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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tanner stepped into the room as well, kissing each boy's cheek. He felt better now that they were both out of pain and no longer pregnant. The blond looked over to his husband. "What do you say?" he asked. "We'll take over one of their guest rooms for the night?" Their sons couldn't have three adorable grandchildren for them and expect them to fly home that same night!

Looking up, Remus shrugged. Did it really matter? Sure, the parents outnumbered the children this round but extra hands were always welcome...especially when the four of them wanted to sleep in and their newest additions didn't! He looked up to their three sons and smiled. "What do you three think?"

Ryan pouted. "Why am I the only one with a normal name?"
Relic giggled happily and nodded. "Definitely." He agreed, holding the baby boy in his arms and smiling even more. "hello, Apollo." he whispered, kissing his forehead gingerly and then turning to look at Ryan. He pouted for the other and shrugged his shoulders. "So that you're special." He stated, leaning over to kiss his cheek and then walked over to Tanner, showing off one of their three little grandbabies.

Gideon sighed heavily, flopping to the side and resting his head against Romulus' shoulder. He looked down at the cute little bunny baby, grinning a little bit more. "So cute.."
Tanner bent his head and kissed his husband's neck softly. "Never thought I'd be a grandparent so young," he admitted with a soft smile. It wasn't that Tanner would have changed anything, but it was still a bit of a shock when he thought about it. Easily, the blond reached out and took Apollo from Relic, wanting something concrete to hold as his grandson.
Relic looked over to Ryan and the other three then once more back to Tanner. "You realize we have four other ones, right?" He teased, whining when the other took Apollo from his arms. He pouted pathetically .. at least until Aries was handed to him. He smiled, kissing the twins' cheeks and he pulled the boy against his chest, grinning even more. "oooh. SO cute!" He giggled and set himself down onto Pierce's lap since he was there and, well, he did not want to sit on the bed with his boys.

Romulus sighed, scooting closer to Remus to look down at Adonis, beaming even more. "I never thought I would be a mommy." He admitted in a soft little whisper.

Sebastian poked his head into the room, seeing Jupiter and yanking at his hand. He dragged him out of the room, wanting to spend some time with him, and make the room a little less crowded in there for his brothers and the babies.

Gideon slowly moved to sit on the edge beside Romulus. He leaned over to look at the little boy Remus produced, smiling lightly. Adonis was definitely his parents' child. "So ... You created a clone." He teased to their loves. He kissed Romulus' cheek and let out a little laugh. "You're a Daaaddy again." He whispered, looking over at the boy again and he sighed softly. Very cute.
Looking down, Remus smiled. It was odd to think that this child was his and Romulus'. They had both been expecting to have Pierce's or Gideon's children, not one by their brother. It made the brunette feel closer to his twin, if that were possible. Remus wasn't sure that it was, though. Smiling softly, he looked up to Ryan, laughing softly. "Because we knew you'd need another reason to stand out," he answered sarcastically.

Tanner bit into Relic's neck softly. "I know. It's just...all new again...sort of." He shrugged a bit and concentrated on their new grandsons.

Yelping softly, Jupiter followed Sebastian out of the room. He growled at the teen, leaning down to bite into the male's shoulder. "Gonna stay with me while I'm here?"
Romulus giggled lightly, shaking his head a little bit and just nuzzling into his brother a little bit more. His eyes closed and he relaxed against his twin a bit more. "Mhm." he said simply, lifting his eyes to look at the boy and smiling a little more.

Relic stuck his tongue out at his love, turning back to Aries and grinning even more. "Besides, they're cuter." he teased, looking over at the four and chuckling a bit more.

Sebastian stopped and turned to look at him, narrowing his eyes a little bit more. "Do you know what today is?" he asked, his arms crossing over his lower torso as he stared up at him, brooding in his own little way.
Raising an eyebrow, Jupiter stepped back to hold his lover at arms length, hands holding the teen's hips. The brunette studied the other male, nose crinkled as he thought. It wasn't their anniversary-he was planning something big for that-and they didn't have children so it wasn't anyone's birthday. And yet... Well Sebastian was being deadly serious. "Today is... Thursday... The twelfth... And... That means... It's..." He stopped and whimpered. "It means that I have no idea and that means that I should probably book a room with one bed and count on having no physical contact with you in the near future even though I'm really, really sorry that I've obviously forgotten something important."
Sebastian narrowed his eyes even more, positively fuming right now. "MY BIRTHDAY!" he yelled. His parents remembered. They wished him a happy birthday in the morning. They would have given him his presents, but they got the phone call and Jupiter had taken him away for what he THOUGHT was birthday sex, but obviously was far too wrong. He did not even care that he had to share it with his nephews. He liked them, and knew his PARENTS would not forget. Would have figured his supposed soul mate WOULD remember, but obviously not. "Stupid Jerk."
... Thinking for a minute, Jupiter's eyes went wide. Shit. There was no way out of it, either. Sebastian was going to be mad at him, and he had a right to be this time, even though the brunette really wanted to make it better. "I'm sorry, Sebastian." What else could he say? "Really, really sorry." He leaned forward and pressed his lips to his lover's cheek in an attempt of a peace offering.
Sebastian rolled his eyes with a short, "Whatever" passing his lips and he made his way away from the other. "Just ... leave me alone." he mumbled and headed out toward the water. At least he could be by himself there. He wanted to relax a little bit more and just ignore his lover for the moment. He would kill him if he stayed near him. His soulmate his ASS.
He sighed but stepped back. "Please reconsider staying with me?" he asked, giving a soft little pout. Jupiter wanted the chance to make this up to Sebastian, though he wasn't sure how he'd even begin to do such a thing. Still, it was always worth a shot. He gave Sebastian's cheek another kiss and then stepped away once more to finish packing up his supplies.
Handing off Aries back to his Mommy, Relic made his way out of the room to go to Jupiter. He stood beside the other, staring at the back of his son's head out in the beach. Turning to the god beside him, he sighed heavily. "You fucked up pretty bad, huh?" he murmured, moving over to stand beside him. His arms crossed over his lower torso as he stared at the other. "Once he's cooled off, take him out to dinner. DON'T make them sing him happy birthday, because he WILL kill you. But just take him out to eat. Maybe get him a little gift. You know he likes shiny things." He winked and then looked behind him once more.
Looking up, he just nodded with a little pout. "Thanks." That meant that he had to find a hotel, check in, and go shopping all before Sebastian had time to cool off, or before he had a chance to leave Australia. And he had to find a restaurant he could take him to. Well he really had his work cut out for him. The brunette kissed Relic's cheek and hurried out of the house after checking on his patients one more time.
Relic gave him a simple little nod, gladly taking the kiss from the other. "Don't make my baby cry." he added and then scurried on up the stairs to bother his children once more.
Jupiter was busy. He checked into the nearest hotel and dropped his things off, changed, then hit the streets again. The brunette found, after quite a bit of searching, the perfect gift for his lover's birthday. He had it wrapped and then tucked into his jacket pocket while he set out to find a restaurant. It wasn't difficult, though the staff was rather... Well they were idiots.

"No. No I do not want you to sing to him! I want you to bring out two cupcakes after our table is cleared of dinner, and I want one cupcake to have a single candle in it. NO SINGING!"
After a bit of brooding, Sebastian was forced into the room by that little red haired freak dragging him -- well carrying -- into the room and plopping him on the bed. Apparently his brothers wanted him in there. It was actually nice to see his nephews. They really were utterly adorable. Aries was so very cute. His little wings were all aflutter and he kept his eyes to him the whole time that he held him. At least until he cuddled up into his chest and fell asleep. That just ... made it better.
Tanner leaned over to his son. "Do not even think about it." He was only half kidding. Eventually, he would welcome another grandchild from Sebastian and Jupiter. Right now? His son was much too young. The blond set Apollo into Romulus' arms once more and moved to go downstairs. His babies would be hungry.

After a few threats, the staff of the upscale steak house seemed to have his instructions right: Cupcakes, one candle, no singing. Jupiter set off back to the house to pick up (or drag) his lover so that they could go to dinner and he could, perhaps, make up for screwing up so badly. The brunette moved into the bedroom and smiled softly at his love. He looked sweet with a baby in his arms. Shaking his head after a few minutes of observation, Jupiter moved over to Sebastian. "Come with me? Please?"
Sebastian arched a brow. "The only way we're having kids is if it's out of Jupiter's body, or adopted." he stated simply, despite knowing his father was kidding, but still. He wanted to be sure he KNEW he did not want a kid, least of all right now, and especially not from his body. Turning to Jupiter, he rolled his eyes. "Fine." he took the child, handing him over to his mom before sliding off the bed. Without a word or look to anyone, the cranky little boy made his way out of the room, arms crossed over his chest and he waited to see just what Jupiter had in store for him.
Sighing in relief that Sebastian agreed, Jupiter fell into step with his lover. He reached out to take his hand loosely, lacing their fingers together. He lead the way to the restaurant, not really talking on their way there. He'd already apologized and there wasn't much else he could say that would make Sebastian not be a cranky little shit at the moment. When they reached the restaurant, the brunette held the door open for is love to enter through and gave the hostess a nod. They were seated immediately, despite the other waiting customers and their groans and complaints, and handed menus before being left alone to decide on what they'd like to eat.
Sebastian sat across from the other, taking the menu and looking it over for a bit before he lifted his eyes to the other once more. He stared at the man for a few before he shrugged and went back to the options. "So, where are we staying?" He asked absently. He may be annoyed - very annoyed - with him, but he was not going to not stay with him. He wanted to stay in the same hotel room, but that did not make it better that he forgot his birthday. His sweet sixteen! Stupid pathetic excuse for a god.
He smiled with the question. "Star City Hotel," he answered. "Penthouse suite." He wouldn't have booked anything less for such an extended stay, really, whether or not Sebastian had opted to stay with him. The brunette closed his menu as well, setting it to the side to signal that they were ready to order. "Please don't be mad at me?" he tried, reaching across the table for his lover's hands. "I didn't forget on purpose."
"You never forget on purpose." He retorted, pulling his hand away and narrowing his gaze a little more at the other. His eyes rolled and he set the menu aside. Sinking against the chair, his arms crossed over his lower torso while he continued to silently brood in his seat. "You know ... you would think I was used to this by now." he growled out, turning to the waitress and giving her a little sneer. "He's mine bitch, back off." he saw her looking at HIS lover, and he would not have it. Not at all. "I want a T-bone steak, cooked rare. Don't spit in it, because I'll have your ass fired if you do. And yea, I'm that customer that's going to make your night horrible." He really, really was bitchy right now.
Shaking his head, Jupiter apologized for his lover. The woman seemed horrified that anyone would act that way for no apparent reason. She hadn't even said hello yet! The god ordered and handed her the menus with a small smile. "What else can I say, Sebastian?" he asked once she had gone. "I love you. I'd never hurt you on purpose." He was at a loss for words, and if his lover's attitude didn't change soon, Jupiter found himself thinking that he might have to resort to bribery.
He stared at the other for a while before his eyes rolled. "You never know!" He protested, sick and tired of this, and really, it was driving him insane. He quieted down though, not wanting to make a scene, just get his point across. "I love you, you stupid asshole. I just ... don't know what to do anymore. You're a busy doctor, I get it. You have your work and whatever else, and yea, I understand. It doesn't make me happy, at all, but I still get why you are scatter brained. But ... It's my birthday! My sweet sixteen. I don't want a fucking car. I just want you to remember these sort of things once in a while."

Taking in a deep breath to calm down, Sebastian turned his eyes back to him again. "Why aren't I priority number one, or even two, on your list? And, by the way, ignoring my brother's pain to try and fuck me ... does not make me number one. It just makes you retarded."
He gave a soft sigh and moved to the chair that was next to Sebastian. Jupiter scooted close to his lover and pulled the other chair so that they were facing each other. "You are the absolute, most important person in my life, Sebastian. I don't forget things because you're not, I forget them simply because I have so many other things to remember. When I'm at work, if I think about your birthday, or our anniversary-which I do have the beginnings of a plan in place-then it's not a piece of paper that winds up in the wrong file..." He didn't know how else to explain why he was just so scatterbrained when it came to everything but medicine.

Jupiter was silent for a moment, thinking about options. Without any warning of what he was thinking about, he spoke again. "I'll hand in my resignation as soon as we can go back home."
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