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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Squeaking, the boy fell into his love's lap. Listening to his words, he gave him a little roll of his eyes. He turned to look at him again, looking him over a little bit and then growled a bit. "Fine. I'll forgive you. BUT You're buying me a fucking cheesecake when we get back home. and I'm chowing down." he stuck his tongue out at him and then shoved him away once more so that he could go make his way to the door again.
Smiling, Jupiter kissed Sebastian once more and followed him out of the car. Well, he'd been hoping for sex but forgiveness worked just as well...for now. Entering the house once more, the doctor shooed everyone away and had the boys laying on separate sofas. He examined them quickly. They weren't too far along and so they only required confirmation. "I can't tell you anything you don't already know," he answered, stepping back. "Both are pregnant, and if your morning sickness is this severe, be prepared to go through your entire first trimester with it." Remus groaned. "Stay off your feet and on your backs for as long as you can-it'll help the sick feelings. Dry crackers and sipping cool water will help you too. I'll come back in three months for another checkup!"
Romulus stared up at him before he pushed his form up. His hands behind him as his brows furrowed together and he looked over the man a little more. "months?" He repeated and then shook his head. "That will be too long! What if something happens? We'll need ultrasounds and what if the morning sickness gets worse? Three months is too long, Jupiter!"
Looking down at the brunette, Jupiter seemed unphased. "Hmm? Oh well if it gets worse, call me. I can be here in a jiffy. Oh well I suppose ultrasounds at your local hospital would be questioned? Yes. Yes alright. I will be back in a few weeks. Call if you have questions or concerns." He smiled and patted both twins on the head. "Don't fret. Your uncle did well with me."
Romulus narrowed his eyes at the other and sighed heavily. "Thank you." he mumbled and then fell back down onto the couch with a yawn.

Adamair soon came into the room, a baby girl attached to his back and then one to his front. He made his way into the living room and took the fussing girl out of the front and placed her into Tanner's arms. "There. She kept whining for Dada. And ... I had too many women hitting on me. Can I go to Japan now?" he asked with a bit of a whine.
"No," Tanner answered, taking Christina and Katelyn into his arms, Tanner kissed the top of Adamair's head. "You can sit and visit with your brothers for a little while before being rude and running off to another country." Passing one of their toddlers off to their mother, the blond sat down and bounced Christina up and down on his knee, producing very cute squeels of joy from the little girl.
Adamair arched a brow, looking at the two lying on the couch and then looking back to his father. "You mean the two who look like they'll vomit if I poke them?" he rolled his eyes before shrugging and moving to sit at Remus's feet. Taking up his legs, he draped them over his legs and sunk into the couch with a heavy sigh. "Fine. I'll stay."
Remus stuck his tongue out at Adamair. "The kids liked the clothes you brought last time you were here," he offered. "The girls request more blue, and the boys request more pants." The brunette gave a pointed stare at his mother. Tanner laughed and shook his head while Christina gummed his index finger to death.
Relic looked down at the sleeping Katelyn in his arms. He then glanced over at his son, nodding a little bit. "Fine fine. I'll make ... pants. but they're so boring!" He whined a bit and flopped into the couch a little more. He looked down at the girl and smiled lightly. Already, the girls were three months! Almost four!! It was amazing. They were so cute.

Adamair rolled his eyes. "I told him to make more pants!"
Shaking his head, Remus yawned a little. He was tired now, ready to nap and get some rest. Looking up to his parents, the brunette smiled softly. "Don't think I don't love you or anything but... I'm going to go upstairs and take a nap." Nodding, the brunette slowly sat up and pushed away Jupiter's hand that was offered to him. "Like hell I'm going to trust you!" He reached out for Pierce to help him upstairs, kissing his siblings and parents on the way out of the room.

"Well. I'm off!" Jupiter held his hand out for Sebastian to take and turned to Tanner and Relic. "I know it's a sore subject but do you mind if I send Aldith to stay with you for the weekend?" He gave a sheepish little smile to Tanner's deep growl.
Pierce smiled, gladly helping his love up and to the stairs. Kissing his cheek softly, he kept an arm securely around his hips, leading him up the stairs and being sure he did not fall or hurt himself.

Sebastian saw his mother about to protest and he rolled his eyes in annoyance. "It's either deal with Aldith for a few days, or me."

Relic perked up, clapping his hands together and instantly beaming "Oh goodie! I so miss that little freaky boy! Send him on over with a little bow!" He giggled happily and began to rub the back of Katelyn's head to help her go back to sleep. Clapping was a bad idea.
Happy, Jupiter nodded and pulled his lover out the door to the limo which would take them to the airport. He would call Aldith on the way and ask if he minded staying with Relic and Tanner for a few days, and promise to make it up to him. He felt bad, but he'd feel worse if the man had to stay in the house and hear what was about to go on.

He pulled Sebastian into his lap as they drove, nuzzling his cheek softly. "I do love you."
"Yea yea." he murmrued and curled up into his lap. He may be annoyed with him, but that did not mean he had not missed him. He buried his face into the other's neck, hugging him to his form and he sighed softly. His arms slipped around his neck and he hugged him against his form. He bit deeply into the other's neck and then pulled back to look up at him with a heavy sigh to his lips. "Let's go to Africa. On our third week. I'll deal with your stupid tourist shit ... but how about Africa? I wanna ride a giraffe."
Jupiter held Sebastian close to him, bonding once more after their long separation. He'd missed his lover terribly. Growling with the bite, his hips bucked up involuntarily and he returned the gesture, though not so roughly. "Anywhere you want." The brunette smiled at his love, kissing his lips softly. "Though I don't know how you'll get a giraffe to allow you to ride should be a fun show for me at least!" Grinning, he kissed the other male again before he could answer.
"You doubt my capabilities." he purred out, nipping his bottom lip and then pulling back to look down at him with a little smirk to his lips. "If you weren't a stupid god, I'm sure you would fall victim to me too. More than you are." He grinned and kissed him again before he sunk into his form with a heavy sigh. He really had not been able to sleep since the other was gone. He just could not. He really was too accustomed to sleeping beside him. Stupid jerk.
He kissed the younger male's forehead and relaxed back into the seat to allow Sebastian to rest a little bit. He felt bad that he had caused so much stress and anxiety to his love, yet sometimes things could not be helped. What mattered, though, was that they were able to spend three weeks alone together, right? Jupiter cradled Sebastian tightly to his chest, soaking in the feeling of having the other male close to him once again.
It did not take long at all before the teen was completely and utterly passed out in the other's embrace. He curled up into him, eyes closed and his hands gripping the other's shirt tightly. Didn't he know just how much it killed him to have him leave for so long?! Honestly, it drove him insane. He was far too paranoid that he would not come back, and that was what scared him the most. What annoyed him about why he leaves for such long amounts of time.
Taking care of his love, Jupiter carried the man onto the plane and settled down with him. He even told the flight attendant to fuck off when she tried to tell him that Sebastian would have to be put in his own seat for the flight. There wasn't any reason to do such a thing and it would only stress Sebastian out more.

The flight was routine and Jupiter let his love sleep all the way home. Aldith, bless his heart, was already at Sebastian's house by the time they got home. Smiling, the god moved into the house and set his love on the bed to continue to sleep while he got himself undressed and then joined him.
Sebastian groaned lightly. his brows furrowed together and he turned onto his side to nuzzle into the man beside him with a little grumble. His eyes fluttered open, looking up at the man, he sighed heavily. Kissing his chest gently, he relaxed into his side a little bit more. Arms wrapped around his hips and he bit his side lightly.
It was later that night that Remus sat up in bed reading. It was all he seemed to be ale to do without getting sick. He was uncomfortable, though. He knew that neither he nor Romulus would be able to go to the orphanage for quite some time. They needed help. The brunette whined softly and called out for Pierce. They needed to start the interview process...and they needed to tell their children that they were pregnant.
Pierce came into the room almost immediately, far too worried about the twins' health. He sat down on the edge of the bed, looking over his love and he sighed softly. "What's wrong?" He asked, chocolate pools showing his utter concern for the man in front of him.
He felt bad that everytime they called out, both Pierce and Gideon worried about them. Remus leaned into his love's side and nuzzled his shoulder softly. "I'm sorry we're worrying you..." He really wished that Jupiter would have just given them something to make the dizziness and vomiting go away. "We need to start interviewing... Rommy and I are stuck here for at least three months... We need Kat and we need other staff to help..."
Pierce looked down at his love, already beginning to trail his fingers through the other's locks. He nodded and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "Yes. I will put an article in the paper again. Though, maybe that should wait until after we interview Kat to see where he would be best..." he really wanted his son to enjoy working with them, so yes, he wanted to make sure he had everything covered and that the job he would want was not taken up by someone less qualified or just there.
He shook his head. "Make a list of the positions we have and give it to him. We'll interview him first for any position he wants and we'll give anyone else two weeks to apply." Remus looked up and kissed his bunny-eared lover softly. "I hate feeling like this, Bunny..." The brunette was a bit whiney now, wanting to feel better already. "Why don't we have a healer in the family? Not like Mommy or Uncle Rune. But someone who fixes whatever is wrong." He knew it wasn't likely possible but he could wish!
Pierce nodded, making a mental note to do just what his love said. He kissed his cheek lightly and then relaxed against him a bit more. "Mhm. I agree." he whispered, kissing the top of the other's head and then pulling him into his lap to continue stroking his lovely locks. "It'll be all right. Just think ... We'll have kids and be ready for them."
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