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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Standing, Peony easily lifted Aldith from the chair he was sitting in and carried him to his own bedroom, barking orders as they went that he was not to be interrupted. Angelo nodded and scurried away, though the brunette didn't see that. Entering his own bedroom suite, the blond was pulled into his lap as Peony sat on the large bed with his back against the wall. He held his pet close.

"Now you must stop this, pet. You must know that I will not do anything that does not make me happy, yes?" he asked, brushing another tear away. "And so if you did not make me happy, you would not be here."
Aldith blinked a few times as he was led, well, taken, to the man's bedroom. he sat on his lap and sunk against him just a little bit more. Looking around, his eyes soon turned back to the man he was seated upon. Listening to his words, he slowly, and shakily, nodded. "I know this, Master. My emotions got away from me. I am sorry." He slowly relaxed a little more, resting his head on top of the other's shoulder and his eyes slipped closed, only a few more stray tears passing his lashes. "I just enjoy you so much and I did not like the thought that you may not like me back. It is juvenile, I know, but I have never had someone as good to me as Master is, and I did not want to lose you."
"Make no mistake, pet. You are mine until the end of time as far as I am concerned." Peony gave a little smile and hugged his pet to him more tightly, trying to soothe him as best he could. Perhaps the trip to France would serve a duel purpose. "What do you say to a trip, pet. Be sure to pack all of your art supplies, and some nice clothes. We'll leave in the morning." They sat for a few more minutes in silence, Peony plotting his next steps.

"You'll stay with me tonight," he decided. "To sleep." He emphasized the last word.
A trip? Aldith pulled his head away from the other with the mention of going somewhere. Just them? Oh, that sounded so, so very nice. He would be able to be away with Peony. At least, he believed that it would be just them. He really liked that he wanted to go on a trip with him. With his art supplies. His golden eyes lifted up to the man's once more and he felt his breath catch in his throat. Stay with him? Tonight? He gave him a short and simple nod to his words. "Yes, Master. Shall I pack now? Or in the morning?"
Looking at the clock, it was just nine thirty. "You have time to pack tonight." Peony nodded. "We will be gone for a full week, so be sure to pack enough." Lips brushed against Aldith's cheek, the brunette sent him off to pack with instructions to be back in his rooms at eleven. Once his pet was gone, Angelo was called to pack for him, as was Dario. He would be gone for a week and he would need to lay down rules for his newest "staff member".
Aldith left and was so very happy to start packing. Just the two of them. It honestly will be the greatest thing for him.

Dario moved into the man's room, his arms crossed over his lower torso and he kept his eyes to the other that called him. "Yea?" he mumbled, glancing at Angelo and then once more back to the man in front of him. His hips swayed from one side to the other, just being so very absent with the movements right now.
Reaching forward, the brunette struck a quick slap across the man's face. "You'll address me respectfully," he spat, glaring at the man. "I'm going away for a week. I have eyes and ears all around this house. You will behave or you will pay for it when I return. No guests, no sex, only your uniform, do your chores. Understand?"
He let out a little grumble when his hand connected with his cheek. He rubbed his cheek absently. Looking over at the man, he arched a brow before he sighed softly. "Not even Jackie? My brother. He's been wanting to visit me ... I'm sure he'd help clean?" he shrugged his shoulders a bit, still rubbing his face and he held up his hand. "Please, Master, may my brother visit?" See? he could learn! Sometimes.
Oh so he wasn't hopeless! Peony nodded once. "Saturday. He may come at nine in the morning and stay until nine in the morning on Sunday. You may wear regular clothes, and Angelo will provide both of you with swim trunks for use of the pool. You will not be required to do your chores for the twenty four hours that your brother is here. He will conform to my staff's meal times, and may use the spare bedroom three doors down on the right.

"You will stay in that room tonight, as well." With that said, the brunette dismissed his house boy and went to his office to do some work before bed.
he was letting him?! The man's green eyes went wide as he stared up at the other. "THANK YOU!" He gave quite the low bow before he scurried off, far too relieved that he would be able to, well, wear clothes, and that his brother could visit. He could actually visit! Oh, he was so happy about that.
An hour later, Peony returned to his suite to get ready for bed. His hair was brushed out and his teeth brushed before he stripped completely only to return to his bedroom and pull on a pair of black silk pajama pants. He left his top half bare, more comfortable that way, and returned to the bathroom to finish his nightly routine of moisturizing and skin care while waiting for his pet.
Aldith made sure that he had enough outfits for the trip. Nine and a spare one just in case. He packed his swim trunks. His art supplies. Enough nighties to make it through, and he wound up with two bags in total. One his daytime clothes, the other his nighties and then art supplies. He told him to pack them, so he made sure that he had enough for everything.

He pulled on a lovely black nightie and then a simple silk robe over that. his long locks were flowing down his shoulders to the middle of his form. He pulled back two strands on either side of his face, holding there with a simple little clip. He moved through the alls and back to his master's room. He gently knocked, arms crossing over his lower torso while he waited for the other.
Drying his face, the brunette smiled a bit as he moved to answer the door. Peony purred softly when he saw his pet, and he took Aldith's hand to lead him into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. "Lovely," he complimented with a brush of their lips together and leading the blond to the bed. "Get comfortable, pet." With that instruction, he moved to the other side of the bed and climbed in, settling on his side facing where Aldith would be sleeping.
Aldith blushed faintly when the other's lips pressed to his. He really did enjoy the other's lips, especially when they were touching him. He nodded and then moved over to the side his Master was not going into. He pulled the robe off and lightly draped it over the nearby chair before he moved to the bed. Pulling back the sheets, he slid into the bed and scooted toward the man that was there. His head rested against the pillow and he let out a content sigh. Eyes closed for a while before they lifted to the male that was in front of him.
Peony reached out and brushed a stray strand of hair from Aldith's eyes. "I do adore you, pet." The brunette gave a little smile and tugged the man closer to him. He nuzzled into the top of Aldith's head and sighed softly as he relaxed into the plush mattress beneath them, hands running over the male's bare arms and back. "Have you finished packing?"
Peony's words so, so very easily soothed any uneasiness the man had. The moment he spoke, he just calmed down so much more. he relaxed against his form and nuzzled his chest for a moment before he just eased into the embrace. Very nice. He smelled so good, too. He really was already lulling himself to sleep just by being there. "Yes, Master. I have two bags, if that is all right."
He hummed in response, not really caring either way how many bags Aldith brought with them. "Do you feel better now, pet?" he asked, pulling the covers around them and easily falling into a very comfortable and relaxed state. It felt wonderful to have his little pet next to him, and while this could not become an every night thing so long as Dario was in his house, Peony knew that he would be requesting his pet's presence in his bed quite often.
"Yes. Thank you, Master." he whispered lightly, resting his head against the other's chest and he sunk a little more into the bed. "Master? May I fall asleep now?" he asked, tone ever so soft as he was already beginning to drift to sleep. He did not want to unless his master said it was all right for him to do so.
"Yes, my pet." Peony waited for Aldith to drift off to sleep before doing so himself.

Peony woke earlier than usual, leaving Aldith to sleep while he readied himself for their trip. The brunette showered and tended to his own hair, and dressed in on of his usual black outfits. He was sure to leave his toys of torture behind, but locked. He wanted his pet to feel as safe as possible.

When six-thirty rolled around, the brunette sat on the edge of the bed and shook his pet's shoulders gently. "It is time to wake, pet."
Feeling the shake of his shoulder, Aldith's golden eyes fluttered to look up at the man that sat beside him. Wake up? "Oh. Yes, Master." he said softly, pushing his form up from the bed and he slowly slid out of the covers and gave Peony a low bow. "I will go get ready." He straightened once more and then began to make his way toward the door. He had to change into his attire for the day, and then get his suitcases for them to bring, and then he would be all set to go with his Master.
"Leave your bags in your room," he instructed, following the man out so that he may finish one piece of work in his office before breakfast. "Angelo will get them. Meet me at breakfast, pet." With those words spoken, Peony entered his office and finished his work from the day before, and then moved to the dining room table, taking his place at the head. Angelo was already there.

Peony gave instructions to gather Aldith's and his own bags and pack them into the car after breakfast, along with other little notes for the week. "My pet and I are not to be disturbed at all this week. You will report to me when we return home about the goings on in the house, clear?" The blond nodded mutely.
Aldith came to the dining room the normal time that he did. Sitting down beside his master and then gladly taking the food offered.

Dario silently sat beside Aldith, looking over at Peony and he was far too relieved to know that he was going to be gone for a week. That would be far too nice of a vacation.
They ate and more instructions were given, both to Dario and the rest of the staff. When he and Aldith left, Peony had peace of mind that his house would run smoothly in his absence. "Did you sleep well, pet?" he asked as they entered onto the tarmac of the airport where his parents' private jet waited to whisk them away to wherever Peony's heart desired.

Their bags were loaded, and the brunette lead his pet on board, instructing him to sit wherever he pleased.
Aldith nodded, happily walking to the plane with the man beside him. He looked up at him and gave him another nod to his words. "Yes. I slept very well, thank you." he said, bowing his head to the other while he moved onto the plane. Moving to sit down, he turned to look at Peony, his hands gripping the bottom of his shirt. He really wanted to sit next to him, but knew it was not his place to ask such a thing, but he truly wanted to. He knew it would make the plane ride better, but he really did not want to step over his boundaries.
He read the soft waves of anxiety before even the thoughts, and Peony smiled to himself. He moved over to Aldith and guided him with a firm hand to the small of his back. "Sit, darling pet. I have a few matters to take care of before I come and sit with you. Kathryn will get you anything you wish." Yes, Peony had hired a private flight attendant for their flight, though as she was not a regular employee of his, the brunette had to be careful with his words and, mostly, his anger.

Peony moved off to speak with the captain for a few moments, being sure he understood where he would be landing and when he would be returning to pick them up and the like.
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