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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Good. You need to earn your paycheck," he teased, giggling and leaning up for a slow kiss that warmed Kat inside and out. He hummed, still smiling and instantly deciding what to tell Lestat. "Ten," he answered, looking up for a reaction from the man, wondering if his little white lie would be well worth it in the end.
Lestat went wide-eyed, pulling back instantly ."TEN?!" He squeaked, voice hitting quite hte many octaves above the normal. He stared at the other, heart racing and his face paling just a bit. "TEN?" he added, just not quite grasping the number. They were going to have ten children. TEN... that was... ooh god.
"Divided by two," he mentioned softly, giggling with the response that he got. "And grandmum bought us a mansion. On the beach. The title and pictures are in my bag." Katsurou leaned up and kissed Lestat, pressing their bodies together. "I missed you. I wish you could have come with me."
Divid-- "Oooh. Five!" he let out a relived sigh, collapsing into the cushions and he let out a little groan. Looking over at the other, he remained silent for a moment before he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips. "A mansion?" he repeated, not really thinking much about it. he was sure it was just a nice big house. Leaning over him, he took a hold of his bag and pulled out the papers. He fell back to the bed and began to idly flip through the papers ... until he SAW the house.

His eyes went wide and he bolted upright. "WHAT?!" He flipped through them a little more and then turned to Kat once more. "This is another joke ... Right?"
The expression on Lestat's face was even more priceless than when he thought they would be having ten children all at once. The blond reached up with a shake of his head and took the deed from his lover's hands and put it on the top of the pile. "Look," he said pointing towards the bottom. "That's Grandmum's signature. And those are our full names on the deed. And that big red blotch is a 'PAID IN FULL' stamp with the address... And Grandmum wouldn't prank either of us like this mostly because he's not Uncle Rune, but also because we're giving him four great granddaughters to dress up, and one great grandson to try and corrupt into skirts."
Great granddaughters? His eyes lit up once more, taking a hold of the blond's hands in his and he beamed completely. 'Girls?!" he squeaked, pressing a soft kiss to the other's lips. "Oooh! That's lovely." he grinned, kissing him again and then relaxing a bit before he looked past him at the deed -- still shocked. "I ... can't believe that. THAT house... for us?!" he let his head fall onto the other's shoulder, suddenly so very exhausted. "Wow.'
"Mmhmm..." He'd had two days to absorb the news and Kat was still in shock. "I still have the rest of the week off. I'll talk to the landlord about the lease on this and start packing again... You saved the boxes, right?" It didn't matter if he did or not, Kat would just go and get more. Hire movers and all that, and recruit his siblings to help him back his own stuff at the house. "Might as well move while I can still move without having to waddle!"
Lestat chuckled lightly and nodded. Kissing his lips softly, he pulled back with a lovely little grin "Oh. but you'll be so cute when you waddle.' He teased, kissing him again and he sighed heavily. "Yea. That works." he sunk low into the bed, exhausted just at the thought of the house. He could not believe that Relic bought them that big and beautiful of a house! "Are you sure your grandmother is sane?"
"I never thought he was in the first place," Kat laughed, reaching down and pinching the man's thigh rather hard for his comment about waddling. "Don't call me fat," he pouted, burying his head into the pillows so that Lestat could no longer kiss him. He wasn't crying, merely pouting for a dramatic effect.
"I didn't." he stated, trying to burrow his face under the pillow so that he could attempt and kiss him or nuzzle him -- something. "I said you'll be cute when you waddle. It just so happens to be that when that happens, you'll be bigger. Still gorgeous"
Ignoring the statement, Kat looked up. "I'm hungry." The blond's stomach growled with confirmation and he looked up, smiling a little sheepishly. "Can we order pizza? With pickles?" Katsurou licked his lips with the thought and his stomach gave another little rumble. "And onions. And hot peppers." He looked up and batted his eyelashes at Lestat. "Please?" Kat stuck his bottom lip out, pouting.
The brunette stared at the blond. He wanted that? Oh god. It made his stomach churn just thinking about looking at it. but, he nodded. "Of course." he said simply, reaching over the male to take up the phone and dial out. Ordering one pizza with ... the things the blond wanted, and another with just cheese, he hung up and then turned to look at the other once more. "how was your flight?"
He pecked Lestat's lips, smiling and thanking him before rolling over onto his side to completely face the other man. Kat's arm draped itself over his lover's waist. "Boring," he answered. "I brought a book, but it wasn't like I thought it was going to be." The book jacket had promised non-stop action and adventure, but the opening chapters had only served to put Katsurou to sleep. With another kiss, the blond slid from the bed. "I'm going to shower before dinner gets here."
Lestat nodded, watching the other leave and smiling even more. He really was gorgeous. While, yes, he was gaining weight, it was nothing that the vampire was not happy to see. It meant the children were healthy. That Kat was healthy. And those were all very, very good things in his book. He was happy to see the other so gorgeous when pregnant.

Giving the man a few minutes to wash up alone, Lestat slid out of the bed and stripped from his clothes. Sliding into the shower behind the blond, he smirked as he pressed his lips to his neck. "I missed you too much to let you shower alone."
Disappointed that Lestat didn't follow, Kat tried to wash up quickly. Showers just weren't any fun without the other man with him. Of course he should have known better than to think that he would be left alone for the entire time and the blond smiled brightly when he felt his lover come up behind him. Turning, Kat wrapped his arms around the vampire's neck and kissed him. "You're really okay with five?" he asked, worried that the number would be overwhelming for Lestat.
Nodding, he kissed him again and smiled just a little bit more. "Five is fine. I was freaking out for eight, but five ... It's a nice number. Though, we may lose it when the four hit puberty, but we're scary enough to fend off any boys interested in them. And if they get too psychotic, then we'll just send them off to live with Relic. Or, better yet, Rune." he grinned, kissing the blond once again and then pulled back. "I'm happy."
The last sentence made Katsurou happier than he could ever be. He had worried that Lestat was only with him because he was pregnant and deep down wanted nothing to do with him or their children. But he'd never known the other man to lie to him, and so the declaration of being happy brought joyful tears to the blond's eyes. He hugged the vampire tightly, face buried into his neck. "I missed you," he repeated, soaking in the comfort of having the strong arms around him once again.
Lestat looked down at the other, smiling a little bit more, and just so very happy about it. "Good." he whispered, kissing him again. "because I missed you too." He stated, kissing his lips before he perked up when he heard the doorbell go off. He remained silent for a moment before he sighed heavily. "Earlier than I thought" he mumbled, kissing him again and then hopping out of the shower. Pulling a towel around his waist, he headed on through the house, opening up the door and going wide-eyed with the person that was there. "R-Romulus?!"

The brunette smiled warmly, holding out the two pizzas the two had ordered. "hello. I caught the pizza guy on the way up. Remus may be behind me, and I know Pierce will be once he can get the boys to relax. I just wanted to see how my Kat was doing." Smiling a little more, he made his way into the apartment past the other to go find where that little blond was.
Content, Kat leaned up and kissed the other man while pressing their bodies together more firmly. It was nice to be together like this again, and he felt his lower stomach begin to stir with arousal. Of course it had to be interrupted, and the blond groaned with the doorbell, whimpering while kissing Lestat's neck and then chest as he stepped out of the tub to answer the door.

Katsurou spent another few minutes under the water before stepping out and putting a towel around himself as well. He didn't feel like changing, but didn't want to drop hot grease all over his favorite bits of himself. "Dad?" Well...that was unexpected? He moved across the apartment and kissed his father's cheek, worried. "Are you okay? Is Dad? Mom? The boys?"
"Hm?" Romulus smiled and gave him a little nod. "Yes. Everyone is all right." he informed him, kissing his cheek back and giving his son the pizza that smelled quite funny. "I just wanted to check up on you. we missed you at work. Your mother and Dad are with the boys right now. Don't worry. It's bad for your babies."

Lestat stared at the man for a moment before he shook his head a little bit. Glancing from his boyfriend then to the man's mother, he sighed softly. "Romulus, would you like to join us for dinner? We bought more than enough pizza ... though, I doubt you want his. So, I'll more than happily share my cheese."

Romulus thought for a moment before he shruged his shoulders lightly. "If my Kat doesn't mind.."
"Hey! Pickles and hot peppers and onions on pizza is delicious!" he pouted, taking his pizza and retreating to the living room with it. The blond made a quick detour to pull on a pair of pajama pants, but returned quickly to his dinner which, if he said so himself, smelled perfectly delicious. Opening the box, he sighed contently and sat down on the sofa, digging in without question. "OooH! Do we have Russian dressing? That would make this even better!"
Lestat stared at him, his nose wrinkling at the mention of Russian dressing. Oh. That just sounded... ugh. Moving to the refrigerator, he groaned -- they had some. With a heavy sigh, he took up the bit of dressing and then walked over to the man to hand it to him. Taking a piece of his own pizza, he returned to Kat's side and sat down to eat.

Romulus smiled at the two, getting a small piece of pizza himself and then made his way over to the two, sitting on a chair across from him. "So, Kat ... Did you see Sergei?"
Leaning up, he pecked Lestat's cheek before pouring the dressing over the top of the slice of pizza he was currently eating and groaned as he tasted it. "mmm..." It took him a second to register his father's question but nodded happily once he had. "Yes. He said four girls and a boy. Grandmum is most excited to be able to make oodles of dresses, I think."
Romulus smiled with a little laugh. "He would be." He grinned a bit, munching into his pizza and then relaxing a little bit once more. "That's great, though." he let out a soft little laugh and then looked around again before turning to look at Lestat. "Are you still all right?"

"Hm?" Looking up at the brunette, he smiled with a simple nod. "Very. As I told Kat, I was picturing eight. Three less is just ... wonderful. And I think manageable."
Remus let himself into the apartment when Kat was half way through his third slice of pizza. His father crinkled his nose at the concoction and settled in with a slice of plain pizza after greeting both men and his twin. "So? How'd everything go?" he asked, curious. "Lover Boy here is making a mockery of your department. I think we might have to give him the rest of the week off so you can come back and fix what he's messed up."

Kat giggled at this. "Really? I think he'll have to be reprimanded..."
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