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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Lestat turned to look at the male, arching a brow as he did so. "Sure you're not a ca--" He stopped, watching the towel being pulled from his form and he sighed heavily. "Nevermind. You're horny like a rabbit.' he mumbled and then walked past the other to go put on some pants for himself. He did not really want to eat with everything just hanging out and risking something to fall and burn his boy bits. He did not want to risk not being able to ravage his boss anymore.
He shrugged. "Can't help my genetics." He turned and yelled into the bedroom as he headed for the food. "And you weren't complaining ten minutes ago, either!" The blond unloaded their food and set it out buffet style on the kitchen counter before rummaging through cabinets and boxes for silverware and plates. "Hey! Where's your kitchen stuff?"
Lestat shook his head, pulling on some pants and heading over to where the man was. "Ah." he took out a box and then plopped it onto the counter - where no food was - and took out some plates and forks for them. Though, chopsticks were normally all right with him, this worked too. He took out some spoons and then wandered around ti fill up his plate. He took his fork and headed over to the couch. "I don't have cable... but my DVD player is set up." He commented, turning to look at the rabbit. "Or would you prefer something like animal planet?"
Following suit, Katsurou loaded his plate and sat down next to Lestat in the living room. "That's fine," he shrugged, popping a dumpling into his mouth. "What do you have?" he asked, setting his plate in the table in front of them and levitating the box over to the floor by their feet. He rummaged through the movies and picked one out, using his powers to set it up and start it. He wasn't sure what he picked out-something that looked old, but it was something he'd never seen before. Taking his plate into his lap again, the bunny happily relaxed and ate.
Lestat arched a brow Well then. his powers were definitely useful, weren't they? Staring at him for a moment more, he shook his head a bit and then moved closer to curl up next to him. The movie was actually one of the old black and white movies. One with the Marx brothers and he smiled at the opening scene. Chuckling a little bit, he turned to the man to press a quick kiss to his lips before went back to eating the Chinese.
They watched the movie comfortably, Kat's arm draping over the other man's shoulders after both had eaten and set their plates on the table. His fingers drew soft little patterns over Lestat's neck and shoulder, simply a habit he'd picked up as a child. The movie was good, and he said so, stretching out his limbs a bit as the end credits began to roll. "So," he said as he returned to his previous position. "What do you think? About wherever this is going, I mean. Where do you want it to go?" Katsurou was the type to have a laid plan from day one, and relationships were no different. He wanted to know where he stood.
Sliding down the other's form, the elder male rested his head on the other's lap. Amethyst eyes keeping up to his with interest. A brow arched in question before he shrugged gently. "What we have going now seems to work." He commented, looking up at him for a bit more before adding: "Should we change it?" Personally, he did not want to, and was not sure if he was ready for something more than whatever they had going right now. Fuck-buddy friends was fine with him.
Looking down and running his fingers through the man's hair, Katsurou nodded in agreement. The blond wasn't ready for anything serious, and especially not with someone he was about to have to work with. "Just don't tell me about other men-or women-you sleep with and we have a deal." Smiling, the blond leaned down and kissed the other man's forehead before dropping his own head onto the back of the sofa with a soft little sigh.
The weeks passed, and everything was going ... great, actually. Working for Katsurou was not that bad at all. The kid was very professional about everything - aside from a random lunch "break" here and there - and they got quite a bit of work done. Knew just how to save money without cutting any corners on other things. It was great. And yes. The days passed and those special Fridays came and made him work in his pajamas one day. Another he was in bell bottoms. A few others and he thought he was almost free -- until Relic handed him a skirt. One side went to the side of his knee, and then it went up in layers until the middle of his thigh. The color was mostly black with some red silk in between.

Sighing heavily, the man moved through the halls of the orphanage, heading to go make his way to the office, just ignoring all the kids who were giggling at him. His top matched and was feminine, but did not look horrible on him, but not really the best. NOt as good as it would look on Kat or someone else.
Kat was enjoying himself. Work was wonderful and working with Lestat was even fun most of the time. He liked the teasing, too. It was nice to be able to be so relaxed with someone and yet be able to be so professional at the same time. He'd been feeling rather sick lately, though, and mainly at lunch time. He wasn't really sure what was going on with him but when the third week came and when and he was still hunched over a toilet at lunch time, Katsurou sought out Jupiter. And the news was not what he wanted to hear. Groaning and pulling the A-line, baby blue and layered skirt back up to where it should be, he went and sought out his only recent partner.

He timed his ambush properly and dragged Lestat into a darkened corner.
Lestat went wide-eyed when he was pulled away, easily getting who it was, but that did not make matters better. "Kat ... We have work to do. There's something off in the food budget." He stated, looking at the male and tilting his head to the side with interest. "Did Jupiter help any?"
"Help has so many definitions..." The blond whined and sagged back onto the wall behind him, head resting against it, too. How did he say it? They weren't even dating! But...that didn't change matters. And they were good friends even when not in bed together won't be horrible right? He tried to tell himself that a few times before looking up again.

"I'm pregnant."
Arching a brow, Lestat grew concerned. Was it bad news? Was he truly, badly sick? He was really getting worried ... Until he heard his words. His form froze. Pregnant?! HE was pregnant?! HE!? Then again, he should be used to this. He knew the family he came from and he came from a man and ... "pregnant!?" He squeaked, clearing his throat and he rested his hand on his throat, shaking his head a little bit. 'Um ... That ... It's fine. it's fine." He shook his head a little and looked over at the blond once more. "So ... What are we? going to do about it?" honestly, he was not even sure if the other wanted him in the picture, but hey, whatever he wanted
Looking over the man, Kat leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Take a few days...few weeks to get used to the idea." It was obvious that neither had planned for this, but it was more obvious that Lestat hadn't even considered the possibility despite his family. He was in shock, and Katsurou wasn't going to push it. "We'll talk when you are." He smiled and kissed the man's lips softly. "Just...adding to the pile now so there's not another heart attack... When my mother had me and my siblings...there were four more, too."
Lestat stared at the other, kissing him back gently when he kissed him. He then looked over at the blond. There were four others? "E-eig--" He stopped, and why? He passed out. His mind went blank, the man slid down the wall, and he was out cold. Yep. Quite a bit for someone to take in. He had never ever thought he would have children. That was not on his list of possible things that could happen. He could accept one. One was not that bad. But ... Eight?! He had seven other siblings. While there was no guarantee that he was going to have eight himself, genetics tended to never really fail. Oh... gosh.
With a sigh, Kat lifted Lestat into his arms, being sure that he was modestly covered and went to bring him home, asking the receptionist to buzz his parents and let them know that Lestat had taken ill and he would be back as soon as he got him settled...and that he was borrowing the car to do so. Settling the blond into the front seat, it was a short drive to his apartment and he easily let himself in with the spare key beneath the door mat, kicking the door closed as he entered with the blond still in his arms.
Lestat took in a deep breath when he was placed on his bed by the other. Looking up at Kat, he quickly took his hand, not wanting the little thing to get away. Pulling him to his form, he tugged him just to stand next to him. "What do you want to do?" he whispered, his amethyst eyes to his form. "You want me in, I'll be in. Out and I'm out ... I want to be there for you and the ... babies?" He groaned, still getting used to the idea. He let his hand fall from his wrist and he turned over to bury his face into the pillow with a grumble.
Sliding onto the bed, the blond laid on his side, head propped by his hand. "I want you to be okay with the idea first," he answered honestly. "And you never know... I could have only one or two." He shrugged a little and pressed a kiss to his forehead. It wasn't likely, of course, but it could happen. "Sleep, okay? I'll come check on you after work." He had to get back, but as Lestat's boss, Katsurou was ordering him to bed for the rest of the day.
Lestat looked up at the other, staring at him for a while and he sighed heavily. "You better." he mumbled, leaning over to press a soft kiss to his lips. He then fell back onto the bed and his eyes remained with the other. "You can bring home some food you want. On my dime." He murmured afterward. Relaxing back into the pillow, he nuzzled it absently, really needing to think a little bit more. He justn eeded to wrap his mind around this whole thing.
About to tease with the title 'daddy', Katsurou thought better of it...for now. He just nodded and slipped out of the apartment and back to work. Remus jumped on him the first chance he got. "What's wrong? Is Lestat okay? You're not sick, are you?" The brunette was checking his son all over just to be sure nothing was out of sorts. All the while, Kat was laughing and trying to still his father's hands.

"I'm fine, Dad. Just. I'll come talk to you and mom and dad in a little bit okay?" Remus was skeptical but nodded anyway, returning to his office.

It was nearly time to go before Kat entered the office and told his parents his 'good news'.
Romulus blinked a few times. He was pregnant?! Their little baby Kat was pregnant?! He stared at him for a while, just trying to wrap his mind around it. It took a few moments, but the man soon grinned and closed the distance between them and hugged the boy. Nuzzling into his cheek, he held onto him without wanting to let go. "Sweetie, I'm so happy but ... Are you?"
He hugged his fathers, both who were clinging to him. "I...don't know, really. We weren't planning anything. It's a shock..." He kissed both of their cheeks and let go of them, sitting in the chair behind him. "Lestat passed out... I had to warn him that you three had eight your first time out though... That's why I took him home." The blond chewed his bottom lip a bit, worried now that the initial shock was gone. "Don't tell anyone, okay? Not grandmum especially. I'll tell everyone when I'm ready."

They chatted for a bit more and then Kat left, picking up a pizza on his way back to Lestat's house.
Lestat had literally slept on the knowledge. He thought before falling asleep and even afterward. Just staring up at the ceiling and he sighed softly. There was nothing they could do to change what happened. He did not really want to. It was unexpected, very unexpected, but what was he going to do? Tell him to never talk to him ever again? Take the kids and shove off? No. That was not going to work. He wanted to be there for him, and so, he would just do whatever Kat thought he wanted him for.

Hearing the door unlocking, he perked up, watching Kat enter and he gave him a simple little smile. "Hey." Yep. all he could think of at the moment. Go him!
Giving a little sigh, Kat set the pizza down and closed the door before moving to the bed and wrapping Lestat into a tight hug. "I'm really sorry," he offered as he released the man and laid down next to him. "I should have told you from the beginning that it could happen... I just... Well I hadn't been with anyone in so long that I never even thought about it, to be honest." He laid on his back, not really knowing what else to say for a few minutes. "Do you hate me?"
Lestat rolled his purple eyes, reaching up to capture the other's cheeks with his fingers, pursing them together to force his lips into a fish-face. "I will if you don't shut up." He stated, shaking his head a bit. He released his cheeks, kissing his lips as his own little apology for squishing him. "It doesn't change the facts. You're pregnant. Nothing can change that. And, as I said before, I'm in if you want me..." He fell into the pillow a little more. "I want to be in their lives. And it's not like you can raise potentially eight kids on your own. And your parents have the toddlers so, yes, I will definitely stay with you." He whispered, leaning forward to kiss his lips. "If you want me to."
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