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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sighing happily when the other man was no longer in his way, Kat went back to his cooking. He and Romulus worked harmoniously together in the kitchen and Kat always was comfortable there with his father.

With the table set, Ryan and Iah pounced Gideon once more, asking question after question after question, unable to help themselves, no matter how hard they tried. They were just happy-go-lucky boys and Gideon was the only one who wasn't too busy to help them release their pent up energy.
Gideon was happy that at least these two seemed to take a liking to him. He looked up at them, shaking his head a little to their questions. "My family?" he questioned before he laughed with a little shake of his head. "They disowned me many, many moons ago." He admitted with a little shrug of his shoulders. His arms crossed and rested upon the table as he looked over at the two with a grin. "No worries! They only drag me down anyway. So. Next question. I'm sure you have plenty."

Pierce slowly came back to the dining room and looked over at the boys, sighing softly. "Don't you two ever breathe?"
Both boys looked up and grinned at their mother. "I breathe when Iah talks," Ryan explained, giggling a bit. Iah nodded in agreement while asking about why Gideon's family disowned them and just how long ago that had been and how old Gideon was, all in one breath.

Shaking his head, Remus gave Pierce's rear end a little squeeze on his way into the kitchen to see what he could do for Kat and Romulus.
"When I was sixteen because I'm gay. And ... I refuse to tell you my age. It's not nice to ask a lady his age." he grinned, completely and utterly teasing the two. He was feminine, but still had a penis. He was still male, no matter what.

It took a little bit more but dinner was soon up and ready, and Gideon was rescued by pieces of bread being shoved into their sons' faces. "Go sit at the table" Romulus said, smiling gently to the two before he turned to the redhead. "You too." He added before gladly walking to sit beside Kat. He kissed his cheek gently. "Thank you for helping." he said softly and then took a few raviolis for himself. He was glad for Iah and Ryan. They easily made conversation and it just made everything else so much better. So much less awkward.

In the middle of going for his drink, Romulus suddenly froze. Oh. He was suddenly very light-headed. He stared in front of him for a while before his hand pulled back to rest on top of his racing heart. What was wrong with him? His other hand fell to his son's lap, gripping his pants before he fell to the side, out cold.
Both Ryan and Iah pouted when their 'conversation' was interrupted, though they were easily placated by the promise of food. They moved to the table and sat down on either side of Gideon, though their mouths were quickly stuffed with food and they were unable to talk.

"DAD!" Kat easily caught Romulus and lifted him from the table as he stood. The blond was shaking, though his father was never in danger of being dropped, as he moved over to the sofa to set the brunette down.

Remus jumped up when he saw his twin pass out, only to plop back down in the chair beneath him, suddenly light headed as well.
Pierce instantly looked concerned at Romulus, staring at the other before his attention went to Remus who was beside him. "Remus?" He questioned, his hand resting upon his shoulder and he slowly scooped him up into his arms as well. "You're going on the couch." he stated, hugging him to his form as he stood up and moved over to the living room. He set him onto the other couch, kissing his head softly. The poor things. What was wrong with them? He figured that Romulus may have just overworked himself. Yes. He had not really sat down the whole day, so that must be the case.
Kat shook at his father a bit, trying to wake him up. He was scared for his father and didn't know what to do to help him. His brothers were scurrying around trying to do what they could. Iah brought a cool, damp cloth while Ryan was there with two glasses of ice water: one for each of their fathers.

Remus clung to Pierce as he was brought over to the sofa and then tugged him down to sit with him. The brunette laid his head in his lover's lap and whined pathetically. He hated not feeling well! He couldn't even manage to check on Romulus! The brunette reached out to his twin through their thoughts, though.

"Rommy? Rommy you need to wake up..."
Pierce began to gently trail his fingers through his love's hair, trying to get him to relax and just feel better. he took a damp cloth from Ryan and draped it over the other's head.

Gideon was quick to move to the back of the couch. Looking down at the other, his eyes traveling along his form. He reached forward to rest his hand upon his forehead then his chin then his neck. He may be a psychiatrist, but he had taken some medical courses to get to where he was. It was good to have at least he basic knowledge of one's physical health. He took up the washcloth with a soft "Thank you" and draped it on top of the other's forehead.

Romulus' brows furrowed, hearing his brother's voice in his ear and he let out a soft little groan. He took in a deep breath, slowly turning onto his back and he looked up at Kat and then Gideon, smiling gently. "Sorry ... I ... just go light-headed." He whispered, his hand lifted to cup Gideon's chin, smiling warmly. He was about to stand up, but the redhead quickly pushed him back onto the couch with a shake of his head.

"Like Hell you are going to sit up. Stay. Lie here for a bit. I'll go get you some juice. You haven't sat down enough. Don't overwork yourself. Your kids aren't going to abandon you just because you didn't make a feast." He smiled and kissed the man's cheek before he stood up and scurried off into the kitchen to get both brunettes something with sugar in it.
Remus smiled softly at Gideon's concern. He knew that Pierce and their children were worried, but Gideon didn't have to be-he could have thrown his hands up and left if he chose to and the fact that he didn't warmed the brunette's heart. He smiled and nuzzled into Pierce's leg while reaching out to touch his brother. He knew that Gideon had to be right. Neither of them had sat down all day and that must have exhausted them.

Taking the glass of orange juice, Remus pecked the redhead's lips in thanks before sitting up a little bit to sip at the cool liquid. It felt good going down, and while the light headedness was a little better, it wasn't completely better. But he didn't want to worry anyone and so he kept that last bit to himself.
Kissing Remus back, he sighed softly. "Sit there. You have to stay too." He kissed Pierce's forehead before walking over to Romulus. he held out the orange juice to him, a straw in it so that he did not have to sit up all that much.

Romulus smiled lightly. Gideon was so sweet. He took the glass and - with the help of Kat and Gideon - managed to pull himself into a slightly sitting position. More than the lying flat he had been doing. He sipped the orange juice, relaxing a little bit more. He rested against the cushions and sighed heavily. He still did not feel well, but he definitely felt better. "Thank you.' he whispered, looking up at the redhead and smiling a little more. He really was head over heels for him as well. he was so very lovely. so kind. He knew that, soon enough, Kat would love him as well.
Kat softened a bit to Gideon when he saw how well the redhead was taking care of his fathers. He didn't love the man, but he didn't despise him, either. It was a big step forward for him.

A week passed and the twins were still not quite themselves. The dizzy spells were daily, and stomach problems ensued, too. One or the other, or both, were usually in the bathroom bent over the toilet. Remus hated it because it left Gideon and Pierce to take care of them, and the orphanage. The brunette was in bed now, on the phone with Sergei who was asking to bring their two out to visit with them. While the initial adoption had been very difficult on all three of them, they soon were comfortable enough to be in their children's lives as uncles. Remus agreed and shuffled off to tell Pierce and Gideon, clinging to the wall to keep himself upright as he did so.
At the moment, Gideon was kneeling beside Romulus in the bathroom. He was gently stroking his fingers through the brunette's hair, trying to soothe him with that or rubbing his back to hopefully calm him down a little bit more. He kissed his neck a few times, wishing to get him to feel a little bit better. He hoped he was feeling better.

Pierce moved over to where Remus was, standing in front of him and taking a hold of his hands. "Remus ... Are you all right?" he whispered, his brows furrowed as he looked him over, concern clear to his features as he kept his eyes to the man. He pressed a soft kiss to his lips, hands moving to the other's hips to hold him a little more.
Clinging to Pierce's shoulders, Remus nodded softly. "Sergei wants to come visit with the twins..." It was easier to refer to the four they adopted out as two sets of twins. "I told him that he could. That we weren't feeling well but that we wanted to see the twins... He promised to not stay long..." The brunette looked up at his lover with wide eyes, hoping that he'd say it was okay.
Pierce perked up. "Really?" He smiled cheerfully and nodded a little bit more. "That sounds lovely! I cannot wait to see them." He admitted, kissing the other's lips gently. He then took a hold of the other. Scooping him up and into his arms, he sighed softly. "Go back to bed, please. I will go tell Romulus. I am sure he is just as excited. But I do not want you out of bed. You look like you are about to pass out." he stated, kissing him again and continued toward their bedroom.
Smiling that Pierce agreed, Remus allowed himself to be lifted back into bed. He was worried about Romulus and wanted to go check on him, but he trusted Gideon and Pierce to take care of his brother. He would be glad, though, when Romulus was back in bed with him.
A few days later, there was a lovely little knock on the door with a cheery group of four standing there. Gabriel offered to bring Isiah, but he said he wanted to spend the time with Rylee. He liked the little vacation away from his parents and just spend however long with his boyfriend. Instead, the four went to visit. The two bunny-eared girls behind them truly were gorgeous. Catarina and Sonya grew up into beautiful women. Lovely blond locks fell past their shoulders, Catarina's moving to her hips while Sonya's went to just under her shoulders and half were pulled back in a simple clip. Sparkling ruby red eyes looking in front of them.

Coming to the door, Pierce opened it up and smiled instantly. "Catarina ... Oooh Sonya ... You both are so beautiful." He said softly, his hand coming to his lips as he kept his eyes to the two. Oh, he truly was happy that they were here. He pushed the thoughts aside and then turned to look at Gabriel and Sergei. "I am sorry. Romulus and Remus are not feeling well. They should be all right to come and sit with us for a little." He stated, taking a step inside and motioning to the living room. "Come sit. I will make some tea!"

Gabriel smiled lightly and nodded. "Thank you, Pierce.' He said softly, letting the two girls move into the room first so that they could sit down and get comfortable.
Sergei smiled at Pierce when the door was open. He was disappointed that Isiah decided to not come on vacation with them, but he understood. He reached forward and gave their girls a little pat to their rear ends. "Say hello properly." He and Gabriel had raised both Sonya and Catarina to know that Pierce and the twins were their parents, and he and Gabe were their adoptive fathers. It was only fair to Pierce and Remus and Romulus.

Both girls leaned up and pecked the bunny's cheek and gave him a soft 'hello Mama Pierce'. Smiling, Sergei made his way into the house and sat on one of the sofas.

Hearing the doorbell, Remus got giddy. He forced himself up off of the bed, holding onto the wall for a second to help him regain his balance. "Gideon!" He needed help, and poor Romulus seemed worse off than him. They both would need help getting downstairs.
Pierce blushed softly. Oh, he so loved when he called him that. Even after all these years, it was great. He loved Gabriel and Sergei for raising the two so beautifully. Telling them that he was actually their biological parents. It really was great. He followed the others into the living room, smiling even more. "I will go get some tea and coffee." He said simply, kissing the girls' cheeks before he made his way into the kitchen to get the food.

Gideon sighed softly. He walked over to Remus and kissed his lips softly. "Here." he said, taking the brunette and letting him hop onto his back. He made sure the other's legs were securely around his hips, and his arms around his shoulders. He then walked over to Romulus, the poor thing attempting to walk on his own. "Stop being stubborn.' He stated and then scooped him up into his arms like his own little bride. He made sure he was steadied before heading on down the stairs.

Romulus squeaked softly, gripping Gideon tightly as they moved into the living room. He looked over at the girls and gasped softly. "Oooh! You two are so beautiful!" He batted Gideon's arms away slightly, moving down from his arms and making his way to the two. His slender hands cupped their chins delicately. "You have grown up... to be so beautiful. It's been far too long since I've seen you two." he laughed gently, at least until he got too light-headed. He quickly moved himself to the couch, sighing heavily as he did so. his hand rested on top of his stomach and he felt like he could collapse once more. Oh how he did not like this. He had to get over this ... sickness soon!
Remus gave a little yelp when he was half thrown onto their lover's back. He held on as tightly as he could, though, and resisted the urge to tease Gideon as they made their way downstairs. The brunette gently slid down from Gideon when they reached the living room, and he went to greet the girls as well, who both gave shy little 'hello Papa Remus and Papa Romulus's' to both of them. He smiled with the greeting and kissed both of their cheeks before collapsing next to his brother with his head on the man's shoulder. He hated being sick!

Sergei greeted both men and bit his bottom lip as he did so. He turned to Gabriel and while he knew it was rude, began speaking in rapid Russian. "Why can't I tell them! They /never/ think about pregnancies! Why! They all think they are sick and because they are men they cannot get pregnant! But look at all the other men around them who have gotten pregnant!"
Gabriel turned to look at Sergei, looking him over and he let out a heavy sigh. "Because they are not used to it, even still. And I think they only thought Pierce could." He kissed his love's lips softly before turning to the other two. He took a hold of his hand, wishing to just give him some comfort. "Do you two know what's wrong with you?" He asked, figuring her could lead up into it. At least see if they thought something, right?

Romulus rested his head against the top of his brother's, lacing their fingers as he did so. He shook his head with the man's question. "No. We wanted to give it a few more days before we called the doctor. See if it got better." He admitted, a warm smile to his lips as he did so.

The silver-haired man nodded before turning to Sergei. " Now you may tell them. They do need to know."
Sergei whined a little bit when he was told no, but sat next to his husband and sighed. He knew that Gabriel was right, but that didn't mean that he liked it very much!! When the twins said they didn't want to know, the Russian was about to protest, but stopped when Gabriel spoke. Sighing in relief, Sergei sat up a bit. "You do not need doctor," he offered. "Well yes you do but not a...geh...not a normal doctor."

Looking rather confused, Remus cocked his head slightly at Sergei. "What do you mean Sergei? We need a crazy doctor?"

The redhead shook his head. " Baby. Baby doctor."
Romulus stared at the other. Baby doctor? He remained silent for a moment before turning to look at Remus, then once more back to Sergei. "Both? We ... both need to?" He asked, his hand gripping his brother's a little tighter.

Gabriel looked over at his husband and then once more back to the two. "Yes. You both need to." He stated, knowing that that was one reason his love was so very annoyed at everything. Well, that and since they never thought that they could get pregnant. Poor guy. He was so frustrated about everything when they did not notice it.

Gideon was confused. He tugged at the corner of Remus' shirt, seeming more lost than ever. "Why do you need a baby doctor? Your babies are grown." He stated, his amethyst eyes staying with the other's and he just wanted to know what was happening.
B-both? Baby? Whimpering, Remus pressed his face into Romulus' neck and took a few deep breaths to calm himself. It was a huge surprise. Looking to Gideon, he sighed softly. "Sergei can see auras. He can see a separate aura around a pregnant person's stomach. He sees at least two auras around Romulus and I. Our own and..." He whimpered softly a little more. "We're not sick," he clarified. "We have morning sickness." Sergei nodded.

"White glows... Too early to see pink or blue, but pure ones."
Gideon arched a brow. They were pregnant?! "REALLY!?" He beamed instantly and then bounced up to move in front of the twins. He looked them over a bit before leaning in to rest his ear against Romulus' stomach while a hand went to Remus'. "I wonder whose it is!" Really, he was far too excited about this. He did love children. did not have any of his own since, well, he was a gay man and had never found someone to try and adopt with or anything like that. But now his lovers were pregnant! He slowly pulled back again and looked down at the two. "Ooh. It's like a surprise!" he grinned and looked up at the two before pecking their lips softly. "I might be a Daddy!"

Romulus laughed softly and cuddled into Remus a bit more. Well. At least he seemed very excited about it. That was a good thing. He would hate to have the other just up and leave because they were pregnant, and possibly with his child.

Pierce slowly came into the living room, a tray of coffee and tea on his form. "Gideon might be a D-- oooh." He set the tray down onto the coffee table before kissing his loves' lips. "This will be interesting." He admitted, sighing softly. He had not thought that those two could get pregnant. He had been so cautious about insuring he did not, that he did not even fathom those two could get pregnant. Well then "This will be an adventure."
Remus felt the same way that Romulus did: at least Gideon wasn't scared off by the prospect that he could be the father of one or both (all?) of the children that were inside of them. "We'll call Jupiter to come out this week," he offered softly. "And we'll call Mom and Dad, too..." He looked at both of their lovers. "Prepare for a full fledged family visit." Their parents would definitely want to come out. And if Jupiter was coming, so would Sebastian. And if they were all coming, Adamair likely would while trying to talk their parents into a layover in Japan on their way home.
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