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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Cassius blushed faintly and fidgeted with the bottom of his shirt. He remained silent for a little while more before seeing that some of the others were beginning to leave. He stared at them for a moment before turning to look at the male across from him. "Do you ... want to watch a movie? " yes. he was trying to find a way that they could stay together for a little bit longer. "i mean, we can wait until your guests leave .... if it's okay with your parents."
He nodded excitedly. A movie was the perfect solution and he was sure that his parents wouldn't mind. Especially if they promised to stay in the living room where they were easily accessible to them. Oberon didn't even bother asking either his mother or his father, and instead found his mother and told him that Cassius would be staying to watch a movie. The redhead bounded over to his new boyfriend and took his hand to accompany him in saying goodbye to his guests.
Sebastian watched the two and sighed softly. Turning back to his husband, he poked his stomach a few times with his little bit of annoyance. "Our child cares more about boys than his family." he said with a little pout. He fell forward and let his head flop onto the other's chest, hugging him happily. "And my nephew is pregnant ... and just doesn't even care." He groaned and lifted his head to look up at him. "Maybe we shouldn't have a baby now..."

Cassius giggled while he walked around the backyard to greet and say his farewells to the other guests -- even the ones he did not know. He gave a simple little bow to the last few and then turned to Oberon. "What kind of movie should we watch?"
Jupiter patted his husband's back and kissed the top of his head. "Our son has just asked out his first boy. It's to be expected that he care more about boys than about us for the next...twenty years." The brunette groaned with that thought and rested his forehead against Sebastian's. "We don't have to have another baby if you really don't want to-but I think you do want to. And that doesn't mean I'm not going to pounce you tonight, either." He stuck his tongue out at the other man and braced himself to be smacked somehow.

Leading Cassius back towards the house slowly, their fingers intertwined, the redhead thought bout what they should watch. "Something...romantic."
Sebastian lifted his eyes to the other, blushing faintly at his words. He sighed heavily, arms wrapping around his hips and he pulled him tightly with a little sigh. "You're right. I miss having a baby in the house." He whispered, kissing the other lightly. Although, that did not stop him from pinching the other's side when he heard the mention of being pounced one way or the other. Little pervert. He glanced past him, seeing their son disappearing inside and he then looked up at him with interest, smiling lightly. "If we go now, turn up some music, lock the door ... We should be able to not bother our son and his new boyfriend with our practice." He straightened up and grinned a bit more. Kissing his lips, he took a hold of the other's hand and turned to lead him into the house.

Cassius nodded and moved to sit on the couch. "Okay. Whatever you wish to watch." he stated, just happy being with him for a little bit more.
Jupiter laughed a little. "I don't think they're going to be paying attention to anything we're doing." The brunette bent his head and kissed his husband softly, drawing it out as much as he dared before pulling away enough to walk into the house, and then their bedroom. Sebastian was lifted and then playfully tossed onto the bed before he, literally, pounced his lover.

Smiling, Oberon nodded softly. He liked having the control. The redhead lead his new boyfriend to the sofa and had him sit while he moved to put a movie in, and get them a snack. So what if they'd just stuffed themselves with food and chocolate cake and ice cream?

Sitting next to Cassius, he placed the bowl of popcorn in his own lap and wrapped his arm around the male's shoulders and tugged him into his side.
Cassius pushed his form up and cuddled closer into the other's form. He nuzzled into his arm and pulled his knees to his chest as he did so. He let out a soft little sigh and relaxed against the man happily. Yea. He was definitely happy right now. He leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to the male's cheek, resting back against his side and just staring at him for a while. "Happy Birthday, oberon."
Sooner than he'd have liked, Cassius had to go home. Oberon tried to delay it as much as he possibly could, though. He went to bed with a smile on his face, and his arms wrapped around his brand new elephant.

The next day found Oberon flitting around the house, happy as could be. He missed Cassius already, but didn't want to seem clingy, either. He was going to wait for Cassius to come to him. The redhead had faith in his cute little brunette. But when eight that night came around and Cassius was no where to be found, Oberon found his mother and his head fell forward onto Sebastian's forehead. "He hates me!"
Sebastian blinked a few times as the male suddenly fell into his lap. He stared at the other for a moment before he thought. Pulling back the other's crimson locks, he looked into the other's eyes. "Sweetie ... Didn't you have dinner plans?" He asked, curiosity to his features. He was positive that when Cassius left last night, the little brunette had told him 'see you tomorrow at six' and then where the little cutie was going to meet him.

It was true. Cassius was at the restaurant at six sharp when he told Oberon that he would meet him there. He sat still in his chair, continuing to drink the glasses of water that the waiter kept bringing to him. At least the waiter was very nice. He looked down at the empty plate in front of him, poking it absently with a fork. Eight o'clock. Was two hours long enough to make sure that he was not showing up?
Dinner? Oberon wracked his brain for only a second before his jaw dropped open. The redhead scrambled off of his mother's lap and raced out the door towards the little cafe that they had agreed to meet at. Well this definitely was not the way he wanted to start out his first relationship! Completely breathless, and still in pajamas, Oberon burst into the cafe and ran to the table which held Cassius. "I'm so sorry!"
Cassius perked up when Oberon was suddenly in front of him. He straightened up a little bit as he listened to the other. He gave him a warm smile and shrugged his shoulders. "It's okay." He stated, leaning forward to kiss the other's cheek. "Do you want to eat now? The cafe closes in a half hour, but we can still have some food." He offered and straightened his back a little bit more and he truly did not seem bothered by the idea.
He looked relieved that Cassius wasn't angry with him. The redhead leaned up and kissed his boyfriend softly before standing up and offering his hand to the other man. Oberon left a rather large tip for the waiter, considering Cassius had taken his table for two hours and not given him any income. "Why don't we head to the all night diner?" he suggested. "And we'll come back here another time so that the can close up."
Cassius stood up and then nodded a little more. He smiled and laced their hands together, leaning up to press a kiss to the man's cheek before he relaxed to his feet once more. "Okay." He said simply, smiling warmly while they moved through cafe. He gave the waiter a soft little smile and a simple "Thank you" on the way out. He kissed his boyfriend's cheek once more while they headed out of the cafe. "Oooh. The Diner even has some chocolate cake." He stated, looking up at him and grinning at the thought of chocolate cake.
Chocolate cake? He was sold! They walked hand in hand down the street, kind of strolling a bit though quickly. He knew that Cassius had to be hungry after waiting to eat until eight o'clock at night. "I'm really, really sorry, Cass..." He felt horrible that he'd forgotten their first date. But he was just like his father like that! He warned Cassius, eyes pleading with the brunette to be patient with him. He wasn't sure what he would do if Cassius didn't want anything to do with him because he was forgetful.
Cassius smiled lightly as he looked up at the other, smiling a little bit more. "It's fine." He said simply and leaned up to kiss the other's cheek softly. "Honestly, Oberon. I'm not mad." He rested his head against his shoulder and hugged his arm just a little bit as they walked through the streets.
[ur=]Ella[/url] wrung her hands together. Oh how did she let this happen? Biting her bottom lip, the brunette woman whimpered a little bit as she approached her parent's house. She was dragging her feet, really. Her mother was going to flip out, and her father...she wasn't even sure how her father would react. But she wished that she didn't have to find out.

With a big sigh, she knocked and then entered the house. "Mama? Papa?" She'd tried hard to hide the little bump that was protruding from her middle, and hoped that the excitement of her showing up unannounced would distract her parents from it until she could tell them properly.
Rune stopped, midway of going to find Calder, and froze. Ella?! The man straightened up and turned on his heel. Rushing down the stairs, he spotted the woman and he instantly wrapped his arms around her. "My baby!" He chimed, twirling them around and definitely seeming more like his brother than himself. He stopped and took in a deep breath, smiling a little more. "Ella! What brings you here? Ahh. It's been SO long." He leaned forward to hug her once more, smiling to himself. Yep. his little baby was back home. He was completely happy.
"Mama!" She rushed forward and hugged Rune tightly, turning when her father entered the room. She turned to the blond and hugged him, too.

"Ella! What are you doing here? Why didn't you call us?" He took a step back and examined her a bit, completely oblivious to the bump and instead focusing on the glow in her face.

"I wanted to surprise you," she answered simply. Ella smiled and lead her parents towards the kitchen, chattering about her life.
Rune was definitely happy to have his daughter back. How could he not? Yea, sure, he had Lily, but she was not Ella! He loved them both, but loved them both very differently. He sighed softly and relaxed as he hopped up onto the chairs at the breakfast nook in their kitchen. His eyes staying with the lovely brunette in front of him. "So, what are you doing here? Not that we don't want you, but it's been quite a while since we've seen you ... when it's no a holiday."
Well wasn't that the sixty four million dollar question! She forced a little smile, though, and sat down across the table from her mother. The more objects between them, the better. She wasn't sure how Rune would react. Ella rested her hands on the table and stared at them for a few moments while trying to find the way to say what she needed to say.

"Well...I wanted to see you!" It wasn't a total lie. "And...I have some good news."

Calder finally sat down next to his husband, setting cups of tea in front of each of them, and a tray of cookies in the middle of the table.

"What sort of news, sweetheart?" he asked, getting excited.

Ella was less than excited. "Um..well...I'm...pregnant."
Rune arched a brow while he watched the woman. His hand cupping the cup of tea when he heard the words pass her lips. Seconds later, quite the interesting crack was heard as the cup he had been holding was crushed into dust in the man's hand. "Pregnant?" He repeated, an obvious annoyance to his tone as he looked over at the brunette. His mind was racing. How could SHE be pregnant?! SHE LIKED WOMEN! She was dating one. That was part of the bloody perk of her liking women -- no worry about pregnancy! Lily?! he expected that one to walk in through the door and say 'i'm pregnant'. not his baby!

"How is that possible?" He asked, finally, after quite a while of silence. His eyes lifted to the woman and he arched a brow in question. "You're a woman ... who likes other women. You CAN'T get pregnant. How the FUCK are you pregnant?!" Yep. He was starting to lose his temper.
Calder was...shocked, to say the least. Their eldest daughter was a lesbian. That meant no babies for their baby. "Ella?" The blond reached over and rested his hand on his husband's arm, hoping to calm him a little bit before he blew the roof off of the house...literally.

Shying away from her mother's anger, the brunette woman stumbled for words. "Well... Dawn and I...we took a break. And I...let loose?" She wasn't really quite sure how or what had happened, and that was the best way to describe it. "I'm sorry, Mama! I didn't mean for it to happen!"
Rune listened to the woman, eye twitching just slightly as he did so. He bit his lip, quit harshly, before managing to say a very short "Excuse me" and slid off the chair. Leaving lovely finger dents in the marble countertop that was beneath him. He quickly made his way out of the house and began to walk forward. He just needed some air. Air was good, right? Yes, yes. He could think. Not be near her. Not try to kill her no. He would never harm her.

After a few moments, he turned on his heel and made his way back into the room -- seeming a little less unstable, but still pretty out there. "Who was it?! I demand his name and where that piece of shit scumbag lives."
That was the question she dreaded the most. Ella's brown eyes pleaded with her father to help her, though really this was her own doing and no one could help her. "Ella? Your mother asked a question." Oh, Calder wasn't going to let her off the hook with this one. She whimpered and hung her head down a little.

"I don't know."
"WHAT?!" His voice managed a tone he had ... NEVER used. He glared at his daughter, making his way toward the woman. "You don't know. You don't. KNOW!?" he turned on his heel and walked away with quite the bit of anger to his form. "We did NOT raise you that way! Sure, less prude than other parents, but how can you NOT know?!" He turned back to the woman, staring at the woman and his hands rested on his hips. "Have you no respect for yourself?!"
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