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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sebastian looked up at the other, remaining silent as he did so. He pressed a kiss to his lips happily and he let out a soft little sigh. He pressed another kiss to his lips and smiled lightly. "Of course." he whispered and kissed him a few more times with a little grin to his lips. He playfully bucked his hips into the other's, a soft little purr passing his lips. He hugged him to his form and kissed his lips a little bit more.
Oberon pouted with the thought that there were no elephants. But really, what was there to be upset about? His party was everything he'd asked for beside that. He had friends and family there, and a table that was groaning under the weight of his presents. The redhead was most excited about the presents-he liked presents! Being a social butterfly like his father, the teen floated around the party to chat with his guests and greet them and entertain them, enjoying himself completely...though he'd be enjoying himself even more if there were elephants.
Sebastian smiled at his son. Leaning forward, he pressed a kiss to the redhead's forehead and then pulled back once more. "Stop pouting. I'm not cleaning up elephant poop." He stated and then kissed his head once more before pointing to the front of the backyard where this all was going on. "Look. Your friend Cassius arrived." He patted the teen's rump, sending him off to go greet his friend.

Cassius smiled warmly as he looked around. A fairly large gift held within his arms and he continued forward through the yard, smiling even more. He was happy to be here for his friend. He quite liked hanging out with Oberon. He found him to be so very intriguing. Charming in his own little way.
Oooh! "Cassius!" Oberon rushed over to his cute little friend and greeted him with a little kiss to the cheek while he took the present out of the male's hands. The box looked like it was bigger than Cassius himself. The redhead bounced on the balls of his feet for a second, babbling on about the food and other things there were to do in the yard. Reaching out, he tugged the brunette along, chattering away while dropping the present off at the table and moving the other boy over to the refreshments tale.

"I'm so glad you came!" he exclaimed. Oberon had always had a bit of a crush on Cassius and was excited to get to spend some time with him outside of school.
Cassius smiled warmly, happily following the other to where he was going. He did not mind being dragged around like a doll. He found Oberon to be far too cute. He looked up at the other with interest and smiled just a little more at the drink that was handed to him. "Thank you." he said softly and sipped from the soda happily. He then turned to look at the male and nodded a bit more. "I wanted to. How could I ignore my friend's birthday party?" he giggled softly and bounced on the balls of his feet absently. "how is your day going?"
His day? Oberon just looked around and then looked to Cassius with a large smile. As they were passing his father, though, the teen added loudly: "It'd have been better with the elephants." Looking to Jupiter, Oberon stuck his tongue out at the man and tugged the male away towards another group of their schoolmates. Jupiter only shook his head, knowing that the teen would get that and more for his upcoming birthdays. There was no reason to argue with his son.

Oberon linked his arm through Cassius' and toted him about, happy to do so. "Would you like something to eat?"
Cassius sipped at the drink absently. Turning to look at the male, he nodded even more. "Yes! I'm starved." he grinned and happily clung to the other's arm. "You look very nice today, Oberon."
Oberon blushed softly with the compliment and muttered 'thank you' to the teen while leading him over to where they had set up some burgers and salads and other types of food. "You look lovely, as well." Leaning over, the redhead pecked a little kiss to his guest's cheek and blushed harder while handing Cassius a plate. "Help yourself to anything. I think Mom is cooking more...or Dad is ordering more..."
Cassius took the plate happily. He piled it quite high with many of the good foods in front of him. Smiling a little bit more. He turned to him with his eyes sparkling slightly. "When's cake? oh, better yet, What kind of cake?" he asked, turning to look at the other and smiling just a bit more. Yes. For a tiny little thing that he was, he definitely could eat a lot.
Cake? Oberon had to think for a moment to remember what he'd chosen. Oh, that was right! "It's a chocolate cake with chocolate whipped cream on top, but it has bananas sliced in between the layers." Chocolate was definitely a weak spot for Oberon and he tried to get his parents to let him have a chocolate cake with chocolate chips and chocolate icing and chocolate shavings on it, but his father had said that it would make his guests puke with sweetness. "You do like chocolate, right?"
"I love it!" He stated, eyes sparkling while he chomped on a chicken wing. He started to walk over to the table, sitting down and crossing his legs beneath his form with a cheerful grin plastered to his lips. "It's great!" He added before he went back to the food in front of him. By the time he was done licking his fingers, his whole face was practically covered in the buffalo sauce. Yet, he looked completely and utterly adorable with it.
The redhead smiled as he sat next to Cassius and watched him eat. He was adorable! Reaching across the table, Oberon picked up a napkin and reached over to help clean off the other male's face. He was tempted to lean in and lick the sauce from his lips, but held himself back. That wouldn't look so nice to the rest of his guests...especially his parents. "Would you like something else?" he asked, putting the napkin to the side to be thrown out later.
Cassius' lavender eyes closed and his brows furrowed just slightly as he did so. He remained silent for a few moments before he pulled back and looked over at the male in front of him. "Mm ..." he thought for a moment before he sucked on the tip of his middle finger a little bit more, truly thinking if he was done or not. "I think more Dr Pepper.." he trailed off, shaking his empty glass and then turning to the man once more. "And more wings! They are very delicious!"
Nodding, Oberon got up and took Cassius' plate and glass to get his friend his desired beverage and food. He returned and set both in front of the brunette and sat back down, talking as he did so. Oberon knew that he had other guests to attend to, but he couldn't help being drawn to Cassius. He liked talking to him and enjoyed his company.
Cassius smiled as the other gave him back the food. In exchange, he gave him a simple little peck to the cheek before beginning to devour his food once more. He turned to the other on the bench he was sitting upon. The plate in his lap and chicken wings within his hands as he chomped on them happily. Yes. He definitely was very, very happy right now. He bounced a few times in his seat and giggled lightly at the things Oberon said. "I like your family." he stated and chomped into another wing.
"Me too." The redhead smiled at his friend and turned to face him, too. "Sometimes. I don't like it when my mother is cranky." Then again, Oberon didn't mention that it was his and his father's forgetfulness that usually made his mother frustrated and cranky. "And my grandmother makes some wicked clothes, too!" Reaching forward, Oberon took one of the wings that was on Cassius' plate and bit into it, chatting a bit more. "Do you have siblings?" He was sure that he knew, but had just forgotten.
Cassius smiled and gave a happy little nod with a giggle. "Yes. Baby sister. She's so cute! She's two. You met her the one time. The little blond girl with pigtails. Frilly dress..." He shook his head a moment later and shrugged a bit more. He did not mind that he did not remember. Why would he? He only met her once. Though, Cassius had spoken of her a few times in the past, but he did not mind at all. It was part of Oberon's charm.
Blond with pigtails... Oberon scrunched his nose as he thought about where he might have met the little girl, and then it dawned on him that he'd met her when they and their parents had been at school for some meeting or another. "Oh yeah. She was cute!" He nodded a little and 'liberated' another wing, enjoying himself.

Once the wings were gone again, Oberon reached across to clean off the sauce from Cassius' face once more, perking up when he heard music start. "Ohhh! Want to dance?"
Cassius nodded with another little giggle. "Yes. She is." He stated and nodded a little bit more. He sipped the Dr Pepper a bit more and then looked back to the male when he suddenly perked up. He wiped off the rest of the sauce his friend could not manage. He nodded and wiped off his fingers a little bit more. He hopped up from the bench and took a hold of the male's hand. "Yes! I love this song." He giggled and began to gently pull the other toward the open space near the music.
"Me too!" Standing up, the redhead followed Cassius and easily pulled the smaller male to his form, wrapping his arms around the male's waist securely. He swayed them back and forth to the beat of the song, enjoying having the man so close to him. In fact, he was enjoying it a bit too much. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
Cassius giggled softly and he lifted his arms to wrap around the other's shoulders while they moved to the music. Yep. He was definitely happy at the moment. He liked to dance, and dancing with him was even better! "Yes! It's a great party!" he chimed and bounced a bit on the balls of his feet before grinning and plopped his head against his chest with a heavy sigh. "Are you having fun?"
"Now I am." Oberon smiled at the male and rested his chin on Cassius' head as they danced, happy as could be. It wasn't that he hadn't been enjoying himself before his friend had arrived, it was just that he was now having more fun. Leaning down a fraction more, the redhead nuzzled into the other's soft hair and inhaled deeply. He smelled...sweet. Which made sense as Cassius was sweet.
Cassius smiled lightly, glad to hear that. "Good." he giggled softly and he hugged him a little tighter to his form before he relaxed a little bit more against him. A soft sigh passed his lips and he rested his head a little more and he loosened his arms around the male, just entertaining himself at the moment. Yes. He felt better. Not that he had been under the weather or anything else, but he was so much happier now that he was dancing with Oberon. "I hope you like my gift." He said absently, swaying his hips lightly with the music playing behind them.

Sebastian looked around at the party, glad that his little baby boy was still happy, despite the elephants. Really, he was pretty positive that by the kid's sixteenth birthday, they could not stop him from getting the elephant he wanted so badly. He sighed softly and blinked a few times when he saw Apollo. He stared for a few moments before he took a hold of his husband's hand and began to drag him with him toward the redhead. Stopping in front of the male, he poked the bit of a belly the redhead suddenly had. He then looked back up at him with interest. "Ollo? Are you pregnant?"

Apollo blinked a few times at being poked. He looked down at himself, and the belly that was there. He poked the belly there for a moment himself and shrugged. "Yea. Why?" He then went back to the sandwich, still just nonchalant as ever.
"You can tell me what the present is and I can tell you if I'll like it..." Really he was just seeing how much Cassius would tell him. He wasn't expecting to be told what he'd gotten him for his birthday. Oberon smiled down at the other male and tightened his own hold on the brunette, enjoying their closeness.

Looking up, Jupiter was confused by his husband's tug. But he heard the question and the answer, and the lack of emotion and he raised an eyebrow. The doctor stepped forward and put one hand to the small of his nephew's back, and began prodding his stomach with his other. "And how far along are you, Apollo?" he asked, concerned. The man was showing but had yet to see him, though that didn't mean he wasn't seeing another doctor. "Have you begun your pre-natal treatment?"
Apollo stopped in the middle of biting some of the sandwich. He stared at his belly then looked back to the other. "three months?" He shrugged a bit, biting the sandwich once more. "No." He added and then set the empty plate down to go back to sipping at the water in his hand.

Cassius thought for a little bit, debating about whether or not he should tell him. After a moment, he smiled. "I bought you an elephant ... Since you were so bummed that you could not have one for your party."
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