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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sebastian arched a brow before he shook his head a little bit. "Give them to Aldith. I'm sure he can find something creative for them." he stated, plopping the bag onto the ground and letting out a grumbled. "Thanks. Bye. Just don't kill him." he stated, waving his hand absently before he left to go back home and take a nap. Damn. The kid was really tiring! No wonder that jerk Tomias wanted them to take him. he was a pest!

Dario blinked a few times, looking at Peony and then over to Sebastian. "Um ... Wait a second..." he began, staring at the back of his head and he froze when the door closed. Straightening up, he turned to look over at the male in front of him. "Why won't I need my things?"
"Because you need no possessions," he answered simply. Peony crooked his finger, beckoning the man to follow him while instructing Angelo to take the bag to his offices. He would give them to Aldith later.

The brunette told his new charge the times of meals and lead him to his own private rooms. "You will spend your nights here...with me." A smirk. "The days you will spend under Angelo's care. You will do as your told, or you will incur my wrath." He smirked again, thinking of how lovely this boy's cries would be. Moving to the dresser, he pulled out a new pair of g-string underwear that he had bought especially for someone in this position. "These are your uniform," he mentioned with a grin, handing the garment to the other. "I will purchase more tomorrow for you in varying colours."
Dario followed the other and listened to everything absently, not really thinking much about it all. He took the g-string and lifted it with his forefingers, looking it over and then once more looking at the man across from him. "What the hell?" He mumbled, staring at him a little bit more with a brow arched. "Seriously?"
Obviously, the boy didn't know him very well. "Put them on" was his only response as the brunette sat on the bed, fully intending to watch. This was a lovely unexpected surprise. A boy for him to 'play' with would make his sessions with Aldith, when they got to them, much easier on the blond. "And that means 'now'."
Dario arched a brow once more, looking from the garment then back over to the man across from him. he was serious. What the hell? He was not the shyest of them all, but he at least expected something out of getting naked in front of another man. He crossed his arms over his chest, eyes once more lifting to the other. "Like hell. What do I get out of this? Other than a piece of fabric up my asscrack."
Peony was up in a flash and a hand struck out across Dario's cheek in a sharp slap. "You will not receive a whip ripping into your cock," he hissed, eyes dark in anger at being disobeyed. "I dare you to test whether I'm telling the truth or not." Their faces were millimeters apart, noses almost touching. "Now put them on." After a low, deep growl, Peony stepped back again to give his new house boy room to undress, but also to be closer to where he kept his 'toys'. It seemed that he'd need to put them to use sooner than he'd first thought.
Dario's hand snapped to the injured cheek, resting on the tender flesh and he turned his head around, instantly glaring at the other. His eyes remained with his for a few more moments before he let out a growl. "Fucking pervert." He hissed out, taking his shirt off and throwing it at the man. He then just shoved his pants off his hips and kicked off his shoes before pulling the garment onto his hips. He stared down at it and let out a groan. "This is fucking bull shit."
Smiling that his orders were carried out, Peony got into the teen's personal space once more. "You will do as your told, and without any smart ass remarks." He called for Angelo who showed up within minutes, bowing low to his employer. "Dario is your new charge during the day," he explained. "He is to wear only his uniform. He is to clean, though he will leave my pet's quarters alone-they are your job, be especially careful in them. He is to tend to the garden and the pool. You will show him everything he needs to know."

Another bow. "Yes, Master."

Angelo was dismissed, who immediately took his new charge's hand and lead him towards the front hall where he'd currently been waxing the floors.
Dario glared at the man in front of him a little bit more, cursing a few times as he was lead out. He growled before his attention turned to the kid dragging him. "What the hell! What is UP with that guy? Seriously. WHY am I in nothing?! isn't this bad for cleaning shit?" He cursed a few more times before pulling his hand out of the other's hold. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he continued to just brood.
Angelo looked up at him, confused. "He is our Master. He treats us however he wants, and if we do not do what he says... Well I suggest you do what he says." The small blond boy whimpered a bit with memories. "Your outfit is that of a house are Master's maid by day...and will become, quite literally, his sex toy by night. It is to be sure that you do not leave." Who would want to leave in such little clothing? Nodding with his explanation, Angelo showed Dario how to wax the floors properly.
Dario stood beside the little blond, his arms crossed over his torso as he stared at the man. "He thinks I won't leave in this? he obviously doesn't know me." He stated, briefly looking over at the stairs before once more back to the kid beside him. "Mom's thrown me out in my birthday suit. This? Nothing in comparison." He stared at the ground a little bit more, poking it with his toe before he shook his head. "Um. No. I am not cleaning the floors."
His mouth fell open. "But you must! Master said that you must and so... You have to!" It didn't occur to him that the man in front of him wouldn't comply with their Master's wishes. "If you don't, you will be punished." The blond gave a sad little look to his new charge. "Please just help me with the floors. It's not worth the punishment."
Dario looked down at the blond for a bit more before a warm, and charming, smile pulled along his lips. Crouching down in front of the other, his arms crossed on top of his knees and his eyes still to the male in front of him, he smiled just a bit more. "how about this, if I help you clean the floors .. I get to play with you.' he purred out, right hand reaching forward to delicately brush aside the blond locks from the cute boy's face.
Angelo pulled away almost violently. "No! No you belong to Master. I will be punished if I ever agreed to such foolishness. You will clean the floors or I will tell Master you haven't. I have my own flesh to worry about. I cannot worry about yours too." The blond scurried to the other side of the hallway and began his waxing there, watching from the corner of his eye to see if his charge was doing the same.
Dario arched a brow. No? The man stood up once more, his arms crossing tightly once more and now ... he was annoyed. He wanted the little cutie. Not desperately. He could get better, of course he could, but he still wanted to have some sort of motivation. He stared at the floor, taking the rag with his foot and he rubbed it into the floor. "There. I waxed."
He shook his head, turning to his own work for a few more minutes. Angelo wanted to give the man time to come to his senses. "I'm telling you that the whippings aren't worth it!" he tried once more. "You should just wax the floors before Master finds out that--"

"Before Master finds out what?" Peony drawled while entering the hallway. The brunette looked between the two. It was obvious that Dario had done nothing and Angelo was trying desperately to get through to him. But the blond said nothing. "Now Angelo," he stood over the cute little blond, hands on his hips. "If you do not tell me what I should not find out, then I can only assume it is because you did something that warrants a punishment..."

Angelo's head whipped up, eyes wide. "I didn't, Master, honest! I--" He glanced over to Dario, trying to apologize with his eyes. "I was only trying to explain that it is now Dario's job to help me wax when he refused to do so."
Dario rolled his eyes, turning his attention to Peony and he held his form just a little bit more. "You know, you little brat, I AM older than you. by two bloody years! MY parents let YOU stay at OUR house. You shouldn't be such a prick." His green eyes rolled again and he tapped his foot impatiently on the ground as he stared at the other. "I don't care about a stupid punishment. What. Ev. Er! I'm not your god-damned slave.'
It was quite easy to reach out and take Dario by the back of the neck. He pulled the teen over to him and his hand easily began coming down onto his rear end in strong, burning smacks. There were about ten before he literally threw Dario away from him with a deep growl. "You listen here you little shit!" The brunette was hissing through his teeth while he advanced on the other, Peony not realizing that Angelo had scurried off with a whimper. "You are mine. Your parents gave up your custody to Sebastian who gave it up to me. I can do with you what I please. You will listen to me, you will obey my commands or I will permanently scar your body."
Dario went wide-eyed when he was suddenly yanked and then... spanked. SPANKED! he had not been spanked since he was FIVE and then his mother could not even handle it. Okay, maybe since he would not have stopped, or felt bad, but either way, his mother did not spank him past that one time! What the hell!? He squeaked as he connected with the ground, grumbling a few times as he rubbed his sore rear. "There's no point in doing shit that I don't get a reward with." he mumbled absently, rubbing his rump a bit more. "I'm still a human.. ish.. being! I have rights, you jerk! Besides, isn't Aldith your little play thing? Why the hell do you need me?"
"Oh, you would be rewarded if you knew how to behave yourself!" the brunette growled. His "calm" only lasted until Aldith's name was brought up. He yanked Dario up from the ground by his bicep and pulled them close so that their noses were touching. "You do not talk about Aldith," he growled. "He is my pet. You are my house boy. You are here to do what I say and if you don't I will take my whip to you."
Dario kept his glare to the other, not wavering once more. Honestly. He was far too strong-willed to be so easily forced into submission. "I am no one's anything" He growled back, his upper lip sneering and his hands balled into fists as he stared at him. "Not yours. Not anyone's. Why the hell do I need a title? I will not be your bitch. Or house boy. Or whatever else you say I am to you. I do what I want. When I want. And I don't care what you think about it." He then pushed away from the male and his arms crossed over his chest once more -- not backing down so easily.
Growling, the brunette took a hold of the other man once more and dragged him into his private 'play room'. Dario was restrained and punished, Peony taking great pleasure in the pain he was causing the snot nosed little bitch. Fifteen minutes later, his house boy was released from his restraints and Angelo was called in to tend to him while Peony went to clean himself up. There was quite a bit of blood that had splattered back at him, and he did not want to scare his pet.
Dario groaned and fell to the ground once he was released. He grumbled as he remained on the ground, eyes closed as he let out a little groan when he felt the blond in front of him again. "It's not that bad." he murmured absently, though still, he was not really getting up.

Aldith had been making his way to Peony's side of the house. He wanted to see him. He wanted to ask him if he would mind if he went out to the garden to draw. he knew that the man told him he could go to the garden, but maybe he was not allowed to draw while there? He was allowed both separately, but he did not know if it was all right to do them together. The man suddenly froze. His golden eyes went wide, the sketchbook and charcoals in his hand just dropped to the ground at the sight of Peony covered in blood. The white-haired man just stared for a moment, completely frozen.

Gasping alive, the man quickly shook his head. Whispering a fast, "Sorry," he took up his pad and most of his charcoals before he turned and scurried down the hall, stumbling over his feet until he got to his side where he just collapsed -- not able to move anymore from his fear.
The brunette cursed when he saw his pet. Peony did a quick check, planning his next move. Changing, then washing up, then tend to Aldith. It would do no good to try to tend to him before washing up-it would only scare him further. Peony did just as he planned and then entered Aldith's rooms. He sat on the bed next to his pet and very softly began to stroke his hair. "I had warned you that I am not a very kind person to many," he offered softly.
Aldith instinctively flinched at first, but he relaxed after a few moments. Feeling the butterflies stir one more, he calmed down a little bit more. he shook his head a bit and took in a deep breath. "N-no. Master... it is my fault." he whispered and shook his head again to hopefully help show that he was not blaming the other. "It shocked me, Master. Bad memories came back and ... it is not you, Master. It is me. I am sorry." he leaned into the other's hand, finding him to be far too comforting. He was scared. He was still very scared, but he did not want to be scared. He liked Peony a lot. He was such a nice master and he was so kind to him. He just had not expected him to be covered in so much blood. Or blood at all!
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