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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sebastian sighed heavily, his eyes closing while he listened to the other's words. He knew the reason. He knew that it was just because he was such a great doctor that he solely concentrated on that, and not remembering things like his birthday. But that did not make it any better. His eyes shot open when he heard the mention of resigning. "Like hell you will!" He whacked the other upside the head and then crossed his arms over his chest. "You are not doing that! The hospital needs you. You're a great doctor and a decent boyfriend. Your resignation is not what I want! I just want you. And part of YOU is the hospital. It's your fault that I think I can spend all my time with you, you know. YOU were the one who spoiled me for six months and were constantly by my suicidal side ... So, yea, I expect you to still be there whenever I want and not have to fight against six hundred other people, but you're not fucking resigning. Dumbass."
He smiled at the outburst and leaned in to press a soft kiss to his love's lips. "Yes, I am. I'll open a small private practice, or perhaps go to a smaller hospital." Whether or not Sebastian "allowed" it, Jupiter's mind was made up. "They have hundreds of great doctors, and they will find another to replace me. I will not continue to do something that is adversely effecting"
Sebastian pouted, brows furrowing as he stared at him. He rolled his eyes and set back against the seat a little more. his arms crossed over his torso as he stared at the man for a moment before he sighed heavily. "Fine." He murmured and then lightly pushed him away. "Just ... go away. Go sit on your side. You're too close." he stated, narrowing his eyes a little more as he did so. "And choose whichever one will give you more time with me." He may not like the idea of the other resigning, but he would not deny the fact that he wanted to be able to have more time with his lover.
Hurt, Jupiter sat up and stared at the teen for a minute. He understood, but at the same time he was doing something that would allow them more time together and he still wasn't able to please Sebastian. The brunette stood and kissed his lover's cheek. "When you decide what I can do to possibly make you happy, then you know where I'm staying." He'd had enough. It was simply too much. He loved Sebastian with everything that he had, and it just wasn't good enough. The god was hurt and he needed some time to think. He left enough money on the table to cover the bill and then some, and left the restaurant. Maybe the warm air would help to clear his head?
"Eh?" he blinked a few times, staring up at the other and he soon leaped up from his chair. Chasing after the other, he skidded to a stop in front of him, taking a strong hold of his hands and not letting him go. "Jupiter ... I didn't mean it negatively." he murmured, closing his eyes for a moment and he stared at the front of the other's chest a bit more. "It's just ... I don't want you to quit what you love doing for me. You love working at the hospital and they love you there, so I didn't want you to leave that just because of me." he sighed softly, slowly lifting his eyes to look up at the man with a pathetic little look to his features. "I love you, all of you. That includes you constantly forgetting things like my birthday, or to call me ... It pisses me off more than you'll know, but I understand that it's for work."

Sebastian soon flopped forward, head connecting with the front of his chest and he nuzzled him absently. "I think, that if you're set on leaving, then a private practice would be best ... For us. and you. You would get to choose your hours and be closer to the patients." He nuzzled him a little more, arms sliding around his hips and he pulled him closer to his own form. "I want you happy. I want to be happy too, but ... You first. I'm only sixteen .."
He stopped when Sebastian took his hands, listening to him. "Then you didn't hear me," he countered, wrapping his arms around the teen's shoulders and holding him close. "I love you more than anything. I can be a doctor anywhere. Especially if it means not pissing you off quite so often." Jupiter kissed the top of Sebastian's head and squeezed around his shoulders a little. "Lets go back in and eat." He was tired and just wanted to spend a night with his lover without a fight or an argument.
Sebastian sighed heavily and shook his head a little bit. "No. We'll go order in." he stated, taking a hold of the other's hand and beginning to lead the way down the street once more. "We can think about what we'll do." he turned to the other and gave him a warm smile, trying to feel a little better about this whole thing. He knew that the other loved him and wanted to make him happy, but he wanted to find out what they were going to do. "What you'll do more so."
He nodded and took Sebastian's hand, leading him towards the hotel where they'd be staying. He thought out loud as they walked. "Maybe I'll do only house calls," he mused. "I'll make myself known with the elderly population in the area..." He would suggest moving here and applying for the job of heading the orphanage's health clinic, but Sebastian needed to finish school, and Jupiter doubted that he'd want to move so far away from his family anyway.
"Really?" he asked, turning to look at him with a confused look to his features. "I ... see you more as pediatrics." He admitted and he looked the other over a bit more. He laced their fingers and trailed his thumb along the back of his hand. He thought a little bit, swaying his hips from side to side and he tilted his head back to look at him with interest. "Why don't ... you move here? Remus and Rommy need a doctor at the orphanage. It'll be something where you won't be away for too long. And won't be away for months on end. Just have to be on call, or maybe live there, but ... It would be... nice."
He looked down to his love. "Wouldn't that defeat the purpose?" he asked, ignoring the fact that Sebastian read his thoughts. "I'm resigning so that I can be closer to you. To resign and then move away from you is just...stupid." He shook his head as they entered the lobby of the hotel and headed for the elevators. "And I prefer children, but the majority of children who live around us attend Prometheus, which provides free health care. The old people don't have such luxuries, nor can most afford traditional doctors. I can build a base as soon as word gets out that I'm willing to barter for services." He nodded, thinking of all the ideas he'd had before the job at the hospital had come along.
Turning to the other once in the elevator, he rested his hands rested over the other's lips to stop him from talking, and hopefully thinking. "Who said I would not move?" he asked softly. His hands fell to rest on top of his chest. Leaning up, he kissed his lips softly and soon resettled back to his feet. "It's not like I have many friends back home. I only need you and Daddy and Mommy will probably be bothering Rem and Rom quite a bit, so I'll see them frequently. I ... wouldn't mind moving here with you. If you could stand living with me..."
Smiling, Jupiter kissed his lover softly, keeping his hands on the male's hips. "It's not whether or not you would move with me, it's how badly your parents would kill me for even thinking of taking you so far away from their watchful eyes." He smiled and nuzzled into Sebastian's hair, breathing in deeply. "I think staying close to home is safest for me." Sadly, Jupiter was only half joking.
Sebastian pouted, looking up at him with a pathetic look to his eyes. "But ... I like being with you." he whispered and he pulled the other to his form and he leaned up to press another kiss to his lips. "I want to move with you. Mommy and Daddy can just deal. It would be so great for us. We can both get a fresh start and I can get you more to myself. I would love to pick up and move with you." He said softly, taking the other out of the elevator and he linked their fingers together happily. "Think over moving here. Ignore what my parents would do. Think about us.."
As nice as those ideas sounded, Jupiter knew that they weren't realistic. They stepped off of the elevator into the suite that he'd booked for the foreseeable future. "As much as I would love to whisk you're sixteen. Your parents could have me arrested, or send your uncle after me." He leaned down and kissed Sebastian softly. "We have at least three months to think it over." There was no need to stress either of them out with having to make such a large decision right away. "Lets order something to eat and settle in."
Sebastian nodded to the other's words and he pouted a bit more. His cheeks puffed out a little bit while he moved through the penthouse suite. It was very nice. Turning to the other again, he pouted a bit more. "Then ... How about in two years, we come move here? I just want you completely happy. And not coming home to smell like old people and I want to live with you and I want us to be happy. I still think moving here would be good. Great for both of us." he whispered, leaning up to kiss the other's lips and he then settled back to his feet. He kissed him again and then headed over to where the menu was. Taking it up, he lopped down on the couch, his legs lifting up to cross beneath his form as he stared at the menu.

"I think I'll have a bacon cheeseburger." He stated, holding out the menu for the other to take. he turned his eyes to him and thought for a bit more. "You know ... I am very close to graduating. I honestly don't think mom would mind. Well, mind, but not protest. And yes, it's not a now-decision... but I like that option."
Perhaps he would feel Sebastian's parents out on the idea, but not now. He would let them bask in the glory of being grandparents again. Sitting next to his love, Jupiter decided on what he would have for dinner and ordered for the both of them. While they waited, Jupiter pulled out a small wooden box from his pocket and handed it to Sebastian. Only after he'd opened it to reveal a very plain, but still very beautiful golden ring did the doctor speak. "A promise ring. I'm not ready to propose to you just yet-another thing your parents would murder me for-but this is the next best thing...if you'll wear it?"
Taking the box, he opened it up and he looked at the ring for a bit. A promise ring? He slowly rested his fingers upon the gem before turning to the man beside him once more. Leaning over, he pressed a kiss to the other's lips and then pulled away. "Gladly accept it.' he whispered, taking the ring and looking it over for a bit. Hm. Right or left finger? He stared at the nice little ring for a bit. He turned to him with interest, unsure. "Which finger?" he asked, lashes batting against his cheeks as he hoped the other would know.
Leaning in, Jupiter kissed Sebastian deeply as he slid the golden ring onto his lover's right ring finger. The last thing he wanted was to die because of a ring! The brunette pulled away slowly, pulling Sebastian further into his side to relax while they waited for dinner. "What do you want to do after school?" he asked, truly curious. They'd never really talked about it before.
Looking down at the ring, the boy cuddled up to his lover a little bit more. his head rested against the crook of the other's neck and he shrugged absently at the question. "Become a lawyer." He admitted, not really having thought - nor realized - that he never told his lover his future goals. It just never seemed to come up in conversation. He supposed part of that was because of the fact that when they met, his goal was to end his life, but prior to that, he had wanted to become a lawyer.
He nodded. He really hadn't had any idea of what the other wanted to do and it was nice to know now. Jupiter felt that he could now nudge Sebastian towards his own goals a little better, rather than just in the general direction of college. "You'll do well as a lawyer... A prosecutor I think. You don't take enough bull shit to be a defense lawyer..." He smiled at the image of a client trying to BS his way through a meeting with Sebastian. It wasn't a pretty picture...for the client.
Sebastian nodded a bit, nuzzling his lover a little more. "Mhm. I want to put the scumbags in jail." He murmured, eyes traveling to his right hand once more. He lifted his hand, fingers spread out just enough so that he could check out the ring upon his finger. He wiggled his digits a moment and soon let his hand fall onto his lap. "And argue my way into why we should be able to get married." He added, a faint blush tinting to his cheeks and he nuzzled into the male a little more. Yes. he really did want to marry him. Not now, but later. Definitely later. After his college was completed.
Jupiter smiled softly and kissed the top of Sebastian's head. "No need to worry about that," he promised softly. "In a couple of years, perhaps." The brunette laced his fingers with the other male's right hand, bringing it up to kiss the ring finger. He was happy; content. The god settled into the sofa a bit more until there was a knock at the door. Smiling, he moved to answer it and tipped the man while wheeling the cart of food into the room. "Dinner!"
Sebastian sighed softly and nodded. "by the time I'm a lawyer, we'll be engaged." he stated, not even questioning it. It was inevitable after all. The man had said since Avalon that they were soul mates, so why fight it? besides, he loved him. He wanted to get married to him, just not right now. He had school to think about. Was ONLY sixteen, and well, his parents would hang the god up by his boy bits and use him as a pinata. It would not be a fun occasion.

Perking up, he stood from the couch and made his way over to the food. Lifting up the cover, he smiled at the burger that was there. "Delish." he kissed his lover's cheek and then took up the plate and his drink, happily sauntering back to the couch, purposely giving a slightly seductive sway to his hips. Just for that added torture of the other.
He nodded, agreeing while taking his own food back to the sofa as well. He didn't bother with attacking Sebastian. That would come after dinner. Oh, his love would pay for teasing him in such a manner, especially when they had been so rudely interrupted earlier that day. They ate in between small talk, Jupiter collapsing back into the sofa after cleaning his plate and groaning, hand over his own stomach.
Sebastian finished up and put his plate on the table in front of them. Looking up at Jupiter, he stared at him for a moment more. His eyes traveled along his form and he slid onto the other's lap. Straddling his form, his hands rested on the front of the other's chest, his hands sliding down and then back up to his shoulders again. Leaning forward, he pressed a soft kiss to his lips. Grinding into his hips a little bit more, he purred some more. Nipping at the side of his neck, he pulled back and grinned deviously. "I love you, Jupiter. You're retarded sometimes, but I adore you nonetheless."
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