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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Katsurou shook his head. "What about what you want?" he asked, looking over at the other man. "You can be in your children's lives without being in mine, or without being involved with the pregnancy itself." He sighed and closed his eyes, truly wanting to know what it was that Lestat wanted, other than to be in the kids' lives once they were here. "And what do you mean by stay with me?" he asked, nose crinkling. "We're not really together... Does that mean that you want to be? Or that you want to continue as we are? Or cut out the sex and just raise the kids as friends?" He whined with the complications and pulled a pillow over his head.
Lestat arched a brow. "You think too much." He mumbled, taking the pillow from his face and whacking it in the other's face. "Don't drool on my pillow." He mumbled, pulling the pillow he took under his form while he looked at the blond. "Well, considering you're my boss and I'll see you every day, I'll be involved in your pregnancy anyway." He placed his hand over his lips, stopping from any other comments. "I want to be involved in your hormonal psychotic experience." He then let his hand fall back and shrugged at the mention of what they are. "It's not like the kids have a snowball's chance in hell at being normal ... I doubt vampire and rabbit and, what, werewolf? will make for a normal kid... Yet along multiple. So, why don't we take it a step at a time? If you want, we could take it slow. Start dating like normal people. See if just fucking each others' brains out is the only thing we have. If it is, and we're not compatible... We'll be friends with kids."
He whined. "But this means that I have to love you now!" he teased, trying hard not to laugh. "You know, because you fathered my children and all..." He looked down at his belly. "You'd better appreciate all the sacrifices I made for you!" Kat couldn't help laughing now, throwing his head back and letting the stress of the day out. It took a few minutes for him to calm down enough to turn towards Lestat and he nodded. "Yeah... Taking things a step at a time-even backward steps-sounds really...normal right now." He leaned forward and kissed the man's lips before getting off of the bed and helping the brunette up too. "I'm starved."
Watching the other, he remained silent and arched a brow when he heard him babbling about loving him. He looked at his belly and let out a snort of his own. Following him out of the bed, he crossed his arms over his torso, staring at the back of his head. "Really? At least I won't get fat.' he reminded the other, nipping his neck before walking past him to the pizza. He tossed the other a paper plate - finally completely moved in - and then plopped a piece onto his plate. He took a bite, looking over at the rabbit and smirking even more.
Looking at the other man, the words had barely sunk in before Katsurou had sunk to the floor, bawling. He was right! He was going to get FAT and then no one was going to think he was sexy anymore! The blond pulled his knees to his chest and buried his face into them, trying to get a hold on his hormone-induced emotions...and having no luck with it, either.
Watching him, he sighed heavily. "Damnit." he grumbled, walking over to him - the pizza on the counter - he crouched in front of him. "You know. You're no fun if I can't tease you." he mumbled, taking a hold of his hands and tugging him up and to his feet. "I've seen your parents. I've seen your grandparents. I doubt, very much, that once you pop the kids out, that you'll not bounce back to where you are right now." He stated, wrapping his arms around his hips and pulling him against his form. He pressed a kiss to his lips and then pulled back to look at him. "You'll be a hot MILF"
He sighed softly and buried his face into the man's neck, breathing deeply to try and get a hold of himself. "But I'll still be fat when I'm pregnant," he whined. "And you won't think I'm sexy anymore." Kat sniffled a few times and then pulled away. Fat or not, he was hungry! The blond took a slice of pizza and nearly inhaled it, going back for seconds...and then thirds. It was half way through his second slice that he had completely forgotten about his melt down, or his worry about being fat.
Lestat was so, so, SO, very happy for the food break. He really did not know how to get out of that. Even if he said he would still find him attractive, he doubted the other would listen or believe him. He remained silent and easily finished off a good two and a half pieces of pizza as well. He kissed the rabbit's cheek and then pulled back, looking just a little concerned. "Did you ... tell your parents?" oh yes. he was scared that he would be stoned tomorrow, or hung, or drowned, or quartered!
Settling back with his head resting on Lestat's shoulder, the blond nodded. "I couldn't not... They wanted to know why you went home, and what Jupiter said was wrong with me." He shrugged a little. "They're happy for me...for us." He read the nervousness of the other man and pecked his cheek lightly. "They're not going to kill you. You're not centuries and centuries older than I am, I'm not underage, I have a job, and so long as you do right by the baby...babies? Well either way as long as you're good to it or them, then they're not going to kill you."
Lestat stared at him for a while and he nodded a little absently. Taking a hold of his hands, he swayed them from side to side ever so absently while he did so. He soon stopped, though, resting his hands onto the other's hips. "So ... Do you want to live with me? Or should we just decide this later?" He asked, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. He then pulled back, still holding onto the other. He remained silent, unsure of what to do. He wanted to provide for them, but what else should he do? Supposed just being there was all right, but did the other want more?
"That defeats the purpose of taking it slow, right?" he asked with a little laugh. Kat began to play with Lestat's fingers, just looking for something to hold his physical attention for the time being. "I think that, as I get further along, I might want to. Even if it's just temporary. I think Mom was on bed rest for the last two or three months. But permanently?" He shook his head a bit. "I don't want to make a decision yet." The blond kissed the palm of the other man's hand. "Lets use the first couple of months to date. We'll act like I'm not pregnant or something and just see where we go."
"Ignore the raging hormones that send you into crying fits?" He teased, smiling lightly and he pressed a kiss to his forehead. He nodded, though. "Good plan." He whispered and kissed his lips once more. He then pulled back and released the other. Walking over to the refrigerator, he opened up the freezer and pulled out a piece of frozen cheesecake on a stick. "Look good? I also have plain ice cream if you want."
Looking up, Katsurou's eyes got as big as saucers. "Do you have any pickles?" he asked, deadly serious and completely drooling. "Oh no! Not pickles. Anchovies! Yes. Mmm.." He saw nothing weird with his want for anchovy covered cheesecake and he really hoped that Lestat had some in the house. The blond was kneeling on the sofa now, facing the back of it towards the kitchen and resting his elbows on the back.
Anchovies? He stared at him for a moment before he opened up the refrigerator. Good for him, he liked ceasar dressing. Taking it out, he pulled away and he then walked over to the man. Holding out a plate, fork, and the cheesecake and anchovies and he smiled lightly. "There you go." He said softly, kissing the top of his head and then pulled back to go get himself his own piece of cheesecake. He then walked over and sat next to him. "That's nasty by the way."
"Oooh!" Kat took the plate and dug in happily. "No it's so good!" he gushed, shoving one of the fish into his mouth with a bit of the cheesecake, too. "The salty makes the sweet pop and the other way around too!" It didn't take long for Kat to polish off his dessert, and he went to brush his teeth before returning to cuddle on the sofa. He wasn't completely insensitive to the other man. He pecked a kiss to the brunette's cheek. "Thank you."
Lestat stared at the other, just shocked that he could so easily eat that. He remained silent for the moment, just eating his cheesecake and enjoying it. He was very happy when the other brushed his teeth. He finished his cake off and set the plate to the side, just in time to see the other beside him once more. Taking a hold of his chin, he pulled him forward for a light kiss to his lips. "Wanna go out with me tomorrow night?" He asked simply, looking at the other with a warm smile to his lips.
Smiling, he kissed the man back and then nodded. "I'd like that." Katsurou leaned forward again and kissed the man a bit more before settling back down onto the sofa. "How about a movie?" he asked, levitating a few cases over to them to choose from. "You pick this time." The cases were set down in the vampire's lap.
Lestat smiled lightly. He took up one of the movies and then looked over the cover a bit before handing it to the man beside him. "Here This one sounds food for today." He said simply, kissing the top of his head and then tossing the other movies onto the table. He pulled him closer to his form, arm slung around his waist as he did so. "So ... dinner and a movie out tomorrow? Or shall we wait to see what you feel like?"
Katsurou put the movie in and turned the television on, settling down with the man to watch. "Lets wait and see?" he asked smiling and pecking a little kiss to the tip of the vampire's nose. "I can't guarantee that I'll be up for food...or any given moment." Shifting, Kat cuddled into Lestat's side and hummed contently as he turned his attention to the movie in front of them.
Lestat looked down at the blond, staring at him for a while and then setting back a little bit more. "So ... Am I going to get fired for knocking up the boss?" He teased lightly, relaxing into the cushions and smiling softly at Kat. He did not want to make it awkward or have them start to act strangely around each other. So, yes, he was going to tease him.
Looking up he laughed. "Yes. Yes I'm going to fire you, who is going to be at least one half of my children's providers." He rolled his eyes at the man, leaning up and kissing Lestat softly. "Lets go to bed?" he asked, not caring that the movie had just started, or that it was only seven thirty at night. His lips moved down to Lestat's neck, pressing little suckling kisses over the flesh there.
Hearing the offer, he nodded. "Anything for you." he whispered, kissing his lips and then standing up. Taking a hold of his hands, he pulled him up. Turning off the television and player, he led the other to his bedroom, turning around to look at him with a little sigh. "So ... if you have eight kids, are we going to have to name them ... all?" He asked absently, releasing him once he was close to the bed so that he could pull off his top ... and skirt. Damn. He completely forgot about that.
He allowed Lestat to help haul himself off of the sofa and followed him into the bedroom. Kat heard the question but didn't answer, stepping forward and stopping the man from taking the skirt off just yet. The blond ran his hands up the other's legs, under the skirt to his hips and then back again, repeating the same along the back and his rear end. "Told you you have sexy legs," he muttered, leaning up to kiss his lover while still groping his behind.
Stopping when he felt the other come closer, he stared at him with a bit of interest. A brow lifted in question and he slid his hands up his arms and wrapped around his shoulders. Pulling him closer, he ground his hips against his with a little purr. "Mhm. Not as nice as yours." He purred out, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "Is this what you wanted? Get me into bed before even our first date?" Grinning, he kissed him once more.
"Are you complaining?" he asked smirking, giving the man's ass a hard squeeze before his hands traveled south to his thighs and hips again. Kat kissed the other man, pressing their bodies together in every spot that could possibly touch, moaning softly as he did.
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