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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

While his parents headed back to the office, and his grandmother went off to torture his son again, Kat and Lestat were left to their own devices. They were to start work on Monday and that left the weekend. "I want ice cream," he declared, beginning to walk towards home. "Hey! You said you'd buy me ice cream!" Smiling, the blond reached out and took the man's hand, dragging him along. "I'm not so bad to work for, you know..."
Looking down at their hands, the man just pushed that aside and began to follow the other wherever he was dragging him. "Uh-huh. You say that now." he stated, looking at the blond and he shrugged his shoulders slightly. "If you're a bad boss, you won't have as much fun off-work, that's all" he headed over to the little ice cream parlor, standing in line and turning to look at the blond beside him. "Just keep that in mind."
He laughed, wrapping his arms around the man's waist and nuzzling into his neck, nipping the flesh here and there. "Like you could resist me." Kat stopped his teasing, but still kept his arms around Lestat's waist. He liked the feeling of the other man in his arms, and while he didn't want to analyze that at the moment, he also didn't want to let go. The blond ordered a chocolate cone with rainbow sprinkles when it came their turn at the window, only letting go of Lestat's waist when he was handed his treat. "Thank you."
Paying for the ice cream, he took his own cone and began to walk once more, heading toward his apartment just by habit by now. "Yea. Probably not, but i'm positive there are things I could not do to you that would get you bummed." He stated absently, his one hand wrapped around the cone and the other took a gentle hold of his hand, lacing their fingers while they walked.
Katsurou followed blindly, not really minding where he was being lead. He was happy with his ice cream, and ignoring the little tingles he got in his belly with the innocent hand holding. "Maybe," he conceded, lapping up his ice cream as a kitten might. "But that doesn't mean that the other things you would do wouldn't make up for what you wouldn't." He batted his eyelashes at the other man as they ate their ice cream and walked, Kat finally taking in his surroundings. "Where are we?"
Lestat chuckled softly and shook his head a little bit. "I don't know if I should be offended or flattered." He stated simply, finishing off his ice cream and now munching on the last bits of the cone. He looked up at the buildings and then turned to look at the blond beside him. "Oh. My apartment. Sorry... Want me to take you back to your house?" He asked, stopping his movements to wait for his answer. He had not intended to drag him up to his apartment, it was just one of those things that wound up happening since he was walking.
Looking around, Kat shook his head. He at the last of his ice cream before pressing Lestat against one of the walls and kissing him again, still frustrated from earlier. Katsurou's arms wrapped around the other man's neck once more and he pressed the length of his body to the brunette's, his hips pressed especially tight into the other's.
Lestat had planned to walk once more, but before he could take more than a step, the blond had him pinned to a building and making him wish he had just dragged him up to his apartment before stopping. Kissing him back for a while more, he slowly pulled away with a deep breath. "How about we actually do it inside this time?" He whispered, leaning forward to press a firm kiss to his lips. He slowly pulled back, taking the other's hand in his and dragging him off, quickly, past the few more buildings until finally getting to his - which was a fairly nice one too.

Heading into the elevator, he turned and pinned Kat to the wall, kissing him passionately and having his hands trail up and along the front of his chest, adoring the feel of the blond beneath him. Only when the elevator dinged, did he finally pull back, though this time, he scooped the blond up and into his arms. Moving down the hall, he opened up his apartment door, bumping it closed and locking it once inside. He maneuvered past the few boxes left to be unpacked before finally making it to the bedroom. Tossing the boy onto t he bed, he crawled on top a second later to press their lips together once more.
Katsurou whimpered with the loss of physical contact, but followed nonetheless. He knew that the faster they moved then the faster they could be all over each other again. As he was carried off of the elevator, the blond attached his mouth to Lestat's neck, sucking on his pulse point with a few sharp nips in between. The other man was barely on top of him when Kat's hands were up his shirt and wrapping around his back, pulling the man to him tightly as they kissed, his hips pressing up firmly.
Lestat had far too much fun ravaging the man. It was even better inside than out, since there were plenty more surfaces that he could claim the other on. By the time they were both more than satisfied, they managed to get back to the bed, and the brunette fell to the side of the blond. Nuzzling into his shoulder a little absently and he let out a soft little yawn. "Mm... Lovely birthday sex." He teased, grinning as he looked up at the other, seeing where there were quite the many bite marks along the other's neck and chest. So, he got a little carried away ... He had not really meant to, but he had no protest. Lifting his hand, his fingertips trailed along the marks upon his flesh, tracing a few absently and just keeping his eyes to the other's features.
Falling back into bed, fully and completely sated, the blond laughed. "When is your birthday?" he asked. He could look in the personnel files at work, but that would be too much work if Lestat would just tell him. Katsurou turned onto his side and propped himself up on an elbow. His own hands were running along Lestat's flesh, admiring him both with his eyes and his hands. He hadn't left any marks...this time...but he didn't mind being marked. He would just have Molly use her make up to hide them.
"Hm?" He questioned, looking up at the other and he shrugged his shoulders absently. Leaning toward the man, he rested against his shoulder with a soft little groan. "February 8th." he said simply, shrugging his shoulders a bit as he did so. His hand fell onto the other's torso, pulling him closer to his form and relaxing against him a bit more. Ah. So very nice to have someone beside him. He really was glad to have found him, and well, had someone to just cuddle up beside.
Nodding, he committed that date to his memory and relaxed a bit more. Kat's arm went around Lestat's waist and he tugged the other man to him, burying his nose into the brunette's hair. "What made you move?" he asked, just remembering that he'd, in the middle of his pre-sex haze, seen unpacked boxes littering the apartment here or there. Reaching down, Kat pulled the blanket up over both of them and settled onto his back with Lestat's head resting on his chest.
Lifting his purple eyes to the other, he let out a little laugh. "Well ... my only version of family left is Sebastian and Jupiter, and I did not want to be hundreds of miles away from them, so I moved. I knew it was the right decision when I saw the ad for this job. Not that I knew Jupiter worked there, but I don't think he'll bug me too much." He shrugged absently. his arm slid over the other's form, pulling the other closer to his form and he buried his face a bit more into his chest, yawning softly. "Though, I'm very happy I moved here... now...'
Katsurou made a note to ask about the rest of Lestat's family at a later time. They were enjoying their after glow far too much to ruin it with talks of depressing things. The blond reached up and played with Lestat's silky hair, carding his fingers through it absently as he laid there, eyes closed but not sleeping. He laughed at the comment. "I can't believe that there wasn't one single guy in Italy who wouldn't have happily been your bedmate."
Lestat shrugged his shoulders absently. "I never really found anyone worthwhile." He sunk against the other just a bit more and pressed a soft kiss to the front of his chest, nuzzling him a little bit more. "Besides, I didn't want anyone." He nodded and then tilted his head back once more to look up at him. "Want to eat something? Or sleep?" honestly, he could do either or.
He smiled and leaned down to kiss the other man for a minute. It was lazy and soft, nothing to re-ignite their libidos. He thought about his options and shrugged, throwing the blankets off of himself and climbing from the bed to pull his pants on. So what if they ate less than two hours before? Sex would make anyone hungry! "Do you have food here?" he asked, not sure how much time had really been spent in the apartment. "Or are Sebastian and Jupiter feeding you still?" he teased.
Lestat looked over at the other, pouting just a little bit. "Um ... the latter and then the Chinese place around the corner." He sighed heavily, sliding out of the bed and tugging on his boxers. His arms stretched above his head with a little groan. He turned to look at the blond and shrugged again. "Once I have my apartment packed out, I will get food. I was planning on putting everything out this weekend, especially since I have a job now."
"Chinese it is then!" he claimed, laughing a little while moving out into the kitchen to find the menu that they brought with every delivery. At the very least he would need the phone number in order to call. Finding what he was looking for, the blond rested against the counter as he scanned over the selections that they had. "Oooh... egg rolls! And dumplings... Oh and spare ribs!" Okay so he'd get fat if he ate like that every day, but he'd just used up a lot of energy in bed with Lestat! He needed to recuperate!
Walking up and over to where the other was, he looked over his shoulder and shrugged his shoulders absently. "Order what you want." He commented, pressing a slender forefinger to the General Tsao's chicken. "I'll have that with rice ... and if you don't want to share your dumplings, get me some of those as well." He kissed his cheek softly and then turned to make his way through the kitchen and toward the shower. He pulled off his boxers, tossing them at the other's head as his own little invite to the other.
After he ordered massive amounts of food, putting it all on his credit card, the blond quickly disrobed himself and followed Lestat into the shower. Katsurou wrapped his arms around the man's waist from behind and buried his face into his neck, biting the flesh roughly for only a moment before moving his lips up to behind his ear and then down the back of his neck. "So hot," he muttered, now kissing along the opposite side of Lestat's neck and jaw while his hands wandered down and around the vampire's thighs.
Lestat shivered when he felt the other's hands on his form, and then his whispered words. His eyes fluttered closed and his hands slid behind him to take a hold of the other's hips. Gripping his rump playfully, he ground his own rear into the other's hips. "How long until the food is here?" he mumbled absently, hoping they had enough time for a quick little romp in the shower, and enough to wash up, and then eat. Besides, they would need to work up more energy to be able to eat the feast he was positive he heard the other ordering.
Quickly spinning the other man around, Kat grinned and kissed him hard, lifting him and guiding his legs around his waist as he pressed Lestat's back into the tiled wall. "Long enough," he assured before easily slipping inside of him with a deep groan. He flexed his hips forward and bent his head, dragging his mouth along the wet planes of the brunette's chest.
When the doorbell rang, Lestat just barely managed to hop out of the shower, one leg still soapy, but he rushed forward nonetheless. Taking his towel, he wrapped it around his hips and he skidded to a stop in front of the door. Pulling it open, he smiled at the ... men there. He took the bags from them, nodding a bit and then, when he wanted to pay, the men told him that he did not have to. It was already paid for. Nodding a bit, he closed the door and then headed forward. "Kat! Didn't I tell you I would pay?" he asked, a bit of a groan to his tone. He put the bags onto the table and headed over to where the man was in the bathroom.
"But you bought the ice cream," he reasoned, laughing a little. The blond was in the man's bedroom, seeking out a pair of pajama pants to wear for the time being. "Besides, I wanted to." Katsurou emerged with a pair of light grey pajama pants slung low around his hips and his towel now draped over his head to dry his hair and ears. He purred when he saw just a towel on Lestat and easily reached out and snatched it off of him, admiring his rear end.
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