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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The interview went well. At least, Lestat thought it did. He answered their questions. Twelve years at the first firm. Gave him the college name. Fun stuff like that! He gladly shook all their hands and then gave a simple bow before leaving with a deep breath pulling into his lungs. He headed into the waiting area once more, giving the blond from before a simple little smile. "Good luck." He stated, grinning with just a bit of a tease to his words.
Growling, Katsurou concentrated to live the man an inch off of the ground so that he was no longer able to go anywhere. The blond, though, had to let the levitation drop (literally) when his father poked his head out and called his name. Once the door closed, Remus was on him. "You can't abuse other applicants, Katsurou!" He let his head fall forward, though he was smirking on the inside. "Sorry, Dad."
Romulus sighed softly and shook his head a little bit more. "Kat ... You cannot be mean to the other applicants. You will get your job fair and square, like everyone else." He stated and then sat back to begin questioning the boy, despite knowing the answers already. It was just part of the whole thing.

Lestat arched a brow, seeing the ground no longer beneath him. He let out a little squeak when he collided with the ground He turned, shooting quite the glare to the blond before huffing and standing up to go make his way out of the room.
The interview went really well. He kissed his parents before heading out of the office, and then the orphanage all together. He would know by the end of the night if he had the job or not, he was sure of it. There were only so many times he could give his parents his big, doe eyes and not get an answer out of them!

The blond moved down the street, quite happy with himself and stopping for ice cream on the way home.
Lestat had wound up just chit-chatting with Jupiter for a while. He ran into him on the way out and ... Had not realized until that moment that this was the orphanage he worked at. He knew he was working at an orphanage, but it just never clicked that this was the one. He had read about it and how the new owners were refurbishing the place and making it better than it was, so he wanted to join that way. He was happy to talk to the doctor though. It was good, and he told him that he was not offended at all that he would no longer be going to their dinner date. He did not mind that at all, he understood.

When he wound up stopping for a snack, and got some ice cream ... only to see that BRAT again. He popped the last bit of the cone into his mouth and headed over to where the kid was. "How'd it go?"
He looked up, and sneered a little. It cleared, though, and was replaced with a bright smile. "It went exceptionally well, actually. I was told I would receive a call back this evening to let me know." Kat continued to eat his ice cream. "And you?" It wasn't as if he really cared, Katsurou felt confident that, despite his relationship with the three directors of the orphanage, he got the job. "Don't be too disappointed, though."
Lestat crossed his arms and just joined himself with the other. Resting on the table, he leaned toward him with a bit of interest. "I think I did exceptionally well. My fifteen or so years in the business definitely would help me get the job.' He stated, grinning all the more and he let out a soft little chuckle. He smirked a bit more. "Don't feel too bad when you get your own call of rejection. You're young, I'm positive that you'll bounce back."
He only chuckled while finishing off his ice cream. "You just remember that when you get your phone call, sweetheart." Reaching forward, Kat patted the man's hand and smiled before getting up and heading back towards home. Maybe he would bake... He hadn't baked for a long time. He hadn't felt like it. Now, though, he was in a great mood and a pineapple upside down cake sounded really good right about now...
"Is that what you think?" Lestat questioned, standing up and following after the other, obviously annoyed right now. "You're what? Twelve? My experience in the field is far more vast than yours." He stated and walked beside him now, turning to shoot him a simple little glare. "What do you think makes you so great?"
He eyed the man. "Twenty. And I've been specializing in finances since I was fourteen." He eyed the man with a rather annoyed look. Continuing to walk, Kat tried to ignore the man, but really... Well he couldn't. While gorgeous, he was maddeningly annoying. And arrogant! Who did he think he was anyway? "And besides. Your fly is down."
Lestat arched a brow, glancing down to his pants and stopping. "Sonofa--" he stopped and then took the zipper, pulling the thing up and then walking after the other. "Six years? You think that makes any matter in this world? It is not like it's better to be younger in this job. More experience makes me the better candidate."
While he desperately wanted to rub it in his face that he'd been training in the orphanage since it opened, that would raise flags and so Kat kept his mouth shut...for now. "Oh? Well where you train makes a big difference, I guess." Kat shrugged and turned up the walk to his house. "Good luck. You'll need it." Smiling, he entered the house and called out for his siblings.
Lestat stared at the door for a moment more before he growled. Reaching up, he pounded on the door, arms crossing over his lower torso as he waited impatiently for the man to answer. Damn. He hated his genetics sometimes! He could not enter the house, not without ... being invited. He glared at the door now, fully planning to practically kill that little ungrateful rat.
Raising an eyebrow, Katsurou moved and opened the door, though not wide enough for anything to show other than himself standing there. "Yes?" he asked, eyeing the man critically. "I'd be home scanning the want ads, if I were you." He liked being smug. It made him a little kid with a new tub of Legos.
"What makes you think that?" He questioned, arms crossing over his lower torso as he glared at the kid even more. "Honestly. You're insignificant. Your resume is what? Half a page? Please. I am positive that I got the job. they saw what you did. You levitated me. I'm sure they will see who childish you truly are."
Kat shrugged. "I think that Mr.'s Reed are professional enough to hire someone based on what they can bring to the orphanage, not something as silly as a little rivalry." Of course, he knew he'd be warned again if he was offered the job but that wasn't the point, either. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Molly creep down the stairs and so he stepped out of the house fully and shut the door. "And remember, experience isn't everything, Grandpa."
Taking a small step back out of courtesy, the man's purple eyes rolled in annoyance with the little brat. "You're half my age, you little snot-nosed brat." He growled out, turning to look at him once more and just crossing his arms tighter over his torso. He took a leering step toward him, eyes narrowing as he did so. "You barely experience life, how are you going to be of any use to the Reeds and their orphanage?"
"Because my parents were orphans!" he countered angrily. He was beginning to get angry at this questioning of his abilities. Wasn't that his parents job as his interviewers? The blond's ears were now lying low around the sides of his head as he tried hard to control his breathing. It wasn't working very well, but maybe his 'confession' would catch the other off guard enough to make him just go home.
"You think that matters for jack?!" He called out, his hands balling into fists at his sides. "I am an orphan! I was THIRTEEN when my parents died. They left me with an infant brother to raise. What do you think that does?! I want this job more than anything. I want to make sure that those kids don't have to go through what my brother and I had to. To be sure they get their clothes and food and don't have to sleep four to a little twin-size bed!" Lestat let out a little growl before taking a hold of the front of the other's shirt, his fangs clearly shown as he glared at the other. "You may have the credentials and I'm sure you have the will ... but what does that get you in the long run?"
Kat shoved back, knocking them both to the ground so that he was now on top of the other man. "Shut up! My parents were in that orphanage until they were fourteen when my grandparents adopted them! You think I don't have the drive?!" He wasn't afraid of the fangs-really, what could they do to him? He was already going to live, if not forever then very close to it. Or at least they thought he would-Remus said that he never knew what lineage their parents were. "Get over yourself!"
With a little growl, the brunette switched them, pinning the blond to the ground beneath and he narrowed his eyes a little more. "I didn't say you had no drive! I said you did, dumbass!" he rolled his eyes and huffed a few times. "THIS is why you're a child. You don't listen." He narrowed his eyes even more as he stared down at the kid. "You think just because your parents own the place, you'll automatically get in? Just because you know what it was like for them, that that would make you more qualified over me? JUST because you're hot!? That doesn't get you jack-shit!" And ... by now, his Romanian accent was heavily weighing upon his words, not even realizing it.
Growling, Kat wrapped his leg around the man's hip to try and gain a bit of leverage. He was small; lanky, but he was strong. Another flip and he was on top yet again, pinning Lestat's shoulders to the ground with a great bit of force. "I didn't say my parents owned it!" He was attempting to cover up what the man 'thought' he knew. "I said that they were orphans there! What makes you think that--" He stopped when he heard the word 'hot' and back pedaled in his brain to hear the rest of the sentence. Hot? What did his looks have to do with anything? Sure, if he were interviewing with anyone other than his parents then maybe he'd have pulled that card but...

Then again, the man who was now beneath him was gorgeous. Without a moment of thought, Katsurou pressed their lips tightly together, kissing Lestat to within an inch of his life.
While he may not have said his parents owned the place, the similarities between them all and this boy were obvious. Even putting aside the ears and hair almost identical to the blond he interviewed with? Their eyes were the same as the twins. Not to mention he smelled very similar to the three. It was a conclusion he came to very early on, and now, his words cemented it. He heard that former orphans of the orphanage were the owners, also more reason he came here, and really, he was not as dumb as the kid thought he was, apparently.

With the kid's lips to his, the brunette went wide-eyed instantly as he stared up at the blond. He was kissing him?! Why was he ki-- oh. fuck it! he did not care. It had been far, far too long since he last had someone even remotely interested in him and well, the kid WAS gorgeous, so why not? He was of age. No need to get arrested or anything. So, leaning up, the man returned the blond's embrace, matching the passion and ... deprivation of the other it seemed.
Kat's grip on the other man's shoulders lightened considerably when he felt Lestat lean into the kiss. A soft groan escaped his lips and the blond relaxed nicely into the warm body beneath him. Tongue darted out around the brunette's lips, tasting their sweetness before moving on to explore his jaw line and neck a bit.
Easily, his hands slid over the other's hips, pulling the blond closer to his form while they kissed. Whimpering with his lips moving away, he bucked his hips into the blond, definitely enjoying this far too much. His hand slid up a little more, feeling the other's cotton ball tail and smiling absently as he toyed with it. His one hand kept on his tail and the other slid up along the back of his neck to trail over his furry ears, contenting himself with those right now.
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