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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Never" He purred out, already beginning to undo the other's attire. Taking it out, he tossed it aside and smiled a little bit more. He truly was going to have fun with him. So much fun with the man. Anything to help out a pregnant person, right? Of course.

Collapsing beside him once more, he let out a soft little sigh, kissing Katsurou once more on the lips and then falling back to the other's side. His arms slid around his form, pulling him closer and he smiled lightly. "Feel better?" he teased softly, kissing his chest gently and then relaxing against the mattress once more.
Rolling onto his back, Kat pulled the brunette on top of him and kissed him as if his life depended on it. "Will be better once you're inside me," he growled, leaning down and biting at the man's neck a bit roughly. He thrust his hips up, moaning softly with the pressure the act created and wanting more. "Please?" he begged softly.
When morning finally arrived, there was a knock on the door and Lestat let out a soft little groan. Rolling away from Kat, he sighed. Kissing the blond, he slowly slid out of the bed and stumbled his naked way to the door - not even realizing he was still bare. Last night, they took a shower and then just passed out. So, he at least was clean.

Opening the door, he arched a brow when he spotted Sebastian in front of him. "Sebastian?"

The teen stared at the other for a moment before looking back up at his eyes. "Could you put some bloody clothes on, you pervert?" he asked, rolling his eyes and then walking past him, into the apartment. Heading into the bedroom, he poked at Kat's side absently. "Oi! When were you going to tell me you got knocked up?" Despite the fact Kat only knew yesterday, he wanted a phone call of some sorts! "I could barely keep that bubble head from telling Mum! You're lucky you have me, you know."
Kat groaned and swatted the hand away. "Mom knows." He turned over batting away at the man who he couldn't place at the moment anyway. "'m tired." The blond tried hard to fall back asleep, pulling the covers up over his head to shut out whoever was in the bedroom.
"Yes. your mother knows." he grumbled, poking the other a little bit more. "but do you want your grandmother to know?" Oh yes. He had to practically beat down Jupiter to stop him from telling Relic about the other's pregnancy. "I mean, I can always leave, happen to tell Jupiter very loudly that you and the babies are doing well this morning ... and then you can deal with your grandmother instead of me."
Katsurou bolted upright. "No!" He looked around, trying to regain his bearings a bit. He was at Lestat's house. They had had sex...a few times... Showered and then slept... So who was talking to him again? The blond looked up and saw Sebastian and sighed softly, sinking back down into the bed. "Why do you try to talk to me when I'm sleeping?" he whined, throwing his arm over his eyes to hide the bright morning light. "And I didn't tell anyone other than Lestat and my parents because I'm not ready to yet."
Looking down at the other, he poked him once more and then rolled his eyes a moment later. His arms crossed over his chest and he stared down at the whining male once more. "Well, you should know enough by now that Jupiter can't keep a secret." He shook his head a bit more and then let out a soft little sigh. His hands tapped on his hips absently while he kept his attention to the blond. "Yes, well, Jupiter sent me here to give you something for your nausea. And then your prenatal vitamins.."
He looked up again. "He can stop me from puking?!" he asked. Suddenly, Sebastian and that blabbermouth of his were his new best friends. Kat hopped up and hugged the other man. "Oooh thank you thank you thank you! How about breakfast? I can cook for us! Yes. What would you like? Only I don't know what Lestat has in the house-we order out a lot..." Katsurou kept rambling as he walked into the kitchen trying to figure out what he'd cook for breakfast without knowing what ingredients were in the house.
Sebastian arched a brow, patting his nephew's sides absently. He stared at him for another moment and then led the way forward and to the countertop where the bottles were. He held up the one, turning it to look at Kat. "The purple are for puke. The baby blue and white are your prenatal" He stated, looking over them a bit more. He shrugged again and then turned his attention back to him. "Jupiter made them especially for you and your demon children."
Reaching forward, Kat took the bottle of pills to make him not puke and swallowed one immediately. "Tell him I said thank you." Smiling the blond turned and bent into the fridge to take out the eggs and, surprise!, the bacon from the fridge for an all out breakfast. Katsurou was bustling around the kitchen, pulling out a loaf of bread to make French toast instead of just eggs and bacon.
Sebastian perked up, looking at the other and going wide-eyed "OH GOD!" He turned around, his hand coming onto his eyes and he moved so his back was to the other. "Hugging me naked is one thing, BENDING OVER is another! Dear god... put some fucking clothes on!" He really was about to just vomit. Ugh. Seeing his nephew .. .at that angle. Oh. He should not have let him get out of bed without clothes!
Kat looked over his shoulder like Sebastian had grown another head. "I"m not n--" Looking down as if to prove his point only made the man blush horribly. "Oh." Putting whatever he had in his hands were set on the counter and the blond rushed into the room to put on a pair of pajama pants. Returning, he pecked his uncle's cheek in apology. "Sorry."
Sebastian closed his eyes and he took in a deep breath to just calm himself a little more. His hand covered over his face, feeling the peck and he sighed softly. Turning his attention to the blond, he shook his head once more. He nodded a bit. "Yes. Yes." He mumbled, arms crossing over his chest and he rested against the counter. "Just ... Make something." He murmured and then turned to look at Lestat, arching a brow at him. "Are you being proper to my nephew?"

The brunette perked up - having gotten completely dressed while the two were talking luckily - and looked over at Sebastian. "No. I told him he has to stop all contact with me and just rot in hell." He rolled his eyes a bit and shook his head. "No. we have our own little plan. You can just keep to yourself now. It's our issue. That and it's too much to explain."
Settling the bacon to sizzle, Katsurou shook his head. He moved over to the two and gave Lestat a firm smack to his behind. "Be nice. He gave me no-puke pills." Smiling to his uncle, the blond nodded. "We're...working on it. Whatever 'it' is. And don't worry-in the end, we'll both be happy." Nodding he pecked Lestat's lips before going to flip the bacon. It wasn't long before breakfast was served up for the three of them. "Grandmum's gonna freak, isn't he?" he asked Sebastian, picking at his French toast. "We're going to be up to our eyeballs in baby clothes, aren't we?"
Sebastian gladly sat down across from the two, sighing heavily. "Yep." He stated simplistically. He straightened his form a bit more, picking at the bacon and pulling it apart a little to pop it into his mouth. "He is going to spaz about great-grandbabies." He sighed heavily and he finished off his piece of bacon and relaxed once more. "You'll give him his first great grandchildren, so ... yes. He is definitely going to make sure you two have more than enough baby clothes to manage to have a dozen this round. And then some."
"A dozen?" Kat squeaked a little bit. He could barely imagine six or seven, let alone twelve! He suddenly lost his appetite and pushed the food away, moving to clean up while muttering under his breath about twelve babies and how he might have to murder Lestat if that happened.
Lestat looked over at the other, his eyes wide as he did so. "hey! Don't say that! It is not MY fault you're a bunny." he grumbled and then turned to Sebastian, narrowing his eyes a little bit. "This is your fault! Now he's all pissy.' he stated and then crossed his arms and sighed heavily. He turned to look over at Kat. "It won't be twelve! It can't be twelve. I think you would burst into pieces and blow up like a blimp. There's no way it's twelve..."

Sebastian sighed heavily, shaking his head a little bit more. "It won't be twelve.' Turning to look at Kat, he sighed once more. "After you tell Mom ... Would you like me to call Sergei? So that he can tell you how many?"
"I'm going to be fat anyway!" he cried. Maybe Jupiter had something to make him feel normal again... Kat took a few minutes to calm himself down and took a few deep breaths. "Okay. I'm okay." He turned to Sebastian and nodded. "Yes, please. I think we would both appreciate that." Leaning up, he kissed Lestat. "Sorry." He couldn't help the hormones but he knew that it was annoying.
Wrapping an arm around Katsurou's form, he pulled him onto his lap with a soft little sigh. His arms wrapped around his hips softly. He pressed a gentle kiss to his neck and shook his head a little bit. "It's fine, Kat. Just relax. I'll still find you gorgeous no matter what." He whispered and pressed a kiss to the back of his neck absently. He nuzzled into him and then turned to Sebastian, nodding a bit. "Yes yes. Um... Sergei's the one with the twin girls... his sisters, yes? He sees auras..."

Sebastian nodded a little more. "Yes. He is."
Katsurou snuggled into the man, taking the comfort that he was being offered. He would be needing a lot of comfort in the coming months and he could only hope that Lestat would still be willing to give it after six months of his acting like this. "Katerina and Sonya." Leaning into Lestat a bit more, the blond sighed. "I might as well make the announcements. Grandmum will be mad if I don't tell him before he leaves." Kat whimpered. "Tell everyone to meet at Mom and Dads' house for dinner, okay?" He looked up at the brunette. "You too."
Sebastian nodded, finishing off his breakfast and then standing. "Of course." He whispered and then turned to look back at the two no the chair. Walking over, he pressed a kiss to the forehead of the blond and then pulled back with a warm smile. "Yes. I'll make sure they come. I'll tell Romulus and Remus, too." He stated, kissing him once more, flicking Lestat, and then heading out.

Lestat watched the other and then turned to look at Kat with a warm smile. "You sure? This soon?"
He said good bye to his uncle and thanked him for spreading out the invitation and then looked to Lestat. "I have to. I'm almost through with my first trimester." Okay so he hadn't told the brunette that part. He would have...eventually! He wasn't ready to admit it though. To admit that he'd gotten pregnant probably the first time that he had bottomed for Lestat was a heavy load to bare. He slid off of the man's lap. "I have to go shower." Kat felt horrible for having hid such a thing, and he was sure that his lover would be angry with him, and he wasn't in the mood to fight right then.
"What?!" he squeaked out, his hand coming to his throat as he stared at the man. Almost end of his first trimester?! As in ... Pregnant this whole time? He stared up at him, eyes wide and his jaw moved a bit before he stood up. He headed over to where the other was. Stopping him and he looked him over. "Eh? But ... we've only been for ... Eh?!" He was not going to fight. He did not want to. He could not. He just wanted to know. He could not really grasp that. So ... Six more months, or so? "But... You're not even showing!"
He stopped and looked up at Lestat, obviously sorry for keeping such a thing from him. "It's give or take a couple of weeks, okay?" He huffed out a sigh. "Just. The first time I bottomed with you, I got pregnant. I didn't do the math." Without thinking, Kat plopped himself onto the ground with a soft 'ow' and a pout, not sure what to do at this point. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you!"
"Stop apologizing." he sighed heavily, crouching in front of him and leaning forward to press his forehead to the blond's. "Really. Just relax. I'm fine. Shocked, but .. fine." He shook his head, standing up and taking his hands to pull him up from the ground. "I think it's a good sign that you're not showing much, right? I'm sure if you had a dozen babies in there, you'd have shown weeks ago..." he smiled weakly, hoping to find a little silver lining for them. "It just means that ... I'll have less time to woo you."
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