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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Aldith panted softly as he laid beside his master. He stared up at the ceiling, just letting his breaths come to him once more. His eyes slowly traveled to the hand that was upon his form, healing the worst of the marks. He had not expected that to happen. He thought the other would have just let him stay injured. Peony was so very different than he ever would have imagined. He slowly turned onto his side and leaned forward, pressing a soft and delicate kiss to the man's collarbone. "Thank you, Master."
Aldith was pulled into his side and the blankets were pulled up around them both. "You are sinful," he complimented, kissing his pet softly, though this time it was more than just the brushing together of their lips. "And I completely adore you." Kissing the blond's forehead, Peony turned the bedside light off and urged his pet to let sleep take him.
The rest of the week went by, and Aldith could not have been happier. He loved to know that he was, truly was, attractive to his master. He was happy through the week, but also happy to go home. Walking through the house, he went and did as his master told him to. Shower then unpack.

Monday came and jack was getting ready for Troian to meet him so that he could bring him to go see Dario. He really wanted to see his brother. He missed him so much.
Peony, too, was anxious to be home once again. Not that he didn't enjoy his time with Aldith completely, but there was work to be done and other staff to see after...especially Dario. The brunette couldn't help but wonder if the new house boy had behaved himself all week, or if he would be required to punish the boy.

With instructions given to Aldith, Peony sought out Angelo for the report. He didn't need to, though, as he passed Dario in the hall...fully clothed. Peony growled and gave the other no time to respond. The brunette pulled the other to him roughly and tore off the jeans he was wearing before easily spanking the male's rear end until the flesh was a bright, cherry red. Peony threw Dario away from him. "Get into your uniform before you really make me angry."

Troian picked Jack up, happy that he was not attacked by the pregnant man once more, and lead him to his car. "You're excited." Jack could barely sit still and that amused Troian.
Dario groaned, rubbing his rear and doing as he was told. Stupid man. Stupid god damned psychopathic freak! HE should try being in fucking underwear, and only that, for more than an hour and see what he does! He cursed a few times and went to change. Damn him!

Jack nodded happily. "I am." he admitted, smiling a little more while he tapped his fingers on top of his knees, toes wiggling absently and he was just a ball of nerves and excitement right now. He looked over at the man and smiled a little bit more. "How have you been?"
Peony growled. "I can read your mind, dumbass!"

Smiling, Troian took Jack's hand softly as they walked up through the gates. He supposed that the guard had learned his previous lesson as he didn't chase them down this time. The brunette knocked on the door, and nodded to Angelo's low bow. "Master is in his office. Please wait and I will announce you."

The blond scurried off to do just that, and then scurried back to lead Troian back towards his Master's office.
"I KNOW!" Dario yelled back before the slam of his door could be heard. Oh yes. Tantrum, tantrum! He cursed a few more times before he pulled on the hideous garment.

Hearing the door, the brunette lifted his head from the floor he was cleaning. He peaked around the corner and went wide-eyed. Jack?! he gasped and bolted to his feet before he was literally running away to go find somewhere to hide. Sure, whatever. he could be beaten later. He just could NOT let his Jackie see him this way!

Jack smiled at the blond in front of him. His hands linked behind his form and he turned to look at the man beside him with a bit of interest. He was very excited about being able to see his brother. He really wanted to. He missed him so, so much.
Looking up, Peony greeted Troian, shaking the man's hand firmly and offering him a seat. It only took him a moment to read who the other was, and he smiled. "Jack. Very nice to meet you as well." The brunette called for Angelo and instructed him to go find Dario and bring him to the office. Oh, this would be a lovely punishment for the boy! While they waited, he ordered tea for the three of them and made small talk. Peony was sure that Jack was not interested in their business.
Jack sat down beside Troian, nodding to Peony's words. "Yes." he said simply and then just a little impatiently waited for his brother to show up. He really wanted to see him. He missed him so much! He knew he was repeating his thought-process, but honestly, he was used to seeing him every day.

Dario growled at Angelo, glaring at the kid while he started babbling about a beating and whatever else again. He crossed his arms tightly over his torso as he made his way into the room where the three were waiting for him. He straightened up just a bit, looking over at his now blushing and wide-eyed brother and he shrugged his shoulders a bit. Turning to Peony, and cursing him out in his mind just a few more times. "You rang?"
The obvious discomfort drew great pleasure from Peony. "Your brother is here to see you," he answered, managing to keep his voice steady and normal. "Perhaps he would like to walk in the gardens with you." The brunette watched as his business associate was torn. He had no love for Dario and found it amusing that he was so embarrassed, but Peony could tell that Troian was coming to care greatly for Jack and didn't like his discomfort quite so much.

"Perhaps, though," Peony rectified quickly, "you should put on proper clothes until he leaves."
Dario glared, deeply glared, at Peony. He was going to murder him. One of these days, he honestly was going to. He clenched his fists, fingers digging into his flesh and he gave a little curtsy and a short "Thanks" before turning to Jack. "Come on. I'll put clothes on and we'll hit the garden."

Jack really was just shocked. Why was Dario ... He nodded a little to his words. "okay." he said, pushing himself up from the chair and following after his brother. He blinked a few times, seeing the wounds still-healing on his back. He looked up at the man, concern instantly to his features. "Rio? What happened to your back?" he asked, his eyes truly close to tears while he followed his brother up to his room.

Dario shrugged. "Karma, I suppose"
Their meeting progressed nicely and many decisions were made. He met with Troian for several hours before they decided that the rest could be done by phone and email. "Perhaps you should not bring Jack anymore," Peony suggested. "He looked a bit shocked at the state of his brother." The other brunette thought carefully and nodded.

"If I may say, I think that the two need time together, Peony. A day a month. If you give that heathen something to look forward to, it also gives you a playing card. 'If you do not do your chores you will not see your brother this month'." Peony nodded with the idea and promised to give it some thought.
Jack did not last long. They barely got halfway through the gardens before he buried his face into his brother's chest and just cried. Cried for the state that he was in. With all his injuries. The scars. The new ones. The fact that his brother's rear was still red. He just did not know what to do. he gripped his brother's shirt tightly and just continued to sob into his shirt. He did not want this for him. Yes, his brother needed discipline, but not like this.

Dario sighed softly, hugging his brother's shoulders and holding him against his form. "I'm fine, Jackie. Honestly ... I am. Stop crying. you break my heart." he kissed his forehead and then hugged him just a little bit more, not really wanting the other to leave, but knowing it would come soon.
They walked to the gardens and found the two. Troian's heart broke for Jack, and the brunette moved over to the two and tried to coax the male away from his brother as gently as he could. "Come, Jack. It's time for us to go...but I promise to talk to Peony about bringing you back soon." He hated seeing such a lovely creature in such an ugly state, and the brunette leaned over to Dario. "You would do well to behave," he whispered harshly. "I've done my part and planted the idea of regular visits in your Master's head, but it is your behavior that will make or break it." Once again, he tried to coax Jack away after moving his lips from Dario's ear.
"he's not my master." He mumbled and then looked down at the male in his arms. he smiled lightly, kissing his forehead softly and then pulled back. "Go on, Jackie. We'll catch up later. You can tell me how much of a pervert Troian was on your date."

Jack let out a short laugh, rubbing his eyes and he nodded. Taking in a deep breath, he straightened a little bit more, staring at the man in front of him for a little while more. "Y-yes..." he whispered, hugging his brother once more before he turned to make his way out of the garden. his arms crossed over his torso, hugging himself tightly as he walked.
"He is when he is the one making those marks on your back, and reddening your rear end so harshly that it's still red days later." With that, Troian followed Jack out of the gardens, carefully wrapping an arm around the male's shoulder for support as they walked back to the car. "Peony will take care of Dario," he assured softly as they pulled away. "Perhaps his methods are...crude, but he will take care of him."
Jack rubbed his eyes, a new flow of tears passing by as he did so. He looked up at the man ever so pathetically as he did so. "But ... he does not deserver it! Dario is selfish and does not really think about many, but ... he does not deserve to be whipped." he whispered, the tears falling once more. he curled up on the passenger's side, his eyes closed and he buried his face into his knees and took in a deep breath, wanting to calm down and stop being so wussy, but he could not. "I ... I love Dario. I don't want him to be in pain."
Sighing softly, Troian pulled off the road and easily lifted Jack from the passenger seat and into his lap. He cuddled the brunette, just wanting him to feel better. And while Troian had his suspicions about why Dario was being punished so harshly, it wasn't his place to say, was it? He barely knew either of the boys. "As soon as Dario learns that it is not himself who matters, Peony will have no reason to hurt him, pretty one."
Jack whimpered softly and buried his face into the crook of the man's neck. His arms wrapped around his neck and he hugged him to his form, just wanting the comfort of the other man. "But ... I don't want Dario to change." He whispered and then whimpered a little bit more. He shook his head slightly, pulling away from him and looking up at him through his tears. "I love him just how he is."
"Yes, but then you see the reasons that he must change, don't you?" he asked softly. Troian reached up and wiped away some stray tears from Jack's face. "In order for him to be productive, and to get as far as he possibly can in life, Dario must not be quite so selfish. Your parents, and your cousin, have your brother's best interests at heart." The brunette pressed a little kiss to Jack's forehead and then continued to hold him until he was completely calm.
Jack buried his face into the other's neck a little bit more. He murmured a simple, "I want to go home" before sliding off of the other's lap and into the passenger's side. He pulled his knees up once more, resting his forehead against his thighs and he just wanted to take a bath and nap or something like that.
With a little sigh and a kiss to the back of Jack's hand, Troian nodded and pulled back onto the road to bring the man home. He pulled up to the house much sooner than he would have liked, and cut the engine to open the door for Jack and to walk him up to the door. "I'm trying to get Peony to allow you to visit Dario on a regular basis, Jack. Just be patient for me, okay?"
Jack looked up at the man and gave him a simple little nod. "Yes. Thank you for today." with that, he turned and made his way into the room.

Sadly for Troian, Sebastian quickly filled the door and he took a hold of the front of his shirt, growling at him as he was yanked to his form. "What did you do?"
Shaking his head, the brunette didn't back down from the man, because he hadn't done anything wrong. "I took Jack to see Dario." It was the truth, wasn't it? Troian stood at his full height, which was a good six inches taller than the pregnant male, and crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't think you quite understand," he offered without a hint of nerves. "I care very much for Jack and I do not wish to hurt him. If you would please stop accusing me of such, we will find ourselves in a much better relationship."
Sebastian arched a brow at the man. "No. We'd find ourselves in a better relationship if my piece of shit non-fiance would give me the food I want." He stated, crossing his arms on top of his belly and he rolled his eyes at the other. "Whatever. Get off my damn property." With that, he turned on his heel, door slammed behind him and he made his way over and to where his love should be making him some food. otherwise, he was going to rip his head off.

a few days passed and Dario was over himself. He went back to the damned g-string bull. He even cleaned up better than he had been. He never wanted to see Jackie look so hurt again. he did not deserve it. honestly, he knew he did not. He just did not want him to be upset. He wanted him to be able to come and see him and not be injured or anything.

Currently, the brunette was making his way past where Aldith was - stopping instantly at seeing red ... and the other was not painting. He quickly made his way into the room, seeing the man shakily cleaning up the glass he dropped. He had wanted to get the glass to wash his brushes off and then it wound up falling and breaking and there were so many shards! He just needed to clean it up before Peony saw. Looking up at Dario, he began to go faster, just slicing his fingers even more.

"Stop that!" Dario practically yelled, rushing over to the man and he took a hold of his wrists. "Stop." he said again, looking at the blood on his hands and then on the floor. "Goddamnit.' he growled, scooping the white-haired man into his arms and he quickly stormed down the hall through the rest of the building. Setting the man onto the ground [ on his feet ] in front of Peony's door, his fist soon went pounding on the door in front of him. When it opened, he glared at the man. "HERE! Tend to him. he was cleaning up glass with his bare hands. Give him more fucking rules, damnit! Like using common sense. And yes. You can beat my ass raw AFTER you tend to him and after I pick up the fucking glass. GOD!" he growled and then stormed off to go back to where he had been, grabbing the dustpan on the way.
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