. He turned to look at him again with a grin. "You don't like me." He chuckled softly and shrugged his shoulders. "That's fine. It's understandable."

Romulus looked over at Gideon before turning to his son, giving him a pleading little look. "Kat ... You really do not like him?"
Kat looked at his father and sighed. "Does it matter?" he asked, the attitude from his voice gone while addressing Romulus. "And I don't even know him so how could I not like him? He's just a useless lump on a log when I'm trying to cook and he needs to get out of my way, just like everyone else who is a useless lump on a log when I'm trying to get something accomplished." Leaning over, the blond pecked his father's cheek. "Just... Tell him to go upstairs and join Mom and Dad or something."
Romulus looked up at his son and sighed softly. Leaning up, he kissed his cheek lightly. "Kat ... You are truly something else." He kissed him again and then turned to Gideon. "Can you go sit in the living room? Please."

Gideon nodded wit ha smile. Kissing Romulus on the lips briefly, he pulled back and then clapped his hands together before he turned to make his way out and just go sit in the living room. Yep. That was what he needed to do. Let the two stay alone and whatever else. he did not want the kid to hate him.
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