The next day, while it took a bit to leave since Tomias would not let Jack go without many kisses and hugs and words of advice, and Relic was already babbling about coming over with some baby outfits and pregnancy ones and everything else. So, Sebastian was so very happy when he was walking off the plane into the warm Australian air. He took in a deep breath, relaxing as he did so. His head plopped against the side of his love's arm, nuzzling into Jupiter absently while he wheeled the suitcase behind him.
Dario not only had his sloppily-packed suitcase, but also his brother's. And why? Sebastian made him carry it for him. Told him it built character or some bull shit. he grumbled a few times while walking behind the 'happy couple'/.
Jack gave his brother a wary little smile, his long locks were pulled back at his left ear, held with a simple red barrette. He had on a kimono-like outfit that his uncle relic made for him, and was happy to wear it, but would probably have to change since it was quite warm here. "I'm sorry, Rio... You know that if I try and take my bag, Batty will just yell and it's not good for the baby." he smiled lightly and continued walking beside him, his chocolate pools fluttering lightly while he watched his brother.