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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Eh?" Gideon went a little wide-eyed before he stood up, looking at his watch. "Oooo sorry! I think Jackie -- no. Phil! Yes! Phillip needs me ... whenever they're coming. I'm positive he said that!" He nodded a bit before turning to Gabriel with pleading eyes. "Their parents are going to kill me, aren't they?! I'm going to be sliced into pieces and fed to some strange dragon they happen to have! I am!" Yes. Fatherhood he could accept. Meeting the others' parents ... That was a completely different story. He did not want to meet them to have them hate him! Or disown him. Yes. he had his own little psychological traumatic issues that he had to deal with.

Gabriel laughed softly and shook his head a little bit. "Uncle Relic will not feed you to anything. He will probably hug you. Probably force you into some obscene outfits, and then threaten you if you think of leaving his babies, but just be happy uncle Rune is not their Mama." He giggled lightly and shook his head a bit before turning to Sergei. The silver-haired male leaned over to press a kiss to his love's lips. 'Maybe they will learn this time." he whispered to him, hoping that they could stop freaking out over pregnancies and actually begin to think that that could be an option.
Remus' head whipped up, eyes wide. "Like hell you're going anywhere!" Oh yay! Hormones! The brunette struggled to stand up and be intimidating, but the first failed miserably which made the second impossible. He groaned. "You're going to meet them because they are likely yours and because you are ours! So sit down and get over it!" Turning into Romulus' side Remus began to weep a little with the thought that Gideon didn't love them enough to meet their parents.
Gideon blinked a few times before crawling onto the couch beside him, shaking his head a little bit. "oooh Remus. I'm only teasing. Sorry." he kissed the other's cheek softly. "Sure. I'm scared shitless, but I would never abandon you." He kissed his cheek again before wrapping his arms around his form. He pulled him into a soft embrace kissing his neck lightly and resting his head against his. "I love you too much to leave just because I'm scared of your parents."
Sniffling, Remus allowed Gideon to cuddle him. "D-don't tease like that..." Well wouldn't these be a fun nine months! It only took a few moments for the brunette to return to normal. He felt silly, but knew that there was nothing he could do about it. "Sorry," he whispered to the redhead, still sniffling here and there.

"Gabriel is right," Sergei piped up. "Both glows are dark, but Rune's..." The Russian man shuddered and curled into his husband a little.
Gideon blinked a few time. An aura ... made a man shudder. "Oh. I don't want to meet Rune. Ever." He shook his head and cuddled closer to Remus. He kissed his cheek softly, trailing his fingers through the other's hair to try and help calm those raging hormones of his. Poor thing.

Romulus giggled lightly and shook his head a bit. "you won't have to. Mom and Dad will probably bring the family since the doctor is dating our little brother, and Addy will come again for a chance to go to Japan as well. It will be very interesting." He smiled as he turned to look at Gideon. Leaning over, he kissed the other's cheek before turning to look at the two across from him once more. "how is Isiah?"

Before Gabriel could answer, quite the grumpy man came into the room. A hand on his belly and an annoyed look to his features. "Too late." he mumbled, flicking the back of the random redhead's head. "Rune's here. Stalking Sergei." He admitted and then turned to Sergei. Hey. Australia was closer than Italy, so it worked better for him to come here. That and he wanted to know what the hell was growing in him. "Oi. Aura boy. One or two?" he asked, resting his hand on his belly and he groaned a little bit more. "Please say one ... I'll just crumble if it's three again."

[[ I can easily take away the Rune bit. I was just amused at the thought ]]
Sergei looked up and quickly pressed himself into Gabriel's side. Oh... Oh that wasn't good. In general, babies who were inutero had a white glow-they were pure by nature-and that changed to blue or pink depending on their gender. The blue or pink glow would stay until the child began to build its own aura. Rune's stomach was... well black. The redhead whimpered softly. "I... I do not know," he answered very softly. Over the years he had gotten used to Rune and his dark aura, "I--" Sergei whimpered softly. "It's black..." he whispered to his husband, closing his eyes and burying his face into his neck.
Gabriel looked over at Rune before once more back to the male beside him. Why was he freaking out so badly? He remained silent and then turned to look back at Rune. After his words, he sighed softly. "He says it's black." He informed him in a gentle tone. He trailed his fingers through the other's hair and pulled his love closer.

Rune arched a brow. "Black?" He repeated, tilting his eyes to his stomach and he groaned. "Shit. Calder's going to kill me." He mumbled and then flopped onto the chair with a grumble. "Ugh. This sucks." He slouched a bit as he looked over at the redhead. "Oi. Who are you anyway?"

Gideon perked up, looking over at the man and he let out a nervous little laugh. "Their lover and possibly the father of the twins' children?"
Sergei took great comfort in his lover's hands in his hair, and the redhead took several deep breaths to try to calm himself. He knew it wasn't Rune whose aura was black, but it still made him uncomfortable.

Looking up, Remus gave a half innocent smile. "Don't tell Mom okay?" he asked, half hoping the news hadn't gone out over the 'airwaves' just yet. "We...only found out and want to tell them... Please Uncle Rune?" Who knew what would happen if Relic found out that Rune knew before him!
Rune stared at the other and groaned. "Fine. but only because it will only make Calder more pissed!" He grumbled and slowly straightened up. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he stared at the twins for a little. "i'm going to go back and tell my husband I'm apparently carrying the embodiment of evil. Oh so much fun!" That and, while he would not admit it, he knew he was getting Sergei uncomfortable and he did not want to make him want to run. He was here to visit. He did not need to disturb him even more. "but I'm torturing Relic and telling him I know something he doesn't. It'll make him come faster." He winked and the pulled back on Gideon's head to glare down at him. "You hurt my nephews in any manner, and no one will find your remains. Keep that in mind." With that, and a shove of the doctor's head, he left with a groan. Ugh. He was feeling nasty again.
He couldn't help the relief that came with the knowledge that Rune left. It was like a heavy air was lifted from the room and dispersed completely. Sergei sighed in relief and slouched down into Gabriel's side a bit more. The girls noticed nothing, really. They were too engaged in a conversation with Pierce about the last couple months of their lives, and what they were interested in pursuing in the future.

Remus groaned a little bit with the threat, but knew that the man wasn't kidding at all. Oh he'd love to see his mother's face when Rune teased him so mercilessly...
Gideon turned to the two and let out a nervous little laugh. "He... He's kidding, right? He um... He does not mean that. I would never hurt you but... what if he thinks I did? I'm too cute to die" The last bit was a little playful and did not mean it completely, but it did not change the fact that he was slightly scared.

Romulus sighed softly and shook his head a bit. "No. He's not. Sorry." He admitted and then kissed his brother's cheek gently. "He is really nice to have on your side, though."
Nodding, Remus yawned. "Mm... I think I need a nap..." It had been an exciting day and he had taxed himself out. At least now they knew that Pierce and Gideon didn't have to stay away from them for fear of getting sick! And while he hated leaving the girls so soon, but there was nothing to be done. He needed sleep.
Rune made his way back to the island, sighing heavily as he did so. He grumbled a few times and walked on into the house. He walked over to where his love was on the couch. He crawled over it and nipped at the man's neck with a grumble. "I'm carrying evil incarnate. It's black. Sergei almost crawled into a hole." He mumbled, flopping to the side of hte other and giving him a lovely look that just screamed 'i'm not kidding',.
Smiling when Rune came in, Calder nuzzled into the top of his husband's head, breathing in his scent deeply. At least, until he spoke. Black? The blond studied Rune carefully and very easily saw that he wasn't fucking around. He began to panic a little bit. They nearly had to chain the triplets down! What would they do with a truly evil one? It took a minute for Calder to relax enough to try and think straight. "We'll just...give it to your mother. Yeah. I mean. She survived raising Tomias and you... She can survive another one..."
Rune pouted. "I'm not evil." He mumbled before he groaned a little bit. "Maybe." He added and then sunk against the other's form a little bit more. He nuzzled into his neck a little and bit his neck once more. "but yes. Something like that." He shrugged gently and absently, just trying to think a bit. "Eh. We have like eight months to think. If it comes out with horns, I'm sending him via mail to mom."
"I might even if it doesn't come out with horns," he muttered, pressing a kiss to the top of his husband's head. Calder sighed a little. How did they always wind up in these situations? They were supposed to be on the island, by themselves, for years. Now, six months later, they were pregnant and would have to go back home in order to raise their child. It was bittersweet. Calder loved being a father, but at the same time he wanted to enjoy being a husband.
"We have hundreds of years to be alone. We'll just make sure no one touches our island because if they do, we can sick our evil offspring on them OH! A total bonus." He chuckled and nipped at the other's neck, smirking a little bit more." Or send him off to mum and then have time to ourselves again." He did not mind either way. He loved his husband no matter what, and if their child was completely evil, so be it.
He sighed a little. He knew that. Calder knew that they had many, many years. But he sill had had his hopes up to be alone now. And he felt bad about even thinking about sending the kid off to his mother in law. The blond sighed and nuzzled into his lover, trying to come to terms with the fact that Rune was once more pregnant. "We'll call in a real doctor-one that doesn't want to torture you-for an ultra sound to get an idea of how many..."
"How about Byrnes? He likes us... and isn't a prick. insane, but not a douche." He sighed heavily and slid against his form just a little bit more. "Stupid fucking pathetic excuse of a god. Besides, he'll be dealing with th-- OH!" he perked up and turned to look at him with a grin. "Don't tell relic, but he's going to be a grandpa again! The twins are pregnant. HAH! And what's better? They don't know who the father is!" Oh yes. he was far too giddy.
"Hmm?" Calder smiled. "Oh that's nice!" He was sincere, unlike his husband. The blond was happy for his brothers-in-law. "And you be nice to Relic. Let the boys tell him!" He gave a warning glare to Rune, daring him to do anything different. With a little sigh, Calder leaned down and kissed his husband softly. "Can we not think about it for a few days?" he asked. "We'll call Byrnes this weekend or something."
He nodded and slid down the other's form. He rested his head in the other's lap and nuzzled him gently. He sighed heavily with a little grumble. "I won't. I told him I knew something he didn't, but that's beside the point. I could have easily meant Gideon." He chuckled darkly and nuzzled Calder a little more. "wanna go fuck on the beach?"
They rested. Remus slept through the afternoon and the night, completely exhausted. The emotions of the day and the exhurtion of actually moving downstairs was almost too much for him, really. When he woke up, his head was resting on Pierce's stomach as he laid sideways across the bed with his feet in Gideon's lap. He was too groggy to process where Romulus was at the moment, and the doorbell was ringing. The brunette groaned and tried to push himself up to go answer it.
Romulus had somehow found his way down the stairs to get a snack, but the doorbell caught his attention first. He moved to the door, opening it up and going wide-eyed when he saw his mother there. "Mom?" He asked, seeing the other looking so very concerned or ... no. that was annoyed.

"What does Rune know that I don't!?" He asked, his arms crossing over his lower torso as he stared at the other. "He was here! That little bastard! He teased me. I should kill him." he mumbled the latter to himself but shook his head while he began to make his way into the house. "Ooo! i love what you've done with the place!" He chimed before shaking his head and turned to look at the man once more. "What did you tell him? Are you getting a divorce? Moving? Are you coming back to Italy?!"
Remus had somehow moved downstairs, too, and saw their parents standing in the doorway. Tanner rested his hand on his husband's arm. "Relax, Relic. Let the poor boy talk." Shaking his head, the blond moved inside and kissed both boys cheeks. "Where's Pierce?" he asked, looking around the house.

"Hi Mom... Dad. Um... Pierce is sleeping upstairs still." He hadn't realized that their parents didn't even know about Gideon. "No... No we're not moving back to Italy or getting a divorce or moving... Do you want some tea?"
Relic whined and was about to protest, but he saw his husband's look and sighed heavily. "Tea will be lovely." He stated, smiling to his sons before sticking his tongue out at Tanner. He moved to the living room, sitting on the sofa and crossing his arms over his lower torso.

Gideon groggily made his way down the stairs, rubbing at his crimson locks with a yawn. He stopped when he saw the brooding man on the couch, squeaking instantly. "Why's Rune back!? I DIDN'T HURT YOU!" He protested, taking a few steps away.

Romulus arched a brow and sighed softly. "That's Mom." He stated, walking over to him to kiss his cheek softly. "Rune is his twin." He stated and then tugged the other into the living room with a warm smile. "This is Gideon. He um ... is an addiction to our relationship." He really did not know how else to explain it.
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