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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Standing up, he clung to Lestat, hugging him tightly. He couldn't help but feel bad about having, basically, lie to the brunette. "I guess," he agreed softly, nuzzling along the man's jaw for a few minutes before stepping back again. "I really do have to shower. We'll talk before tonight. I promise. I just... I need a few minutes, okay?"
Lestat sighed heavily, kissing the other's lips softly and he nodded. "All right . . . Mom." He grinned at the last bit and quickly scurried past him to get the dishes. He glanced behind him, wishing to see the other's reaction. Hopefully he was not pissed about the comment. He did not want him to be annoyed, just teased. Hey, he was six months [or so] away from being a mother, he'd have to get used to it, wouldn't it?
The name sent little flutters through him and Kat couldn't help the little smile that it brought to his lips. He couldn't wipe it away either. As he showered and tried hard to get himself and his thoughts together, he couldn't help but think that he was going to be a mother. And while it wasn't the most ideal of situations as it wasn't planned, it could be much worse. Still smiling as he exited the bathroom, Katsurou moved over to Lestat and kissed him, burying his face into his neck after. "I really was going to tell you before I started to show..."
Looking down at the other that was suddenly wrapped around him, he sighed softly. His arms wrapped around his form and he hugged him to his form. He smiled lightly and shook his head a bit. "It's fine. Honestly." He whispered and he leaned forward to press a kiss to his lips. He pulled back and looked down at his stomach. "You're not showing yet. You're still fine." He grinned lightly, kissing him again. His arms wrapped around his shoulders, his hips swaying from one side to another. "So ... Mom, how are you feeling? did the pills help?"
He sighed as he was held, perfectly content to stay wrapped in his lover's strong arms for the remainder of the morning. Kat moved with Lestat, swaying back and forth a bit, soaking in the warmth and contentment that he was feeling. He enjoyed being with the brunette just as much (or not?) as having sex with him and he could easily see how their pseudo-relationship that they had now could blossom into something very special.

"If they didn't, Dad," he teased back, "then your shirt would have splotches of the most beautiful olive green on it." Looking up, Katsurou smiled at the man.
Lestat shivered at the name. Honestly, he never thought he would be called that. Sure, Danny had a few times when they were younger, but it never lasted. The boy realized he was his brother, so called him by his first name. being called "dad" and knowing that it was true and going to happen, well, it was just strange. "Good." he mumbled and then pulled back to look down at the male in his arms. Poking his forehead a bit, he shrugged. "Should we get dressed? Or go back to bed, then play a bit, then shower ... and then probably meet up for the dinner?"
While the thought of going back to bed for another romp was almost too enticing, Kat was very comfortable how they were. And he hadn't missed the little shiver that went through the brunette vampire when he was called his new title, either. That reaction brought a nice little smile to the blond's lips. Looking up, Kat pecked the man's lips. "Can we go back to bed?" he asked. "Just to lay like this for a little while? Talk..." They hadn't discussed names, or even living arrangements past the end of his pregnancy and while they had six more months, Kat liked talking to Lestat and he wanted to know more about him.
Lestat looked down at the blond, smiling lightly as he did so. "Yes." he said simply, pressing a faint kiss to his lips. He took a hold of the other, scooping him into his arms like a bride, and easily made his way into their bedroom. Laying the other under the sheets, he crawled in beside him, pulling everything up to their shoulders and then looked at the man beside him. Leaning forward, he pressed a kiss to his lips and then settled back to where he was. His arms slid around his form, pulling him and nuzzling into his neck gently. "We have to think up a lot of names.' He commented.
Wrapping his arms around Lestat's neck as he was lifted from the ground, Katsurou couldn't help but giggle a little bit and nuzzle into the man's neck as they walked. He was quick to slide into the man's side, settling down as soon as Lestat's arms were securely around him. He nodded, pressing a kiss to the man's chest. "Sergei will be able to tell us genders, and how many...he might be one or two off, though." Kat slid onto his stomach and rested his chin on his lover's chest, looking up at him. "Any names you must have?" he asked.
Lestat arched a brow. One or two off?! Staring down at the other, he sighed heavily. Settling back into the mattress, his arm wrapped around the other man's shoulders and he thought for a bit. "If it's not too creepy ... I really would like to name one Daniel, after my brother." He admitted, looking down at the blond and giving him a weak little smile. "Though, maybe we should more so see if it would bother Sebastian any." he leaned down, kissing the top of the other's head and he pulled back once more to look down at him, waiting to see what the other thought.
He nodded. "Okay." There was no way that Kat would ever think about not allowing Lestat be a part of the naming process, and if he had his heart set on a particular name, there was no reason to deny him...unless he asked for a name like Gertrude or Poindexter or something equally not okay. "We can ask him tonight." Leaning up, he kissed the brunette and then moved to nuzzle his cheek a little. "You know I love you?" he asked, voice barely above a whisper. "That's not to say I'm in love with you," he clarified quickly. "Too soon for that."
Lestat looked down at him, smiling lightly at his words and he nodded. "I know I do too." he whispered, kissing his lips softly. "Though, I'll admit ... I'm well on my to being in love with you." He smiled and nuzzled him a bit more. "Even before this thing, mind you. You're much too addictive for your own good, Kat Reed." He whispered, nipping at the base of his neck before he relaxed once more against him. Arms around his shoulders and he hugged him happily. "So, what names do you like?"
Addictive? That made him smile and settle back down, using Lestat's chest as his pillow. "I am falling," he assured before settling in to think of names to list. He shrugged a little. "There aren't any specific ones I like." He thought for a few more minutes. "I like the name Dakota for a girl..." After a few more minutes, Kat looked up again. "Were you really close with your brother?" he asked, curious to know more about Lestat and his past.
Looking down at the other, he smiled gently. He nodded a bit. "Very." He admitted, sinking against him a little more, definitely happy in his arms. "Our parents died when he was only a few months old, so he never got to know them. I raised him since that day. We were in orphanages until I was eighteen when I adopted him, but yes, I was very close to him. He was all the family I had." he let out a soft little laugh, looking down at Kat and smiling even more. "Though, now I am going to have to change that, huh? I've just inherited your whole family ... Knowing Relic." He kissed the top of his head, relaxing against the pillow again and nodding. "Danny was great. he accepted me completely when I told him what I was ... "
He couldn't help laughing a little bit. "It's kind of...expected in my family. I mean, Lily isn't, and I don't know that Severus really is either... He's with Lucius because of the twin-thing more than because Lucius is a boy." Not that he thought Severus wasn't in love with Lucius, or didn't find him attractive, just that he thought that if they weren't twins, Severus would find himself attracted to girls rather than boys. The blond shrugged a bit. "It's good that you were close to him. And I'm glad you're still close with Sebastian, too."

They spent a bit more time in silence. "What are we going to do?" he asked, nuzzling into Lestat's neck. "This apartment won't hold three babies...let alone however many I could possibly have."
Lestat let out a soft little laugh and nodded a little bit. "Yea." he said softly, kissing his temple and he relaxed against him a bit more. Nuzzling into his neck, he stopped for a moment before he lifted his eyes to the other. "Easy. We'll get a house.' he stated, his fingers idly traced the other's shoulder while he thought about it. "I have my saved up money that we can buy it with. Hopefully be able to get it without a mortgage, and that way, we won't have to worry about that. I realize we'll have to get a big place, but we can think about how big once we find out how many. I figure two or three to a room would be sufficed, yes? Depending on the room, of course." At this rate, he was paranoid they would have to buy a mansion!
"Lets wait?" he asked, smiling a bit. "Never know... Mom and Dads and whatsitsface might offer to buy us a little starter home... And I have money saved. We'll pay off the lease here with that." Katsurou smiled up at him. "Or we might get really lucky and Grandmum might buy us a mansion so we never have to move again." He laughed at that thought, not really expecting it to happen and not knowing what he'd say if it did.
Lestat let out a little laugh, shaking his head a bit. "Yea. Definitely. Though, at least helping financially would be very helpful. I don't think we need a mansion." He laughed again, kissing Kat and then nuzzling into him a bit. "Could you stand to move away from your siblings?" he asked, knowing - from Relic and Rune - the whole bond with twins and whatever else. He wanted to be sure that Kat would not be upset if they moved into a different house without them.
He nodded without hesitation. He loved his siblings, but he wasn't as close to them as his grandparents were. "Grandmum and Rune are different... I think it's because Rune really is...was? love with Grandmum before they met Granddad and Calder. I love my brothers and sister, and I couldn't move out of the country, or even out of town, but I can live apart from them."

They spent several more hours in bed talking and napping, Katsurou very content where they were. Eventually, though, they did have to get up to get ready for dinner and Kat was not very happy. The button on his favorite jeans wouldn't reach the button hole, and with Lestat in the shower, the blond collapsed back into bed and pulled the covers over his head to sob about how fat he was getting.
Lestat was very happy. Being able to move to a nicer place with Katsurou would be so very welcomed. They were starting a family, so yes, he really wanted to be able to have a very nice house with him. He smiled lightly, exiting the shower with a towel around his waist to find Kat crying. His eyes went wide and he quickly made his way over to the other. Crawling onto the bed beside him, he pulled aside the blanket to look down at him, concern clear upon his features." Kat? What's wrong?"
"I'M FAT!" he cried, pulling the covers back over his head once more. He knew he was acting like a child but was under no control to stop himself. The hormones were well on their way to ruining his usual easy going demeanor and, lucky him, Lestat was about to get the brunt of it for the next six months.
Sighing heavily, he pulled the covers away once more, pressing a passionate kiss to his lips - upside down - and then pulled back to look down at him. "Kat. You're beautiful. And I can guarantee that an hour past you telling your grandmother you're pregnant, you'll have enough outfits to make you feel thin and gorgeous as ever for two weeks. Until he's done making you a complete new wardrobe." Kissing his forehead, he looked down at him, smiling lightly. "And it just means our babies are healthy."
"And what am I supposed to wear to tell my grandmother that I'm pregnant?" he whined, burying his head into the pillow. "I'm fat. None of my jeans fit me." Katsurou was pouting like a spoiled little child and he really hated doing so. But at the same time, he couldn't help the major upset of realizing that all of his clothes, which had fit him the night before, were now too small for him to wear.
Looking down at him, he smiled warmly. "Mine." He stated, leaning down to kiss his forehead again and then pulling back, just wanting to keep kissing him to hopefully keep him calm. "They'll work for dinner tonight, right? We're pretty much the same height ... I'm just a little wider than you." Honestly, he was going to say he had more muscles, but did not really want to risk getting into an argument that he hinted at the other being weak. Oh, the on-coming months were going to be ... interesting.
Appeased for the moment, Kat turned around and buried his face into Lestat's torso, wrapping his arms around his waist quite tightly. "I'm sorry. I know I'm bitching." It was as if he was watching himself from up above and had no control over anything he said or did in the middle of his hormone induced tantrums. "You're gonna hate me by time I give birth." And he wouldn't blame Lestat if he did, either.
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