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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Aldith nodded to him before he stopped at the next question. "I do not know. I never went swimming." He informed him and then took another bite of the food - it really was delicious - and he kept his eyes to the other across from him. He hoped that was not a problem, but it was the truth. Of course he would change into the suit and then join his master, but he still did not know how to swim, nor whether or not he actually liked it.
That was a bit of a shock to Peony but he didn't show it. The brunette instead nodded a bit as he sipped the red wine that was customary with his dinners. "Then I will teach you." It shouldn't be too difficult, really, and it would give him an excuse to touch the other man and be close with him, without scaring Aldith.
"Thank you, Master." He said, giving another little bow of his head to the man. He then finished off a few more bites of the food before gently pushing it aside - more than full. He took a sip of the wine before that, too, went onto the table. His hands returned to his lap and he looked ahead of him, seeing that Dario looked a little paler than normal. He stared at the man for a little before he turned to Peony. "Um ... Master? I know it is not my place, but I believe Dario needs some juice of sorts. He looks .... very pale."

And it was true. Dario had been tended to, then forced to clean. With all his blood loss? It was a miracle he had not passed out yet. He was not even hungry right now, which was also a downfall to him. he needed to eat. and the juice would probably be a good idea too.
Looking over at his boy, the brunette sighed softly. "You will speak up when you need something," he instructed towards Dario before calling for a glass of orange juice. When it was presented, Peony nodded the servant away. "Sip that slowly or else your sugar will spike and you will pass out. And then you will eat. Perhaps something less heavy, though." Once more he called for a servant and ordered for chicken broth to be brought out with a hearty roll. It was only minutes later that the brunette's bidding was done.
Dario stared at the man beside him, arching a brow as he did so. "Well sorry. I'm not used to being someone's bitch." he growled before taking the juice with a mumbled "Thanks" and then took a sip of it. He kept his form straight, not wanting to rest against the chair because of the pain ... no matter how tempting the idea was. He took a few more sips of the juice until the soup was brought to him. Taking a piece of the roll, he dipped it into the broth and popped that into his mouth. already, the color was coming back to the man's face.
He growled. "You will pay for such comments." The brunette pushed his own plate back and finished his wine before standing. "Eat your dinner. I do not want you sick." With that, he held his hand out for his pet to follow him to change. A nice relaxing evening in the pool would be nice.

Merely twenty minutes later Peony was swimming laps the length of the pool, waiting for the arrival of his pet.
Dario looked up at Peony as he stood up in quite the huff, remaining where he was and just watching him walk off. He rolled his eyes a bit before he went back to the food in front of him. Damn. This just sucked.

Aldith looked over at the other, nodding as he stood up from the table with him. Taking the offered hand, he followed him to his room and then went to find where the suit was. He pulled the garment onto his hips and soon made his way to the pool. He looked over Peony swimming and slowly sat down on the edge. His slender legs sliding into the water ever so delicately as he did so. Toes wiggling into the cool liquid and he really was relaxed just like this.
Smiling, Peony swam over to his pet, treading water in the deep end of the pool while he pressed a soft little kiss to each knee in front of him. "Come in, pet," he offered, swimming out only far enough to allow Aldith into the water. "Hold onto the side of the pool, and then reach out for me and wrap your legs around my waist with a strong grip." It was an exercise in trust just as much as it was a pleasure for Peony to have Aldith wrapped around him.
Looking down at his master, the white-haired male nodded a few times. His legs kicked the water for a few more moment - enjoying the feeling - before he slid into the water with a deep breath. It was colder than he thought. His fingers gripped the side of the pool for a while before he reached forward and his hands rested on his master's shoulders. He pulled his form to his, arms wrapping around his neck, his face burying into the crook, while his legs tightly wound about his hips. He may be a good pet, but that did not mean he was not scared of drowning.
"Very good," he purred softly. He treaded water for another moment to allow Aldith to get used to the idea before leaning back and beginning to pull them both towards shallow water. He got to where he could stand, but it would still be a little deep for his pet, and stopped to wrap his arms around the blond's waist. The brunette praised the other man softly, hugging him tightly to show how proud he was of Aldith for being so brave.

"You're going to let go now," he instructed softly. "And I'm going to help you walk to where you can stand, okay?"
Aldith's heart raced quite rapidly, though he was not sure if it was the water's fault or his master's. He really could not tell the difference right now. His eyes lifted up to the other and he remained silent while he was hugged, so very happy for the embrace. He nodded to his words, his eyes closing while he slowly forced his arms to loosen from the other. His fingers curled into his palms since the instinct was to cling to the man. After a few more moments, his legs released the other's body and he went wide-eyed as his body was soon beginning to dip under the water, his legs wiggling a bit which did help him to not drown, but he was still not doing well on his own.
Peony let Aldith fend for himself for only a moment before his hands reached out and snatched the other male by his hips when he saw the first bit of panic. "Take deep breaths. I wouldn't let you drown, pet." Watching for a moment, the brunette then began to move backwards, pulling Aldith with him into the more shallow waters. "I'm going to let you go. Take a deep breath before I do in case it's too deep yet."
Aldith took in a gasp of air when he was completely above the water - head anyway - with his master's hands upon his form. He looked over at the man and he nodded shakily. He lightly rested his hands on top of his wrists when they moved through the water. He listened to the instructions and then took in a deep breath of air before he nodded, feeling the other's hands pull away from him. His form went under the water, but it was only for a few moments before he kicked himself to where his toes were on the water. He had his tiptoes there and tried to move further so that he could stand better.
Smiling, Peony took a hold of his pet's hips once again and pulled him another few inches where his feet could stand flat on the bottom of the pool. "You did very well, pet." He brushed a few strands of hair away from the man's face and then stepped away completely.

They spent an hour in the pool, Peony patiently teaching Aldith first how to float, and then how to doggy paddle and tread water. They made good progress. "How do you enjoy swimming, pet?" he asked as he pulled himself out of the water and toweled off.
Aldith was very happy now that he could float. Floating made the rest of the lesson go by so much less scarier. He actually enjoyed himself quite a bit. It was exhausting though. His lungs hurt. His stomach hurt from swallowing some chlorine. He really could use a nap. Watching Peony step out of the pool, he gave him a simple nod. "I like it a lot, Master." he said, following the other and standing behind him, rubbing at his cold limbs while shivers overtook his body.
Turning around, Peony was only mildly shocked that Aldith had not taken a towel to dry off with. The brunette reached for the extra one that he had brought outside with them and wrapped it around his pet securely, rubbing at his arms to help warm him up. "You never need to ask if you may dry yourself off after swimming, or a bath, or a shower," he instructed softly. "Go and shower," he instructed. "The chlorine will turn your hair a horrid green, and then you may do as you wish for the rest of the night. I will see you at precisely eleven to say goodnight in your own rooms."
Aldith took a hold of the towel, wrapping it tighter around his form and he gave his master a simple little nod. "Thank you, Master." he said softly, bowing low before he turned to make his way past the other man to head to the showers. He had to get cleaned so his hair would not get stained like Peony said. He seemed to like his hair, so he would be sure he kept it nice for him.

Dario - after eating and getting his energy back - actually wound up doing like Peony had asked. He cleaned off the mirrors quite nicely and currently was sitting in the bath with a heavy sigh. Everything burned. Just everything burned.
Peony was quite content with the changes that had come into his life. He was especially happy with Aldith. The blond had begun to trust that he was not out to hurt him, or use him and that had been his goal since day one. The brunette fully enjoyed taking care of his pet; spoiling him. In fact, Peony was on his way through the house to find Aldith to try and spoil him a little bit more.
Aldith was very happy in his new life with Peony. It was great to be with the man. He definitely cared for him, and that made him feel so much better, but Aldith was not as happy as he wanted to be these past few days. It had been six weeks since he moved in, and the only physical affection Peony gave to him were when he grazed his lips over his cheek. He knew that he should not be greedy. He knew that he should not want more. Peony was his master, and he merely his pet, but he just could not help but to feel that something was wrong with him. That there was something about him that made his master not think he was attractive enough to have him want him?

The thoughts had been there. They were creeping up more and more as the days went by, and suddenly, his body just could no longer take it. He had been sitting on the chair in his room, his sketchbook in his lap, pencil in hand, and he did not even realize he was crying until the droplets plopped onto the paper in front of him -- smearing the image he had going on there. The white haired man slowly lifted his hand to feel the tears falling down his cheeks, and that was when it was all bets off. His eyes closed and the tears began to flow faster.
After checking the pool and garden areas, Peony turned towards his pet's rooms. He was excited. They would go away this time, perhaps to the south of France. They would go wine tasting and the landscape would give Aldith new scenes to sketch and paint, too. His pet so loved art, and Peony liked to see the smile on the blond's face when he was concentrating on a sketch or a painting.

Entering Aldith's room without any sort of announcement, Peony was quite shocked to see the state that his pet was in. "Pet?" he questioned, moving over to the man's side and crouching down to inspect him for injuries. "What's wrong?"
Aldith's eyes opened, the tears still beautifully falling down his face. While the tears were a bad thing, the man did look beautiful with the droplets falling from his eyes. He stared at Peony for a while, thinking to tell him that nothing was wrong, but he knew that that would only get the other to demand the problem from him. His eyes strayed away from his master's gaze, staring at his lap and the now giant blur of lines in front of him. "I do not wish to bother you with my problems, Master." He whispered, shaking his head a little more. "It is not my place to comment. And I do not wish you to be mad, or think I am ungrateful."
He should have expected such an answer. Peony shook his head. "That was not the question, pet. I asked why you are crying." The brunette reached up and brushed away a tear with the pad of his thumb. "And I expect a fully honest answer, too. I do not wish to have to punish you for lying to me." He'd yet to have to punish Aldith and even Peony had to wonder what on Earth he would do in order to punish the man. Well that was neither here nor there for the moment.
Aldith's gaze remained in his lap. He did not want to bother his master with his silly little problem. he should just be happy that he was with him. That he took care of him. He should not be so selfish, but he could not help the feelings he had. "Am I not attractive enough?" He asked in a soft little whisper, lifting his eyes to the man in front of him once more. "You ... You do not touch me. I know you do not want to hurt me and ... and I understand that you do not have to even look at me ... but I feel there is something wrong with me. Something that makes you not want to be with me in that way. I will understand if you find me unattractive, and I am sorry that this is stepping out of line, Master ... I just ... I wish to know." And now the second round of tears came.
What? The tears told Peony that his pet was serious in his questions, but really he couldn't understand why. Reaching forward, the brunette tucked his finger under the man's chin and lifted it up to brush his lips over Aldith's, just as he would brush them over the man's cheek. "You are beautiful, pet," he assured. "And I, as any other man, would be very lucky to take you to his bed. I simply wish to take my time with you; to enjoy all that you have to offer, not just your stunning body."
Aldith's water-logged eyes lifted to his master's, staring into his eyes and giving him quite the faint blush upon his lips brushing against his own. He gave the other a small and simple nod. "I am sorry, Master." He whispered, eyes wavering to his lap once more and he kept his gaze there, too embarrassed to look the other in the eyes. "I do not mean to doubt you, Master. I only wish you to be happy, and I did not think would were happy with me ... Not that you are wishing to make our relationship better. I am sorry."
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