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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Nodding softly, Peony leaned against the headboard with his legs stretched out in front of him. He reached out to Aldith, offering his arms and lap for comfort. "Sit with me, pet. It seems we still have a few things to talk about, hmm?"

Angelo reached out to try and help Dario up without hurting him too badly. The blond needed to get the other man into the bathroom so that he could clean the wounds and dress them. "It is bad. Your back is ripped to shreds. Let me clean them. And then we can finish the hallway floors."
Aldith nodded gently and moved onto the other's lap. He rested his head on top of his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around his torso and he sunk against him a little bit more. he closed his eyes and shook his head a little bit. "Master, you do not need to explain." He stated, lifting his eyes to the other and he closed his eyes once more.

Dario groaned. "Fucking floor. I'm going to piss on it." he growled out, staring up at the blond and rolling his eyes a bit more. "Why the hell are you here?" he mumbled, pushing his form up from the ground a little bit more, feeling the wounds definitely. "Parents sell you or something?"
"If I've scared you this badly, then I do." Peony's arms wrapped around his pet's shoulders and his chin rested on the top of his head. "I am a sadist, pet. I very much enjoy causing pain in other people. But I also have a staff to keep in line. And when one refuses to do as I say, he must be punished or else every other staff member will think that they can do the same.

"But you are my pet. You have no reasons to fear me, ever."

Looking up, Angelo shook his head. "I am an orphan. I needed work, and I needed clothes and food and a home. Master provides all of that to me."
Aldith nodded a little shakily to his words. "Yes." he whispered, looking up at the man and he sighed softly. "Thank you, Master." he sunk against him a little bit more and he relaxed even now. Yes. he felt better. A lot better. "Master, I am all right if you have things to tend to." he informed him simply, remaining against him a little bit more.

Dario watched Angelo for a little more, eyes keeping to his form and he sighed heavily. "Master is a little prick." he murmured absently and then shook his head a little bit. "So, what? You just let him boss you around? Or did he beat you to-- fuck." he hissed, his back hurting as he took to his feet.
Peony said nothing to his pet, but simply continued to sit there and cuddle with him. They sat for a long time in silence until the brunette felt the other man relax just a little bit more. "What was it that you were seeking me out for, pet?" he asked, hand coming up to card through Aldith's hair a bit.

"Master is good," Angelo argued softly, helping Dario up. "So long as we do what we are told. He feeds us well, he gives...most of us nice clothes..." The blond eyed the gstring that the other man was wearing. "We are given rooms and a nice bed to sleep in." That was all one ever really needed, right? "Come, lets clean you up."
Aldith really was lucky to have found Peony. No. For him to have found him. He honestly had been more of a stray than anything else. He was someone who - now - needed someone to care for him. he still was not used to making decisions on his own, so having some freedom, but someone to tell him what he could and could not do, where to go, those sort of things ... well, it was definitely a good thing. He looked up at him and then pulled back with a soft little breath. "Oh. I wanted to ask if I may sketch in the garden. I was not sure if I was allowed to. I know I can go in there, but I was not sure if you would let me sketch there."

Dario grumbled a few times. "I need more than just that bull shit." he commented absently while they moved to the bathroom. shit. his back hurt SO much.
He smiled, lips brushing over the man's cheek. "You may do your art anywhere in the house, or on the grounds, that you wish-with the exceptions of the rooms you're not allowed to enter. And you must clean up behind yourself. If you need help, you may call for Dario or Angelo-they will help you."

"You will learn to not," Angelo assured, moving to the sink and wringing out a wet washcloth. He moved over to the other man and very tenderly began to wash the wounds with warm water. "And very quickly. This was not the worst of Master's temper."
Aldith nodded, though inside, he was completely and utterly giddy. he was so glad. He got to do his art anywhere he wanted -- that he was allowed to go. That just opened up so many opportunities. "Thank you, Master." he said, his golden eyes sparkling just slightly before he straightened up a little more. Looking up at the male beside him, his long lashes batted against his cheeks lightly. "May I go draw now? Or would you like me for something else?"

Dario grumbled a bit, sitting on the toilet and keeping his back straight so that the other could tend to the wounds. "Yea. Well. It's bull shit. I should call his mother. See what he has to say about that." he mumbled, just far too pissy right now.

"Call his mother for what?" Came Rune's voice from the doorway of the bathroom. He stared at the male on the toilet before he shrugged his shoulders a bit. "You deserve it. Where is he anyway?" he mumbled the last bit before straightening and looking out into the hall. He could sense that little devil child. But wher -- aaah. With his new toy! He perked up and then glanced inside to the two. "The thong's a nice touch though." he added before leaving to go find where Peony was.
"Go draw, pet." Nodding, Peony stood after Aldith had and smoothed out his outfit. The blond really was very lovely. The contentment lasted only a moment before he sensed another presence in the house. The brunette focused on it for a moment and realized that his mother had come to visit. Peony moved out into the hallway to greet him. "Mother." He gave a low bow, much more formal than any of his siblings.

Angelo gave a loud squeak to the voice behind him. He hadn't expected for there to be anyone there! He was relieved to see the man go so that he could turn back to the task at hand. "It doesn't matter," he offered. "Your back with be torn to bits if you don't learn your lesson quickly. And then Master will move onto other bits that I don't think you want a whip on."
Aldith nodded. "Thank you." he said softly, taking up his sketchbook from the ground and his charcoals once more. he headed out of the room behind Peony, spotting Rune and he gave him a low bow of his own before he moved to go to the garden.

"So it is true." he commented absently, arms crossed over his torso as he stared at Aldith leaving. he shrugged and then turned his attention to the male in front of him. "Not only do you have one of Tomias' kids, but you have Aldith too? Very nice." he shrugged and then looked around the house. "You know. It's a little gaudy for my tastes ... but it suits you fairly well.' he looked back to the brunette, taking a few steps toward him and poking his forehead absently. "Why doesn't your mother get a hug?"

Dario rolled his eyes a bit, gasping when one of the more tender wounds were reached. "Yea yea." he grumbled a few times and then clenched his hands tighter on his knees. "he could at least give me some fucking pants." he added, nails lightly digging into his knee while the blond continued to wash the wounds.
"Because my mother birthed the spawn of Satan," he answered simply, though Peony did kiss his mother's cheek before leading him through the halls and into the study where he ordered another of his servants to bring them tea. "I like it," he answered, relaxed a little in his mother's company. He was always more relaxed in his parents' presence. "Is Father here, too?" he asked, probing a bit to see why his mother was in Australia.

Angelo sighed heavily. "You really are stupid, aren't you?" he asked. "There's nothing more to explain. You are a House Boy, here for Master's pleasure. He enjoys your body and therefore he will not allow you to hide it. Learn to deal with that fact. or learn to deal with the pain." The blond finished washing the wounds and moved for the peroxide. "It's going to sting," he warned before using a cotton ball to dab the liquid onto the wounds.
Rune shrugged his shoulders slightly. "Not Satan. That's your brother's ... husband." He rolled his eyes at the thought before following him into the study. He sat down, his right leg lifting to drape over his left, arms crossing over his torso as he looked at his son. "Stop probing.' he warned, narrowing his eyes at the other. "Sebastian's pregnant. Relic wanted me to see how things were going with Dario and Jackie here ... so I went there, and he told me he sold him to you ... basically.' He paused for a few moments before his eyes lifted to the other. "Can't I visit my own son?"

Dario took in a hissing breath with the feel of the cottonball on his flesh. He groaned for a little before his hand reached behind him and took a hold of the other's wrist. Turning around, he faced the blond with quite the look of interest to his features. "I get that, but then why won't you play with me? Peony has Aldith now ... and even if he uses us as his play things for his pleasure ... Why can't we please ourselves?"
"You usually have dubious reasons," he mentioned cooly, sipping the tea that was brought to them and offering his mother a cup. He shrugged at the mention of Dario. "He offered me a toy. I like toys." The brunette grinned at his mother with the words, and to anyone else it would be quite the scary thing to see. "Though, as you saw obviously, he's not behaving himself." Peony growled with the thought.

Reaching up, Angelo smacked Dario's head from behind. "Because we don't have permission to. In fact, we're banned from it. We get pleasure from Master or not at all. And I will not find myself on the wrong end of Master's whip because you can't control your dick!" He gave a particularly hard jab with the cotton ball to the last wound that needed cleaning and began to bandage them.
Rune shook his head a little bit at his son's words, chuckling lightly. "You realize he'll wind up dry-humping one of your other servants, right?" he asked simply, taking the tea and resting the brim against his bottom lip. Eyes keeping to the man and he smiled just a little bit more. "He may not be obedient, but isn't training half the fun?" Oh yes. he definitely missed that sort of aspect about being unmarried. Being able to have his fun with those that he wished. Mm. Such good memories.

Dario yelped at the sudden burning into his flesh from the other's cotton ball. He bit his bottom lip, cursing a few times and letting out another little mumble of annoyance. "Oh yes. THAT seems fun.' he growled a little bit and sighed softly when the other began to put bandages on his form. Damn. he was trapped here, and with cute boys, and he couldn't even touch them? That was just such bull.
"Perhaps," he agreed. "But he will only once... I guarantee that." Peony smirked, thinking of the training fun he'd had with Angelo. He'd been such a sweet boy, but too sweet for the brunette's taste and he'd been too easily broken. Dario would be a challenge and would, likely, provide him with hours of painful (for Dario) fun. "And Angelo is too afraid of me to allow it."
Rune nodded a little bit and shrugged his shoulders slightly. "And Aldith?" he questioned, just having his own bit of fun with his son to tease him about his new pet. He did not mean harm by it, just posing the question. Wanting to see how much faith he had in his little pet. He knew Aldith would never, ever do anything of that sort, but did his son?
"What of him?" he asked, sipping his tea and settling back into his chair. Peony had great faith in his pet, though he had no reason to. It was simply something in Aldith's demeanor that told him he had nothing to worry about. His pet was loyal and Peony had no reason to suspect that he would ever have to punish the lovely blond.
Rune shook his head a little bit. "Nothing." he said simply, shrugging his shoulders absently. He sipped his tea and smiled a little more. "Good that you have faith in him. Honestly." he finished off the cup and then placed it onto the tray it came in on. Standing up, he stretched his arms above his head, sighing softly before looking down at his son. "I'll be here until tomorrow. I'd make you keep me here... but I don't want to be that close to you. So, I'll stop in before my flight or something. Bye" After getting his good bye kiss on the cheek, the male turned to make his way out, just wanting to stop in for a little bit.
After his mother had left, Peony went in search of his new boy. He found him bandaged, and he recognized Angelo's handy work. The brunette growled a little, simply for intimidation. "I suggest getting back to work," he ordered. "You have two hours before dinner and I expect my hallway to shine." With a little snarl, he went in search of the blond, finding him hard at work in the hallway once more. "You are to wait on Aldith as he requests. Dario, too." The blond nodded to his Master as the brunette went back to work.
Dario grumbled a bit as he stood, rolling his eyes at the man in front of him. "Whatever." he growled out, making his way over to where the blond was. Take away his clothes. Take away his sex. What the hell. He cursed a few times before taking up a rag and then kneeling opposite of Angelo to start waxing and cleaning up that area. May as well. He did not mind fucking himself over, but Angelo was about to have a heart attack about him not cleaning, so whatever.
At precisely ten until seven, Peony cleaned up his office, filing everything away neatly so that there was nothing on his desk. He liked order and cleanliness. The brunette, happy that everything was once more in its place, set out towards the dining room for dinner, hoping that his pet and his new boy would show themselves on time so that he did not have to expend more energy than was needed in punishment. Peony had ordered his chefs to cook Italian food tonight, and he could smell the garlic wafting from the kitchens as he got nearer to them.
Aldith was already sitting at the table. He put on one of the nice outfits that were in his closet, easily realizing they were for him, and thought it would be required of him to wear it for his master. He cleaned up after his drawing and then instantly made his way down here, not wanting to be late to dinner. He sat with his hands neatly folded in his lap and his eyes ahead of him. Spotting Peony, his eyes sparkled just a bit at the other.

Dario on the other hand ... looked pissy. He was there. But he was obviously unhappy. His features brooding and eyes just glaring at the table in front of him. his knees were raw. He smelled like some strange orange thing from the floor. And he was forced to sit upright purely since it hurt less that way.
Glad that both were on time, Peony smiled. He brushed his lips over Aldith's cheek and sat at the head of the table. They were all served and the brunette tucked in, giving his pet his nod of approval that he, too, could eat without further permission. He looked to Dario. "You will wash all the mirrors in the front entrance after dinner and then you will shower before bed." There was no way he was going to have his bed smell like cleaning products.

He turned to Aldith. "How did your drawing come out, pet?"
Dario shot the other quite a glare before turning his attention back to the plate in front of him. Cursing the man all the while he ate, just far too exhausted emotionally to fight back with anythign right now.

Aldith took a bit of the food, quite happy with what he was eating. It was delicious. Very delicious. Turning to Peony at his question, he finished chewing before he spoke. "Very well, thank you Master. I enjoyed being in the garden. It is the perfect environment for my creativity."
Nodding, Peony continued to eat his own dinner, taking his time to savor each bite. "After dinner we will go for a swim," he mentioned to Aldith. "There should be a suit in the dresser in your bedroom." He'd been sure to purchase one for his pet, knowing that he would want to spend time in the water with the blond. "You do enjoy swimming?" he asked, purely curious. Even if his pet didn't, then he could be kept company while he enjoyed the cool waters.
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