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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic giggled happily. "Stop biting me before we stay back for longer." He hissed out, loving the man's teeth far too much. Little annoyance. He loved his husband dearly, but that bastard knew how much he enjoyed pain. Jerk. It really got to him, especially since Tanner never really went full out pain on him. Even after all these years. Sigh.

Tomias perked up, his eyes narrowing at Tanner and he was instantly up and rushing out of the house. Clinging to his car and guarding the door with all his might. "LIKE HELL YOU'RE TOUCHING MY BABY!"

Adamair had actually jumped up, about to run out and get to the car first, but his uncle was still far too fast for him. That and he let him go. He sighed and casually began to make his way out of the house, turning to the kids who were just very lost -- especially his little cousins who were just staring at their mommy hugging the car. "Yes. I'm sorry, your mommy loves you more than his car." He stated, a smirk tugging at the far side of his lip.

Jack went wide-eyed and turned to look at his mother. "Mama?"
Shaking his head, Nikkos herded their children outside, along with his two nieces and nephews. "Don't worry, children. Your mama's just teasing." Well he knew that his husband wasn't but the kids didn't need to know that. Moving up to Tomias, Nikkos drew him away. "Relax. We can't all fit in any of our cars. And it's walking distance." He pecked his husband's cheek and glared at Tanner, who just smiled wickedly at both of them, lifting Katelyn onto his hip.
Tomias glared at Tanner and then turned to his love, pouting a bit more. "He's mean." he mumbled, scooping up Jack-Jack and resting him on his hip. "oh, you know I love you all." he stated, nuzzling his nose with his before he took a hold of Jilian's hand and began to walk down the street as well.

Adamair turned to his fiance, remaining silent for a moment. "We're close to them?" he mumbled, grinning as his mother shot him a glare. "Teasing. I'd miss my little twins too much.' he stated, blowing the two blond girls little kisses, getting both to giggle and Catherine to bury her face into the back of her father's leg.
Alexander scooped Demetri up and followed the parade of people before them. He knocked his shoulder into his lover. "Don't tease. Your father is already a wreck." Tanner thanked him and stuck his tongue out at his own son, taking his daughter's little hand with his pinkie and began to walk, too.

His jaw dropped when he saw the house. This was considered a little present!?
Relic giggled as he stopped in front of the house, looking over everything and grinning even more. "Yes! This is your house. Isn't it adorable!?" He squealed and skipped his way up the steps to stand in the doorway, just positively beaming. "We've pretty much moved most of your guys stuff in already .... Or at least yours, Alexander. Addy ... You're a little more difficult to take things from."

The rest of the day was great. They explored the house a little bit and Adamair was so very thankful. He gave his parents big hugs and kisses and did the same to his uncles before returning to their homes. He decided it would be better for he and Alex to stay apart for the night. No one should see their bride until he walks down the aisle!

In the morning, Adamair was far too nervous. His dress was gorgeous He had roses to match, one in his hair [done like the picture] and even the heels were on his feet ... as he paced through the house. Oh. He had not expected to be so nervous! He was excited!!!! but, the nerves were beginning to kill him. He had to set his little bouquet down before he wound up killing the flowers with his sweaty palms. He was trying so badly to just ... calm down. Take breaths. Stop freaking out. But he could not. He was going to officially be husband and wifeish with his Alexander. How could he not be freaking out!?
While Alexander agreed, that didn't mean that he was sad. He'd just spent close to three years away from his lover. He wanted to spend the night with him. But the purple-haired man agreed and went home after thanking his aunt and uncle, as well as his own parents, and giving Adamair a very nice kiss goodnight.

He didn't sleep well, but that was to be expected. But he managed to stay in his room until quarter to seven the next morning before emerging for a light breakfast. He didn't want to get his suit dirty. The male showered and dressed in a suit that his aunt had made for him, hands wringing together tightly.

Tanner knocked on Adamair's door before poking his head in. The blond smiled at his nervous son and moved in, wrapping him up in a tight hug, careful to not squish the flower in his hair or knock anything out of place.
Adamair stopped when he felt his father, relaxing against him for a moment before pulling back and looking down at him with a pathetic little look to his eyes. He stared at him for a while and leaned into him, gently resting his forehead against the man's own. "Daddy. . .I'm so nervous." he whispered, arms wrapping around him and he gripped the other tightly to his form. "I ... just want to be married already. And ... Oooh. When are we doing this again? I can't even eat I'm so nervous!"
Tanner chuckled and hugged his son tighter, kissing his temple. "Just think of how happy you'll be in two hours time, hmm?" he offered. "And you'll eat after-your Uncle Calder has a feast cooking next door for all of us when we get back." With another kiss to the top of Adamair's head, Tanner pulled back. "Lets get going. They'll meet us there." The blond picked up the bouquet of roses and handed them to Adamair, leading him out of the room with a steady hand at the small of his back. "Relic! Are you and the girls ready?" At that, Katelyn came running up to him. Her hair was a mess, one shoe was MIA, and the toe of her stockings were ripped. "Guess not..." He scooped her up and carried her in to where his husband should have been.
Addy nodded, following him into the hall and spotting his little sister. He ran toward her and scooped her up. "You know, your natural beauty works ... but how about looking like a princess for your big brother, kay?" he asked, kissing her cheek and smiling at her giggles. He moved into the room where his mother was trying to stop Catherine from running off while he tried to fix up her dress and stockings and ... hair. Currently, the hair.

Hearing the others enter, Relic perked his head up and pointed to the little girl. "Get her ready! Change those stockin-- no. Just put her frilly socks over them and ... her shoe is somewhere in this room. Check under their pajamas." He then turned back to the girl trying to run away. "Stop that." He said, legs wrapping around the girl's hips, pulling her into his form and doing up the rest of her two braids.
Giggling, Tanner went in search of the shoe and socks, finding both very easily. It took a little wrangling, but the girls were finally ready, Katelyn in her brother's arms and Catherine in his own. He kissed his husband softly. "What do you say to leashes?" he asked, only half joking. With a sigh, he lead them out and settled the two girls in their car seats, strapping them in securely. "Ready?"
Adamair hugged Katelyn and smiled. "You both look beautiful." he stated, kissing her cheek and grinning when she gave a cheerful: "dee-dee too!" He tucked her into the carseat and sat in between the two to keep them content and occupied. He crossed his arms over his lower torso and tugged the bottom of his dress, wanting to be sure it would not get ruined or wrinkled on the way there.
They pulled up to the small church, and Tanner helped the two girls out of the car. They were the first there and the blond ushered his family into the small room where Adamair would wait for the ceremony to begin, before going to speak with the reverend.

Nikkos had a similar morning, only with four boys to get ready and then look after. He had called on his son for help. Alexander entertained the boys in the living room, glad when Calder made his way over. They liked to watch his facial features and hair color change "magically". Calder took over entertaining the boys until they were ready to leave.
Adamair sat there, holding Catherine's hands and swinging them side to side absently, getting giggles from the adorable little thing. He just smiled and leaned over to press a soft kiss to her forehead. He was truly impatient for this whole thing to start, and just wanted to be able to see his gorgeous mate.

Tomias ... had had quite the morning. Chasing after four boys, trying to get them into nice suits? Definitely a feat. He was exhausted by the time they were strapped into their car seats and were making their way down the street to the church.

Rune opted to stay back with his ... evil spawn. He did not want to risk Peony being struck down by lightning in the church. He hugged the cute little red haired boy - who inherited both his parents' traits. Mind reading and morphing. Horrible. The little boy WAS blond to start off. Then a few weeks into his life and he was suddenly... green. He kissed Alex and then headed back to the kitchen, Peony on his hip and he hugged him tightly and his eyes stayed with the others while they leave.
Calder stayed with his husband and son, respecting the boys' wishes for a very small ceremony. Beside that, he had to finish cooking. The blond kissed his lover's lips and their son's forehead, only rolling his eyes at the red hair. "You're too smart for your own good," he told the boy who simply reached out and smacked him in the face. Calder took the hand and put it in his mouth, closing his teeth down around the small fingers loosely. "Be nice to Papa."

Nervously and his stomach doing somersaults, Alexander stood in front of the church with the reverend, waiting for Adamair to emerge from the back room. He tried very hard not to fiddle with the bottom hem of his suit jacket, but his father had to continually smack his hands away as they waited.
Rune shook his head a little bit, leaning forward to kiss the boy's cheek softly. "Be nice or Papa won't feed you." he teased, grinning at the boy and he pressed a kiss to his temple once more. He then hopped up onto the counter, resting the red-haired boy on his lap and staying right there. "Maybe Papa will let us taste test..." he added, really wanting to snack on the foods his lover was making.

After a few more deep breaths and calming himself, Adamair was ready to leave. He slid his arm around his father's elbow and turned to him and smiled a little more. "I'm ready." He whispered, hugging him once more and then walking down the aisle, smiling even more when he spotted his soon-to-be husband. He straightened all the more, gripping Tanner tighter while they moved down the aisle. Kissing his father's cheek, he released his arm to take a hold of Alexander's hand, walking up to the alter with the purple-haired male.
"If you taste test, then you won't have room for the desserts I've made you." Calder winked at the two and basted the roasting chicken and putting the potatoes in to bake. The vegetables would be the last thing that was done and the cake was already hidden away in the fridge, as was Rune's own personal dessert that he always had on hand for his husband.

Alexander's stomach took one massive flip as Adamair stepped into the center aisle and began to walk down it. He took the hand that was closest to his and squeezed hard, trying to not cry or get sick over nerves. He was shaking as he took the other male's hand in his own and lead him up to the front.
The ceremony was simple and beautiful. The man in front of the two men went through the motions, still making everything as lovely as it would be if it was not a small ceremony. The "I do"s came and went, the two males kissing and exchanging their rings, and oh how great it was to officially be together. To be married. It was just a great feeling and Adamair was practically bouncing off the walls while he walked down the aisle with his husband

Turning to the man, he pressed a last passionate kiss to his lips before taking in a deep breath. "i'm starved." he whispered, kissing his neck a few times and nuzzling him absently.
Husband. The word still felt foreign on his tongue, but it gave Alex chills to say or think about it. He kissed his love, holding their bodies tightly together and letting all of the anxiety and stress of the day fall away from him. "Me too... I couldn't eat this morning." He gave the man a shy smile and kissed him again. "But I bet Uncle Calder has a feast cooked for us." Another kiss, which was broken up by his now father-in-law.

"Okay you two. Save some of that for tonight."
Adamair turned to his father, arching a brow in question as he did so. "why? We're married now." Yep. Still very strange to say. very, very strange. He hugged him a little bit more and nuzzled into his love's neck a little bit more.

Relic shook his head a little bit. "Yes. But you still need to show discretion and not traumatize your parents. Bad enough Mias is almost in tears." he stated, turning to look at his brother who instantly tried to hide it.

"AM NOT!" he called, taking in a deep and shuddering breath to wipe away the tears a little bit more. "no. I'm not crying! I'm just ... SHUT UP! I'm hungry! HUNGRY GODDAMNIT!"
Looking up, Alex smiled. He released his new 'bride' and went to hug his father. "It's okay, Poppy... I still love you."

Unable to resist, Nikkos snapped a few pictures of the moment, wishing he could have recorded it somehow. Then again, doing the latter might have caused his husband to kill him. When Alexander released Tomias and returned to Adamair's side, Nikkos pulled his lover to him and kissed his cheek. "Come on. We'll go eat and then I'll let you drive my car a little bit."
Tomias hugged his little baby boy a bit more and kissed his cheek before he went off to his own... husband. He turned to Nikkos and pouted a little more. "Do I get to have sex in the back with you?"
"There is no back seat, baby," he reminded. "We have sports cars." Nikkos kissed his husband and lead him out of the church.

It didn't take long for the twelve of them to return home. Alexander's stomach grumbled with the lovely scents as they walked through the door. He tugged Adamair's hand towards his bedroom so they could both change, pouncing on his husband the moment the door closed behind him. The purple-haired male kissed the other soundly, pressing Addy up against the door.

All six little ones scattered. Somehow, there was a whirlwind of ties, shoes, and frilly socks now in the living room and all faces were dirty. Neither Tanner or Nikkos could understand.
Adamair gasped when he was pinned to the door, happily melting into his husband's embrace. Leaning into him, he kissed him passionately and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, pulling him tightly to his form. "I love you. I love you so much." he whispered, kissing him even more and groaning a bit. He was starving ... but being with Alexander seemed so much more appealing.

After a few moments of kissing, he did force himself to pull away, lightly resting his hands over his husband's lips. "Okay. Clothes. Food. Then we can have our first sex as husband and wife in our new house. Christen it, if you will." He smirked, definitely beginning to like the idea of ravaging his love whenever, whereever, they want when they want it without worrying about some little brat coming in and being traumatized. "Oh, you're mine tonight." he purred out, kissing him and then bouncing past him to go get some clothes.

Relic whimpered when the clothes were strewn about. "My beautiful works of art..." he pouted a little bit before starting to chase after his daughters. "I'll get you my pretties ... And your little cousins too!" He called after, soon going into quite the frenzy with the six. Chasing one, then the other, only to soon be bombarded by them ALL as they tackle him to the ground and started to tickle him to death.
Disappointed, Alex nodded and pulled away too, moving to change into a pair of simple jeans and a white button down shirt. He took his lover into his arms for one more passion-filled kiss before releasing him so they could go downstairs. Grinning at the sight of his mother-in-law piled under six rugrats, Alexander jumped into the mix, sweeping up two of his siblings, one under each arm. "What do you say we get you changed before you give Auntie Relic a heart attack?" he asked, though not giving the terrors a choice. He hoisted them up to their room while Nikkos took the other two, and changed them into some play clothes.

After everyone was more comfortable, they sat down to eat. Alexander dug in without much ceremony. He was starved!
Adamair smiled, kissing his love quite a few more times and then changing into a pair of nice red pants with a simple asian-styled shirt, much like his dress, that went to the middle of his thighs with black as the base and red butterflies all over the fabric. He chuckled at his mother, helping him up from the ground before changing the girls into their own pants and play clothes to get them comfortable. He was far too happy to eat. sitting beside his love, he devoured his plate, just starving from the morning. He had not eaten, and oh how he was suffering now. He was soooo very hungry!

Rune was sitting with Peony on his lap - who luckily was a little mama's boy - and he hugged the now-blue haired boy and shook his head a little bit. "here here." he said, putting some meat into the boy's mouth before he fed himself as well. Looking over at his nephews, he grinned a bit more. "So! When are you two having kids?" He asked softly, nuzzling his son's head absently.

Adamair arched a brow, staring at the man and rolling his eyes a moment later. "Centuries, why?"
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