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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sebastian shook his head a little bit. Sliding off the couch, he hugged the two and then thanked him once more before taking his love's hand to lead the way out of the house and down the lane. He laced his fingers with his, resting his head against his lover's shoulder. He looked up at him, a bit of interest to his features. "DO you want to get married before the baby? Or wait until after so that I can not be fat... and be ready for it more."
Thanking Sergei and Gabe, Jupiter followed the other man out of the house. He stopped with the question, turning to face his lover. "I want you to feel your very best on that day. And if that means that we won't get married until after our baby is born, then we'll use the next six months to start planning for it." He kissed his lover. "And you're going to make a wonderful parent." It wasn't an instinct; Jupiter knew that his love would make a wonderful mother.
Sebastian stopped with the other man and nodded a bit. "We'll wait." He stated, taking a hold of his hand and he pulled him closer to him to press a kiss to his lips before he pulled back once more. "Addy already has my outfit planned, and I'm sure me being fat is not in them." He shrugged a bit and then began to walk forward once more. "Once you find it right and ready to propose, we'll do it a year from them. How about that?" He offered, turning to him with a bit of interest. He did not mind marrying him soon. He waited twenty years to get engaged, and was still waiting for that matter.
Nodding, Jupiter began walking again, fingers intertwined with Sebastian's. He was happy that Sebastian was happy. It was the one thing that was most important to the god, and he was happy to have some balance back into their lives. He was still dreading the meeting with his future in-laws, though. Jupiter was quite positive that Tanner would skin him alive...
Sebastian led the way into his house, looking around before he smelled something baking in the kitchen. He went wide-eyed and charged to the other room. He skidded to a stop and quickly scooped up a brownie, kissing his mother's cheek and then sitting down. Mm. SO good. He chomped on a bit of it before he moved into one of the cupboards and sprinkled a little bit of kosher salt onto the top. Squishing it in, he nodded with another bite. "Perfect." he murmured to himself, realizing now that his mother was staring at him. "What?"

Relic stared for a moment more before he turned to glare at Jupiter. "You knocked up my baby!"
He tried to stop Sebastian, knowing that his cravings would let their news out before they even opened their mouths. But there was no stopping his lover and the brunette groaned when Relic made the all too true accusation. The brunette sagged into a chair across the table from Sebastian and nodded. "It's not that I meant to!" he claimed in self defense. "We obviously weren't trying to get pregnant..." A few more moments passed. "Where's Tanner?" he asked, almost afraid.
Sebastian took another brownie, sprinkling that with some salt as well. He settled onto the chair a little bit more, chewing away on the blissful salty sweetness. He did not even really mind that his mother knew already. It did not matter much in the long run. they would know eventually. "Hey. At least we came to you right away, not two years later, right?"

Relic rolled his eyes at his son's words and then turned to look at the male sitting beside his son. "He's upstairs." he stated, arms crossing over his lower torso and he glared a little more. "Shouldn't you have known better? You are older." He was happy for a grandchild, but just not happy that his son who did not really want one was going to have one.
Easily reading Relic's thoughts-for his own protection!-the brunette shook his head. "He's fine," he promised. "Sc--" Jupiter shut up. Sebastian's reasons were his own to tell and he wasn't going to get himself into trouble by opening his big mouth again. "We're both happy," he assured. "Nervous as first time parents."

Tanner walked in on the last bit, a growl deep in his chest. "Parents?"
Sebastian looked up from his brownie, staring at his father and he remained silent for a moment before he shrugged a little bit more. "Yes. he got me pregnant. It's only one, thank god." He mumbled a bit and then took the last bite of his brownie before beginning to devour the remains on his fingers. Oh, soo so so good. "I'm going to get fat. but hey! We're not married."

Relic arched a brow, rolling his eyes to his son. "You're just all full of--"

"DADDY!" Tomias came squealing into the room, tackling Jupiter and hugging him to his form. "You're going to be a Daddy! HAH! Poor child." he grinned and bounced on the other's form a little more, beaming happily as he looked down at the other.
Grinning at his old friend, Jupiter was glad for the interruption. That meant that Tanner couldn't hurt him yet! The brunette elbowed Tomias in the stomach a bit harder than was necessary. "Be nice. Your kids could grow up to be like Rune." He gave a wide smile to the man and then turned back to his future inlaws to try and redeem himself. "Honestly it wasn't planned. And we will be getting married. And I will properly propose." He was sick of being hated for no reason, other than sleeping with their son before he was eighteen, when said son had already had sex with his previous boyfriend.
Tomias squeaked when he was elbowed, grumbling a little bit at the sensation. He stood up and then held his hand out for the man on the ground. "And you know they're pissed because you fucked him when you're centuries older, right? They knew he wasn't pure or whatever ... I think they would have been more worried if he was." he shrugged, feeling a plate connect with the back of his head and a pissy-looking Sebastian just glaring at him. "What?"

"I'm not a whore you jerk!"

Relic looked around for a moment before he shrugged. "Aaaanywho!" he then squealed and clapped his hands together "GRANDBABIES!" He squealed again before pouncing his son, arms around his shoulders and he hugged him against his form with a giggle. he honestly was only pissed off at first, mainly since he knew his son had not wanted to get pregnant, but ooh, how can he deny children!?

"baby. BABY. ONE! Grandbaby." Sebastian growled a few more times before he looked over at his father. "mom's happy. are you?"
Tanner wasn't sure what to think quite honestly. His son was no longer a child-far from it, really. But Tomias was right in why he disliked Jupiter so much. And that made him feel a little silly. That was twenty years ago... The blond sighed and nodded, moving over to hug his son tightly. "As long as you are."
Sebastian nodded and rested his head against his father's arm, looking up at him as he did so. "Yes. Now I am." he stated, smiling weakly before reaching past his mother for another brownie to munch on.

Giggles could be heard outside and Tomias instantly perked up. His emerald eyes snapped to the window before he rushed there a moment after. Outside, Dario was happily chatting and flirting away with a gorgeous woman and trying to take her to the house. "Like hell." Tomias growled out, about to go charging before he spotted his friend. He perked up and beamed instantly. "JUPI! You wanna help ruin my son's love life? come on! It'll be good practice!" he took a hold of the god's hand, already beginning to drag him out of the room to go torture his son.
Jupiter was touched by the moment, and his heart swelled when he heard Sebastian say that he was happy. It made him happy. The happiness, however, didn't last too long. He was being dragged outside by Tomias. "Wait what?" It took a few moments for the words to click into place and the brunette shrugged, following his friend out into the courtyard. "And which rugrat is this?" he asked, despite the fact that the young man wasn't quite so young anymore.
"Dario." Tomias stated, shrugging his shoulders a little bit while continuing to walk to the outside. "Little brat thinks he can just take anyone he wants to fuck into my house. uh-uh. I will not have it!" he slowly turned to look at Jupiter, staring at him for a moment before he grumbled. "Yes. I was a whore when I was younger, but I never brought anyone back to my parents' house! AND I at least dated. he's just fucking. There's a difference." he clarified before stopping at the door that his son was going through.

Dario smiled charmingly while he took a hold of the woman's hand, leading her into the house and pulling her to his form to press a passionate little kiss to her lips. "Oh yes. This is my house." he stated, moving in through the door, his one arm around the woman's hips while he moved, kissing her once more and loving her little giggles.
Quite inspired, Jupiter ran up to the door and grabbed a hold of Dario's wrist, flinging him around. "How dare you!" he cried, bringing up fake tears in a matter of seconds. "We were supposed to get married this morning! And you left me at the alter for...for... THIS!?" Jupiter was sobbing now, quite convincingly to any outsider who didn't know better. "Did you know that I'm pregnant?!"
And THIS was why he loved his friend! And kept him around. And dragged him here. Tomias tried to keep the grin from forming, and actually had to place his hand over his mouth to hide it. He looked over at the woman in the doorway who was suddenly looking very pissed off.

"You what?!" She let out a snorted scoff as she stared at the brunette who seemed to be so very confused at the moment. "You scumbag!" she let out a huff before turning on her heel and storming out of the house.

Dario went wide-eyed at the woman and perked up "NO! Wait Jen-- Ashley! Come back!" he called after, seeing the woman leaving at an even faster rate. He stared at the door for a moment before looking at the man in front of him. "what the hell is WRONG with you?!"
The moment that the woman left, Jupiter was doubled over, laughing. It was clear that the brunette was fully amused with his own antics and he had no breath to even begin to answer his friend's son. He hoped that, maybe, Tomias would as it really was his place to set down the rules in his own home. After a few minutes, the god stood back up and wiped away the now real tears of mirth. "Good luck!" he offered, clapping his hand on the teen's shoulder. He gave Tomias a nudge and left back towards where Sebastian was with his parents.
Tomias was almost doubled-over himself as he began to go into fits of laughter. Oh. That was precious! He took in a deep breath to calm himself, wiping a few stray tears from the corners of his eyes. He let out one last giggle before looking over at his son who looked to be utterly pissed. "It's your own fault. I told you time and time again that I do not want you to bring them back here. You refuse to listen to me. I know I cannot stop you from doing whomever you want bu--"

"WHAT?!" he yelled, the teen's hands balled into fists at his sides. "YOU are seriously telling ME to not have sex? To NOT have fun? NOT have multiple partners?! With all those that you told me you had sex with?!"

" I did not tell you! you snooped! There's a difference!" Tomias retorted, his forefinger pointing at the other before he reached out to take the back of his son's neck. Dragging him through the house, he made his way back to his brother's kitchen and shoved his son toward Sebastian and Jupiter. "Take him home with you."

Sebastian blinked a few times, staring at the boy in front of him before looking over at his uncle. "Um ... Uncle Mias?"

Tomias crossed his arms over his lower torso and glared at the back of his son's head. "He needs to get away. Maybe living with you guys will help. It seemed to have done all right with Peony. Why not Dario?"
Looking at his lover, the brunette shrugged softly. "Built in babysitter?" he offered, not sure what to make of the situation. But he turned to Tomias again. "What do you mean it worked with Peony? That boy tortures anything that moves when he's in the wrong mood!" But it didn't matter, really. At least Peony was no longer an arsonist...usually. Still, Jupiter wasn't making any decision without Sebastian's input...and consent. "We'd have to buy a bigger house... But it's up to you."
Sebastian thought for a moment before he shrugged his shoulders slightly. "We'll have to buy one anyway. I doubt you'll want this to be the only kid ... and we only have one spare room. And then we'll need one for surprise visits still." he stated, looking at his love before back over to his cousin. He sighed heavily. "Sure." He stated, staring at the kid who looked far too happy about leaving. Well, his hopes and dreams would be crushed the moment they landed and Sebastian did not let him do anything. And once his hormones kick in? Oh, Dario will not be the happiest.

Jack soon came into the kitchen, already on his uncles' side of the house since, well, he knew his brother's plans. The male perked up a bit at seeing everyone, looking from one to the other and then back to Sebastian. "Batty!" he smiled warmly, rushing over to his cousin to wrap his arms around his shoulders, hugging him happily. Jack was always close with Sebastian and Adamair.

Tomias smiled warmly. "Goodie! Take him. Beat him. Bind him. Make him Peony's play-thing. I don't care."

Jack perked up, straightening away from his cousin to look over at his brother. "Rio's going with Batty?"
"I think Peony has already acquired himself a plaything, but yes... Yes that sounds nice." Jupiter nodded. "Go on and get packing." He moved over to the counter and snagged a brownie for himself. "Well we're all here. Why don't we go out to dinner?" he asked, offering the last half of his treat to his lover. "And yes," he answered Jack's question. "Dario is moving to Australia because he can't keep it in his pants." He nodded, satisfied with his explanation.
Sebastian saw Jack's features just droop like a wounded little puppy. The green haired male sighed softly and then looked up at the gorgeous teen in front of him. "Jack ... If Jupiter agrees, you may come as well. I'm sure we'll wind up needing the help. I can use you at work for the things I can't do." He stated, looking over at his lover and hoping that he would not mind. He just could not deny that adorable little face. how could anyone?!

Dario groaned and was easily shoved out of the room by his mother, demanding that he go get his things before physical harm came to him.
Nodding his consent, Jupiter kissed Jack's forehead in reassurance. "Yes, it's fine." Smiling he guided the male out of the room slightly. "Go on and pack, hmm?" Jupiter sat and tugged Sebastian into his lap, nuzzling the man's shoulder a little bit. "What would you like for dinner?" he asked, hand rubbing soft circles on the man's stomach absently.
The next day, while it took a bit to leave since Tomias would not let Jack go without many kisses and hugs and words of advice, and Relic was already babbling about coming over with some baby outfits and pregnancy ones and everything else. So, Sebastian was so very happy when he was walking off the plane into the warm Australian air. He took in a deep breath, relaxing as he did so. His head plopped against the side of his love's arm, nuzzling into Jupiter absently while he wheeled the suitcase behind him.

Dario not only had his sloppily-packed suitcase, but also his brother's. And why? Sebastian made him carry it for him. Told him it built character or some bull shit. he grumbled a few times while walking behind the 'happy couple'/.

Jack gave his brother a wary little smile, his long locks were pulled back at his left ear, held with a simple red barrette. He had on a kimono-like outfit that his uncle relic made for him, and was happy to wear it, but would probably have to change since it was quite warm here. "I'm sorry, Rio... You know that if I try and take my bag, Batty will just yell and it's not good for the baby." he smiled lightly and continued walking beside him, his chocolate pools fluttering lightly while he watched his brother.
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