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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sebastian arched a brow, shrugging his shoulders slightly. "Fine. Then we'll adopt." He stated, nipping the other back before gladly falling into the sheets and bed with his love.

When morning came, he groaned at the arm suddenly flopped over his torso. "Get off, you giant oaf." He mumbled annoyedly, shoving the man's arm off his form and then leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. "You need to lose weight." he absently poked at the other's side, where there really was no fat, but he just wanted to torture his lover a little bit more in the morning. That and it followed up his grunt about the arm on his form.
He whined. "I'm not fat!" Jumping up, the brunette rushed into the bathroom to prod his stomach and sides in the full length mirror that hung on the back of the door. He stared at himself for well over forty minutes before returning to the bedroom, pouting. He plopped himself onto the edge of the bed, trying very hard to not reach out and give Sebastian's rear end a hearty smack for his teasing.
"Maybe not fat, but definitely vain." he mumbled before sliding out of the bed. Okay, another bonus? The man spent forever checking himself out, so it was more than enough time to start getting ready to get out of bed. "Get dressed. I want to deal with mom and dad before lunch." he yawned while making his way to the dresser to begin rummaging for what he would wear today. By now, most of his clothes WERE here, so it was almost like they lived together.
With Sebastian bent over, Jupiter couldn't help himself. He reached out and smacked his lover's rear end sharply. "Don't be mean." He was pouting still but moved to get dressed anyway. He didn't want to put off talking to his lover's parents. That would just cause stress.

Dressing quickly, the doctor moved into the kitchen to make them both a cup of tea to tide them over until lunch. He also toasted a couple pieces of bread and buttered them, setting the plate onto the counter for them both. "Ready?" he called out after a few minutes. "I have breakfast."
finishing up breakfast easily, the two were soon moving through the streets and to his parents' home. Stepping out, he took a strong hold of his love's hand and moved into the house. He soon squeaked, being attacked by Katelyn who was running away from Adamair. He scooped up the girl, resting the little toddler onto his hip and staring at his older brother. "uh-huh..." he mumbled, shaking his head a little bit and then turning to the girl who was currently holding onto him happily and giggling about her 'batty'
Jupiter laughed at the little girl and kissed her cheek in greeting. "Hello Katelyn." She giggled wildly and then buried her face into her brother's neck. Smiling, the doctor tickled her bare feet a little but, causing her to giggle and squirm for several minutes.

Hearing the commotion, Tanner moved into the front hall and beamed at Sebastian, greeting him warmly. "What brings you home?" he asked. The blond didn't like that his youngest son was nearly living with a man who was centuries old, but it seemed he had no control over it. It was nice when Sebastian came home, though.
Sebastian took in a deep breath and looked over at his father, smiling warmly. he walked over to him and pressed a small kiss to his cheek. He bounced Katelyn a few times and then took a simple step back to look up at him. "Um ... I wanted to talk to you and mom about ... living arrangements." Oooh thank the heavens for his mother not being able to read his mind. It would not be a good thing at all. Setting KAte onto the ground, he patted her rump and scooted her off to go play with the blond once more.
"Living arrangements?" Tanner asked, eyebrow raised and a glare towards Jupiter. The doctor stepped closer to his lover and took his hand once more. "I'm not sure what you're thinking, but the answer is 'no'." There was no need to engage Relic in the decision. He didn't like Sebastian living with Jupiter to begin with and they weren't going to do it permanently.

Taking a deep breath, the brunette finally spoke up. "Just...hear us out?"
Sebastian rolled his eyes at his father's words, his hands gripped tightly as he glared back at his father. "No. You're going to hear us out." He stated, moving to his father and beginning to lead him toward the kitchen where he could smell his mother cooking away. Heading into the room, he spotted the ravenette and stopped a few steps inside. "Mom. We need to talk with you."

Relic turned to look at the two, smiling excitedly ... until he saw his husband's face. His features dropped instantly and he looked at the two with a non-too-pleased expression. "What is it?"
Jupiter gave a soft meep with the look and sat himself down in a kitchen chair. At least if one of them hit him, he wouldn't have very far to fall! He explained. "I'd like to start my own practice, but we'd talked about moving to Australia together... Several years ago! We waited until Sebastian was nearly eighteen to talk about it seriously and we... We were hoping for your blessings..."

Tanner growled. "No."
Sebastian crossed his arms over his lower torso and he sat beside the other and he kept his eyes to his parents. He arched a brow, leaning toward his parents and he really was annoyed at the moment. "Okay. I'm going to put it this way before you protest too ... We're moving to Australia. I want your blessings, but if you refuse to give them, then it looks like we're leaving on a bad note. We've been together for three years, Mom. You and Dad were married after what? a YEAR of knowing each other? We're not getting married. We are moving to help out my brothers and his family and hopefully give them less to be frustrated about. It's a benefit all around, and if you're too pig-headed and stubborn to see, then so be it."

Relic blinked a few times, staring at his son and arching a brow in question. "Wow." He had to admit: his son was going to be a GREAT lawyer. Especially with such an unreadable expression like that. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at his son and then the other. "Give us a moment." he stated, taking Tanner by the arm and dragging him off to the other room to discuss.
Jupiter was impressed with his lover's argument, but it wasn't how he wanted things to go. He didn't want there to be bad blood between Sebastian and his parents, because that would just make it more difficult for them all around. Jupiter wouldn't feel comfortable leaving, and Sebastian wouldn't care, and that would cause them to they usually did. He sighed and collapsed back into the chair, whimpering a little bit towards his lover.

Following his husband out into the other room, Tanner huffed. "No. He's too young and Jupiter's too old and it's too far away!"
Relic arched a brow, groaning lightly. "Tanner ... My parents have thousands of years between them. He has a point about us ... and you were barely his age when we were engaged. They're not running off and getting married. Just ... living far away." He sighed heavily, falling forward to rest his head against the crook of the other's neck. "I don't want them to go. I really don't ... but his argument makes sense. I want him to stay with us forever and ever, but that's unrealistic. They're in love. I want Sebastian happy. Don't we have to let him come ahead of us? Ignore our personal issues with Jupiter and his age and whatever else and realize ... Them moving will make them happy."
Tanner whimpered. "Why do you have to make so much sense?" he whined, hugging Relic very close to him. "And thousands of years doesn't seem so huge when your father is, say, seven thousand, and your mother for example is five thousand. Being as old as the beginning of time is old when your partner-our son!-isn't even eighteen!" He whined again and bit Relic's neck softly.
"SHHHHH!!" he hissed, hands clamping over the other's lips and he shook his head a bit "only five hundred! She'll fucking KILL you if you say thousand. Maybe not kill, but stop by and not leave!" He kissed his love though, knowing how hard this was for both of them. He took the other's hand, kissing his lips a few times before fully pulling away a little bit more. "I'll reward you for being so great for this." He said softly, kissing him again before he made his way into the kitchen.

Standing in front of the table, he looked down at the two, sighing heavily and straightening a little more. "Here's the deal ... You hurt my baby, god or not, you'll be torn into millions of pieces, set on fire, fed to a dragon, then shit out all over the other dimensions. Got it?" he stared at Jupiter, glaring for a moment before he took in another deep breath. "I will get a minimum of one call per day. I expect two. Morning and night. Again, settle for one. You knock my baby up before marriage, and I'm chaining you up and sending you to the bottom of the ocean..." he thought for a moment, turning to Tanner before once more back to the other two. "I think I've covered all I need to. Don't hurt my baby. Have fun. Get a nice house, with a guest room for surprise visits."
Tanner was not happy. He knew that it was the right thing to do, but hated to allow them to do it. He held onto Relic tightly from behind, trying very hard not to reach out and kill Jupiter on the spot so that they wouldn't have to let Sebastian move away. "And don't think that those surprise visits won't be from Rune with orders to hurt you if he sees anything amiss, either!" the blond added.

Standing, Jupiter nodded to each of their words. "I promise" was offered several times throughout the speech and warnings. He looked down to Sebastian when both men fell silent. "Aren't you going to tell them what else?" He was referring to Sebastian being accepted into school, of course.
Sebastian looked up at his love, sighing softly. "Yea yea. I was accepted into Barthall University down there." Before he could say anything else, his mother let out quite the squeal and leaped over th table to tackle his son.

"WHY DIDNT YOU SAY SO!?" He squealed again, gripping him tightly and hugging him while he bounced a bit more. "i'm so proud! That's like ... THE best school down there! oooh my little baby is so ingenious! I'm so proud! Oooh oh oooh!" he hugged him a little more and kissed his cheek and forehead and everything else within reach.
Shaking his head, Tanner reached forward and pried Relic off of their son. Yes, he was very proud of Sebastian, but there was no reason to smother him to death! The blond hugged their son and congratulated him, kissing his temple before stepping away and holding onto his husband so that he couldn't attack again.

Walking through the halls of Prometheus, Alexander felt at home. He had finished school in Japan, but didn't tell Adamair. He was going to surprise him. The violet haired male had already said hello to his parents and was now on the hunt for his fiancee. It was easy to find him-Addy was always so predictable at school! Smirking, Alex snuck up behind his lover and took him around his waist, kissing his neck rather passionately.
Adamair blinked a few times, freezing as he stared in front of him. He knew these arms. Oh how he knew them. He turned around instantly and beamed excitedly as he looked at the other. "ALEX!" he gripped him, twirling them around and hugging him happily to his form. "You're back!?" he squeaked out, looking down at him and bouncing on the balls of his feet a little bit. He pressed a passionate kiss to his lips and let out a soft little groaning moan. "Permanently?!"
He smiled and kissed his lover deeply, nodding to the question. "Graduated last week." There had been a small ceremony, but Alexander hadn't told anyone. There wasn't a point to, in his eyes. Besides, surprising his parents and fiancee was better than them seeing him graduate. "Got in this morning. It was fun watching you leave for school from my bedroom window." He grinned, teasing his love and then kissed him again. "Skip the rest of the day. Come home with me."
Looking up at the other, he pouted a bit. "Creeper." he whispered, kissing his lips gently and then pulling him closer to his form. He nodded and kissed him a few more times before finally getting the urge to actually move. "How can I deny that offer?" he whispered heatedly, kissing along his neck before he laced their fingers and began to drag him off down the hall toward the doors, just not caring about staying in classes today. He had his fiancé back! What more did he need? "Should we buy some whipped cream on the way home and celebrate? Peony should be at a daycare by now ... So we can go to your hou--" he stopped. Shit. He forgot about the four. He stopped his walking and turned to him, brows furrowing just slightly. "We can sneak in your bedroom window. Lock it up. And not come out for a week."
"Sure." He smiled and tugged his lover along. "I have to tell my parents." At least then they could maybe keep his siblings away from the house for the afternoon? And Adamair was twenty-he wasn't obligated to go to school...right? He peeked his head into Tomias' office, finding both of his parents there.

"We're going home," he announced, question in his eyes.
Adamair followed the other to the office. He peeked into the room behind the other. hs hands slid over to the purple haired boy's hips, holding him and resting his chin on top of his shoulder. He pulled him to his form and kept his eyes to the two men.

Tomias looked over at the two and shook his head. "No. We just got our son back. You're not hording yourselves up in your, or his, bedroom." he stood up and walked over to the two, hands resting on his hips. "If I let you go, you two better show up for dinner. and play with your little siblings. They barely know who you are."
"That's not my fault!" he argued. "You're the one who got pregnant after I left!" He pouted with his arms crossed over his chest. He just wanted to spend some time with Adamair for a little while! He'd be home for months, if not a few more years, to play with them!

Nikkos stepped forward and kissed his husband's cheek. "Go. But you will be down for dinner and until at least until the children go to bed." It was a compromise, at least. He watched the two scurry off, as if they didn't have six hours to romp around, and shook his head. "We'll surprise them at dinner tonight, I think? Tanner and Relic can join us or dinner."
Tomias turned to look at the man beside him. He grinned and pressed a kiss to his lips. "You read my mind, you dog, you." he whispered, nipping his ear and chuckling a little more. He hugged him against his form, kissing his cheek and then pulling back with a grin. "I'll go pounce Relic." He kissed his cheek and then turned to go bound through the halls to tackle the man.
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