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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He gave a little moan, not sure which way to push his hips. His straining erection wanted the pressure and attention of the man's hip, and yet the hand on his tail felt so very nice... Katsurou rolled to his side, pulling Lestat with him so that he could have his cake and eat it too. He pulled the man's own hips forward while pressing his own back slightly into the hand that was manipulating his tail. The blond's own hands roamed over Lestat's body, dipping into curves and skirting over the many flat planes easily while his mouth finally made its way back up to the other.
Moving onto his side, the man continued to toy with the extra appendages of the blond, definitely enjoying the ability to have something to play with. Of course, the other's lips back on his just made everything better. He kissed Katsuro passionately, letting his tongue explore every little crevice of his mouth and soon, he let his hands release the furry extras to move to the blond's body. Pulling apart his suit and just tossing the jacket aside, turning their forms so that he was on top, and straddling his hips while grinding a bit as well. Such a gorgeous young man, really, he was.
Throwing his head back, Kat nearly surrendered to Lestat's will. Nearly. He had to put up a fight, after all. He revelled in the warm sunshine which enhanced their afterglow, the blond's heart beat slowly returning to normal. His fingers carded through the other man's hair a bit while he soaked in the warmth, forgetting about how they'd wound up in this position and the competition they were currently in.
Lestat slowly moved beside the other, taking in a few deep breaths to calm his own beating heart and then just sunk into his form. Until he realized there was something non-house-like beneath him. Pushing his form up, he glanced to the grass beneath and then slowly back over to the blond beside him. "Um ... We're outside." He whispered softly, keeping his attention to the blond, eyes traveling along his gorgeous form. Oh. He really was far too beautiful for his own good.
Katsurou tipped his head back completely and groaned when he saw his street behind them. Oops. Well, at least the neighbors had a good show? He waited a few more minutes and then pushed himself up to sitting to gather his clothes. It was a bit difficult, but he shimmied on his boxers before standing up to put the rest of his clothes on, albeit a bit jumbled and leaving his shirt buttons open.

Before he could say anything else, the phone in his pocket rang.
Lestat remained on the ground, not really wishing to move right now, but knowing he should. Damn. Pushing his form up from the ground, he pulled on his pants and everything else, hearing the other's conversation a few moments before his own phone rang. He nodded a few times to the conversation and then looked back over at the other man. "Looks like it's us against each other again...' He murmured absently, twirling the phone around his slender fingers before slowly putting it back into his pants - which were back onto his hips now.

Molly opened the door, perking up at the two there and smiling warmly. "Kitty has a friend?! Oooh. Do come in! Let's have some tea." She grinned from ear to ear, just happy to see her brother actually talking with a VERY attractive man.
"Molly!" He groaned, knowing he had no safe escape now if he needed one. Of course, there was always his parent's house... But still. There was nothing to do about it now. Kat slumped towards the house and pecked his sister on the cheek. "I'm going to change. Just. Eat garlic or something." He glared at the other man, more comfortable with competition than any other emotion.

He returned downstairs ten minutes later and poured himself a glass of iced tea, sitting next to his sister.
Molly giggled happily, her cheek leaning toward his lips and she smiled a little bit more. "Maybe you shouldn't have given the neighborhood a show." She whispered back and then turned back to the man, giggling lightly. "Hello. I'm Molly." She stated, gladly leading him toward the kitchen to sit and chit chat. She easily found out that he was the other competitor for the job at the orphanage. They chatted up until Kat returned and the girl turned to him, smiling even more. "So ... sleeping with the enemy?"
He growled at his sister, refraining from doing physical harm to her. She could hold her own, but Kat couldn't very well hit a girl. Even though he sorely wanted to at that moment. The blond ignored the comment and instead sipped his tea. Who could blame him? Lestat was damn gorgeous and anyone who didn't throw him down and fuck him senseless was stupid! Still, he didn't need to be reminded of why they were arguing in the first place. It made his stomach go into knots now that they'd gotten the call to meet in his parents' office first thing tomorrow morning.
Molly giggled and leaned over to kiss her brother's cheek before returning and looking over at the brunette. "Ignore him. He hasn't gotten any in a while ... and you're too cute to pass up, apparently." And yes, now she was just doing that to tease her brother. She loved just teasing him. In all honesty, she was happy for him. She was very happy that he actually found someone worthy of pouncing ... on their front lawn.

Lestat shook his head a little bit and shrugged his shoulders a little bit. 'It's nothing big. Not like I am one to talk." He stated, sighing softly and then looking at Kat once more. "It won't change anything, though. I'm still positive I'll get hired."
"Whatever gets you through the night, doll." Kat tried hard to keep the coloring in his cheeks down, ignoring Molly as best he could. He knew that she was happy for him but really...did she have to show it in such a way? Not that it was new for her. The blond simply kicked his sister under the table and gave her a glare. "Where are the others?" he asked, changing the subject to something that wouldn't interest Lestat in the least. Perhaps he could bore him into leaving the house.
Molly grinned and let out another giggle and then turned her attention once more to the blond who kicked her. Sticking her tongue out, she shrugged to the question. "They went out. Movies, dinner ... boys. Something along those lines." She sighed softly, setting back against the chair, arms draping over her lower torso as her eyes remained with the man that was beside her. "Oh! Apparently Grandmum and Grandpa are here with Sebastian."
"Yeah I know." It didn't occur to him that Lestat would know who their grandparents were, or who Sebastian was. Or Jupiter! Who knew Jupiter who wasn't in need of a doctor? The blond finished off his iced tea and got up to put the glass in the dishwasher and make himself a sandwich. "I'll have to tell Mom and Dads and whatsitsface to invite them to my celebratory dinner when I get the job tomorrow."
Lestat perked up, arching a brow at the mention of "grandma" and "grandpa" then ... Sebastian. No. Was it that much of a coincidence? He stared at the man for a while before he smirked. "Really? You think that?" He then turned to Molly with an interested look. "Is Sebastian with Jupiter... the doctor?" After her nod, he turned back to the other and grinned even more. "Not if they come to my celebratory dinner first. Besides, Sebastian owes me a dinner for ditching me for his parents today."
Katsurou whipped around and glared at the man. "I don't care where Sebastian has dinner, but I don't think my grandparents give a rat's ass about you over me." He growled at the man, abandoning his lunch and retreating to his own bedroom. It was too much to handle! Why did someone else always have to have what was his in the first place? Ryan and Iah were the ones in trouble and Molly was the only girl, Kat felt cast aside because he could be trusted as a child. His brothers got gifts for being good when they were little, but he got only half as many (or so it seemed) because he was always good and it became expected of him.

And now, this...creature was not only taking the attention of his own sister away, but he was trying to take that of his grandparents and cousin away! He growled again and flopped onto his bed.
Lestat remained silent, watching the other retreat up the steps and he sighed heavily. Turning to look at the woman, he smiled lightly when she gave him the 'go ahead' to go tend to him. Heading up the way he had gone, he slowly poked his head into the room. Moving to where the other was, he crouched beside the bed, lightly poking at his side absently. "Oi. Don't get all depressed. Playful banter is all." He groaned, flopping forward with his chin on the edge of the bed. "Please? Smile? Call me an asshole who can never get the job because he's an old far with no energy and ambition?" He prodded him again, hating it when others were like this. He hated when Danny had been like this when he was a teen, and he did not like it when Katsuro was either!
Turning his head to expect to find Molly, Kat growled again when he saw Lestat. "Leave." He didn't want to play nice anymore, no matter just how gorgeous this man was. He wanted to be left alone to wallow for a few hours. The blond turned away from the other man and ignored him, hoping he would take the hint. He knew that he was being silly for getting so worked up about teasing, but he couldn't help it if that teasing brought up old feelings.
Lestat stared at the other, his lavender eyes not leaving his form. He groaned and pushed his form up. "Like hell. Right now? You wallowing would be bad for yourself." He stated, hopping onto his back and sitting on the other's rump, being sure to not squish his little tail. "Come on." He fell to the side of him, looking at his eyes and giving him a charming little fang-filled, smile. "I'll buy you an ice cream cone?"
Leaving him no choice, Katsurou concentrated and easily lifted the male up from the floor and set him rather harshly on the floor outside of his bedroom door, closing it a bit more loudly than was necessary. He wasn't in the mood to be talked down to like that and Kat was prepared to drop the damned creature out his bedroom window next if he had to. That image brought the faintest smile to his face with a very small chuckle, both disappearing quickly.
Molly watched the other land on his ass and sighed heavily. Leaning over the brunette, she gave him a warm little smile. "he's cranky." She clarified before moving past him. She easily moved through - yes, through - the door and to the man on the bed. Crawling into the bed beside him, her arms wrapped around his hips and she looked up at him with a warm smile to her lips. "Kat ... Don't be so cranky to him. You were just as mean to him, as he to you. And you know Mommy and Daddies are not going to deny you. If anything, they'll probably put him into a different position." Leaning up, she kissed his cheek before settling back onto his pillow. "You know, you are their favorite... Mom and Dads..."
The comfort of his sister was much more welcome. He buried his nose into the girl's hair and wrapped himself around her, stealing whatever softness she could offer to him. "Yeah I was mean. But I didn't try to imply that his family loved me more than him." Okay, so it sounded really stupid when he said it out loud, but it was how he felt, stupid or not. "Why would they?" he pressed on, hoping she would just skip over that part. "He's right-he's got more qualifications than I have." He sighed and settled further into the bed. He was soothed, but no less cranky.
Pulling back, she looked down at her brother and sighed heavily. Kissing his forehead, she relaxed against him a little bit more. "Because ... You have more charisma than he does. You basically already have been doing the job, so family or not, any boss would hire you over him." She pulled away once more, trailing her fingers through his hair and she smiled gently. "At least ... Send him off nicely. Please? Just tell him you'll watch him cry tomorrow. Something? Pull yourself together for two seconds and then I'll make us tea?"
He huffed. That was nicely! He didn't drop him out the window or off the landing, right? Kat took a few more minutes to soak in the good vibes from his sister before getting off of the bed and opening his bedroom door to start his search for the hot, yet annoying, vampire that was undoubtedly somewhere in their house.
Lestat was just then tucking in his shirt when he spotted Kat coming down the stairs. Smiling warmly to him, he wiggled his fingers with a charming look to his form. "I gotta head out. Stuff to put away at the apartment." With that, he turned to head out before stopping with a simple "ah!" and turned back to him. Grinning, he pressed a firm kiss to his lips. "See you tomorrow." He whispered then quickly made his way out of the house to head on home.

The next day came and Lestat was nervous. VERY nervous. What if he didn't get the job? GODS he did NOT want to lose tot hat brat. Hot or not, it did not make it any better. Though... pity 'sorry you lost to me' sex would be nice. He shook his head at the thought, tugging at the front of his jacket, he adjusted his tie then once more, headed on into the waiting room.
He was glad for the other man leaving. It made him feel much better to know that he was going to have his own space for the majority of the night before he heard his parents' decision. He spent most of it in his room, though, going back and forth between which scenarios would be the worst so that he could prepare for them.

Katsurou had been in the waiting room early, unable to spend his time at home doing nothing. The blond watched Lestat come in and sit down, and hoped that one of his father's would call them in soon. He didn't want to have to make small talk with the other man...he didn't think he could right now.

It was about fifteen minutes before Remus poked his head out and called them both into the office, offering them chairs. "Well boys," he started after they were all comfortable. "We've taken your resumes and interviews into deep consideration. And the decision we've come to is really the best for the orphanage." Kat whined softly, not knowing where his father was going with this. "We're really pleased to be able to offer Lestat a full time position in our finance department." Kat's heart broke and he had to try hard to keep the tears in that were threatening to push their way out.
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