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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Aldith nodded to his words and he sat down on the seat once more. He loosely crossed his arms over his hips and he relaxed a little more. He really did want to sit with his master, but that was beside the point right now. Now, he just had to wait for him to return and sit next to him before they went to wherever he was going.

Dario flopped back into a chair, groaning lightly as he did so. He stretched out a little bit, sighing heavily. When exactly was Saturday again? he was actually very excited to see his brother. He missed him. So, so, so much!
Peony made himself busy for the next twenty minutes, and then found Kathryn, requesting two mugs of tea for himself and Aldith. Once he was assured they would be brought their tea, the brunette went back to where his pet was sitting and took the seat next to him, placing his hand on top of the blond's. "Have you traveled in your past, pet?" he asked, head lulling back onto the seat to relax for the (very) long flight ahead of them.
Aldith turned to the other and he nodded to the question. "Yes. a lot." he admitted and he thought for a moment or two more, trying to think about how many times, but not really managing to remember them all. "I was the one he would send to get others to come back to his manor. That is how I met young master Sebastian." He informed him and gave a simple little nod.

Saturday could not have come faster. Jackie was coming! Dario was actually excited - and very happy to have pants and a shirt on. He heard the doorbell and practically mauled through the people there to get it. He skidded to a stop and smiled all the more at his adorable little brother. "JACKIE!" He grinned, pulling him into his arms and twirling them around while his brother giggles. "I've missed you so so soo much!" He continued to hold onto the slender male while he searched for Angelo. He then set the brunette down once he spotted him. "Angie, this is my brother, Jackie. Isn't he just adorable?!"

Jack blushed when he was introduced. He gave a timid little wave and a soft "Hello" before turning to his brother. The blush only growing deeper as the man was just oblivious. "Dario... Don't say that." He whispered, shaking his head a little bit more.
It had been far too long since he'd paid his business associate a visit. Troian Chax strolled up through the gates of the grand house, paying no mind to the guard that was calling after him, wanting him to stop. Why stop? He had business at the house and he was sure Peony would see him. Besides, Troian didn't deal with little underlings.

Back straight, face devoid of any emotion, the brunette lifted his hand and knocked strongly on the door, waiting for someone to answer. He thought to himself that he'd better not be kept waiting, or his associate would surely hear about how inept his serv-- The door opened to show a small blond servant, who bowed low to him. "I am sorry, but Master is gone for the week."

"Gone? Where has he gone? I have--" Troian stopped, seeing a sweet and pretty little boy standing just inside the entrance hall in a kimono type outfit. "And who are you?"
Jack was currently trying to get his brother to stop teasing him. His brother was babbling stories about how adorable he used to be when he was a kid, clinging to his cousins and uncles and everything else. He then started up a story about his bath times and that was when the shorter male placed both hands over the taller man's lips. his brows furrowed and his rosy red cheeks puffed out just slightly. "Rio! Stop that ... it's embarrassing." He admitted, blushing all the more.

Dario laughed lightly, taking his brother's hands from his lips to lean down and press a kiss to the feminine boy's cheek. He then heard the man at the door and straightened instantly. Oh. He did not like his thoughts at all. he straightened up and took a half step in front of his little Jackie. "He is none of your concern."
Raising an eyebrow at the male, Troian laughed. "I'm making it my concern." He looked past the protective one to the pretty one and smiled. "He's a beauty and I would simply like to know his name and perhaps if he would entertain the possibility of having dinner with me. Surely, he can make his own decisions, no?" Troian was slick. He could sweet talk most anyone when he wanted, and he knew what he wanted. Troian made it a point to get what he desired, and at the moment he desired a date with the pretty boy in a kimono.
Dario growled, his eyes narrowing at the man in front of him. His hands clenched into fists and he took another side step to block his brother even more. HE was not going to let this man get near his brother. He was his brother. His! he did not want some annoying little freak - especially one in Peony's house - to come near him.

Jack let out a soft little sigh. His hand rested on his brother's arm and he gently pushed him to the side, smiling lightly at the man. "It's all right, Dario." He said softly and then turned to look at the man in front of him once more. "My name's Jack... and tonight I am having dinner with my brother, so I'm sorry I cannot do dinner." He said simply and then gave his brother another warm smile.
Brother? Well that would make wooing this pretty little thing much easier! Troian reached out and took one of Jack's hands, lifting it to his lips to brush them across the male's knuckles. "Perhaps another night then?" he asked, eyelashes batting ever so slightly. "I wouldn't want to intrude on your time with your brother." The brunette dropped the man's hand softly and then turned back to Angelo. "You will please tell Master Peony that I have been by to see him. When will he return?"

"In one week, sir."

"Very well. Tell him I will return to see him one week from Monday." Angelo nodded and bowed, leaving to finish his chores. Troian turned back to Jack. "I am Troian, an associate of your... Well of Peony, at any rate. I would so love to treat you to dinner one night." The man held out a business card for the other to take.
Jack took the card gently, looking at the man's name and the number and then looking back up to the other. "All right." He said softly, feeling his brother get so very annoyed with this other man right now. "That will be nice." He stated with a little nod.
Smiling, Troian turned to leave, but stopped with the air of annoyance surrounding this Dario. The brunette turned to face the brothers once more. "I am not like Peony," he mentioned, only guessing at the cause of the annoyance and over protectiveness. "Strong minded, and opinionated, yes. But no Master."
Dario narrowed his eyes a bit more at the man. "You could be a fairy godmother for all I care." He said with a roll of his eyes. He wrapped an arm around his brother's hips. "I don't care." He added and then turned to look down at his brother.

Jack puffed his cheeks out and then looked up at the man. "Dinner will be fine."
"You should treat your Master's guests with more respect," he warned a bit strongly. Though when he turned to Jack, Troian smiled softly. "Lovely. How is Thursday night for you?" he asked. He waited around only to set up a specific date for dinner and then left, waving to a very annoyed guard on his way out.
Jack nodded a little bit more to the other's words. "Yes. Thursday." he said softly and then turned back to his brother, smiling a little more. "Let's go to the pool." He said simply, figuring his brother would need to calm down a little bit.
Thursday came and Troian was quite excited. The brunette hadn't seen such a beautiful man in a very long time, and the fact that Jack had accepted his request for dinner made the man a giddy little school boy once again. He dressed...primped, really, and then left his home to pick up his date at his own, knocking gently on the front door.
Before Jack could even get out of his room, Sebastian was at the door. For a pregnant man, he could definitely move fast when he wanted to. He opened up the door, one hand resting on his belly and the other reached up to instantly wrap around the neck of the man. He yanked him toward his shorter height and glared right into the other's eyes. "Listen to me, you little prick. You hurt my Jackie in any way shape or form, I will come after you. There will be no parts for anyone to find and you'll be lost to the world. Remember that. What's more? Remember I can get away with it." He growled out and then shoved him away, brushing down the front of his shirt. Hey, he is carrying a demigod of a child in him, he could definitely be able to take down some annoyances.

Jack quickly made his way to the doorway, knowing Sebastian well enough right now. He skidded to a stop in front of the other, staring at the green-haired man and he sighed softly. "Batty ... Please do not stress yourself out. It is bad for your baby." He stated, resting hands on the lovely bump [well, it looked like half a basketball was in his shirt] and smiled a little more. "Go sit. You know Jupiter will only get upset if you get upset." He hugged his cousin and then turned to Troian, bowing lightly. "Sorry about him." he said softly, his long locks falling down his shoulders. He had on a lovely Asian-styled shirt, that really looked like a short kimono but with a thinned band around the waste. A nice pair of black pants hugged his slender legs and everything just fit him wonderfully. The same floating necklace arond his neck, hair pulled back from his face on one side and he really did look lovely.
Troian was quite amused, really, with the pregnant male's threats. He nodded, though, not wanting to bring the other man's blood pressure up any further than it already was. "Good evening," he greeted Jack, once more kissing the back of his hand softly. "Are you ready to go?" Really, the brunette was antsy and excited about the date and wanted to whisk the man away as quickly as possible, but thought that that might be taken as a threat by the one who had 'greeted' him.
Jack nodded to the man's words. Kissing Sebastian's cheek, he turned and followed the other out. He closed the door behind him, not wanting the other to stalk them and try and kill the man. Looking up at the dark haired male, he smiled lightly. "Yes. I am ready." He said, despite the fact that that was pretty obvious.
Smiling, the brunette offered his arm for the other to hold onto and he escorted him out to his car. Troian opened the passenger side door for Jack and then went around to the driver's side, pulling away from the curb. "I hope you enjoy Indian cuisine?" he asked, not sure whether or not the risky (for a first date) move would pay off.
Jack turned to look at the man, pulling his long locks over his shoulder to keep them from blowing into the man's face. "I have never had it." he admitted, trailing his fingers through his long locks and still trying to keep it from hitting the other. He was driving. He did not want to be the cause of an accident. "I am willing to try it, though." He added with a nod of his head in agreement. He turned to look out the side at the scenery, still utterly blown away by how beautiful this whole place was.
Nodding to that, they drove to the restaurant, which was only a few minutes away. Once more, Troian held doors open, and pulled Jack's chair out for him. The brunette even offered a few suggestions of what to try, not wanting the other man to choose something really odd, or worse: really awful. Once they had ordered, the brunette sat back and studied his beautiful date. "So how is it that your brother has found himself with Peony, but you-who is much prettier than he is-have not?" he asked.
Jack let the other choose what would be best to eat, and was happy for that. He did not know just what he wanted to eat, so he went with whatever the other said. "Because Rio was living with Batty, but he gave him too many problems, so he made him live with Peony for discipline." He nodded to his words, smiling lightly as he looked up at the man in front of him. "I like Peony. He's nice... to me." He shook his head at the thought and then took his water to sip at it silently. "how do you know him?"
"Ahh...yes. If Peony is good for anything, it's discipline." He smiled as their drinks were brought and thanked the waiter before returning his attention to his date. "We're business partners," he answered with a small little nod. There was no need to bore Jack with the details of their business. This was a date of (great) pleasure, not business. "And Sebastian is... Not your mother. Why aren't you living with your parents, if I can ask?"
"No no. i'm not a demigod." He giggled at the thought and shook his head before continuing. "I came here with Dario. I wanted to come with him. Daddy sent us here and yea." he gave the other a brief little explanation of their life right now and soon enough, the end of the night came , or dinner at least, and it was back to the car they went.
Dinner was nice and Troian really enjoyed himself. He drove, not really thinking about where they were driving to. They wound up at a scenic overlook, which was rather perfect, really. The brunette wasn't looking to try anything funny, but he was looking for a quiet place to talk; to get to know his date. "So tell me about you," he prompted after pulling to a stop and turning the engine off.
Jack really was enjoying himself. He talked about this and that before they wound up back at the car and seemed to just be driving. It was nice, actually. He truly loved the scenery. When they stopped, he turned to the male beside him and smiled lightly. "Well, I am one of four ...but I have two older siblings. So, there's six in total." He stated, smiling lightly at the other. "Dario, Jillian, and Demetri are my brothers... and then Alex and Ella is our eldest sister." he nodded a bit, smiling a little more. He really did love his family.
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