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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Remus smiled. They would have babies that they didn't have to give away. That made being so sick worth it. The brunette cuddled further into Pierce, sighing happily. Looking up, Remus gave Pierce puppy eyes. "What do you think about a wedding?" he asked softly. "It wouldn't be 'official' for all four of us to be married to each other but...something just private for us... To 'officially' make Gideon part of us?"
Pierce smiled at the other's suggestion. Oh. he really was too cute sometimes. Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to his lips and then pulled back with a little nod. "I think that sounds perfect." he whispered and kissed him once more. "We will have to discuss it with Romulus and Gideon, but I think they will love it just as much."
Happy, Remus settled into Pierce's side to sleep a little bit. His mind had been working overtime for the past few hours and he was tired now. Besides, he would have to prepare for the interviews that they set up and that meant that he would need his strength. When he woke up several hours later, the brunette's head was resting on his twin's chest with his arm and leg draped over Romulus' body.
The next day, an all too pleasant knock could be heard resounding around the house.

Pierce slowly made his way to the door, opening it up and blinking a few times at the woman that was there.' Um ... Can i help you, miss?" He asked curiously, looking over the woman and just far too confused about who she was.

She smiled warmly, a light giggle passing by her lips. "I'm your twins' grandmother, Andrea. I'm here to help their sickness since Jupiter's a useless piece of shit." She giggled once more, patting the top of the blond's head happily. "You are an adorable thing. Relic was right.' she winked and then made her way past the stunned male to try and find where the twins were.
Remus groaned when the knock woke him up. He clung to Pierce tightly as the bunny tried to get out of the bed, but failed. Stretching, he sat up and carefully climbed out of bed. His sickness seemed to not bother him quite so much in the very early mornings. That was a blessing, at least. Hearing the words as the brunette made his way down the stairs, Remus raised an eyebrow. They had a grandmother? Well he supposed he could see someone mothering Relic. He just thought Rune had spawned from the devil or something. Rune had a mother??
Andrea smiled while she made her way into the house a little more. She spotted the boy coming down the stairs and she gave him a warm little smile "Hey cutie!" She chimed and clapped her hands together while she bounced on over to where the male was fumbling his way down the stairs. Her hands took a hold of the other's hands to help him down the stairs a little bit more. "And you must be Remus!" She bounced on the balls of her feet just a bit. "You look a little green." She admitted, head tilting to the side as she looked over the brunette.

The door soon opened and Relic ran inside, skidding to a stop as he saw his mother "MOM! ... How did you get here?! How the hell do you know where my kids live? GOD You need a life." He groaned as he walked toward the other and wrapped an arm around his son's shoulders, pulling him into his side gently. "Psycho." He sighed heavily and rested his chin on top of the brunette's head.
Remus was glad for his mother. The brunette leaned into him. While the woman seemed nice enough, he didn't know her and that made Remus uneasy. He looked to Relic. "Rune has a mother?" Really, he still couldn't wrap his head around such a concept. Who'dathunk?? He shook his head to the thought and looked towards her again. "Yes, I'm Remus. It's nice to meet you..." Though with his mother's words, he questioned whether or not that was really true.
Relic chuckled softly and nodded a little bit. "Strange to think of, huh?" He teased and kissed the top of the other's head. He wrapped his arms around the other's waist and he nuzzled into his head a little bit more. "She's not bad, Remus. Spazzy and scary at times, but I still love her. And I"m sure she has a reason for being here..."

Andrea nodded. "Yes. I always have a reason, if I don't make one up." She laughed lightly and then turned to look down at the boy beside her son once more. "I am pretty sure I can make your sickness feel better. If you're willing to let me."
Make him not feel sick? Remus nodded enthusiastically, though paid for it with a heavy dizzy spell that lasted a few moments. After clinging to his mother to help him get his center back, Remus spoke this time. "Yes. Yes please." He gave a little whimper for emphasis and stepped forward as best he could, willing to do anything to feel better.
Andrea reached forward to take a hold of the other's form and then lead the little brunette to the couch. "Come now. Let's sit." She said softly, continuing to lead him to the couch. She then kneeled in front of him, smiling even more." Oooh You are so cute!" She giggled before resting one hand on his stomach and the other resting over his forehead. It did not take long before there was a gentle white surrounding her hands, and the boy would start to feel warm. The healing power surging through him, tending to whatever was making him so nauseous and dizzy, mainly the latter. "You'll still get some nausea toward foods and probably randomly, but the dizzy should be gone." She pulled her hands away, resting them in her lap as she looked up at him, waiting to see what he would think.
He followed the woman over to the sofa and sat down when prompted. The warmth that ran through his body felt nice, like it was pushing out everything that was making him feel ill. When Andrea looked up and spoke to him, he nodded and very gingerly stood up. He was still dizzy, but not enough to make him want to get sick, or fall back onto the sofa. Immensely grateful, the brunette threw his arms around the woman's neck and hugged her tightly. "Thank you!"

It was a quick hug as he dashed off, intent on getting Romulus out of bed so that he too could feel better.
Andrea smiled and hugged the other back. She watched him bounce up the stairs and smiled a little more to her son. "I won't even kill you for not introducing me to my grandchildren." She stated it ha giggle. "but you realize, I'm going home with you, right? And meeting your other four." She arched a brow at the man, showing that she was not kidding at all.

Relic sighed heavily and nodded. "Yes yes. It's Rune's fault. OH! He's apparently going to give birth to the ultimate evil! Or at least something that has a black aura. Go bother him and his children."

She shook her head a bit. "nope. You first. You are my favorite." She teased with a little wink.
Remus quickly ushered his sleepy twin down the stairs, careful to help support him as best he could. Remus really hadn't explained why they were going down stairs, or why he was able to guide the other man down the stairs without killing them both, but that didn't matter. Romulus would find out soon enough and then he could thank him. Upstairs. In the bedroom. After Andrea left.

Moving for the sofa, he guided Romulus to the sofa and sat him down, looking at the woman rather expectantly.
Romulus stared at his brother, letting out a soft little whine. Why wasn't his brother telling him anything? He moved into the living room, staring at the woman and blinking a few times. "Who ... are you?" He asked, truly curious about just who this person was. Why was there a random woman in their house?

Andrea smiled lightly at the other. "Your grandmother." She stated and knelt in front of him as well. "I am here to make you feel better." She stated, repeating what she had done with Remus and then stood up afterward. "Feel better?"

The brunette blinked a few times and looked up at her with interest. "um ... Yes." He said, a little shocked about everything. Ooh. He felt so much better now!
Thrilled that they were both now feeling better, Remus kissed the woman's cheek in thanks and then dragged his love back upstairs to pounce on Gideon for a little early morning fun. They hadn't been able to do much of anything other than lie in bed since the dinner with their children. The brunette wanted to make up for lost time!

Shuffling through the house with a yawn, Nikkos had to wonder who would wake them up at seven in the morning on a Saturday. "Oh. Good mo--" He yawned. "Mm. Morning Rune."
Rune looked down at Nikkos, arching a brow as he did so. He shook his head a bit and then pushed past him with a little shrug. "Yea. Fabulous." he said before he ran through the house and tackled his brother to the ground. "GUESS WHAT MIAS!" He yelled, pinning the man to the ground and he smirked a little bit more. "Mom loves Relic more. He is her favorite. She said it to him yesterday! Hah! Suck on that dick!"

Tomias blinked a few times before letting out a soft little cry. "WHAT?!" He squeaked, shoving the man off of his form and he jumped up. "YOU LIE! Mommy loves ME more than all of her little hybrid brats." He glared at the ravenette who was just beaming with sadistic joy. "I'm her first! She can't love anyone more than me."

"Ooooh, but she does." He chuckled darkly as he looked up at him, smirking even more. Yep. Lovely wake up call.
"Oof!" Nikkos moved out of the man's way only to watch the happenings between his husband and brother-in-law. Nikkos shook his head with the 'news'. Rune was far too sadistic for his own good, and Tomias was his usual target when sex wasn't the subject of his sadism. Nikkos moved over to his husband and kissed him softly. "I'm sure your mother was speaking in terms of her favorite between Relic and Rune," he soothed softly.
Relic stared at Nikkos and he chuckled a little bit more. 'Oooh no no no. It's a general favorite. I've come to terms with being her evil offspring. Whatever. She's a psycho bitch anyway. But I am pretty fucking positive it was out of all the kids. Oooh! Let's ask her!" He grinned and then hopped up and down for a bit. He skipped on to the hall leading toward Relic's side of the house. "MOM!"

Tomias blinked a few times in interest. "Mom's here?" He squeaked out and took a hold of Nikkos' hand, smiling all the more" YAY!"

Andrea soon came into the room, a little blond girl on her hip as she did so. She smiled as she did so before stopping and looking over at Tomias who seemed close to tears now that she was close. She arched a brow and sighed heavily. "YOU didn't introduce me to your children either. any of them! Even the ones who aren't yours. And I refuse to answer whether or not he is my favorite over all." She stated, turning to look at the little blond and beaming even more. "though, his daughters are so very cute."
Their children? Nikkos looked between the woman and his husband, trying to gauge what should be said or done. Likely telling Tomias that it didn't matter who his mother's favorite was because Tomias was his favorite wouldn't have the desired effect on the situation. Instead, the brunette moved over to Rune and smacked the back of his head. "Go away. Aren't you supposed to be on your island, allowing your evil spawn to grow?" he asked, shoving his brother-in-law towards the front door.
"Aren't you supposed to be taking it up the ass?" He growled out before he turned to leave and make his way, well, back to his island. He just had to torture his brother a little bit more.

Tomias pouted as he stared at his mother, ignoring the others in the room. "You do! You love him more than me! And I was your first baby! Your first little boy!!!" He took in a deep breath before he let out a soft little whimper, his eyes truly looking close to tears as he stared at his mother.

Andrea sighed heavily and he walked over to the brunette, shaking her head a bit. "Sweetie, I love you a lot. You will constantly have a special place in my heart. And no, I do not love him more before you freak about that." She kissed his forehead and then pulled back. "You're my favorite from Dario. He's mine with Tien."
With a little sigh, Nikkos shook his head a bit. That answer wasn't likely to satisfy Tomias, but it was a fair one at least. "Would you like to stay for tea, Mother?" Nikkos had taken to calling Andrea 'Mother' in the past few years. He missed having a relationship with a mother figure and she was the only one who was ever going to be in his life, so why not take advantage of it? The brunette shuffled towards the kitchen to put on a pot of water.
Andrea smiled and nodded. "Oh, I would love that!" She stated with a little giggle. Taking a hold of the girl in her arms and then turned to the other two. "Let me return my granddaughter and I'll come back and make you spoil me." She teased and giggled once more before bounding out of the room.
Nodding, Nikkos took a hold of Tomias' wrist and tugged him towards the kitchen. "Come help me with breakfast?" he asked with a little pout. Really, Nikkos had half a mind to kill Rune right about now! Then again, no one ever expected any less of the man. With a sigh to the thoughts, the brunette kissed his lover softly. "At least the children stayed at Prometheus this weekend. We can prepare them for their first meeting of your mother?" he offered.
Tomias nodded while he walked over to his husband. He wrapped his arms around his waist and he nipped at the side of his neck. He hugged him to his form. He swayed their forms back and forth and he nodded again. "Mhm. They will probably be scared of her. Or just flock to her." He sighed heavily and sunk against him a little bit more "I see them running to her. Well, hobbling..."
Looking up to his lover, the brunette thought about it and agreed after a moment. Yes, he could see their children simply falling in love with their grandmother rather than being afraid of her. "Yes, they'll love her." Sighing softly, the brunette kissed his lover softly before stepping away to gather the stuff for breakfast that they would need.
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