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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"They're just back from the alter, for goodness sake!" Tanner rolled his eyes at Rune and threw a potato at him, smiling with great satisfaction as it hit him in the forehead. The blond returned to eating as Calder and Alexander and Nikkos tried hard not to laugh. Calder leaned over and kissed his husband's cheek.

Their meal was lovely. They sent a great deal of it laughing while telling rather embarrassing stories about both boys, watching them turn bright red.
Adamair could not believe the stories his parents were pulling out. BOTH their parents were pulling out to tell about themselves. He just could not believe it at all. Why were they being so very cruel?! did they HAVE to tell Alex when they caught him masturbating for the first time, really!? It was not like his love did not already know when it was. They were only a year or so apart ... They knew quite a bit about each other already.

Gladly finishing dessert, he kissed everyone and hugged all the others, tucking his little sisters into bed, and then headed over to Alex with a smile. "To our home?"
Alex tried his best to ignore whatever their parents were sharing. Adamair knew everything about him anyway, so really what did it matter? Still, after lying his siblings down to sleep, he couldn't be happier than to leave the embarrassing environment. Quickly. Nodding, the man took his new husband's hand and said goodbye to their parents and uncles before hurrying off towards their new home.

Throwing the door open, Alex quickly gathered his lover up in his arms to carry him across the threshold. The purple haired male kissed the other man as they walked through the door, kicking it closed.
Adamair giggled, his arms wrapping around his husband's neck and he smiled softly, kissing him back all the more passionately. Turning to look at the house, he grinned even more. It was so nice to be in their own place. Kissing Alexander a few more times, he pulled away with a deep breath. "Bedroom for our first night here? Or just any surface that we can manage... just because we can?"
He thought for a moment then kissed Adamair with a soft, slow passion behind it. "Bedroom," he whispered, kissing his lover again as he carried him upstairs and into the room their parents had decorated (albeit minimally for now) for them. Adamair was laid on the bed and Alex followed, easily claiming the man for their first night as a married couple.
Relic was very happy to pop in on their children. He made his brothers watch the twins, figuring that they should be able to handle two little girls for a weekend. His brother DID have the triplets after all. and he may or may not have told them 'weekend' and meant... week. They could just deal with that later. . . When they did not come back when they said they would.

Hopping up the sidewalk to his son and his ... lover's house. He lifted his hand, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he was about to knock when the door ... Opened!

Almost bumping into the two, Lestat fumbled back with a brow arched in question at the two. "Relic?" He asked, shaking his head a little bit. "They're in the kitchen. I have to head home, but if you guys are around later today, I'll catch up then. sorry. Running late." he said, giving them a simple little tilt of his head before rushing past them to head to his apartment. He needed to find a nice outfit from his boxes upon boxes still stacked in his place. Then Shower since he would get sweaty. Ugh. So much to do before the interview!

Relic arched a brow, looking at Tanner before moving into the house and toward the kitchen, seeing his son there. "Since when is Lestat here?"

"A week. He just found a pl--" Sebastian stopped instantly, middle of scrubbing dishes and he slowly turned to look at his parents. He instantly let out a little squeak "MOM! Dad? Why ... Why are you here?!"
Tanner followed, trusting that his husband had made arrangements for their daughters. And if all else failed, then the blond knew that he could count on Nikkos and Calder to talk their husbands into being nice and taking care of the girls who weren't at fault to begin with. The blond stepped back when they were nearly run over at the door, but smiled at the boy anyway. Lestat was always nice, even if they didn't know him very well at all.

Entering their son's house, Tanner stood further back to watch before reacting. There was surprise, of course, but no greeting which disappointed the blond. Seeing Sebastian, though, let most of the anger and hurt melt away. "To see you," he answered, smiling at their youngest son.
Sebastian stared at his father for a little bit more before he relaxed. His right hand coming to rest at his chest with the breath of relief passing his lips. "Phew." He whispered, holding his shirt a little bit more before he straightened up - completely forgetting about the ring that was still adorned on his right ring finger. Walking over to his father, he wrapped his arms around his hips and nuzzled his chest absently. "Okay, daddy. You two had me worried "he whispered, hugging him a little bit more. He missed his parents He really did, but being here was so great
Tanner caught the glint of gold, but didn't have time to say anything before he was hugged and the rest of the anger towards Sebastian was lifted away. He hugged his son tightly, having missed him terribly. The blond felt as if he was losing him when they moved, and now to find out about a ring made him feel like Jupiter was stealing him away.

As the male stepped back, Tanner took his right hand. "Something you're forgetting to tell us?"
Sebastian blinked a few times, looking down at his hand and the ring then back to his parents. "No?" He shrugged his shoulders, looking down at the ring once more and just not really having thought about it. "It's not an engagement ring, it's a promise ring. I figured it would not mean all that much to anyone but me. So, what would I tell you? 'hey mom, dad ... Jupiter didn't propose to me but he intends to'? I thought that that was just common knowledge he was going to propose. It's just not yet." He shrugged again before kissing his father's cheek, then his mother's and turning to head to the refrigerator. "Want something to drink? eat?"
Tanner growled, trying very hard to not go and smack his son on the back of his head. "Yet you were excited enough to tell your cousin and brother?" he asked, biting the inside of his cheek. Really, the blond felt left out now that Sebastian was living so far away from them. He felt like he knew nothing about what was going on in his son's life and that killed him. He stepped forward and start to put some water on for tea.
Sebastian sighed heavily, looking over at his father once more. His hips closed the door of the refrigerator and his arms crossed over his lower torso as he stared over at his parents. "Dad. I told Addy because he's my brother, and oh hey, doesn't hate Jupiter with me. I told Alex because he came here and saw the ring and then asked about it. He knew two years later! Had I told you, I'm pretty damn sure that you would have been more furious and NOT let me come here with Jupiter and I didn't want you to feel like your baby was being taken away already. It was my sixteenth birthday when he gave it to me, and I know that if I had told you then, you would have clammed up, refused to let me do. . . anything, especially with Jupiter. I know it's for my 'better good' or whatever, but I love Jupiter. I don't want to risk you freaking out on me because of a ring."

He shook his head a little and then took a few steps toward the two across from him "Listen. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but you two have not been the most reasonable when it comes to my relationship with him."
Turning, Tanner lead Sebastian to the table with a hand on his shoulder. "How were we not reasonable? Other than your request to move. We didn't want you to sleep with him in our home. And?" The blond watched his son, wanting a discussion rather than an argument. "It was different with Danny, Sebastian. You two were close in age. It's a difficult adjustment when the person your son loves is centuries."
Sebastian sighed heavily, shaking his head a little bit. "Exactly. Can you honestly tell me, if I came up to you two years ago ... Told you that Jupiter promises that we'll get married one day, you would have just ... accepted it? Not fussed over anything? Been completely, undeniably, happy for me? I know we're older by centuries, but I'm not planning on doing anything rash. That's why I did not think it was that important for me to tell you. I am not getting even engaged to him until I'm heading for my Master's Degree. I won't marry him until I am a well-respected lawyer. I am NOT having a child with him unless he'll be popping the kid out, and since I doubt that's an option... We're not getting into any family matters like that for ... YEARS."

He groaned and looked over at Tanner once more. "You didn't know that two years ago. Even if I had said it, after you saw, or I told you, about the ring, would you have listened? Listened fully and not brushed me off like some little kid who only thinks that. Or thinks time is shorter than it is. I have forever and a half to be with that bastard, I'm not rushing anything. I just didn't want you guys to jump to the conclusion that the ring meant something more than just ... showing me how much Jupiter loves me. He kept forgetting about me and the ring was to just show that he loves me. Cares for me. Thinks about me. I was positive, still am a bit, that you two would not have seen it as that, but as Jupiter taking me away from you. I can't be taken away when you have a bloody plane to come see me when you want, a room already reserved in the house for you to sleep in, another one for mom to do his sewing in ... Trust me, he's not taking me away from you."
"We'll never know," Tanner answered rather sadly. He reached forward and patted his son's hand, disappointed that he felt that he couldn't talk to his parents. Perhaps Sebastian was right, had the idea to move been presented with the news of a promise ring. But the events were years apart, and so it was very likely that the conversations wouldn't have gone exactly how their youngest saw them in his head. "Where is Jupiter, anyway?" he asked, changing the subject. "Your mother and I thought we'd all go out to dinner tonight."
Sebastian narrowed his eyes at the other, crossing his arms over his lower torso and he shrugged his shoulders a little bit. "I dunno. With one of his mistresses or something like that." He shook his head a little bit before he smiled. "At the orphanage. Oh oh! We can surprise him!" he stated excitedly, bouncing in his seat for a moment before he hopped up from the chair and scurried over to his parents to kiss their cheeks a few times. "I'll tell Lestat that we'll do dinner tomorrow. Unless the interview goes badly." He shrugged his shoulders a little and then took up his phone to go scurry off and call his friend.
"Why not invite him?" Tanner suggested, standing up and beginning to clean up the kitchen a little bit.

Katsurou set his clothes out pristinely. He had ironed his shirt and slacks, and even his tie simply because he couldn't do the other two and not that. It didn't matter to him that his parents owned and ran the orphanage-he wanted to show them that he was serious, and that he wasn't going to attempt to take advantage of the family ties. He would work just as hard in the orphanage's financial department as anyone else who wasn't related would.

Taking his resume in the black leather folder that his siblings had bought for him, he set out to the orphanage. Kat greeted the pretty redheaded girl at the front desk and then made his way into the waiting room with an official application for employment to fill out.
Sebastian blinked a few times, head tilting to the side. 'Because I'm selfish and want my parents to myself. We'll all go out together tomorrow ... or breakfast."

Lestat made sure he looked positively the best. Blue, pinstriped suit. A light blue tie to match the stripes. Nice, ironed, white button-down underneath that. And, to make everything better, blue shoes to match the suit. He got there bright and early! He gave the redhead his name, and then gladly proceeded to the waiting room. He was nervous, but oh, this would be so great! It was close to where he was living now. He really did love kids. So, this would be great! Hopefully he would get it.

When he spotted the blond coming into the room, he gave him a warm smile and little bow of his head before he went back to just holding the case that held his own resume. Oh yes. He was quite happy with everything and how it all was going right now.
Kat was a little miffed that he had competition, but he'd known that it would happen. It was, afterall, what he wanted. At least, it was what he said he wanted. Secretly, he had hoped that he would be unopposed for the position that he was interviewing for. Of course, it was the last thought to hit him that there were other people sitting in the room and all were interviewing for different positions within the orphanage. But they were sitting way across the room, and the brunette was sitting next to him.

"Which position are you applying for?" he asked casually, signing the application and setting it inside of the folder with his resume.
Lestat looked over at the blond beside him. Looking him over a little bit more, he shrugged nonchalantly. "Finances." He stated, not really sure what he should call it. He doubted the other even cared all that much anyway. "How about you?"
"Oh..." Well shit. "Accounts payable." Damn. And he could find himself liking the man next to him too! Well, healthy competition was good for everyone.

His father poked his head out and called a name, Lestat. Katsurou smiled softly at Remus but did nothing else. He didn't want anyone to know that he was interviewing with his parents. If he got the job he didn't want any suspicions that he got it based on anything other than his talents.
Lestat arched a brow. They were going after the same job? Oh, that stunk. He shook his head a little bit and then stood up when his name was called. He took a hold of his bag and then gladly walked to the man, shaking his hand in greeting with a simple, "nice to meet you" before moving into the room.
Remus greeted the man with a handshake and saw him into the office, offering him a seat and introducing his loves to Lestat. Taking his seat behind the desk, the brunette reached out for a copy of the man's resume. He looked nice and clean cut, and was also rather cute. Not his type, really, but cute. "What experience do you have in financials?" he asked, getting right down to business.
Lestat handed them the resume easily and then set back against the chair. He straightened his form up a little bit more, arms crossing and resting on top of his lap. He wiggled his foot a little more and he stopped before he looked back up to him. "Well, I used to work at one of the best Financial firms in Romania, when I lived there." He thought for a moment more and then shrugged again. "Then in Italy, I helped out with a restaurant... It was nothing long-term. I just helped them get off their feet and tell them some tips." He smiled warmly to the four and laced his fingers together simply. "That is all I have done, really, but my first job was straight out of college and I did it for a lot of years."
A lot of years? Remus looked up. "And how many, exactly, is 'a lot'?" he asked, scanning over the resume and handing it to Pierce and Romulus to look over too. "Which college did you say you went to?" He could read that information, sure, but he preferred the questions. It was hard to get to know someone on paper.
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