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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sebastian could have killed him. He honestly could have and wanted to. Why the hell did he fall for such a nutjob? honestly. This man was not sane. Finally though, he could hear the cries of their baby and well... it was all worth it. He rested his head against Jupiter's side and then looked down at the boy he was holding. He let his eyes travel along the boy and groaned a bit more. "I don't like you." He hissed, punching Jupiter's side to show that he meant this man, not their child.

Staring at the boy for a bit more, he reached forward to take the child from the other. "You try and keep him from me, and I'll tear you to shreds." He warned, scooping the little boy up and into his own arms.. he then scooted closer to Jupiter, bringing his arm around his shoulders so that they could both be closer to the baby, he just wanted to hold him. Hey, he did the work in holding him in his body. If Jupiter wanted to have that right, then he should have been the pregnant one.
"But you love me," Jupiter answered with a big grin as he cuddled into his new fiance and their son. "I'm stupid sometimes... I'm not retarded," he replied to the comment of keeping their son from his mother. "And if you open your mouth to answer that, remember first that I can run faster than you can at the moment." He stuck his tongue out at Sebastian and then leaned down to kiss him, his finger trailing over the baby's soft cheek a little. "What should we name him?" he asked, trying to think of something suitable.
Sebastian narrowed his eyes at the man that was beside him. "Why I do, I don't know." He mumbled, grumbling a few times before he sunk against the stupid man's side once more. He looked down at their son, his eyes traveling along his pink little self. He brushed aside the blanket a little bit more and then smiled softly. Okay. The little boy really was worth it right now. He honestly was. He relaxed into the doctor a bit more and continued to think. "Oberon." He stated, tilting his eyes up to look at him to see if there was any true protest.
He thought about it for a moment but nodded in agreement after a few moments. Jupiter kissed his lover once again before pressing a soft little kiss to the top of their newborn son's head. "Think we should call your mother and father?" he asked, not sure that he was really up for Relic's cheery visit. But the brunette would grin and bare it if that was what Sebastian wanted.
Sebastian groaned a little bit as he turned to bury his face into his love's face with an annoyed little grumble. "No. We'll call them ... tomorrow." he murmured and then bit the other's arm. He straightened up once more and then looked down at the sleeping, cute little boy. "You're lucky he's cute." He said simply, lifting a hand and he trailed his fingertips along the boy's forehead, seeing the lovely red fuzz that was on top of his head. Awe! That was so cute. He loved his hair already. He let his hand move to Oberon's shoulder, sighing softly. "I still stick that if you want more, it's your body." He added, just in case the annoying man was going to think he could get another child any time soon.
Thinking, Jupiter shook his head after a minute. He had gone this long with no children. There was no reason he could go just as long, if not longer, with one child. He wasn't sure he was the fatherly type, though he wasn't given too much of a choice at this given moment, and beside that, it would be fun to spoil Oberon completely without having to divert their attention to another child...or children. "It'll be nice to spoil him rotten."
Sebastian nodded and looked up at the other beside him. He looked him over a little more before nuzzling into his side just a bit. "Good." he whispered, turning to look down at the little boy in his arms. He sighed softly, leaning down to press a delicate kiss to his forehead. He felt like he was going to break the little baby. He knew he would not, but he still felt like it. He remained silent for a little while more, just staring at the gorgeous little boy in his lap. "I love him already."
Jupiter snuggled down into the bed, his arm protectively around his new family. "Lets wait a few years before getting married," he blurted out without thinking. "Not because I don't want to marry you!" It had taken him almost a full minute to hear that sentence how anyone else might hear it who wasn't privy to his thought process. "But...well he'd look really cute as a flower girl!"
wait? WAIT?! this man wanted to make him WAIT even more now?! oh, the man was about to KILL him. He honestly was. He glared at him, completely ready to just rip his throat out and feed it to him. The next words that passed, did not make him feel all that much better either. SO WHAT! He knew he wanted to marry him - okay, he doubted it at times, but deep down knew - so what the hell?! Thing being, the thought of Oberon dressed up as their flower girl... it was cute. He calmed down for the moment, staring in front of him as he thought for a little bit more. "Fine. but only because... he would."
"And it will make your mother happy to make a flower girl dress and your wedding gown..." Jupiter grinned at the thought as he quickly retreated from the bed, knowing full well that he was in for a world of hurt if he stayed there any longer. The brunette came around to the other side of the bed and kissed Sebastian's forehead quickly before shuffling off downstairs to make a bottle for Oberon, and lunch for the both of them. Maybe food would make his fiance not kill him...
Sebastian fumed for a while. Well, the whole night honestly. At least whenever he was not staring at his lovely little Oberon or feeding him and things of that sort. He could not be angry when he had his little baby. When he did not though, or if Jupiter said something stupid, he was so willing to kill him.

the next day, the male was up and on his feet. He had the baby boy, sleeping, in one arm and the phone in his other hand - bitching. To whom? his mother. He was pacing through the kitchen, blabbing away about how retarded Jupiter was being. At least until it clicked in the man on the other end that: his grandbaby was born. Then the conversation came to a screeching halt, followed by dead air on the other end. Sighing heavily, he hung up the phone then began to make his way to where the bassinet was so he could lay the sleeping boy down.
Glad to see his love up and about the next day, Jupiter set off to the few appointments he'd made for himself. Really, it was just to keep their son by being smothered by both of his parents. When he returned home, the brunette checked the bassinet and kissed Oberon's head before skipping off in search of his lover. "Honey! I'm home!" Jupiter's call out was much softer than normal, and he had had the forethought to wait until the bedroom door was closed and he was halfway down the stairs first.
Sebastian was sitting at the kitchen table. Tea in front of him, eyes set at the table and he slowly lifted his head when he heard his love. Turning to the other, he gave him a pathetic look. As his love rounded the corner, his mother could be seen, practically vibrating in his chair from all his excitement about his new grandbaby. Honestly. He made the pilot 'speed'. HOW can one speed on a PLANE!? It's already going hundreds of miles per hour!
Smiling, Jupiter was able to read his love's thoughts and he had to try very hard not to laugh at him. The brunette bent and kissed Sebastian's lips softly in greeting, and then Relic's cheek, before sitting down at the table as well with his own cup of tea. "Where's Tanner?" he asked softly, wondering where the blond would be and if there would be a sneak attack on his life when he was least expecting it today.
Sebastian watched as his fiancé descended the stairs, remaining silent and unmoving. He really did not want to. He kept to where he was and just tried to not strangle anyone. honestly, that would not do him any good. Sadly.

Relic shrugged his shoulders and batted a hand dismissively in the air. "doing something with his silly job" he stated, far too nonchalantly. He perked up a bit more and barely managed to stifle the little squeal that passed his lips. "Oberon is so cute! The little red hair and his Mommy's eyes and oooh! Too cute! i don't even think he's your kid." he stated, smiling all the more. Okay, they had the same nose, but still! That was beside the point.
"Trust me. He's mine." The doctor stuck his tongue out at the man and turned to Sebastian. "Maybe we can go out for dinner tonight? If your mother doesn't mind babysitting, that is." He looked to Relic with questioning eyes, though Jupiter wasn't even really sure if his fiance would be up to a dinner date this soon after giving birth, but it was worth a try.
Sebastian went wide-eyed and shook his head. "NO!" He glared at the man a moment later. "MY baby is only a DAY old. We're not going out on a dinner date!" he stood up and then stormed up and off to the room where his little Oberon was still sleeping soundly. He moved in and plopped onto the bed near the bassinet. His eyes staying to the gorgeous boy that was sleeping away so very easily.

Relic turned to Jupiter and sighed heavily. "You really are dumb, aren't you?"
He sighed. "No. I thought that maybe he would like to relax for a couple of hours." Jupiter stood and followed Sebastian upstairs, leaving Relic in the kitchen. Really, he was sick of being treated like he couldn't do anything right. The brunette entered the room and stood at the foot of the bed, trying hard to not begin to yell. "I wasn't being insensitive. I was thinking that it would be nice for you to be able to relax for a couple of hours so that we could come home and take care of him refreshed and happy." Frustrated, Jupiter gathered his medical bag and a change of clothes, along with his toiletries. "I'll stay at the office tonight." With that he left the house, angry beyond anything, and even more frustrated that he couldn't voice either emotion.
Sebastian blinked a few times, turning to look at the man and he parted his lips to protest, but the man was out of there before he could do such a thing. He stood up after a second, rushing to the door, just in time to hear the stupid front door close. God damnit! He was not angry at him. He was just shocked he would try to take him away... DAMN IT!

Growling, he ran down the stairs and then stopped in front of his mother. "FETCH HIM!" He yelled, pointing a hand in the direction of the door, truly about to be in tears at the moment. That was not what he wanted! stupid God. The times when he NEEDED to read his mind, he did not. What part of his little spasm/yell did it say 'stay at teh office'?! and worse yet: WHY the fuck didn't he listen.

Relic nodded after a quick moment and hopped to his feet. Running out of the house, he easily chased down the doctor going down teh street. Rushing in front of him, he picked the man up and draped him over his shoulder. "Sorry, bub, my baby gets what he wants." he stated, patting his rump before returning back to the house. He moved up through teh stairs and then plopped the man onto the bed before leaving without any sort of protest.

Turning to the man, Sebastian took the little baby he had been holding and placed him into the other's arms without a word. For the moment. "I want to stay home. The three of us. As a family. I don't want to go and leave him with my mother. Yes, he would love it, but I do not want you out of this house. Your son is only a day old. Our son is only a day old. Why are you leaving? Next week, you and I can go out. I doubt Mom's going anywhere any time soon, so he can watch Oberon then. I just do not want to leave right now. That's all. I'm not mad at you."
Jupiter didn't put up a fight against Relic, and he didn't say anything to Sebastian after he finished speaking. Instead, still fuming, the brunette stood up and exited the room once more, heading for the kitchen for the time being. He just wouldn't speak to Sebastian right now...if he did, the doctor couldn't be held responsible for anything he said. The man made himself a sandwich and poured a glass of iced tea before retreating to his home office to...well to pout, really. But at least he had the guise of working while he pouted!
Sebastian blinked a few times. Why was he doing this? Why was he being such a jerk?! He clenched his hands at his sides and just glared at the space where that stupid man had been sitting before. It took him only a few minutes before he was storming out of the room and down to where the man was in his office. Kicking the door open with a growl ... though regretting it seconds later when his stitches hurt. His hand pressed against the wound before he walked over to where the man was. well, more so waddled. "WHAT is your problem?"
Jupiter resisted the urge to snicker at his fiance's pain and, somehow, he kept a straight face through it all. The brunette paid Sebastian no mind for a minute, shuffling papers that he didn't need to look at or even touch except to file them when he was bored enough. "I can't say anything right so I'll say nothing for a few days." He gave a shrug and stood, deciding he was now bored enough, and began to file papers into his clients' charts. "I'm sick of your hissy fits over my trying to do something nice for you."
Sebastian closed his eyes at the other's words, biting his bottom lip a bit more as he did so. "I just popped a living being out of my body. you're the doctor. Shouldn't you know my hormones are out of whack?" he mumbled and then lifted his hand, about to rub his temples when something caught his attention. He froze, staring at the crimson on his pale hand and he instantly began to shake. "Jupiter ... Be my doctor, not fiance right now..." He whispered, mossy green eyes lifting to the other with a pathetic look to them.
He'd been about to reply when the other man spoke again. Jupiter didn't even need to hear the words, the tone of Sebastian's voice scared him enough. He whipped around and tossed the pile of papers onto his desk before rushing over and taking the man by the elbow and leading him to lie down on the sofa that was against the west wall of his office. Gingerly, he pulled the shirt up and the waistband of the man's pants down to examine the wound-blood had seeped through the clothes so it was easy to see where the blood was coming from.

"Next time, think before destroying our home," he admonished. With a sigh, he called out for Relic to simply heal the incision.
Sebastian gave him a little sneer before looking back down at the blood that was oozing from the stitches. Well then, that's a lovely sight. "Next time, stitch me up better." he mumbled before turning to look at the man beside him. He flicked his forehead a bit before pulling him closer to press a soft kiss to his lips. "Listen. I'm sorry for freaking out on you. I know you meant well with the idea of dinner. You did. I get that. You're dumb with other things, but not that." he whispered and then nuzzled him a little bit more.

Relic quickly ran up the stairs, skidding to a stop when he saw his baby all bloody. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" He squeaked out before cringing when he heard his little grandbaby fussing. "Oops. Sorry." he went over to his son and sighed heavily. He easily healed up the incision, the stitches falling out once the flesh was together as it should be.

with his stomach healed, Sebastian was up and scurrying off to where their little son was crying. Wiping off his blood on his shirt, and then taking that off to wipe up everything else, he scooped the crying little thing into his arms, 'shh'ing him to calm the poor thing.
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