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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"If the pain gets worse, tell me. I'll prescribe you something." He gave the man another little kiss and nuzzle and then climbed from the bed to get dressed, and to help his husband to get dressed. "What would you like to eat?" he asked, wrapping an arm around the man's waist and leading him towards the kitchen. "Apollo can cook you whatever you want."
Another two months passed and Apollo was forced to do the things he should. Which was a good thing, considering he was currently going into labor. The nonchalant bunny made his way through the kitchen with his pants drenched from when his water broke. He took out a snack from the cupboard, only to turn and see his uncle staring at him.

Sebastian's brows furrowed as he stared at the kid before he whacked him upside the head. "JUPITER!" he yelled, taking the kid's hand and dragging him back toward the stairs. "HIS WATER BROKE!" With that, he shoved the man up the stairs to go meet his husband, grumbling a little bit. honestly, Sebastian was feeling a little better, just not recently. He had to have had a cold or something right now. His stomach was just churning no matter what he did and it drove him nuts.
Looking up from his desk, Jupiter perked up with his husband's information. He rushed to Apollo, not because he was worried about his nephew but because he had a fairly good idea that the boy would take a detour to some other part of the house if he didn't escort him to a bed in order to deliver his baby. "Strip. Lie down. Put the food to the side. Don't you dare argue with me."
Apollo blinked a few times, not expecting to be jostled about and demanded so horribly. He grumbled and did as told and, before he even realized it, there was a cute little bunny-eared boy resting in his arms. All nicely bundled up into blankets with purple hair poking out at odd angles everywhere. The bunny stared at the boy, just ... staring. There really was something in him, huh?

During the few hours it took for the baby to be brought into this world, Sebastian's mood had gone from fairly happy to completely and utterly crushed and crumbling by the second. The green-haired male was curled into the corner of his and his love's bedroom, crying hysterically into his thighs. He rocked back and forth, trying to get a hold of himself, but it really was not working right now.
The delivery went easily. Jupiter set the little bunny on its mother's chest and cleaned up before leaving the room. "Do not move from the bed and do not put that child down. You're going to bond with it if it's the last thing I make sure you do." Sticking his tongue out at the male, the brunette went in search of his husband. When he found him, Jupiter was instantly worried. He hurried over to Sebastian's side and scooped him into his embrace.

"Sebastian? What's wrong? Are you in pain?"
Sebastian lifted his eyes to the man and instantly buried his face into his hands. He sobbed and wound up collapsing into the other's side with quite the many more cries. "I'm pregnant!" he whimpered and hugged the man a little bit more. He wanted to be HAPPY about this. He honestly did but... "It may not be yours." He cried out and just burrowed even more into the man. He could not believe this was happening. He wanted another baby. He did. But he wanted one with Jupiter. Not ... what happened.
Pregnant? Jupiter was confused at his love's mood with the news, though his next sentence explained it all. He hugged his husband tight after settling onto the floor with his back to the wall. "It doesn't matter, Sebastian. Not to me-it will be our child." He kissed Sebastian softly and began to rock him a little bit. "But I will do whatever you need me to do, and I will support whatever you need to do."
Sebastian whimpered a little bit more and gripped him even more. He was so very happy that his husband was all right with this. He really was. It helped him feel better, it truly did, but he did not make him completely accepting of the whole thing. He soon stopped and perked his head when he heard the bed squeaking more than it would for just adjusting himself. "BACK IN BED APOLLO!" He glared at the door down the hall and groaned as he flopped against his love once more. "What .. if it's not yours and ... if it turns out like... like that?" He whispered, his concern now being that more than anything else.
"No matter if the baby is mine or not, it will not turn out like those men." Jupiter kissed the man's temple softly and hugged him close a bit more. It was something his powers told him, not something that he was only guessing at. It was like when he'd known that Sebastian was his soul mate. "I promise."
Sebastian looked up at the other, blushing horribly a little more before he nodded. A soft sigh passed his lips and he hugged the man a little bit more to his form. "Okay." He whispered feeling a little bit better now. He honestly did. He hugged the other tightly and kissed along his neck for a little bit more before he whimpered. "But I want it to be yours." He admitted, blushing horribly with tears coming to his eyes once more. "I love you, Jupiter." He murmured and then leaned up to press their lips together,.
"I know, honey. I want it to be mine too." He kissed his husband and hugged him close, wishing that this nightmare would just end for him...for them. "But no matter what, it will be ours. You will be its mother and I will be its father and Oberon will be its big brother. And Cassius will, in all likely hood, be its brother in law." He had a strong feeling about that, but nothing definite. "I love you too, Sebastian." With another kiss, Jupiter stood and then helped his husband up from the floor. "Lets go check on Apollo then take a nap, okay?"
Sebastian took in a deep breath and let out a soft little sigh. "Yes. . . Yea." He nodded a bit. Yes. He definitely could see Cassius becoming their son-in-law. Not that he minded. The boy was adorable and he did not mind at all. He was a sweetheart after all. He wrapped his arms around the other's torso and he nuzzled into his chest a bit. "Did he have a boy or girl?" He asked, tilting his head back to look at the other.

Apollo was still holding the child -- but he was out of bed. He pulled on a new pair of pants and he wandered about, wanting to do something right now. He was told to keep holding the child, nothing about wandering around and holding the kid, right?
"A little girl," he answered with a smile. They entered the room and Jupiter was quick to smack the boy's head. "I told you to stay in bed!" Shaking his head, the brunette lead Apollo to the bed and insisted that he lay back down. "Your uncle has yet to heal your wounds and I don't know that he will anyway with how you're acting!" He shook his head and then moved to check on the little bundle.

"Have you thought of a name yet?"
Apollo pouted as he was shoved onto the bed, grumbling a bit as he did so. He cursed a few times and then looked at the little bundle in his arms. He shrugged a bit. "I was thinking Athena." he admitted, figuring he may as well keep the A-god-theme that his parents seemed to like for them. The girl would probably wind up being with them more than with himself. He looked at the girl that just continued to stare up at him, and he looked down at her. "shouldn't she be sleeping?"

Sebastian made his way over to the male, looking at the girl in his arms and he smiled lightly. "Athena's nice.' He admitted and then looked up at his nephew, sighing heavily a moment later. "And no. Every child is different. She's probably waiting for you to do more than just hold her.."

The redhead looked down at the girl and leaned toward her a bit. "But ... it's weird."
"Well. If you had dealt with your pregnancy from day one without force, it'd be less weird," Jupiter admonished. "She's probably hungry." The god reached out and stroked the soft fuzzy ears a little bit, to which the little girl cooed at, and then patted Apollo's head. "Stay. In. Bed. With. Your. Daughter," he threatened with a hard look of warning. Only after he was acknowledged, the brunette took his husband's hand and lead him out of the room. "Nap?"
Apollo scrunched his nose at the other before he sighed heavily. "I was with her." he murmured before looking at the girl. He stared at her for a little bit before reaching over and taking up the bottle to begin feeding her. And yes, that seemed to make her happy. After a few burps, the two wound up falling asleep curled up in bed.

Sebastian nodded a bit, hugging the other with a little sigh. "She is cute." he admitted, looking up at him with interest to his features. He buried his face into the crook of the man's neck and nuzzled him just a little more. "I hope it's only one. I don't want two babies." He stated and hugged him a little bit more. He then leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips before setting back onto his feet.
"We'll talk to Sergei in a month or so." He lead the man to the bed and encouraged him to lie down. Jupiter then curled behind him, draping his arm around his husband's middle and hugging him close. "Maybe he'll be able to match auras too?" The god wasn't sure of the Russian's abilities, and he didn't want to get Sebastian's hopes up, but he had to voice it because it might be able to happen. "But lets just sleep for need sleep."
The next few months, Sebastian grew. He had a lovely little bump under his clothes now, and after a few weeks, he truly felt just happy to have the baby. He was still worried about whose child it could wind up being, but Sergei was on his way. He would come, and maybe even let them know what he was having. That definitely made him happier. He would at least accept knowing the amount. He did not seem any bigger than he was with Oberon, but who knew?
Sergei was happy that his inherited family was finally accepting that they could be pregnant. He knocked, having left Gabriel at home this time because of something to do with work. The redhead was comfortable with Sebastian and Jupiter, so long as Rune wasn't around-and he rarely was-and so he wasn't worried about this trip. He knocked and waited for an answer.

((I won't be on a lot. I have to rent a car, then run a couple errands then I work 1600-2200. Be home around 2330. <3))
Sebastian perked up from making the little snacks he had been. A warm smile pulled to his lips as he turned on his heel and made his way to the door. Opening it up, he smiled even more at Sergei. "Thank you!" he stated, wrapping his arms around the redhead and not really giving him much of a chance to get into the house. He honestly was just relieved about this whole thing. The fact that he came here to help them out and tell him what the baby is, well, it just truly made him feel better about everything. He really was lucky Sergei was such a nice guy. Though, he could potentially ask Isiah to come over and look, but that poor thing always fell asleep or got lost. He did not want to search around the whole Australia to find the boy.
Sergei patted Sebastian's arm after recovering from the jerky motions and the quick and unexpected embrace. "You are looking well," he answered, following the man into the house and greeting Jupiter who was just coming down the stairs.

"Hello, Sergei!" The redhead nodded to the brunette and sat at the table where the god had indicated. "Would you like some tea? Cake?" Jupiter had run out to the nearby bakery that morning to pick up something to snack on while Sergei was at the house this afternoon.
Sebastian sighed softly, and rubbed his temples a little bit. "He's too excited." He murmured lightly and then turned to the man, smiling just a little bit more. "Anywho." He headed into the kitchen and sat down, a little nervous as he did so. "Um ... You don't see black, right? For the aura of the baby ... Do you?" Yea. Getting right to the point and dealing with what he was truly, deeply worried about. Hopefully it would be a nice vibrant color that would not have the man freaking out.
Shaking his head, Jupiter reached over and squeezed his husband's knee to offer both support and calm. Sergei, on the other hand, just smiled at the couple. Gabriel had explained their situation to him and he understood Sebastian's eagerness. "No black," he confirmed softly, sipping tea which Jupiter had poured for him before sitting down. "Very bright." The redhead nodded, purposefully not saying blue or pink as he wasn't sure they wanted to know their baby's gender.
Sebastian relaxed, sinking against his love, head resting on top of his shoulder while he remained silent for a little bit. Yes. He felt so much better right now. He looked over at the man, smiling a little bit more. "Is there ... any way you can tell ... whose it is?" he questioned before looking up at Jupiter then once more back to the redhead. "And if Jupiter wants to know, you can tell the gender." He stated, smiling a little bit more. He was happy either way. It was bright. That was all he needed to know! for now.
He looked to Jupiter who nodded that it was fine to know the gender. The redhead smiled softly. "I cannot," he offered sadly. "After birth perhaps yes, but now? Only pink." He nodded and offered a sad and apologetic smile to the couple. Sergei wished that he could tell them who the father was and ease their minds, but at the moment it was simply impossible to do so.

A girl? Jupiter smiled brightly and kissed his husband deeply, ignoring their guest for a moment. They were going to have a daughter!
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