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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Looking between the two, Peony wasn't quite sure where to start. While he was grateful to Dario for looking after his pet, he didn't appreciate the tone that was being taken with him. The brunette decided to deal with that later. Aldith was looking worse for wear, and he pulled his pet to him and began to heal the wounds after extracting the odd shards from the open wounds. It took nearly thirty minutes to be sure all the glass was out and each slice was closed and cleaned properly before Peony could look up to his pet for an explanation.
Aldith stared down at his hands, so very upset with himself. He could not do a simple thing like get a glass without messing it up. Looking up at Peony when he was finally finished, his eyes only darted right back to his hands. "I wanted to get a glass for washing my brushed while I painted. It crashed and shattered and I am so sorry, Master. I broke your glass.."
Peony wasn't sure whether to be relieved that Aldith was alright, or frustrated that he hadn't used a broom-or asked for one-to clean up. He lead his pet over to a chair and sat him down while he turned the other one so that they were facing. "You should have asked Angelo for a dust pan, pet. There's no need for you to cut your hands up like this, do you understand?"
Aldith lifted his eyes to Peony and gave him a simple and short little nod. "Um ... Yes." He said softly, looking back at his fingers. "I am sorry, Master. I did not think. I ... only tried to not make you upset with a mess and ... I have made you more upset." He shook his head a bit and then lifted his gaze to him once more. "I will go see if Dario needs help..." He said, beginning to try nd stand up. He did not want Dario to clean his mess.
"Use a dust pan and broom," Peony warned strongly. "And when you're finished cleaning up, you will put your art away for today and send Dario to me." The brunette leaned up and brushed his lips to his pet's cheek and then stood and put his office back to rights again. He wasn't angry at Aldith, simply disappointed that he had not used common sense.
"Yes, master." he said softly, closing his eyes with the kiss to his cheek. He then turned and made his way to the room, seeing it sparkling clean as ever. Even his art supplies were neatly tucked away where they should be.

Dario lifted his eyes to the other when he came, arching a brow at him and he sighed softly. "here." he handed the man the palette and then the box full of his brushes and patted the top of his head. "I know. I know. 'go see master'" he sighed heavily, straightening up a bit as he made his way down the hall. He arrived at the other's door, knocking before he stepped into the room. hey, he was expecting him, so if he did not want him to barge on in, there should have been more direction. "All right. Want me bent over or just the back?" He asked, already expecting punishment. He had braced himself for that when he yelled at him about Aldith.
Peony looked up and glared at the male, unsure of how he wanted to react. He was angry for the smart ass comments, and that Dario had all but told him how to handle his pet and that was not acceptable. The brunette rose and crossed the room. When he got to Dario, he physically turned the male around and gave his rear end three stinging smacks before turning him back to face him and kissing his cheek rather softly.

"You will not tell me what I shall or shall not do with my own pet. But I thank you for bringing him to me before he did more damage to himself."
Dario closed his eyes, feeling the impacts and being quite surprised. That was it? His emerald hues opened, staring at the man in front of him and even more lost with the kiss on the cheek. He arched a brow at the other and let out a soft little sigh. "You're welcome." he said simply and then looked behind him before once more back to the man in front of him. "I have a request. If I start to be a ... good boy ... and do what you tell me and blah blah blah, can I negotiate with you on some things? Well... mainly the clothes thing. I know, I know. . . You're doing a lot just thinking about letting me see Jackie ... but I'm pretty damned sure I'll do a better job with clothes on... and less worry about my boybits getting burned on chemicals. Just a thought! "
"No." There was no negotiation on whether or not Dario could wear proper clothes. "You do not use dangerous chemicals, and if you are then I will have a chat with Angelo." The brunette returned to his desk. "It's in your head. You will learn that not everything is about you, or your comfort, and that no matter what you must always do your best job. And when you learn that, you will be returned to your family because my job will be done. Until then, you will wear what I say and do what I say."
Dario groaned. So much for respecting one's elders! Sure, it was only by two years, but still. Little-- ugh. "Yes, master." he mumbled and then turned to leave, grumbling quite a bit under his breath. He really was not the happiest person right now. He sighed heavily, yawning lightly while he made his way through the house. He moved into the kitchen, flopping onto a chair and just plopping his head onto the counter, groaning a little bit more. He missed his Jackie. honestly, he did. he missed having sex, too. but noo. He had to start worrying about other people. Ugh. He would! he does. Just .. not often.
Sebastian had been wandering around the kitchen, making himself and Jupiter a simple little thing for lunch. He felt huge. He was not that far along yet, and he felt far too bloated already. He was a cranky pregnant man. But, he still tried to do the things that he had before. It was more difficult, but he was too stubborn to not do what he wanted.

The man was not alone for long before there was a squealed, "UNCLE BATTY!" followed by a bunny boy pouncing the man. His arms wrapped around the pregnant man's shoulders, hugging him to his form as he nuzzled into the other's neck.

"Danny!" he squeaked, almost falling over, but the damned taller teen was able to easily catch him. He whacked his arms a few times. "Stop doing that! I told you ten times the past WEEK to stop pouncing me! you'll upset the baby... Or me. Or both!"
With Peony grown, Calder had thought that he and Rune would return to Avalon. It surprised him, then, that three years after their son moved to Australia, they were still in Italy, back into their old routine of work and being domestic together. The blond was happy, though. They had only each other-their triplets had moved out (Draco with Brian, Severus with Lucius) and were happy, and that was all that Calder could hope for.

Currently, he was making dinner for himself and Rune and had a chocolate soufflé in the oven.
Rune poked his head out, staring at his husband for a while before he ran toward him and scooped him up and into his arms. He twirled them for a moment or two and then pressed a kiss to the side of his neck, biting the skin roughly a moment later. He growled lightly as he pulled back, purring only seconds later. "You look delicious covered in chocolate." he purred out, grinding his rear into the other's form with a grin tracing to his lips .
Squeaking softly, Calder whimpered a bit with the bite to his neck. He felt like they were newlyweds again. Laughing a little and pressing his hips back into his husband's, the blond turned his head so that he could kiss Rune properly. "You'd think a lamp looks delicious if it was covered in chocolate," he countered. He turned the burner on low and then turned to wrap his arms around the other man's neck.
"True..." He admitted, his hands sliding along the other's hips to cup his rear when he turned in his arms. "But I wouldn't fuck the lamp." he whispered and leaned down to press a few more lovely little kisses to the flesh in front of him. "And you're far more delicious." He rocked his hips into his once more, grinning with his utter enjoyment. "It's so nice without kids.' he mumbled afterward, eyes lifting up to look at him before he pulled back. "I'm surprised Relic hasn't tried for another one. The twins are teens..."
"Let Relic try for all the kids in the world," Calder replied, leaning forward and nipping at his lover's Adam's apple a little bit. "I'm perfectly content with the nine we have." For now. They had long lives ahead of them and Calder was sure that, somewhere in the future, he and Rune might choose to have another child. For now though, they were enjoying the life sans children under the age of eighteen. The blond gave one more thrust of his hips forward and, regrettably, moved away. "Your dessert will be ruined if I leave it alone for as long as it takes us to fuck each other into oblivion."
Rune pouted and looked down at the dessert. He then looked back to his lover and shrugged. "You can make a new one." He stated, taking a hold of his love's waist and yanking him back to his form only to pin them to the counter. Kissing down and along his neck with a happy little purr. Mm. Definitely loved being able to just be with his husband.
Rune's actions didn't take Calder by surprise, though he wasn't disappointed in them either. The blond's arms went around his husband's neck once more as he lifted his head to offer the other man more access to his flesh. "But we've run out of chocolate," he muttered, giving a little whimper as a particularly sensitive part of his neck was kissed. It wasn't a lie-Calder had simply miscalculated how much they had left when he last went shopping.
Rune shrugged. Hoisting the other up, his hands slid beneath his thighs and he propped him up and onto the counter with another nip at his neck. "We'll buy more. Hell, we can go to Switzerland for the chocolate ... Later." He bit the side of his neck once more, being quite harsh with the action as well. Oh how he loved to hear his husband moan in pain.

"Oi. Get a room" Came Lucius' voice as he made his way into his parents' kitchen. Sure, he had his own place with his own kitchen ... but it lacked his Papa's sweets in it. And well, his cooking. Ohhh how he loved his cooking. He was instantly in front of the refrigerator, leaning over to rummage through the things that were there. Hm. He wanted a snack, but what was there to snack on? He pushed aside a few things before saying a happy "Jackpot" and pulling out a tupperware container and then proceeding to the microwave to heat up the pasta left over.
He whimpered with the rough acts of his lover, and pressed himself tighter to Rune. Calder offered up his neck for more of whatever his husband wanted to give him while his legs lifted and wrapped around the man's waist to pull him tighter. The blond didn't let go of Rune when their son interrupted, and instead simply reached out and took the dish that he had in his hands and put it on the counter behind him. "Learn to use a phone. Or knock. Or your own stove," he answered, sticking his tongue out at Lucius.
Rune growled - in annoyance - when he heard their son's voice behind him. He pressed tighter into his love's form and he completely ignored the other. Leaning forward to press his lips to his lover;s neck. Kissing and nipping before beginning to trail his lips down. Like Hell he was letting him interrupt them.

Lucius' brows furrowed when his Papa took the plate away from him. His eyes narrowed at the two before he gave an annoyed "Oh GOD! Can't even stop for your own CHILD?!"

"No. Now leave unless you want to see your parents fuck, because I'm not stopping."

"EW!" He quickly took the plate back and then charged his way out of the kitchen with a few more curses about his parents and how disgusting the two actually were.
Shrugging at Lucius-he'd live!-Calder turned and caught his husband's lips with his own. The blond kissed Rune roughly, loving the freedom that they had to do such things to each other, despite their children popping into the house unannounced.
After quite a while of ravaging his love, the man happily showered up with him and then made his way through the house, stopping in the living room when he spotted his son still there. He arched a brow, looking him over before once more letting his eyes move back to his son. "Weren't you leaving?"

Lucius perked up when his parents came and puffed his cheeks out slightly. "You know. I come here because I want some parental advice ... and what do I get? My parents ignoring me so that they can fuck." He stated, pouting a little bit more. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he glared up at his Mama.
Showered and refreshed, Calder entered the living room just after Rune, rolling his eyes a little. "You came here for food, because you have never taken the time to learn how to cook. Guilt trips don't work." Reaching over, he ruffled the blond's hair a little and then returned to the kitchen to start over their dinner, which was now ruined. So was their dessert.
Lucius groaned and shook his head. Sliding off the couch, he scurried after his Papa to collide into his back with a whimper. "uh-uh! Well, yes, I don't want to know or learn how to cook... but I honestly had something I wanted to say something." He whispered and then nuzzled into his father's neck with a little groan. "I wanna adopt a baby ... but I dunno if Severus will want to. I mean... Isn't it creepy enough we're brothers in a relationship? I know normal orphanages would not want to give us kids, but we can use Remmy and Rommy ... and um ... but I don't know if he would or if it would just ... be weird."
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