Sebastian sighed heavily, his eyes closing while he listened to the other's words. He knew the reason. He knew that it was just because he was such a great doctor that he solely concentrated on that, and not remembering things like his birthday. But that did not make it any better. His eyes shot open when he heard the mention of resigning. "Like hell you will!" He whacked the other upside the head and then crossed his arms over his chest. "You are not doing that! The hospital needs you. You're a great doctor and a decent boyfriend. Your resignation is not what I want! I just want you. And part of YOU is the hospital. It's your fault that I think I can spend all my time with you, you know. YOU were the one who spoiled me for six months and were constantly by my suicidal side ... So, yea, I expect you to still be there whenever I want and not have to fight against six hundred other people, but you're not fucking resigning. Dumbass."