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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tanner smiled. "Oooh that's wonderful news!" He turned to Relic. "See, sweetheart? It's a nice surprise!" He kissed the man's cheek. Looking over to their parents, and then to Romulus, Remus spoke up.

"Um... That wasn't what Uncle Rune was talking about..." He bit his lower lip a little bit as he got tea together for the five of them and then moved into the living room with the tray and setting it on the table. "Where are Sebastian and Addy?" he asked, hoping to defer the conversation for the time being.
Relic arched a brow, staring at the other with interest. "Not it?" he questioned, staring at the redhead a little more and he was about to answer, but the sounds of yells could be heard to easily answer their question. He sighed heavily. "Fighting with the cab driver."

With a loud "JERK!" and a slam of a door, Sebastian stormed his way into the house with quite a few curses to his lips. "Fucking jerk! JUST because my fucking boyfriend hasn't seen me in a whole fucking MONTH does NOT give him right to try and grope me! I don't need a fucking discount. ILL BUY YOUR ASS YOU SCUMBAG!" And that, was screamed at the door and he soon looked over at his brothers, arching a brow. "You look like shit."
Remus smiled and greeted his brother. "Feel like shit." He leaned forward and pecked Sebastian's cheek. "Nice to see you too." Shaking his head, Remus sat down, holding his arms out for his twin to come sit with him. He knew this was happy news, just that it was unexpected news. "Um... Gideon wasn't the news Uncle Rune was teasing about... Well I'm sure he was but not really." He bit his lower lip and looked to Romulus for support.
Romulus happily moved to sit beside his brother, nuzzling into his form a little bit more. He linked their hands together, resting his head against his shoulder and he sighed softly. "No. He may have been, but um ... no. " He sighed softly and nuzzled into his brother a bit more. How were they going to say this.

Pierce soon came into the living room, bumping Gideon's hip softly. "Sit down. You won't grow any taller.' he stated, sighing softly. He set the tray with tea and coffee and a few cookies down before he sat beside Remus, Gideon sitting next to Romulus.

Relic groaned. "Someone tell me before I let Sebastian bitch."
"We're pregnant," Remus blurted out. Hey. It was better than hearing Sebastian's mouth go!

Tanner's eyes went wide, as did the smile on his face. What wonderful news! Jumping up, the blond hugged their sons tightly. "Again? Ooh I wonder how many this time!" He reached out to press a hand to Pierce's belly while leaning over to kiss his cheek. "Well at least you're all in a better position to handle multiples!"
Relic arched a brow and stared at the two. He then shook his head and stood up. "Um ... Tanner. I think you're fondling the wrong male." He stated, seeing his sons' faces when Tanner went to Pierce. "I think our ... boys are pregnant."

Romulus slowly nodded, a faint pink to his cheeks -- though it paled in comparison to the beet red Pierce had to his own cheeks.

Relic grinned. "Yay! I'm going to be a grandmum again!" He giggled and hugged the two against his form, bumping Tanner away with his rump. "Oooh little bunny-eared babies!"

"maybe.." Romulus murmured, looking up at his mother and smiling sheepishly. 'It... could be Gideon's too.."
Blushing a little, Tanner apologized to Pierce and hugged both boys once again while sticking his tongue out at his husband. "Shush. It was a reasonable conclusion!" Sighing happily, Tanner sat down again and sipped his tea, reveling in the fact that they would be grandparents again. The idea had grown on him when their first set were about three hours old. Tanner looked to Gideon. "Well. You don't waste any time," he teased, too happy to have a serious conversation at the moment.
Gideon chuckled softly. "I'm an overachiever." Sad, yet true. He shrugged his shoulders and kissed Romulus' cheek. "i'm quite excited, actually! And not just because Rune makes me piss myself." He shook his head a bit and rested his head against Romulus' and sighed heavily.

Romulus blushed faintly, looking over at his father and smiling gently. "It's nice. Gideon's a psychiatrist. He's working with us at the orphanage."

Relic nodded a bit. "he's hot." he admitted with a shrug before turning to Tanner and smiling lightly. "Paaaales in comparison to you, sweetie." He kissed his lips and then sat down beside him, nuzzling him a little more.
Tanner pouted. "Sure, sure. I get it." Leaning forward, the blond bit into his husband's neck sharply and with a little growl for good measure before pulling back as if nothing had just happened. "So what do you want?" he asked, referring to the babies gender. "Have you told your other four yet? How did Rune find out? And why was Rune here in the first place?" Tanner was now full of questions and reminded himself of Ryan and Iah. The blond sipped his tea to shut himself up.
Romulus shrugged his shoulders. "Gender doesn't matter, Daddy." He stated and then cuddled into his brother a little bit more. He sighed softly. His father was babbling a mile a minute. He shook his head a little and looked over to the two and smiled. "No we have not. He was over here and has the mind-reading power, you know. Oh, and apparently he's carrying evil incarnate as he so eloquently put it." he giggled and kissed Remus once more before turning to look at his father agian.
"Serves him right," he mumbled all in good humor. Sighing, Tanner watched his two sons and smiled happily. It made him happy to know that they were so happy and content with this new development. "Well when work gets too overwhelming for you, be sure to let us know. We can come and help out... Okay. Your brothers can come and help out." Tanner enjoyed teasing all of his children when they were in such rotten moods and Sebastian's mood certainly hit the 'rotten' mark on the meter.
Sebastian turned to glare at his father. "Like hell I will!" He glared at him before turning to his older brothers, still brooding. "I'll help you if you ask. Not if I'm told." He huffed and then sunk lower into the couch with a growl "Where is that poor excuse of a Doctor! Stupid jerk." He grumbled a few more times before burying his face into the cushions.

Romulus smiled lightly and nodded. "We always love your company." He stated and turned his attention to his parents once more. "Thank you. We should be all right... just after we get over this dizzy, vomiting we seem to be going through."
Remus nodded that he understood, shaking his head at their father. Sometimes he was worse than Rune! But with Sebastian's hissy fit, their doorbell rang. Struggling to stand straight, Remus went to greet Jupiter, who was standing on the doorstep with a wildly big grin on his face. "Ooooh! I'm going to be an uncle!" He hugged the brunette tightly and lifted him off of the ground, spinning him around in a circle.

"Uhh... You--you need to---stop..." Remus whined and reached out for someone-anyone-to stop the lunatic in his tracks before there was vomit all over him.
Gideon squeaked. Leaping up from the couch, he hopped over the back and ran to the other's aid. Quickly stopping him from being spun, he hugged him to his form, making sure the other's ground was level and that he was not going to vomit. "You may be dead-meat, though. The little green one seems pissed... and the daggers are at you." he gave a little wink, stroking his fingers through Remus' hair, really hoping that the man would feel better.
"Yes. Dead." Remus whimpered and buried his face into Gideon's neck while clinging to him tightly. Oh Jupiter would be sorry the minute the room stopped spinning!!

Waving off Remus, Jupiter bounced into the room, planting a kiss to the top of Sebastian's head. "Hello, Dearest!" He was happy to be out of the hospital for the first time in weeks. Reaching over, the doctor put his hand on Romulus' stomach and kissed his cheek. "So are we having bunny babies again or will they have red hair?" he asked, looking between the four men.
Sebastian was about to lunge at the man, fully planning on ripping his throat out, but lucky for him, Relic got there and yanked the male back onto his lap. His hand went over his mouth, stopping him from screaming and yelling and being far too loud. He let out a little laugh and nodded. "Lovely seeing you, Jupiter."

Romulus looked up at the man and smiled lightly. "We ... do not know." He admitted and then turned to look down at his stomach once more. His hand rested upon his stomach and he shrugged his shoulders slightly. "Maybe both." he giggled and then glanced behind him to his brother, smiling even more.

Gideon slowly made his way back into the room, being sure to not go too fast for hte other in his arms. "No worries! My genetics are beautiful. Seriously, they are. I'm only twenty-four and I already have three PhD's. I'm working on my fourth, but that's just ... beside the point!" he shrugged and smiled happily to the man. His hand held forward to him with the charming smile pulling at his lips. "Gideon Bynum. Doctor Gideon Bynum, but I figure it would be rude considering you're a medical doctor and I only fuck with heads. Though, I do have an associate's in Medical." yep. He blabbed when he was nervous. He really was just a little bit.
Watching his lover, the brunette smiled. "Well. I will let you two start to feel better and if you'll excuse me, I should be back relatively soon!" Taking a hold of Sebastian, he pulled him up and out the door to the limo that was waiting for him. Jupiter paid the driver to disappear before turning and easily overpowering Sebastian, kissing him quite passionately. "You can't be mad at me," he breathed out minutes later, chest heaving. "I told you I had to work..."
Sebastian's brows furrowed as he looked up at the man on top of him, refusing to give into him just yet. "Yes I can." he protested, his knee lifting to press into his chest and trying to shove him away just a bit. "I'm a teenage boy with teenage boy hormones surrounded by other teenage boy with said hormones. You're lucky I don't cheat on you! You jerk!" He still continued to glare up at him, too annoyed right now to do much else. "And you said only a week." He added with a grumble and pout, still angry at him. "And I don't care that you called to say you would be staying more! It's still ... disappointing. Stupid Jerk! I had a nice dinner all set up for you and everything! I even got Aldith to stay out of the house! Then I get a call with 'sorry babe. Another week." Yea. THAT makes up for it you stupid jerk!" He shoved at him again, still too frustrated to just turn to putty over a few kisses.
"But I called!" he repeated, quite obviously proud of himself for doing so. Jupiter kissed Sebastian once more, nibbling on his bottom lip as he did so. "And I didn't tell you why I stayed all this time..." He gave a pathetic little pout while trying to push the knee out of his chest. "You'll like the reason... I promise!" The doctor wasn't going to tell him what it was just yet, of course. First he wanted to be able to breathe properly!! "And how is Aldith? I only talked to him a couple of times to make sure he was still alive and the house wasn't destroyed..."
He groaned. Stupid fucking 'god'. He glared at him for quite a while more before he relaxed and crossed his arms over his lower torso. He remained silent and rolled his eyes at the mention of Aldith. "he's fine. Chipper as ever! Though, he is talking more, but still hasn't realized there are things called contractions." he rolled his eyes at the thought and then turned his eyes back up to him again. "And what is your great reason?"
"Oh good! He's opening up! Well that's a good sign anyway!" Nodding, Sebastian moved to sit next to his lover with his legs draping over Sebastian's own. "Reason? Oh! Yes. Well we're going on vacation." He nodded to the statement. "If you want, anyway. I worked four full weeks of long shifts to get three full weeks off. But if you don't want to go it's okay. I'll cancel the reservations and that."
Sebastian stared at him for a while, his eyes narrowed at the other before he full on punched him in the center of his chest. "You're still a fucking jerk!" He declared, shoving off to go sit on the other set of seats across from him. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he glared over at the other. "Where are the reservations?" Yes, depending on where they were would depend on how easily he was forgiven. If at all. Or well, more so how long. He would eventually forgive him, it just depended on how long it took.
Oh he would ask that now wouldn't he? Jupiter thought quickly on his feet. "Barcelona." So he'd try for a villa outside the city, but that didn't matter. At least with the general city name he had much room to play when he actually did make reservations! "Los Angeles-Hollywood. The touristy spots, you know. Annd... Well okay I haven't planned the third week but I will." The god didn't move and instead bent his head to kiss along Sebastian's neck and shoulder.
Sebastian stared at the other and he shook his head a bit. He turned his head away from the man in protest, not to give the other more access to his neck. He actually pressed his hand against his face and pushed him away. "bull shit. I don't want to go to somewhere we can do as a day trip. And going to the land of plastic surgery and snobs is not a good thing either." He then turned his eyes back to him, glaring a little bit more. "You're not forgiven." He stated and then stood up to head over to the door so that he could go brood on the beach or something.
Jupiter caught Sebastian by the waist and pulled him into his lap. "Pfft. You forgive me. You forgive me because you love me and you know that I wouldn't work those stupid shifts if I didn't have to." He kissed his love. "AND. Barcelona is not a day trip. Neither is LA. Both of them include very extensive and expensive shopping. And besides. You have to forgive me so I can go take care of the two pregnant boys so that we can go home and not get out of bed for a few days."
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