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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Keeping his eyes to the other, his head tilted to the side in question. "I thought he treated me well. At the time, but then, I did not know any different. Now that I look back, and knowing what it is like to not be hurt like he did, I know he was bad." he shook his head a little, lifting his eyes again and shrugging lightly. "I am happy now, though. Had Master not taken me, then I never would have met Sebastian and have the life that I do now."
"You were taken care of for so long. You do not crave that?" he asked, accepting his dinner as it was placed in front of him and gracefully lying his napkin into his lap. "You seemed to follow my instructions earlier without question." An observation that had made Peony as close to giddy as he could get. Another small smirk. "Perhaps I will make you mine..." He was thinking out loud, as well as looking for a reaction from his dinner mate.
Aldith nodded, thanking the waitress before he lifted up his fork to pull apart some of the fish. He sighed softly at the mention of craving a master again. He had been about to answer the question and then his comment, but was distracted when the other mentioned making him his. "I am used to taking orders. I enjoy being myself, and not having Master suffocating me. He never let me paint or draw when I wished, but now I can. I miss the comfort of knowing someone was there, though. I lived with commands for centuries, it is hard to forget. I do not know whether or not I can be yours. I suppose that is up to you.' With that, he took the bite of fish he had and moved it into his mouth, definitely enjoying the flavor.
"Then you will be," he answered simply with a nod. "You will paint and draw and sculpt and whatever other artistic mediums you enjoy. Though..." Peony eyed the man, licking his lips a little, "I think that I will 'request' you do so sans clothes while within the confines of my home." So what if he didn't have one yet? He would call his parents tonight and he would have his own home by the end of the week. "Yes, that would be lovely." The brunette ate a bit of his dinner, thinking things over. "You will obey me, serve me. I perhaps will inflict injuries in bed, though nothing to leave permanent marks. And in turn, I will care for you. Give you everything you desire and require."

A few minutes later, and Peony spoke again. "Do you agree?"
he truly was serious, now wasn't he? This teenager wanted to be his Master? Aldith was a little shocked about that. He had thought something was wrong with him. that no one would want "damaged goods" as he had heard it said before. He took a few more bites of his fish, still a little unsure about the other's words. At least until he heard the other speak once more. He straightened up a little bit more and then gave a small nod, not finding a reason to protest. "Yes." he said softly, taking another bite of the fish.
"You are not damaged," the brunette assured, easily reading the man's thoughts. He said nothing more on the subject, though, and continued to eat his dinner, making small talk as they did so. As they sat and waited for the bill to arrive, Peony leaned back in his chair, right leg draping over his left once more. "I am not a nice or a kind man to those who I do not care about, nor to those who consent to my abuses. You will tell me your pain threshold, and I will push it, though I will never use it against you in anger or punishment.

"Do not hold back your needs-they will always be met. I cannot say the same of your desires, other than your artistic requests. You will have some choices, as tonight you chose your three favorite dishes though I had the final say. That will become the norm. Questions?" The brunette took the bill from the waitress and paid it without a second glance before standing and offering his hand to help Aldith out of his own seat.
For such a young man, he definitely knew what he wanted, and what he did not. That was a very good sign for the boy's future. Though, he really was shocked that he wanted to have him, or claim him, after such a short amount of time. He remained silent for another moment before he shook his head. "No." he said, resting his hand in the other's and he pulled his form up from the table. "Thank you." He said to, well, everything. There was something about being able to have someone tell him what to do and be his Master once more that made him feel better about everything. It really was lonely without having someone there.

"Oh, wait, I do have one question." he stated, turning to look at the teen while walking out of the restaurant. "Do you want me to call you 'master' or um ... any special title?"
A grin. "Very lovely." The brunette didn't answer right away and instead guided the other man out of the restaurant with a firm hand to the small of his back. Peony was pleased that Aldith didn't hesitate to ask his questions, nor did he seem to take issue with any of his rules. He spoke again as they walked, slowly, back towards the orphanage. "'Master' will do." He seemed to think about that for a moment and then nodded with his decision. "You will stay at your own home for the time being. I have details to work out about my own. You will continue you work as usual and I will gather you at the end of your day, yes?"
Aldith nodded a few times to the other man's words. It made sense. Honestly, to him, it did. He looked up at him with a bit of interest to his features while they walked. "Yes, Master." He said simply, the name giving him a lovely little chill down his spine. Oh. How long had it been since he had addressed someone like that? Twenty years? Twenty-five? He had missed being able to call someone that, he honestly had, and Peony was very reasonable with everything he said.
He purred with the words. "Very lovely, indeed." Allowing Aldith to guide him to his own home, Peony made note of where they were and how they'd gotten there for future reference. The brunette leaned down and just barely brushed his lips over the blond's cheek. "You will call if you require anything." He handed the other man a slip of paper with his cell phone number on it. "What time does your day end at the orphanage?" While Peony had his own ideas of when the day should end, he didn't suppose that his uncles would be on the same page as him.
Blinking a few times with the other's lips against his cheek, he was even more shocked when his cheeks turned a faint pink. That had never happened before. Or at least, not in centuries it had not. His hand slowly lifted to rest upon his cheek where the flesh was still tingling just slightly. Time? "Three. Sometimes Three-thirty if it's messy." he informed him, his golden eyes lifting to look up at the other once more. He did not know what to do right now. his whole being was just tingling and he did not know why. "You are not coming inside?" he asked, pretty much having expected the other to do what his other Master had: take him the moment they were together.
"I will be in your classroom at two-fifty, then." Peony was pleased with himself when he saw the faint pink in the yellow glow of the lights near the door. He had to scowl slightly, though, when the thoughts of the other man came into his head. "The sooner you learn that I am nothing like the coward whom you called 'Master' previously-and undeservingly-the better." With a curt nod, the brunette turned and left for home. He had a phone call to make anyway, and with the time difference he had very little time to do it in.

As he approached the house, the brunette rolled his eyes. Yelling...again.

"I'm sorry!" Jupiter yelled, throwing his hands up, quite literally. "Can I help it if I haven't found the perfect time to ask you?!"
Sebastian glared at Jupiter all the more. "What perfect time?! We NEVER have perfect timing! You fuck up. I scream at you. That's when things happen! GOD! How daft are you!? I've been waiting a good year for some sign of anything. It's been FOURTEEN years since you gave me the promise ring. It wasn't a promise to WAIT, you know!" He fumed a bit before turning to look at Peony as he entered, staring at him for a moment before he spoke. "Welcome home. There's some dessert in the kitchen." Shooting one more glare at Jupiter, the green-haired male turned on his heel and began to storm off toward their bedroom.
Jupiter followed after waving at Peony. "Don't walk away!" Okay, that wasn't the smartest thing he'd ever said to his lover...but that wasn't the point at the moment. "What do you want me to do, Sebastian?" he yelled after entering the bedroom and closing (slamming) the door behind them. "You want the ring?" The brunette moved over to the dresser and extracted a small box which held a platinum and diamond band. The man threw it at Sebastian. "Here! Take it!"
Sebastian just barely managed to catch the box thrown at him. he gripped it and turned to glare at the man across from him. "You dumbass!" he yelled, throwing the box back at the other - though aiming for his head - and he grumbled a bit more. "I don't care about the fucking ring! You could have given me a piece of string and asked! You just had to fucking ASK! I--" He stopped suddenly, hand coming to his mouth and he quickly pushed past Jupiter, making his way to their bathroom to go spill his dinner into the toilet. Ugh. Not again...
He turned to yell at his lover once more, only to find him rushing past him into the bathroom. Concern quickly overtook his anger and the brunette rushed after the other, hand coming to rest at the small of his back after handing Sebastian a cool wash cloth. "I'm sorry," he apologized, trying to help his love to his feet. "I got you worked up over something simple." That must have been the reason for Sebastian's gastro acrobatics. The man hadn't been tired or pale, and his appetite had been normal. The doctor ran the tap until the water was cold and then filled the glass that was kept on the sink, handing it to Sebastian to sip.
Sebastian groaned once more, taking up the cloth and gladly cooling his face with it while he moved to his feet. "It's not you. I've just ugh... been ill." and yes. he did a good job of hiding it from the man. Not like he was ever here when he was getting sick. He was always at the office or here before dinner. Just some scents got him reeling. He took the glass, sipping it and grumbling a bit more. He rested against the counter, eyes still closed while he tried to have the room stop spinning.
"Ill?" Jupiter was immediately concerned. The doctor easily lifted his love, careful to keep him as steady as possible, and moved him to the bed. "How long have you been feeling sick, Sebastian?" The brunette got right to work, checking the man's pulse and very tenderly prodding his lover's belly, watching for signs of pain. "Are you aching? Fever?"
Sebastian grumbled when he was scooped up. Damn puking. It ruined their fight. and he was not done complaining yet! He sighed heavily, looking up at the man and rolled his eyes a bit. "Month or two. It's nothing that big. I puke, and then I feel fine." he informed him, whacking his hand away from prodding his stomach. Yes, he was self conscious. His pants were starting to get a little tight and he did not really want to admit to it, and least of all have his love poking his flab.
He nodded, but didn't allow his hands to be batted away. "Humor me." The brunette lifted his lover's shirt and prodded a little more, frowning at what he found. This... This was not good. Well it was-Jupiter was ecstatic. But Sebastian would not be. The god eased off of the bed and took three steps back to try and avoid the fists that were sure to start flying with his news. "It's a good thing Peony's moving out... We'll need his room for the nursery."
Sebastian arched a brow. nursery? The man's mossy-green eyes lifted to look at the brunette a little ways in front of him. No. that could not be. He was just getting fat! Sure, he had been having some strange cravings ... Like the other day he had a pickle, green olive, and cream cheese sandwich, but it sounded good! and okay, he followed it up with a nice chocolate milkshake.. but that was what the thing was. he was just fat. FAT! Oh god. he was saying he was fat. his eyes suddenly narrowed at the other in front of him.

"You got me fucking pregnant?" he growled out, his hands balling into fists while his eyes not once left that man. "We're not even engaged yet and you got ME pregnant." Oh yes, he was bringing that back up. Of course, it was the last of his worries since the green-haired male was not up from the bed and lunging at the god in front of him. Hands wrapping around his neck and he gripped him tightly, fully planning on suffocating the life out of him. "YOU GOT ME PREGNANT!"
Prepared for the attack, Jupiter caught Sebastian's wrists and easily pried them away from his throat. "It's not like I meant to, Sebastian! I didn't wave my wand and say 'Let there be embryos'!" The brunette tried to lead the other back to the bed, not wanting him stressed out. It was bad enough they'd been arguing all night. "Please. Lets just sit and talk about this. If...if you really don't want to have a baby... Well we still have options."
Sebastian growled, kicking his legs a few times - and cursing that he was STILL only five foot seven - before he was placed onto the bed. He crossed his arms over his torso and glared at the other. "Like hell! You're practically breaking up suggesting it." he rolled his eyes at the man, shoving him a little bit more away from him before he scooted toward the pillows a little more, arms crossed tightly over his form. "I'm going to get fucking fat. And blow up like a bloody blimp! and what'll you do? Squeal about being a daddy. And I still haven't made my case for marriage in this fucking state! God damnit."
He sighed, trying to reach out for the man whom he loved so much. "Please just calm down, Sebastian?" Jupiter had no idea what to do. He was excited at the prospect of being a father, yet so worried about his love being so upset. He wanted to comment about Sebastian getting fat, but didn't. There was nothing good that could be said about what would happen to his love's physical state in the next six or seven months. "I..." He stopped, thinking about what to say, but nothing came to him. "I love you. I just don't know what to say or do right now."
Sebastian grumbled a few times, slowly curling into the other's side and burying his face into his chest. His hand gripped the other's shirt tightly, trying to calm himself down as well. His mood was not good for the baby, and he did not want to hurt the child or anything. Not its fault the father was a dumbass. he remained silent for a moment before he slid out of the bed and then made his way over to the phone. He lifted it up, dialing a number quickly and remaining quiet until the other end picked up. "Gabriel? Oh. Isiah. Whatever. Give me your father." he said, rolling his eyes before he heard the Russian on the other end. "hey. Are you guys free sometime tomorrow or the day after?" he waited a moment and then nodded. "Good. I'll see you then, bye.' with that, he hung up the phone and then began to walk to the closet to get his suitcase witohut a word.
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