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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tomias nodded, nuzzling him gently and letting out a soft little sigh. He nipped his neck and then straightened once more. He stretched his arms above his head and groaned lightly. "We'll pick them up after lunch, kay?" he kissed his love's lips and then clapped his hands together. "We can introduce Rune's kids to Mom." he offered, smirking in his utter amusement.
With the morning sickness mostly gone, the rest of their pregnancies were a breeze. Remus, at least, was happily huge. Jupiter had told them that they only had one each, but they both looked so large that the brunette could hardly see it. There had to be more than one! While making breakfast, the brunette felt a sharp jab in his side. He stopped, gasping and holding onto the counter to be sure he didn't fall. "Pierce! Gideon!"
Remus was huge, but Romulus was larger. He did not know what watermelon he swallowed, but it was not digesting! At least, that was how he felt right now. He just was too huge and he felt like he was going to fall over.

Gideon leaped up from the spot he had been in, rushing over to Remus' side and squeaking at the lovely puddle he was now standing in. "That's ... um ... lovely! I'll call Jupiter, yea?" He asked, taking a hold of the other's hands and holding onto him gently. "After I put you to bed"
Looking down, Remus hadn't even realized that his water had broke. Oh. Well. That explained the pain then. Groaning, the brunette followed his love up the stairs and into the bed, shifting to try and make himself more comfortable. Of course, nothing he did was going to work-the contractions were rather strong, despite not being in labor for very long. He hoped that Jupiter came soon, though he knew that too was wishful thinking. Jupiter never took anything seriously!!
Gideon gave Remus many, many kisses before he scurried off to get on the phone. Dialing up the doctor, he took in a deep breath. "GET OVER HERE NOW! I don't care what you're doing. Who you're doing. Whatever! Remus is in pain and contracting and ... steal Rune's fucking jet! I don't care. Over here. NOW!" Yep. He was freaking out on his love's behalf. He did not want Remus to be in pain for longer than he had to. He added another "NOW! Get moving!" before he hung up and rushed back to the man. "How are you feeling? Can I get you anything? A pillow? Water? cookie?"
Looking up, Remus smiled at his lover. "You can sit down and stop having a heart attack." The brunette batted his eyes at the man with an innocent little smile. "And maybe get Jupiter here faster than five minutes ago because I want..." A contraction hit and Remus sat up clutching his stomach. He relaxed as the pain went away, breathing heavily. "I want PAIN KILLERS." He growled a little and curled onto his side as best he could, mentally cursing Jupiter for not being there yet.
Gideon hurried to the other's side. Sitting on the bed, he pulled the other against his form, trailing his fingers through his brown locks and smiling softly. "It's okay. If he's not here in twenty minutes, I'm going to dismember him, starting with the one between his legs." he kissed the top of the other's head and then slid his hand to lace his fingers with his, hugging him against his form a little bit more. "It's all right." he whispered, kissing him on top of the head again, sighing a little bit more. "Stupid fucking god. Why did you want him again?" He mumbled, nuzzling into the top of his head and grumbling a bit more. 'I don't like seeing you in pain."
"Because he's family...sort of..." Leaning up, Remus kissed his lover softly. "Get Rommy and Bunny?" he asked softly. "And the kids... The kids can wait downstairs." He nodded with a little smile to Gideon. "And maybe a glass of water?" He would have liked food, too, but thought that might be asking a bit too much, and so he stopped with the water.

Before Gideon could leave the room, though, Jupiter was shoved through the door by his father. "Help him, you oaf!" Tanner wasn't usually physical. But his son was in pain and needed medical attention. There was no way he was going to allow the god to finish his bedroom romp before showing up. So what if he had only had time to pull a towel around his waist before being dragged out of the house??
Gideon went wide-eyed when he saw the god suddenly being shoved in through the door. He let out a little laugh and nodded lightly. "Thank you, Tanner." He said happily, kissing the blond's cheek before he bounced out of the room, soon running to go get the others. Romulus and Pierce were told -- The little bunny helping their lover to waddle down the hall to the bedroom the other was in. He then headed down the stairs to call up the four, making sure that they came here soon. Within the house, at least.

Sebastian glared at the back of his father's head, pouting as he stood in the hallway. He got why they were here. He did not like his brother being in pain and whatnot, but having his FATHER walk in on him in... such a position, oh it made him want to just crumble and fly away. So, yes, the glare was more at his father storming in, versus being stopped. He would have, and was going to, make Jupiter get off, but ugh!

Romulus quickly waddled himself over to his brother's side. Sitting down beside him and scooping up his hand into his own. "Remus.." he whispered, kissing his knuckles lightly.
Remus raised an eyebrow at the god's attire and shook his head, pointing to the dresser. "There are pajama pants there. But first, I want pain killers!" The pants would cost a price, since the man hadn't simply gotten up and changed when the phone call came in in the first place. That was Jupiter's fault and Remus wasn't going to suffer for it. But the brunette smiled when his other two lovers came into the room. He leaned up as best he could to kiss his brother and reached out for Pierce with his other hand.

Glaring at Sebastian, Tanner moved over and kissed all three cheeks. "I'll wait downstairs with the kids...and I'll try to keep your mother down there as well." There were enough people in the room to take care of Remus, and al--most of them Tanner trusted to do so. He took Sebastian by his bicep and lead him out of the room and towards the stairs. "And don't you give me that look!" he warned, very typically father-like.
Pierce already moved to the other side of the man. He sat down and took a hold of his hand, lacing their fingers together and wanting the other to feel better already. He did not like this at all. He wanted him to feel better and stop being in so much pain. It was so very saddening. He did not like watching him being in pain. He kissed his knuckles a few times before relaxing and resting it against his chest gently.

Sebastian rolled his eyes while he was tugged out of the room. "You deserve it." he countered, arms wrapping around his lower torso and he continued out of the room toward the couch. "Whatever." She murmured and then plopped down, brooding as he did so.

Gideon returned a moment later and sat down beside Romulus. He took a hold of the twin's hand, trailing his thumb along the backside of his hand while he watched the other on the bed, smiling lightly. "I called your kids.. They'll head over soon." he stated, hugging Romulus a little bit more. He was so very nervous. He did not know what to do right now. He just wanted to help him, but had no way to do so.
"No. Your lover deserved what he got," Tanner corrected him, sitting down next to his moody son and draping an arm around his shoulders. "Cliche, but you'll understand when you have children. It hurts to know that your child is in pain, and it angers you that the person who is supposed to help him thinks that something as fleeting as sex is more important." Tanner really did want Sebastian to understand.

Jupiter stuck his tongue out at the male but dug into his bag and quickly administered the pain medication that would numb the man from the waist down. He then took the offered pants, grumbling about blonds. Once done, he clapped his hands together. "Alright boys! Ready to be daddies?"
Sebastian turned to the other, narrowing his eyes as he did so. "I know that." He growled out, glaring at him even more. "You could have KNOCKED. I was going to shove him off me anyway. Having my father walk in to see me NAKED with .... Jupiter like that ... THAT is what I'm pissed about. Invasion of privacy does not begin to explain it!"

Pierce and Romulus said a simple "Again" to the other's comment about daddies. Well, first time for Pierce, being a dad, second for Romulus.

Gideon nodded a little absently, holding onto Romulus' hand a little bit more. "Yes! mostly... should be." He shook his head and soon buried his face into the brunette's neck. He hugged the other to his form, just wanting this all to go faster so that his lover was no longer in pain and that he could see the child!
The blond laughed. "You think I was paying any attention to you?" He shook his head and kissed Sebastian's temple. "You could have been in a clown suit and I wouldn't have noticed. And you have no privacy when you're in my house and one of my children is in pain. Not even your mother does." With a sigh, the blond stood and began to pace a bit.

Jupiter nodded. "Yes yes. Again." Shaking his head, the brunette moved with precision, easily sterilizing the area and quickly cutting into Remus' numb belly. It didn't take long for the god to produce a child... Who looked like its mother in every way, including wings and brown hair. After Remus was closed up and the baby was cleaned off, Jupiter swaddled the little boy and laid it into Remus' arms.
Romulus gasped softly. Standing up from the chair, he leaned over his brother and examined the boy before going beet red. "L... Literally daddy..." He whispered softly. He stared at the child and went a bit more wide-eyed. That was ... unexpected. He lifted a hand to rest upon his lips, staring down at the baby and he took in a sharp breath once more. "Jupiter... Um ... Don't... Don't go too far..." he whispered, hand resting on his lower back where the surging pain was.

Gideon squeaked when there was suddenly water on the floor beside Romulus "You too?!" He hopped up, not even having time to wrap his mind around the one child, yet along Romulus going into labor too!!
Gasping, Remus looked to his brother and reached out for his hand, squeezing it softly. He wanted to move over but couldn't. He was too numb from the medication still.

Looking up, Jupiter shook his head. "AH well. Kill two birds with one stone!" The doctor moved over and easily guided his second patient to the other side of the bed. "There now. Sit back and relax. We'll get some medicine into you very shortly..." He had to dig through his bag for another dose, not planning for two deliveries in one day like this.
Romulus nodded, hugging his brother a little tighter and not really sure what to do. He slowly moved onto the bed with Jupiter's help. He turned to Remus, leaning over to look at the boy in his arms and giggling lightly. "He looks like you." He joked, grinning as he looked over at his brother. He rested his head on his shoulder, holding his hand tightly.

Gideon quickly left the room, rushing out to get a few towels for the carpet. He returned after a few moments, plopping them onto the ground where Romulus had just been standing. He sat down and then took the brunette's other hand. His heart was racing.
"No. He has your nose." Remus laughed a little and kissed his twin's forehead softly. He was aware of Gideon and Pierce in the room, but Remus felt almost like he and Romulus were the only two. It was sort of nice. Remus watched Jupiter bustle about again, administering pain medication to Romulus quickly and then setting to work to deliver their other child. It was five minutes later that he realized just why Romulus had been larger than him when two babies were pulled from his stomach and settled onto his chest.
Romulus giggled lightly and nodded. "Your ears." he commented before feeling the medication calm him instantly. He relaxed, still gripping Remus' hand while he sunk against the pillows, trying to be a good patient for Jupiter. When there were two boys on his chest, he just stared at them. Two!? And ... they were so different. One had light blue hair and black little ears folded on top of his head. The other boy had a magenta-red hair that was already a good half in in length, and blue eyes. Definitely ... both men's children. He turned to Remus with a little pathetic look to his features. "Pierce... and Gideon?" he soon moved his attention to Jupiter, curiosity upon his form. "Is that possible?"

Gideon leaned over, staring at the boys with a bit of wide eyes. "That's... interesting. They're so cute!"
"Hmm? Oh. Yes." He nodded as he cleaned up, healing Romulus' wound. "Men are not like women. You can be in your early stage of pregnancy and still become pregnant with a second child by a different man. The fact that you are all four lovers... Well I'm quite surprised that you did not have a third that looks much like the one I pulled from Remus." He smiled softly and gathered his things. "I will book a hotel near by for the coming months. They will need their regular check ups and the like right on schedule. And I will send your children and father up right away."
Romulus gave a soft "okay" before looking back down at their children. He turned to Gideon, smiling warmly as he did so. "Do you want to hold your son?" he asked softly, looking up at the redhead.

Gideon stared at the two and nodded a little shakily. "Yes. I do." He admitted, taking a hold of the boy and slowly pulling him into his form. He held him securely, arms still above the bed, just as a precaution. He was too paranoid of dropping the baby. he did not want to hurt him! He looked down at the little thing, chewing his bottom lip a little bit as he did so. "He .. is beautiful." he whispered, smiling lightly. "Like his mommy." He grinned as he turned to look over at the brunette. He could even feel the little wings under the blanket wrapped around the boy's back.
Remus laughed a little at Gideon. "You're not going to break him." Of course, he remembered feeling the same way when Pierce gave birth so he supposed that he understood. "You are, however, going to name him." He poked a tongue out at his lover and looked down at the little boy in his arms. "As for you..." The brunette thought for a minute. "Adonis, I think." He looked to the other three for confirmation.

Knocking, Kat poked his head in, followed by his siblings and grandfather. "Ready for visitors?"
Gideon pouted and then looked down at the boy he was holding. He really felt like he would actually break him if he moved right now. He lifted his eyes to the other, smiling a little bit more and he nodded. "I like it." he admitted in a soft whisper, looking down at the boy. "Should we name him Apollo? We can go with a whole A-theme." He smiled a little bit more, gingerly lifting his hand to trail his finger along his cheek and then tugging the blanket aside.

Romulus nodded "I like Adonis. And Apollo." He whispered and then turned to Pierce, smiling a little more. "You get to name him too." He stated, hugging the little blue haired boy to his form, feeling the little wings on the bunny baby's back as well. It was cute. He would definitely be a looker. Lifting his eyes to their child, he nodded a bit. "Yes. I am." He stated, turning to Remus to see what he felt like.
An A name? Remus rested his head on Pierce's shoulder and thought for a bit. He was fresh out of ideas, though, and looked up to their bunny eared lover for some help. "So, Bunny? What's this one's name?" he asked smiling softly. Katsurou stepped into the bedroom and kissed his father's and mother's cheeks.

"How about Aries," he suggested, reaching forward and stroking a finger over each baby's cheek.
Pierce smiled, nodding a little bit more. "You read my mind." He whispered softly and then looked back down at the little bunny boy his lover was holding. He looked over at the blue haired boy and sighed softly. "Aries. I like... no. i love it. All of their names. Our own little Greek gods." He smiled a little bit more. Leaning up, he kissed Remus' cheek and then set back down onto the chair and took a hold of the brunette's hand, trailing his thumb along the back of his hand and leaning over to rest his cheek against his shoulder. Looking over at Kat, he smiled once more. "They are very cute." he stated, smiling cheerfully.

Relic made his way into the room after the others, smiling even more at the boys in front of him. "Oooh lucky boys." He chimed happily and walked on over to Gideon, kissing his cheek softly. "How does it feel, Daddy?" He teased, bumping his shoulder with his hip.

Gideon blushed faintly and looked over at Relic, nodding a bit more. "It feels ... strange. unreal." he whispered, slowly holding the child to Relic. "Want to hold him? Um, if it's okay with his mom.." he said, turning to Romulus, seeing the boy nod and smile, he handed off Apollo to his grandmother, smiling lightly. "This is Apollo."
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