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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Lestat arched a brow at the comment, mid-bite of his pizza. "Eh?" He questioned, staring at the man for a moment before he sighed heavily. "Am not. Kat's just better than I." He stuck his tongue out, food and all, and then went back to chewing on the food absently.

Romulus gently whacked his brother's thigh. "Be nice. You'll give him a complex. And, four girls, one boy." he informed him, figuring his son would not want to repeat himself every five minutes.
With half of his own pizza polished off, Kat excused himself to go brush his teeth. He knew that Lestat was very accommodating with the smells of whatever concoction he was craving in the moment, but kissing him with the tastes still in his mouth were a different ball game, and the blond wanted to respect that. He emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, breath pickle-onion-hot pepper-and-Russian Dressing free, and pecked a little kiss to his lover before settling back down into the sofa again.

"Oooh girls!" Remus was excited at the prospect of girls. Molly was their only girl, and he felt guilty for that-she didn't have very good playmates growing up, though three gay brothers made dress up rather fun... "Have you decided on names?"
Lestat shook his head lightly. "Not completely. "He admitted, shrugging his shoulders a bit. "I was thinking Daniel for a boy, but I want to run it by Sebastian first ..." He sighed softly and then leaned over to kiss Kat back. He turned to look at the blond with a bit of interest. "What do you think? Any girl names you want?"
Nodding, Remus finished the slice of pizza he'd been working on. "I don't think he'll have a problem," the brunette answered. "It'd be different if it were only a few months-or even a year-since Danny's death, but it's been several. And Sebastian is rather fond of Jupiter." He reached over and patted Lestat's leg.

"Did you know about Grandmum's surprise?" Kat asked out of the blue. His father raised an eyebrow, which told his son that he'd had no idea and was curious to see what his own mother had done. The blond pointed towards the bed where all the papers still lay, and Remus's eyes grew when he read them.
Lestat, honestly, was reassured by the other. Tat made him feel better. He had always liked his brother's name, so yea, this definitely made him feel a lot better. Besides, he wanted to honor his brother. So, yes, it made him feel a lot better. he still was going to ask Sebastian. Just in case. And so that he doesn't feel surprised or whatever.

Romulus blinked a few times, leaning over his brother's shoulder to read and his eyes went wide as well. "What?" he whispered, staring at the pictures a little bit more before he turned his attention to his son. "He did that for you? Oooh. I should have known he would have! He just doesn't know how to not spoil." he sighed heavily, flopping his head against his brother's shoulder with a little groan.
He nodded, leaning into Lestat's side, still tired from his journey to Italy and then home again. He was ready to fall back into bed for the night, but didn't want to kick his fathers out, either. So the blond was grateful that Remus picked up on his sleepiness and urged his brother to let him rest. "I'll be by tomorrow. I want to talk to Mom." There had been a few things-like how tired he was-that Kat was having trouble dealing with that were due to being pregnant with multiples, and the blond was hoping that his mother might have a few words of wisdom for him. "Maybe I can stop in and make sure Les isn't screwing up too badly, too," he teased with a little wink.
Romulus smiled warmly to his son's words. "Yes. Please do." he said softly, making his way over to the boy and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "Sleep well." he whispered before taking his brother's hand and beginning to lead the way out of their son's house. He kissed his cheek and then continued forward, just relaxing a little bit as he did so.

Lestat rolled his eyes, shaking his head a little bit. "Yea ea." he mumbled, kissing his lover's head before he scooped him up and into his arms and soon led the way to their bedroom. "Sleep now." he whispered, kissing his temple and then laying him out in the sheets, kissing him a few more times. "I'll clean up, then be right back."
Reaching out, Kat caught hold of the other's arm and tugged him back into the bed. He kissed his lover, pulling Lestat closer to him until their bodies were flush together. "Clean later?" he asked, leaning forward to nip at the vampire's neck in the hopes of enticing him to stay longer.

The next six months were...trying. The morning sickness let up, and Katsurou had a pleasant second trimester except for the volatile mood swings that usually started when one of the outfits he wanted to wear didn't fit. He was quite large by his sixth month and Jupiter ordered him to bed rest. The blond tried to be a good 'patient', but being stuck in bed with nothing to do and no one to entertain him put him on edge. At least the view from their new bedroom was pretty...
Coming into the bedroom, Lestat smiled warmly at the blond in the bed. "Hello, gorgeous.' he said, taking to greeting him that way by now. Moving over to him, he pressed a soft kiss to his lips and then set down beside him. Their work was brought home once the other was sent to bedrest. Not that Lestat let him see it all that much, but he did not want his love to be all alone in their house, and least of all now that their due-date was nearing.

"I finished up for today. Would you like to go sit out near the pool?" Gods, it was still so, so strange to say that. They had a gorgeous pool yet, the ocean was right out of their doorstep too. It was great! The whole house was great. They got the one room ready for the bassinets for the five babies, and even had the rooms set aside for their cribs -- all separated by doors, though the doors not there right now, just some curtains since it would be better that way. "I can bring you some tea."
Kat smiled at the greeting. While he knew that the pet name was there simply to make him feel better, it was still nice to hear it every day. He leaned up and kissed Lestat hello, nodding about the pool. He was allowed to move around the needed. Though he and Jupiter, and he and Lestat had very different definitions of 'needed'. Jupiter, for example, didn't think that Katsurou needed to cook dinner for Lestat, but the blond felt otherwise and was often caught doing just that. The blond swung his legs over the side of the bed, wobbling a little bit as he stood.

"Can we sleep outside tonight?" he asked, reaching out to hold onto one of the bed posts to steady himself. "It's supposed to be one of the nice nights tonight."
"Anything you want." he grinned and gave him a nod a moment later. "Yes. Outside sounds lovely." He kissed his lips once more before sliding an arm around the other's waist. He gently held him against his form and then began to lead the way outside. "I can get the raft so you can sit in the pool, if you want. Or just sit by it. Your choice." Lestat kissed the top of his head and then continued to once more move, being sure to not go too fast for the blond beside him. Really. How he was able to cook - despite his protests - and even stand to do so was amazing in the man's eyes.
Grasping onto his lover, the blond followed him outside. Once he was standing for a few moments he didn't need the support any longer, but it was still nice to have Lestat's arms around him, no matter what the reason happened to be. Thinking for a minute, Kat nodded. "Maybe I'll just sit on the steps..." He was warm today, even though the windows and doors were open to let the ocean breeze in, and sitting in the cool water sounded refreshing.

Settled, he sighed with being cooler and leaned back a little. The comfort didn't last long, though, as a sharp pain began to stab his stomach and side. "Les... I think something's wrong..."
Standing beside the other, Lestat was there to make sure that the other did not wind up falling into the pool or needing to be helped up from the ground. He really just wanted to be sure his love was all right. Of course, what he did not like at all was when he heard his name, and a not-so-nice tone from his lover. Looking down at him, his eyes went wide. "Kat?" he questioned, taking a hold of his hands to help him up from the pool. "Let's put you in the bed. Or a chair. Yea, the chair's closer... then I'll call Jupiter. how about that?"
Nodding, he stood and stepped from the pool and began to make his way over to the chair when he felt a splash of water at his feet. "Um... I think the bed is the better option, Les..." The blond whimpered as another pain-a contraction-hit and he held his stomach as they moved towards the house. Kat settled into the bed, whining softly. He hated pain. "Tell him to come quick or I'll sic Grandmum on him again."
Lestat watched the other and he nodded a bit more. "Yes.' he said, quickly kissing him before he ran off to go get the phone. Calling up Jupiter, demanding that he come here quickly - threatening with Relic - and then quickly hanging up the phone to go return back to his lover's side. "Anything I can do?" He asked, taking a hold of the other's hand to just at least be there right now.
He shook his head, holding onto the man's hand and bringing it to his belly to rest there. "No. Just...make Jupiter get here fast." Kat smiled a little bit, whimpering again when another contraction hit. It was nearly twenty minutes before Jupiter made his way through the door, greeting both men quite cheerily.


Kat growled. "Shut up and get these out of me!"
Lestat held onto the other's hand, his free one resting on his belly and hoping to calm the pain somehow for him. He turned to Jupiter when he came into the room, sighing heavily. "Just, get to work.. Please." he said, already feeling the bones in his hand wanting to break from the other's grip.
The doctor waved them both off, but indeed did get to work. He issued pain medications, and one to slightly calm Katsurou as well. It didn't take long for the man to deliver all five expected, and one unexpected, babies, laying four across Kat's chest and the other two in Lestat's arms. "Congratulations!" Jupiter declared. "Four healthy little girls and two strapping boys!"

Looking up, Kat was confused. "Two boys?" He looked to Lestat, concerned that they only had five of everything.
Lestat looked down at the two boys in his arms, his eyes just staring at them both before he perked up. "hm?" Turning to the man, he grinned. "I've learned to expect the unexpected with you lot. I got another bassinet just in case. Maybe not for another baby, but in case one broke or whatever. So, we're covered. heh." he let out another short laugh, kissing Kat before he looked back down at the boys, not being able to take his eyes off the one resting on his left arm. "This one is Daniel... Literally, I think. He looks so much like Danny did when he was a baby. Same little nose. Same eyes .... Oh gods.. I'm getting teary-eyed." he mumbled the last bit to himself, really hating that it was getting him all frustrated.

Sebastian slowly came toward the room, gently knocking on the door and poking his head in. "May I come in?"
He reached forward, as best he could, and took Lestat's fingertips, squeezing them softly in support. He wanted to do more, but Kat was weighed down with their four daughters in his arms. Looking up with the knock, he smiled at his uncle and nodded. "Course." The blond sighed softly. "We can use name suggestions," he joked softly, pressing kisses to each little girl's head.
Sebastian smiled warmly for a moment before moving into the room. He headed over to where Lestat was, staring at the two and his breath caught in his throat. His eyes stared at the same little boy Lestat was, his heart beating up once more. "He looks ... just like him.' he whispered, motioning to be able to hold him, and only beamed when Lestat held him toward him. Scooping up the little bit, he stared down at him and then looked over at Jupiter, letting out a little laugh. "he looks like Danny." he stated, slowly making his way toward his lover, just wanting to cuddle him a bit while he looked at the baby boy.

Lestat smiled. "Told you." he whispered and then turned to Kat, leaning forward to press a kiss to his love's lips. "You did so well." He held the little bundle of joy before he took up one of the little girls, figuring he would take some of the weight from his chest. "Hm ..." He murmured, looking at the girl and then to Kat. "how about Anita for this one?"
Kat smiled at Sebastian, watching his uncle hold the baby. The blond kissed his lover as he lifted a little girl off of his chest. He was incredibly happy at the moment, face flushed and a smile that he couldn't get rid of. "So Danny," he nodded towards the baby that was in Sebastian's arms. "And Anita... Who else do we have?" he asked softly, nuzzling a little girl's head. "Dakota?"

Jupiter looked up, unable to help the smile that was brought to his lips. The brunette easily wrapped his arms around his lover from behind, chin resting on his shoulder.
Lestat thought for a moment before he nodded. "Sure." he then looked to the little boy in his arms and then turned to look at Kat once more, trying to think of a name for their boy. "How about Robert for him? And ... We could name that little one over there.." He nudged his head in the direction of the girl trying to suck her fingers. "Celeste." he smiled a little bit more, kissing Kat's forehead out of just plain love for the man. Yes. he loved him. He may not have been able to say it recently since they were moving and then the work because he refused to let Kat do anything, but he did.

Sebastian looked down at the little baby in his arms, tugging away the blanket a little bit and squeaking. "He even has his birthmark!" he stared at the little beauty mark on the baby's hip, just so very excited right now. He turned to Jupiter on his shoulder and arched a brow. "don't you get any ideas. I already told you. If we have a kid, it's from you.. and after we're married. Keep that in mind." he stated before turning back to the little boy in his arms, recovering him after his little shock.
Nodding the blond ran a finger down the last sleeping girl's cheek, waiting for her name to come to him. "Julianne," he whispered, loving the little tufts of blond hair on her head. The white little bunny ears only added to her cuteness. Looking to the little boy in Lestat's arms, Kat smiled. "A little, pale vampire with white bunny ears... I think we need to keep a close eye on him."

Jupiter laughed a little, reaching around to brush his finger over the baby's cheek. "Or we can just pay Kat to have our babies for us," he joked, laughing at the glare that the blond bunny gave him from the bed.
Lestat chuckled softly and nodded a little bit. "Definitely. Especially since he looks more like his mom than his daddy." he stated, turning to look at the blond and smiling a bit more. Leaning over, he pressed a soft kiss to his lips before returning to the two in his arm. Robert and Anita. Then Danny was over there. Julianne, Celeste, and Dakota. Wow. Six kids. He sighed softly and sunk against the chair a little more. "Relic was good for buying us this house. We're definitely going to need the space." he chuckled before looking over at Jupiter, arching a brow at his words.

Sebastian turned to look at Jupiter again. "Like hell! I don't want to have eight kids in one shot. Hell, I don't even want eight kids period. Maybe two." He really did not even care that he just offered up his nephew's body for the possibility of them having children. He was more concerned about having multiples. Hell. No.
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